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Porky stole his workers wages, got what he deserved.

Shitty employing people if you don't have the cash to pay them. How illegal is it to hit someone if they refuse to pay you and tell you to go fuck yourself?

literal who

I think you already know the answer. The law is always on porkys side

Sure, but isn't the "Fuck you" a mitigating circumstance?

You do have a point. That nigger does not have the money to take the white dude to civil court and I'm like 100% certain he was working without any kind of paper contract

Attacking petit bougies really does nothing
Polite sage because violence is haram

Petit borgies who protect the big borgies deserve to get slammed in the face.

5/10 already suckered someone else in

Which is extremely common among african-americans and latinos, which is what people mean when they talk about systemic racism. Not that every white person needs to die, but that this shit is pretty common with minorities

What happened to the honor of the white man pol jerks itself off too

If you hire a guy for a days labor and say your gonna pay him and dont that is theft of labor hours

Ok… you go to gulag… next…

Not to mention that the boss may have just hired the guy because he knew he would be in this situation, making him feel confident enough to tell him to go fuck himself. Wonder if the white guys got paid (doubtful since they disarmed the boss and left them to it which was pretty funny).

the white man is as bad as the jew. the only good people in the world are the horse riders

If there is "systemic" racism, then change the system. Or enforce the law. Don't complain about it on FB.

also, african-americans and latinos are made up burger terms that don't really mean anything.

You know what they say, "nobody joins the worker's party like a jockey".

baby boomers were ruined so no one really jerks themselves over their conduct. Treating anyone 50+ as a sociopath is a usual way to approach life.

That's why I think different races cannot live together in peace and harmony. Racism is something inherent in people and this kind of systemic abuse is only to be expected. Multiethnic societies are societies that prey on minorities. Only way to fix it is to have monoethnic societies.

are you literally fucking retarded? What the fuck are you even saying? If I could then I would


No they are literally a relevant demographic of people. America was (literally) built on their subjugation, and the effects are still around today.

Yeah it's different in my country (UK), but you simply can't talk about American capitalism without talking about racism. The two are deeply intertwined.


fucking rofl

Go back to Holla Forums if you're going to be retarded

Aw honey, don't worry you'll have sex one day. Just be a big boy and talk to women and you'll find someone x

Any multiethnic society will have systemic racism.

class society*


I mean even monoethnic societies will tear each other apart when it comes to things like a slight change in religious values. Group preference and conflict is in our DNA

There was significant amounts of racism in the USSR. Unless you're the type to call that state capitalism then w/e

BTW can i just get banned for making that post
thats all i came here for, i have no interest in attacking the rich bois

Yes the USSR objectively had classes. They did not claim to be a classless society

neck yourself, nazi

But are you too much a pussy to tickle someone? I think that is a good way to take on enemies it just makes them look silly and puts them in a lighter mood.

You do, you just don't know it.

My group preference is a union of egoist that busts your spooky bullshit tho

When was the last time the USSR was lynching negroes?

Oh yeah… That's what the US did.

you do know that there were economic systems before capitalism right? When said societies were multiethnic you saw the same systemic racism against minorities.

Yes because it's class society that causes it.

And the majority of those systems functioned likewise.

You forget the United States of Socialist Russia lynched over 600 million kulaks, all under the watchful eye of Grand Klommunist Josef Stalin.

I would view the forced deportations of hundreds of thousands as a greater crime against minorities then some good ol' boys hanging some niggers who committed rape tbqh

ACTSUALLY Roman Empire was quit proggresive.

As long as you were a Roman Citizen you were fine.

now… Class discrimination…

… well .. given race is a spook…

You're still talking about the US

if i show my powerlevel IRL that'd be a dumb fucking move you'd just look autistic like idpol does

We can't really know if a classless society will not have systemic racism against minorities since so far it's never been done to any meaningful degree

Greeks were racist against minorities to a huge degree and many of the city states functioned in no comparable to capitalism

that's not really true

Not to mention that Rome only was able to thrive on the conquest and destruction of other races. Very progressive indeed.

Both the USSR and the US committed crimes against minorities since this is the norm in any multiethnic society. But yeah most of the niggers lynched back in the day committed rape against a white woman and depending on the time the courts didnt give a shit since they were courts ran by and appointed by the North to punish the South.

Were the Cossacks a race?

Yup, I see no possible materialist reasons for ethnic tensions here. Gotta be the darkies

Mercantilism is not capitalism, Monarchies with state treasuries and then merchant and landowning warrior caste patricians are not fucking businessmen and those plantations and merchant trades are not limited liability companies you fucking autist.

Most of the ancient world relied on gift exchange as the manner of maintaining relationships and equalizing trade so lol

Read this. It's clear you have no idea what the world was like before the middle ages.