What do you guys think of Abby Martin's hot take on Venezuela?
Empire Files: Venezuela Economy Minister—Sabotage, Not Socialism, is the Problem
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But I thought Venezuela is not socialism?
Why do we discuss this shit here? Shouldn't it be in /liberalpol/?
That's kind of the point of the video, though.
i'd put my hot take in her venezuela if you know what i mean
I hope Venezuelo resists the pressure and goes fullsocialist, this video clearly suggest this is the path they are going to take.
I don´t understand many leftists giving shit on Venezuela (although I agree it is still not socialist)
I think it has to do with their poor decision making.
They should have diversified their economy instead of relying on oil, for instance.
Yes I think they made really bad decisions economically speaking , but this does not mean we should always talk shit about them. When is a country were class counciusness is really high, and the partyin power (at least from what they say) want to create a socialist movement., but are having the greates burgie opposition ever (and aren´t really talking any ultra hard measures against it, like in Ctalonia, USSR, Cuba…..)
Probably the starvation and the fact that the police have killed 60+ protesters by now.
the lack of medicine is probably not good or the lack of reliable power. So many dead babies but I guess there are other priorities right now for how to make mad bucks off of the broken currency exchange rate
most of the problem is that they've lost 1/3 of their installed capacity of oil shit mostly due to not doing the necessary maintenance
They also took over a lot of the food companies (and recently bakeries) but somehow forgot to keep them working so they just closed instead
Why did they not diversify their economy?
Or at least this is shit I heard from my Venezuelan coworker but he voted for Trump so w/e
They've been a net importer of food since like forever too but maybe that is considered food security
Police are actually arrested for killing protesters.
It's… refreshing.
there are guys from that paramilitary chavez group going around shooting people on bikes that definitely are not getting arrested so that's refreshing I guess
First time I heard something like that, an unknown assassin on a bike shot a student socialist leader in venezuela. I guess both sides are doing the bike shootey.
Ill watch the video.
Also thanks for posting our memes on your state twitter.
yeah things are getting more heated. Probably a civil war that the protesters will lose since access of weapons is very heavily in the chavismo type groups
No, there are paramilitary grupos financed by the opposition (as they are the rich calss of the country) killing dozens of pro goverment people (This part of the story is not really told in western media) search about progoverment people deaths
the currency constraints hurt the agriculture industry pretty hard too since they didnt have money to buy parts/equipment/seeds since for some reason no kind of government run machine shops were created.
seems that the venezuelan government is pretty inept if they allowed the creation and existence of anti-government armed militia. Guess things are going to get worse for them.
Pretty sad that you're probably better qualified to run Venezuela than Chavez if you've completed Hidden Agenda a few times.
Yes they are being inept in that we can agree, I think they should press harder on the opposition (or they wil have something like Allende) the difference is that in Venezuela the people are armed so although the opposition controls the economy (another failure) a coup by the opposition will be heavily opposed.
It's weird they didn't nationalize any companies or industries but I guess Chavez was just too nice of a guy.
Ha ha :D
Good video famalam.
Thats they thing that as leftists we should critizise, why they did not attemp to seize the means of production??
This is a legit socialist critique ,but this does not mean we should bash the Venezuelan goverment and support the rich opposition to take controll of the country (I can assure that if they do since day 1 there will be no more food shortages as they are the ones who control huge chunks of the economy and are creating an artificial scarcity and because capitalist neoliberal netions will stop their shady blockade),
Source: your ass
The only "pro-government" deaths that people talk about are people that were lynched after being accused of being a thief. Those are not related to paramilitary groups, it's just that lynchings are depressingly common in Venezuela in 2017. When someone is stripped naked and tied to a tree or burned alive for being a thief or national guard, it's just a regular lynching.