12 June 2017
12 June 2017
Patrick Martin
good article. this new russia hysteria really is bizarre, and seemingly came out of nowhere
The democrats just needed a quick excuse for losing a ridiculously lopsided election to a reality TV star. That's why all this crap about Russia only started to come up after the election, even though the DNC leaks were months earlier.
It's the lie they can't stop telling because to do so they'd have to acknowledge some really inconvenient facts. Every day the narrative drifts further from reality and the longer the democrats try to prop it up the more damage it's going to do to them. Not that my heart breaks for the democrats, but I have to wonder what sort of long term effects this complete disconnect from reality is going to have.
Did she go to Taiwan?
Yeah, there's a whole set of her in Taiwan posing and being lewd
I'm more surprised that the KMT slaps their logo on literally everything there. Not even the Communist party of China does that.
This is the party of Chiang Kai Shek, of course they do batshit absurdity
Based Taiwan TV.
Russians are the most racist and homophobic of all white people, they don't deserve our support. Ironic considering slavoid skull morphology is closer to asiatic skulls than germanic or anglo-saxon ones. This indicates a predisposition for despotism, trickery and all sorts of foul play. .
This comrade speaks wisdom.
it's fucking weird
started popping up in british politics too
the enemy for the west in the public eye is isis, and libs have no answer for them while the right wing can act tough on immigration and at least pretend to be looking for a solution
so the libs just created their own big bad other, and people seem to be buying it
creeps me out man this control of the narrative they have
I'm going to need a source on that picture, OP.
I know a lot of Russians that are not racist
You are disgusting. Just because the democrats are trying to use them as an excuse for losing does not mean they DINDU NUFFIN. Fuck off.
Truly 19331945 dimensional chess by the Democrats
I mean, it's kinda going over familiar turf. I agree with some of it, although it's also kinda eating up a Russian viewpoint with the line about Ukraine.
I kind of agree, from a political standpoint, with the bit at the end about the Dems going hard on the Russia issue - but realistically, they probably believe they have grounds for a criminal investigation on this… and so far they seem to be right, as there's apparently enough truth to whatever the Three-Letters are saying here to get members of Trump's White House booted.
The EC issue means more to me personally, but whether or not they "attack from the right" when they aren't a real leftist party has to be the last thing on their minds.
The Russian stuff actually came out shortly after the leaks and before the election was over. Remember when Trump made a comment encouraging the Russians to intervene? It was a big deal at the time.
Why couldn't the Russians have come before becoming spooked pokies?
Who might behind that post?
It's been kicking around since the whole Ukraine/Crimea mess, and more importantly there's a bipartisan consensus on why Putin is literally Hitler:
If you're a centre-right American Putin is bad because you've got lingering Cold War paranoia about Russia and all the "geopolitical analysts" tell you Russia is fucking up America's geopolitical moves overseas.
If you're a centre-left American Putin is bad because he hates gays, hates the EU, hates democracy, and generally fits what your average New Yorker thinks a dictator acts like.
Democrats simply can't - or won't - accept that they lost the 2016 election is what it all boils down to.
So it's either rethink their worldview (lolno), or believe paranoid Reds-under-the-beds fantasies that Trump is Putin's Manchurian Candidate
Were you in a coma for the last 4 years?
People were not claiming that Russia controls the US government 4 years ago, now they are. To a politically and historically ignorant person this might seem like a sudden onset of russiophobia. But in actuality you're right its been a steady build up permeated by peaks where Russia has antagonized the NATO hegemony in ways which have been reflected as geo-political crisis in the media and have instilled anti-Russian sentiment in the public which is now manifesting as enraged paranoia. But, its really now a totally different kind of psychosis that's gripping people, where they imagine an elaborate network of spies and collaborators penetrating every level of the new administration's cabinet and staff. What we're experiencing now is mania which usually precedes a political or economic crisis.
Satan would be scared of what the USA is doing.
forgot to take off shitposting flag
What about the recent leak from the NSA? Or is that just a false flag psyop?
Alex Jones told me it's all fake bro.