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How do they have anything to do with each other tho?
As stated by the ACLU, a group that consistently goes to bat for neo-nazis and white nationalists.
Fuck off nazi
Poor people get hit harder by environmental degradation. It doesn't mean white poor people also don't, but this is the basis of theory about structural environmental racism.
Thing is the structure is ALWAYS capitalism
Americans being american.
Wew lad this is beyond retarded I'm amazed how these identitarians always find a connection to their fucking racial or sexual or what ever identity is important to them.
Jeez they are just a bunch of self absorbed maniacs.
This is how identity politics ruins things, people.
well, they're not wrong but I fail to see how this is more important than preventing human extinction.
What kind of world view even goes into this?
If they were talking about the Third World which isn't exclusively non-white btw being more negatively impacted because of its proximity to the equator then that would make sense. How it constitutes an assault on "communities of color across the US" is a mystery to me since they share the same climate band as white people in the US.
But I admit, I'm kinda a left-wing climate skeptic tbh you know all the right-wing skeptics that dick ride big oil appeal to all the same emotions
It's so pedestrian to bring idpol into it either way tbh.
Nothing new. USA and their obsession with race.
Blackflagposter is pushing idpol and intersectionality like crazy. He's either a Holla Forums plant or a redditard SJW. Ignore him.
Intersectionalism. It doesn't have to make sense, in a post-modern world nothing does.
In the US, communities that are disproportionately black or brown are significantly more likely to have their water sources being contaminated/polluted and suffer other environmental factors.
They're technically right though.
There's nothing wrong with pointing out when one issue has a more severe impact on certain communities.
This is like saying we should literally just ignore how absurdly slanted mass incarceration and the drug war is with brown/black people. Yes, those are problems for EVERY community, but that doesn't mean we can't analyze the particularly severe impacts they have on minority groups.
remember katrina
How is saying "X of colour" different than "coloured X"?
Jesus Lee Christ
What does that have to do with anything
Incarceration is a whole different topic.
I know I'm fucking born as shit the police in the US racially profiles and discriminates black and brown people.
But climate change will affect all of us you dense piece of shit.
Now get the fuck back to reddit don't spread your identity politics bullshit in here.
I don't believe in Idpol or Intersectionality, not that intersectionality is in any way related to this.
I'm also not from Holla Forums and I don't even know how to use Reddit.
Anti Racism and Feminism are a part of class struggle, just because its the primary one doesn't mean the others just don't exist.
Climate change is real, but it has nothing todo with race. Class, yes. Race, no.
katrina was anthropogenic?
shitty section 8 housing got fucking demolished - who do you think lives there
of course its a class thing but you can't ignore that in the US, blacks are lower class and are more easily affected by natural disasters and such
"Anti Racism and Feminism are a part of class struggle, just because its the primary one doesn't mean the others just don't exist.” No they aren’t. They have absolutely nothing to do with one another. Economic issues aren’t social issues.
Mate, climate change affects us all, not just non whites.
I can feel in my country how the winters gotten so much warmer and how it barely rains, and no, i'm not nowhere near the equator, i'm in europe.
So what you are saying is that it has nothing to do with race at all and is a class issue.
Gee, maybe stop doing / selling / trafficking drugs and you'll be fine? The problems are universal, you don't have to look at them through the lens of idpol to solve them. And in fact focusing on identity rather on the substance of the problem only obscures it.
And this is why we can't have nice things. Diluting class struggle with meaningless distinctions isn't helping anything.
When discussing climate change and alternative energy this graph must be brought up.
Don't you look like a moron now.
it was a class issue until the IDF mercs the rich hired started shooting blacks on sight to prevent looting