What does Holla Forums think of psychedelics?

What does Holla Forums think of psychedelics?

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i think that i can't find them and that's a sad state of affairs

is it true that there's no lsd at all anymore?

This, I want to try them, but none of the dealers I know have them.

I want to try coke too, but don't trust any of the people that have it.

They're hella good

They're pretty good sometimes.

Unless something has gone seriously wrong in like the last month I don't think so.

I read years ago that most of the lsd around was made by one guy because it's not profitable and he was arrested. i just never knew if that's true.

Well then no that's not true. There's still people making LSD to this day.


Fun every once in a while, but not really my thing. Of all the drugs I've done nothing is quite as nice as chilling with some weed.

There alot of fun of course like everything read up about it first and be safe.

There's always the darknet my friend

not true LSD is mainly made on a medium scale in America and Holland apparently China has some people making it too

tried mushrooms 2g and 1g
1g is a small trip, it was too weak of a trip for me
2g was a really nice trip, i could see purple diamond shaped patterns in between the clouds, if i looked at the sky for a long time. The colours were really bright and you feel like a kid you playing around in the forest and looking for new stuff.

Yea, most coke is filled with shit. I did it once, 50 euros bag, and it makes you high for like an hour, you feel confident and you can talk with ease with other people - i guess that's why it can get addictive

Never tried any but I'm not opposed to them.

They do shit to you.

I know three or four people that took psychedelics and wound up going batshit insane.

One of them proselytizes about LSD like he's a fucking jehovah's witness. I truly believe psychedelics tickle the same part of your brain that people use when they have religious experiences. Endless drivel about indescribable truth and oneness. You know, like a fundie.

Another guy, it's like he's got his wires crossed now or something.

They're bad news, overall.

I've done a bit of tripping and my day and I've loved the experiences that I have attained both good and bad. The sad thing is that some people take these 'experiences' as some sort of cosmic fact and increase their ego. TO me psychedelics are about letting go of your ego and seeing from a different perspective. I don't trip as much as I used to, psys give me anxiety and nausea so I just stick to weed

Reminder that drugs are bourgeois decadency and by using them you are supporting imperialism and violence abroad and in the neighborhoods of the poor.

Drug users need to be executed.

That can happen I guess if you don't have a strong sense of self. Psychedelics aren't for everyone.

Psychedelics aren't at all like the broader drug industry, but I can't expect a Maotist to be anything but a drooling retard.

that's if you are a dumb retarded hippie who doesn't follow the recommanded dosage

Alcohol and cocaine
Heroin fields in Afghanistan and marijuana pushed by cartels in Mexico
Crack cocaine from the Contra Cocaine trafficking by the CIA
none of those drugs I mentioned are psychedelic You could've at least brought up MKULTRA

Best drugs.

This is such retarded bullshit. Most drug users are poor people taking drugs to escape their life or working class people taking drugs to make it through heavy labouring. Truck drivers do meth to stay awake. Farmers chewing coca leaves. Drinking coffee to wake up for an early work day. Smoking weed to unwind from the work day. Doing hallucinogens to have a sense of seeing change to the world around them. Drinking alcohol to to try to bond from other alienated workers. Opioids to dull the pain of body from work and mind of stress of the world around them.

can someone point me to a decent onion drugs site pls?
silkroad 3.0 went down a while back and took muh bitcoins with it.

Is algora not around anymore? Your best bet is to check one of the black market subreddits.

Reminder that you belong on Holla Forums.

This, I can't afford to go on a vacation, but I can afford an eighth of weed for the weekend.

They should be mandatory .

You can easily order al-lad and 1p-lsd which are basically close enough anyways.

Mushrooms grow near my house, I have taken them 9 times in total and quite enjoy them, I haven't taken LSD though.

Check out alphabay

Good when used responsibly, as are most drugs.

Good when used responsibly, as are most drugs.

Psilocybin spores are legal to buy. All you need to do is get them, some growth media, sterilize the media in a pressure cooker, add the spores, keep moist and voila, home grown enlightenment. Just don't sell them like a dumbass and you shouldn't have any problems.

They're very useful, but only early in life. They can serve as this guiding entity of spiritual growth, as a teenager. When I was 14 I used to do acid, smoke a bowl, and listen to music everyday after school in my backyard, and it kept me from becoming an /r9k/ virgin autist, or a bitter Holla Forumsack.



I've taken LSD, mushrooms, and some "research drugs." Out of all psychedelics I only recommend mushrooms, since they're safe and don't trigger mental illness like LSD tends to. I am sympathetic to DMT but I wouldn't recommend it to newcomers. Mushrooms should be taken in higher doses, though. 3.5 grams at the very least.

I like LSD, but the shorter and, I assume, milder trip sounds a lot better. Bad LSD trips are not fun and there is always the risk of getting a bad dose.

psychedelics are what changed me from a liberal to a communist

they made me realise the complete absurdity of private property

Don't they make you systematically puke? or is that mescaline?

If the mushrooms are dried 2-3 is more than enough

They are pretty cool IMO because they can give you a very different perspective of what is life by skewing with your senses and cognitive processes.
It was sort of a redpill when I first experimented with them during late high-school, as they made me realize that what we perceive is not reality in its true form, but only a distorted part of it, and this has a shitload of implications.
Sometimes I believe that if we all had a mandatory psilocybin mushrooms trip as a rite of passage into adulthood, the world would be a better place. Losing your virginity don't make you realize anything, except that it's easy to make babies.

That said, I later had a couple of bad trips while taking DOI alone, and the subsequent times I took psychedelics was more akin to a long-lasting panic attack with visuals than anything else, except once when I took some 2C-D, ended up in a squat party with a few friends and became pretty manic.
I don't feel the need to try them anymore, but I might try them again in the distant future with some relaxed and experienced people I can trust.

Imagine how de-Class cuckolded Japan would be if you got the population to start taking psychedelics?

Yeah psilocybin mushroom spores are legal in the US but I assume you would get on some watch list for buying them off the internet or something. Plus it's illegal with intent to grow it. So it's an odd legal grey area.

I know someone who swears mushrooms fucked up her uncle making him into a total dick.

Mushrooms were legal there until 2002.
I strongly suspect that the team who worked on Earthbound were using them.

I think I know who your talking about, back in New Jersey in the 80s there's was this kid named Jimmy Bellsano who worked at his uncles Laundromat on 8th st. Well long story short he gave his Uncle some mushrooms from Mexico hidden in some red sauce. His uncle snapped, and would cut out images from pornographic magazines glue them to the walls, sit in the back room with the lights off, and just listen to static from the radio.

Coke is shit, it turns you into a pedantic asshole, no wonder it's popular with rich right-wingers.
LSD is the opposite, it shatters your ego and mutilates your spooks in large-ish doses.

Just take a minute, and imagine what Anime influenced by psychedelics would look like.

It already exists. Kanashimi no Belladonna, 1973.

Dude just get P1 LSD lmao

What about heavier stuff like DMT?

That's Peyote (has mescaline, but the cactus itself makes you puke) and Hawaiian Baby Woodrose (contains LSA to get you high, but also light toxins which will make you nauseous)

convinced that anything possible through drugs is possible through disciplined yoga and meditation. drugs are faster, but you likely dont have the foundation to make anything meaningful come out of it.
the lack of lsd use in society is maddening. the loss of its use, combined with real psychotherapy, is to our major detriment, and you need to take it upon yourselves to fully understand these two subjects and reintroduce them to the radicalized leftist orgs, chinese churches, and crime syndicates that you no doubt have founded in the underground.

That's not how the brain works

Darknet and/or RC.

By far my favorite drugs. Can be unpleasant and bring up unconvenient truths about oneself and are thus not very popular. Fun for curious people who like to question their convictions. Less fun for everyone else, but tends make them a little wiser and less uptight. Ticket to psychosis for schizoids wo still make up a good part of their fanbase. Also pretty colors and extremely good music.

Society would benefit from instating a tradition of a yearly tripping day or some kind of coming-of-age-ritual.

DMT = Fly Amanita > Psilocybes > Amphetamine induced psychosis > K / M Hole > Everything Else > Dude Weed > Chinese Roulette with random RCs >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Pleb shit LSD aka liquid Neo-Liberalism with hippy characteristics

I've found all psychedelics make me nauseaous

Psychedelics got me on the path that brought me here

There's fair enough quantity of quasi-legal LSD analogues. Dissociatives like ketamine are trippy too.

Schizoid isn't schizophrenic.

Practicing egoism fixes delusions.

That's because most people on this planet are poor. The rich do drugs just as much. Total abstinence from use of psychoactive substances is something of an anomaly in fact. Junkie stereotype? That's how far off official propaganda distorts reality.

Nope. i can attest there is plenty about…

Not if you know where it comes from…

nah it's someone I personally know.
Different classes use different drugs generally. I doubt you will find any rich people doing krokodil or bath salts.

I once had a very intense, 3 minute experience from smoking salvia divinorum concentrate. It felt like time had stopped, and I could see the inside of my skull. LSD doesn't even compare, you can just ignore it, but this stuff literally knocks you off your feet.

After that, within 3 years I gradually quit all drugs except alcohol.