Checkmate, brocialists

Checkmate, brocialists.

They realize that the abolition of class distinctions is literally the ENTIRE point of socialism don't they? This is real basic shit.

Isn't she stating that she believes the only way women can lead or even contribute is if the power structure forbids men from doing so?


There is really something pathological about how these tumblr-educated shits implicitly (and sometimes explicitly) paint doing work as some end point of a spectrum, with being a non-white person the other end.

Which, of course, cishet white men have to do themselves, because women and minorities are the subaltern and thus incapable of doing anything for themselves. It is an ideology that preys upon its adherants' lack of self-respect.

What the fuck?

kek what is universal human dignity? does that include 200 lashes for a rape victim?

if there was any unity based on universal human dignity why does my employer continue to exploit and alienate myself and himself?

shouldnt it be the other way round

Stirner is dodging the spook.

Stirner should be kicking the spook tbh fam

Does this person knows that the point of socialism is to abolish wage labour, private property and the state ? We don't give a shit about identity because it is not the point.
This kind of people need to read a few pages of Marxist/anarchist theory because they obviously haven't, or they should drop the act and call themselves liberals.

No, he shouldn't even touch spooks.
Spooks just cannot get to him. And he doesn't destroy spooks, he teaches other people to dodge them too, so spooks fail to hold up.

I will stop stretching the metaphor here.


Oh shit they revealed themselves to not even be socialists.


the point of socialism is that no classes should exist, not even the working class.

Yes we don't want to assert working class identity though we want to abolish class (and therefore identarian) relations alltogether.

Seriously these people are just not socialists at this point


How did these people manage to get their critical transniggerkin studies degree without reading one book about socialism?

You say you like the slaves and you want to abolish slavery. However, abolishing slavery would erase the slave identity. Ever thought that, huh? Yeah, don't think so. Here is what I would do: Ensure whites can also be cotton-picking slaves, and black people can also be slave owners. That way, a kaleidoscope of identities get recognition and respect for their intrinsic dignity and we can move forward as a society.