what the fuck is national syndicalism ?
What the fuck is national syndicalism ?
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autistic fascism
it's literally fascism plagiarizing anarcho-syndicalism to be more popular among the spanish working class
Good stuff
This whole fascists copying our movement thingy runs deep, doesn't it?
Socialism for the Iberian people, of the Iberian people
useful idiots who legitimately believe that fascism is socialist
Honestly Mondragón was more Naz-Syn than Carlism
Not an argument
that's redundant, fascism always tries to emulate socialist rhetoric.
even italian fascism showed itself as a sort of evolved socialism.
It's one answer to the capitalist problem that's what it is
t falangist AMA
also this
Holla Forums's obsession with being dominated by anime girls is amusing to me
a fucking mental illness
they were getting close to the right idea
What syndicalism eventually turns into as the unions and those who are voted to speak on their behalf supplant the state
A system that combines the syndicalist method of social/economic organization with radical nationalism, conservatism and (typically Catholic) religiosity.
For a time it was it very popular in both Latin America and the Iberian peninsular.
It was also a direct precursor to orthodox fascism, when someone claims that 'fascism grew out of left wing movements', this is the intermediary stage of that.
Mussolini would end-up refining his concept of fascist corporatism out of the national syndicalist organizational framework.
National-Syndicalism was a precursor to Fascism, you uneducated leftist twits.
Orthodox Fascism was literally a development on National-Syndicalism.
Try learning about a topic before you go about calling it Fascist.
Given that Nazism is not a form of Fascism.
National-Syndicalism is quite unrelated, beyond also being a far-right ideology.
State-Syndicalism =/= National-Syndicalism.
would a syndicalist nation be a luddite nation?
Forgot National Anarchism.
Falangism is a snowflake brand of Fascism incorporating Spanish nationalism, Iberian unionism and political Catholicism.
National-syndicalism is "syndicalist" in name only as they actually champion not revolutionary syndicalism but corporatism i.e. the rejection of class struggle through a single state-controlled "union" of both employers and employees.
Not leftism. You faggot.
Contradictory, how can you be a syndicalist if your belong to the state (which is usually your adversary) rather than your union? Monarchist anarchism, national anarchism, national syndicalism, etc. etc. make very little sense
Post-Ironic Anarcho-Falangist with Slovene characteristics here, AMA
Meu Preto!
You say it's bad and fascist, but how would you go on to say it's autistic as opposed to regular fascism
say how it fails to be syndicalist, wikipedia tier basic bitch analysis
falangists often denounce the state of unions
You sound like an anarchocapitalautist saying left anarchism makes no sense bc socialism means state
I'm not sure if you are pulling our leg or not, but I have to say that I genuinely am curious about falangism and José Antonio Primo de Rivera.
1. Can you please cite a book that is worth reading to have a better understanding of falangism?
2. What are your views on Carlism? Do you consider positive the union of FE de las JONS and Comunión Tradicionalista to form FET de las JONS?
3. Which aspects do you consider positive about Franco´s regime? What would you have changed?
4. Why have "sindicatos horizontales" when those who own businesses are not those who are exploited? If you dissagree on this point (or any of the previous), please do share your point of view.
5. How do you consider that falangism is not beneficial to the capitalist few?
Por mi parte, puedo afirmar ser rojo.
Various books if possible
Not this guy and an anti-Fascist (and therefore an anti-Falangist) but:
Zeev Sternhell's Neither Right nor Left and The Birth of Fascist Ideology are usually considered the most authoritative books on the subject of Fascism. It deals in details with the origins of National-Syndicalism.
Carlism is just a traditionalist, monarchist ideology similar to what Legitimism was in 19th century France. They were for all intents and purposes conservatives. Franco merging the Carlists and the Falangists (to the obvious profit of the former) was a way to deal with the radical elements within his supporters. Franco was an ultra-conservative but not a Fascist.
Falangists obviously felt betrayed by Franco for the most part.
Because the "unions" championed by National-Syndicalists aren't actually independent unions but corporations. They never claimed they wanted to fight for the exploited, what they wanted is to "unite the nation's productive forces" into a totalitarian system.
Falangism claimed to be "anti-capitalists" but they didn't want to abolish private property or commodity production. They merely wanted to replace liberal capitalism with their very own brand of capitalism.
probably a similar beast to violent pacifism, carnivorous veganism, anarcho-statism and nazbol
Well yes, O Lord, but I in my limited mortal wisdom didst think that went without saying
Antología de Jose Antonio
Back in its day it was against liberalism and had popular support because, despite the monarchy being reactionary, it wasn't as bad for the peasants and workers as porkys.
The unification was very bad and its responsible for people's misinterpretation of falangism
National sovereignty. As a true falangist, I am very much against Franco.
Falange supports verticales, not horizontales. Which is some form of hierarchy among workers, but its still worker controlled.
"el campo y la empresa para quien la trabaja", meaning "the countryside and corporation for those who work it".
catalonia comeback
What was I thinking…
Anyway, thanks both for answering
Not a Falangist, rather more Nazbolish.
1. Try finding translations of Fascism in Spain? and Philosophical Writings for Ramos. For Rivera go here archive.org
2. Fake and gay.
3. Nothing but not being Liberal. Everything else need to be changed.
4. Explain Horizantales first
5. It destroys the bourgeoisie and empowers both the workers and the Petit Bourgoisie.
I never know how to feel about shit like this. I don't want this kind of society. However, I believe in a 3rd world country this kind of system would be significantly better than Capitalism.
No, it doesn't.
The OG semi-Nazbol version of Ramos would have. That was part of the falling out between Ramos and Rivera.
What are you talking about? He supported corporatism, just like other Fascists.
Literally a pathetic pastiche of SA ceremonies in Germany. For people who like to claim their nation and culture are entirely unique, they certainly look indistinguishable form each other.
Most of the points don't even deal with anti-capitalism — it starts out with an emphasis on nationalism, imperialism, militarism and even defense of private property.
turd positionists really need to kill themselves asap
20th century autismcraft. One of its leaders went nuts and developed fascism (little Benito).