Why do so many of you retards hate America?

why do so many of you retards hate America?

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what is there to like about the most cucked nation on earth?

Fuck off FBI, you know what you've done.

we have lasers on jets, burgers, skyscrapers, Las Vegas, social liberalism.

feq ooff faggit

Fuck America

Because it's the most retarded nation on the earth and it's basically the worst parts of Anglo culture combined into one clusterfuck of a country that is basically a parody of itself.

Yes, but America is still better than…
v e n e z u a l a

Because I live with Americans.

and isn't it fucking great?

Don't you have contraband to use and then plant on hookers.

Yeah it's amazing what happens when you start a cou… I mean spread freedom™ and democracy™ to the rest of the world

I'm actually an American and a nationalist because I want those around me to live the best lives they possibly can but holy shit do I hate America.

I hate the majority of people in this country because they are classcucked as fuck
Also america is Orwellian and fuck the police and our political parties.

Fuck the United States OP.




now now, settle down before I plant some marry jane on you.

Can we just smoke it together and no one goes to jail? I think so.

If I had a dollor for eveytime a rightist (mostly American) used that because he has no argument I would be an by oligarch now.

Because America worships capital like a god and kneels before entrepreneurs. Their rebellion merely replaced a monarchy with another.


People down here in Argentina, and mostly Latin America in general, don't really like the US because of this lil' thing Kissinger made called Plan Cóndor. Other than that, the idea of the average yank is either a Holla Forumsyp or an ignorant fatso.

Because Euro porkys use Americans as a scapegoat to say "look you could have it worse"
Meanwhile this image they have of Americans is 100% media propaganda

Comrade. Don't conveniently forget both monarchies thrived off a genocide and slavery. And the effects of both are still felt.

Whats "Plan Cóndor" user?

I don't hate the American people, I hate the American regime, which has spent the better part of the last 72 years (with a couple exceptions, and a few examples before that) doing its best to crush alternatives to capitalism anywhere in the world.

I’m an American, and I love my country. However I do hate our current political system.

Because of this. Americans are the lowest of the human race.

what a shame would it be if you were suddenly pulled over with 30 grams of cocaine.

It was the US gubermint going "oh, shit, hispanics are doing too well, better set up some coups".
And then those dictators, among whom is your boy Pinoshit, fucked up their countries and their people.

Holy fuck… Why is this not taought in shcools?

The USA is the reason South America is getting fucked…

I'm goning to look into this.

Because every cunt can handle the bantz except the yanks

you didn't fucking know. Bro, this is common knowledge.

You guys do a good job at covering it up.

Do so. From the Plan in general I only know a bit about Chile and Argentina, but I can tell you that the Junta is responsible for selling a shit ton of nationalized stuff, indebting the government heavily, and fucking starting the Malvinas War.
All while they set up the World Cup Tourney, to make things seem okay.

Its not your fault, yankees. The 'Deep State' is the one that couped our country after we decided to go from one-party dictatorship to representative democracy.

There's no escape, Podesta.

Honestly this is a gorgeous graphic comrade, I teach in a hispanic neighborhood and will use this to raise class consciousness; it's easier for 15 year old kids to digest than a lecture.

That sounds amazing mate, you're doing us all a favor. And I found the graph here, dunno who made it.

Yeah, compared to Saudi Arabia and Afghanistan you guys are very socially liberal. Now compared to any non-retarded western country you faggots are pretty much in the middle ages still.


Problem is you guys are very autistic about not allowing most countries to have this, let alone anything to the Left of it.


Because they stole the half of the territory of Mexico and Americans treat us like shit I actually hate gringos I really fucking do.

"Mah gawd, it's another 9/11! The commies know!"


Wasn't that song by Pete Seeger?

RIP :'c

The Columbia part doesn't even mention when they killed Gaitan

It was written for Pete Seeger by Malvina Reynolds

This is a Pete Seeger thread now.


no it's not



Canada, Mexico, Australia, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, etc. etc. They all share one pertinent thing in common: they are havens for anti-culture.

Because I lived in Iraq, my family was killed, and when I left Amerifats try to justify further attacks against me.

what, why

nah, we just freed them.

I felt "free" enough under Saddam when I wasn't afraid of ISIS invasion.

I wish I could leave this country.

I had no idea.

But I love Seeger.

Colonialism was absolutely a mistake in general, it's just America happens to not only be a colonial state but also to have no relevant non-liberal politicians and global hegemony. I also live here so I'm more conscious of its flaws than those of other countries.

I'm going to move to New Zealand and renounce my citizenship. DOWN WITH THE USA

I wish we had no countries.

The culture of the indigenous people of the Colonial nations has been destroyed. Except Australia, they never had culture, but given how Australia is shitpostland they're still putting out anti-culture.

Obviously you haven't been to Canada. We have three prominent parties: the Liberal party(duh), the Conservative party(Liberals) and the NDP("Left-Liberals" leaning towards SuckDem). All of our shitty politicians appeal to the Middle Class because that's all that matters to them, they're fucking Tyrannical dipshits, Liberals. The only reason to leave the house during election times is out of hope that the Parti Rhinocerous might make some gains.

Ok i have posted too much shit on this board about America and americans, so in a thread like this i will do the opposite and i will say there are certain people i like from America. Although all of those people are dead now.

I guess the problem i have with USA besides teh obvious reason of their foreign policy in the past 60 years, is that it's just cringey as fuck to read what americans write on th einternet. Youtube comments, reddit, chans, facebook, wtvr…everywhere. Fucking hell, i guess having a country with 300+ million people with a majority has access to internet on every cafe and public space helps making it worst, but it's just cancerous as fuck, god damn.

Fuck off. Everything would be the same? No way.

Then leave my man. There's 20k of you fags living in my country atm, so that myth of "americans don't go live abroad" is bs.


>Lionel Robbins reported that "it would be difficult to exaggerate the electrifying effect on thought throughout the whole relevant apparatus of government … nothing so imaginative and so ambitious had ever been discussed". However, Harry Dexter White, representing the United States, which was the world's biggest creditor, said "We have been perfectly adamant on that point. We have taken the position of absolutely no."

And with those words America set a bear-trap that would kill social democratic modernism in the 1970s and all of humanity some time in the mid-20XXs.

Then just to piss in everyone's cereal:
And thus developing nations would be forced into a senseless cycle of austerity, privatisations and criss forever more.

Love this pic


tbh as a Scot I always kind of envy(?) Canadians/Australians/New Zealanders, not that I dislike to be Scottish but they all seem to fall sort of within the uncanny-valley if it made nations more attractive instead of disturbing. Particularly because they're so geographically distant. (I mean like Australia, it's a bunch of "British people" essentially, but it's sunny or New Zealand where the population is Scotland-sized and the weather is normal but stretched across a UK-sized landmass. Or Canada where it can be snowy or America-ish but it's sort of like if America was nice, and also there are French people who're Canada's Scotland maybe sort of.)

Although that might largely be down to the fact you don't get to choose your birthplace, so it sort of messes with my head a bit. (Three nations mostly settled by British expats, but if I moved there wouldn't I be an immigrant instead of essentially fungible with a native, even though there's little historical reason for that to be the case?) Nationalism is a hell of a drug. (Insofar as it's nationalism, I mean.)

Though it might also be the fact they're independent and have sort of had some time away from London to find their own path, whereas for a culture arguably as influential as any of the independent nations, Scotland hasn't had that. Maybe it's a variation on the cringe at play. Or maybe it's that sort of weird lack of recognition that I envy. (Since Grandpa UK is still trying to prove he's a serious, relevant nation by joining his son USA on hunting trips in the middle east even though he throws out his hip nearly every time, whereas Canada can keep involvement more circumspect and New Zealand manages to duck a name check entirely.)

Politically though yeah all the white commonwealth countries are absolute nightmares, or at least appear as such. While we're all dominated by neoliberals it seems more pervasive elsewhere. (Although that might just be because I don't notice the 1-2 token socialists elsewhere, if they exist.)

It's """just bants,""" which is a britishism for "I can say whatever dumb, undialectical shit I want, I don't have to defend it, and you can't criticize me for it, all because I have some plausible deniability as to whether or not it's actually my position"

It's idealist as fuck tbh
>americans are shit because of the reasons I banted about and because they don't understand bants

Hiding behind real or perceived facetiousness as a rhetorical shield is truly Holla Forums-tier argumentation.

Yeah, global capital's foremost hegemon is necessarily gonna do some antidemocratic, antihumanitarian, unsavory stuff. This is news to whom? There's less to suggest that the real US policies are the result of some essentialized "Americanness" than suggests black crime rates invariably result from essential "genetic blackness."

Oh dear lord. Yeah I forgot about the 6 gorillion burned catholics, the prots throwing gays off buildings, and (presumably) your thoroughly sectarian, subjectivist notions of "heresy" built around nothing approaching rigor
And clearly
>it's necessarily possible for the individual to have a personal relationship with a personal deity, assuming it exists; religious institutions should not directly wield secular power
is enlightenment as fuck. It's liberal but a timely and definitive step out of feudalist culture, as were the reforms to the catholic church it inspired, and the specific character of religion will certainly change further in post-capitalism if it doesn't become obsolete.

Look, look! The scripture I cherry picked to support my specific interpretation of scripture supports my interpretation of scripture! We can ignore Leviticus' notions of sexual morality and dismiss them entirely as fundamentally "unchristian," because I'd prefer to do so! Gosh, Americans sure are dumb for arriving at a reactionary interpretation of scripture. It certainly goes without saying they should've used the same argument path as I did, which I set out and used specifically and only to arrive at a plausibly non-reactionary interpretation of the "core" of a reactionary institution and assert it as the "most authentic."

>but it's just the americans who are stupid because "communist" has become a generic slur for "social liberalism, but more so" in the US.

The more I interact with Americans the more I hate them

Granted I suppose they're also the more muh privileged so maybe not a good cross-section, and they may not all necessarily be American, but Christ are they rude, lazy, and self-centered.

Makes me want to become a follower of Jason Unruhe Thought.

lmfao at this, lmfao at whoever made this. I like how Jesus is a wary eyed Jew on the left and a dumb smiley Blonde Nord on the right. good shit. I forgot the parts in the bible where Jesus talks about his favorite way to get his ass bleached.

Being global capital's hegemon is "Americanness" and the reason why Americans "think badly"

If (and god willing, when) America becomes a balkanized set of third world principalities, nobody's going to hate America anymore because somewhere else will have taken on that mantle. But for now, it's America.

Also the stupidity of the British population vis-a-vis socialism (Which iirc actually more brits view positively than capitalism when polled.) is partially down to them being reverse-colonised by American and Americanesque forces. (Rupert Murdoch in particular being an Australian but operating along American lines with a large American media-empire.), America decided they'd take the blame for all of this when they decided to cut up the empire and take the lead in the fight against communists by fucking over Britain and France in Suez.

Or I mean, if you want more direct interaction, the rank treachery of the Blair element in the Labour party were constantly on dicksucking trips for ideas from Bill Clinton. America leads, Britain follows. (Except in a minefield in Iraq where the situation is reversed. Just, y'know, fairness and that.)

There's legit criticism and bitterness too.
Cynicism and callousness will only grant you more hate
Yeah, and it's just as expected for the victims to hate the perpetrators, no?
Pffft. What does this even mean? If by "Americanness" you mean the superstructure, then yes, I must tell you it's as rotten as the base. Also, no one ever said that superstructure is genetic or whatever so I don't even know why you would bring black people up in this, but that's truly Holla Forums-tier argumentation.

Yeah, you can live abroad if you're fucking rich.

Sure, I acknowledge that the american government is a bourgeois client-state and that the government of a nation plays an immense role in defining what is "is" to be a citizen of that nation. But "anti-americanism" as opposed to anti-capitalism feels like a very "hegelian idealist" position that risks reversing the real relationship between the state and its people, casting the state as merely an emergent property of the individual people in the nation, with its "deficits" born of the aggregated deficits of the people themselves.
You yourself admit that the social role it performs is presupposed by global capitalism and would be taken up by some other entity should the US government fall out of its position. Why should it matter what entity specifically occupies this niche, and why should the US government "falling aside" to let some other bourgeois client-state do the same exact thing be seen as a victory?

The "perpetrators" are the mechanistic forces that write the script, not the actors cast in its roles. Certainly the perpetrators are not the people conditioned into accepting the actions of their government and the machinations of capital. actually suggests this - just as the british people have been "reverse-colonized by american and americanesque forces," so too have the american people.
It means the base generates the superstructure, mate. The cultural fabric of what is is to be "american" doesn't exist in a vacuum, doesn't generate but is generated by the excesses of capital, and isn't a fundamental cause of anything but rather an effect. The superstructure is the inertial aspect of historical movement, the base is its impulse.
It's not Holla Forums-tier to merely mention race and crime in the same sentence. My point there was that Holla Forums attributes an observation (demographic correlates of crime) to supposed essential characteristics of the demographic groups in question, rather than the conditions that actualize social reality. This is all too often done in critiques of "americanism" and in idpol in general - for instance, the horror of colonialism as the product of white european "domination pathology" and autonomous, fundamental cultural phenomena rather than the material demands of primitive accumulation and persistent incentives towards the continuous expansion of product, resource and labor markets coupled with the productive forces' level of development in specific regions. This is important because if or when the US government falls aside from its position as capital's hegemon, anti-americanism can and will become an effective apologism of capital. You can already see it today: "colonialism and imperialism were perpetrated by a socially homogenous, straight, white, male ruling caste" provides an effective smokescreen for the machinations of capital itself and provides the illusion of a "just" capitalism, one presided over by a socially diverse bourgeoisie undirected towards the "mistakes of the past." As such it comprises an integral part of the petty-bourgeois "radical" milieu. It's fashionable and a mark of status to hate on "americans," even and especially among educated and professional layers of the american proletariat, for whom trump has come to directly represent "the american" and "americanism."

Because even if the US "nation" was only acting as a servant of capitalism when it did awful things (including fucking up Breton Woods, which was also a matter of self interest, but yada-yada structural causes.) it's only human to feel good when it "gets what it deserves" and collapses in turn.

It's the same reason I felt glad when Thatcher died and will feel glad when Blair dies. Sure, they were just people acting out a systematic role - but their iconic status for that, and their active participatory role (which could've been filled by less-willing, more sympathetic actors, but would've always been filled.) simply makes it good to see the icon destroyed, to make some small celebration. The king is dead, long live the king - but celebrate when a particularly bad one pegs it. I live on, for now.

Also subtle British nationalist tendencies getting a bit bothered that we got Laius Rex'd. We were supposed to be capital's golden boy. (And we were so much classier about it, these Nouveau-riche types just don't know how to carry themselves…) even if subtly I sort of recognize that the "Americanising" decline in the world is also partially just the alteration in trends of consumerism, since I actually generally appreciate the USA of

Its liberalism the country and old soviet enemy. Still i prefer americans to conservative countries like saudi-arabia or modern russia.

Right, so you accept it's largely aesthetic?
I'm not one to police feelings, but resentment toward active, influential individuals, Thatcher/Reagan/Blair/Bush, is one thing and collective resentment is another. Collective responsibility and collective punishment underlie some of the most brutal ethnic conflicts of recent history and all that
>Also subtle British nationalist tendencies getting a bit bothered that we got Laius Rex'd. We were supposed to be capital's golden boy.
Huh. I could see that. It makes sense for any leftist to want to be closer to the center of global capitalism and its excesses and thus to the unfolding historical movement ending it. Especially since "the end of the world is easier to imagine than the end of capitalism."

I hate America but I also hate Russia. Lots of Russia apologia on this board lately. Kind of weird.


I mean, there's huge levels of cognitive dissonance involved. I don't hold "being an American" against Americans. (Unless they solidify their position as Americans in the negative sense, and even then that's primarily an imageboard phenomenon.) You can't even take the good-old spooked ethnic-cleansing approach when it comes to Americans because it's a nation so self-consciously collaged out of everyone else's junk. There's no thousands-of-years-of-history to dig back into and go "Ah, see, it's in their blood!", it's more like the location (?) could suck up and damage anyone, if you wanted to put it that way. (Actually arguably this is quite close to material reality, since it was the conditions in the location - i.e. the large natural resources and relatively undeveloped state of surrounding territories that let the USA grow to superpower status. Not exactly malicious ghosts possessing people, but y'know.)

Although obviously the two are linked in ways that are easy to not think about - praying for the collapse of the US economy having concrete impact on the living standards of American's who're basically alright and so on, it's easy not to think about. (Particularly because as a colony of America ourselves, their implosion would cause a lot more immediate concerns than that.)

all the things people have already said, but on a personal level…you really fucked up my country, killed innocents. you made life hell for people and still ask why we hate you?

Deal with it.


They get paid for this and they're not going anywhere.

America is a conservative country.

I don't hate my nation but I hate it's system

If you identify "liberal" and "conservative" with left and right then you have a lot to learn.



not even Maoist just here to have fun


The third one really hits home cuz I know so many people who literally do that, like they see videos of explosions in the Mid East we do and they're like "ah sick dude fucking excellent" and then ISIS does the same goddamn thing and are like "oh my god the savages"

Difference is we do it in the name of "freedumz"

lol source on this? I want to see a bunch of burgers REEEEEEE in some comments section somewhere

I don't.


Protip: When using a still of a moment of footage and dragging it out, just slow down the moment/find a nice loop for it.

A global capitalism fighting its own drugs markets is a horror auto-toxicus, an auto-immune disease

I mean a source on the edit. Seen the original and it was fantastic

I've just made that edit, I didn't upload it anywhere else.

Hating a place/political entity is one thing, but mindlessly hating the people living there because of stereotype is stupid

Can't separate people and the porky that govern them? Like we choose any of that
This board is as spooked as Holla Forums

Hatred of Americans is the natural result of extended interaction with them

Ironically that's something americans do all the time. They fucking love stereotypes.

I don't think anyone in this thread unironically does the latter? I'm , and in that post I talk about all of the things I deeply dislike about America compared to other countries yet I happen to be an American nationalist because the people I grew up around are Americans and I want them to live actually satisfactory lives, not just toss them in the garbage bin for the sake of finding some "purer" people for my personal ideology.

Its mainly just fun, after having American exceptionalism shoved down our throats since birth