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inb4 Putinshill, after the dissolution of the USSR there was an informal arrangement between Russia and the US that NATO would not expand beyond its Cold War membership - which the burgers completely ignored because they thought Russia would never be a threat again, and were just waiting for it to be balkanised further
Pretty much sums it up.
p. embarrassing.
Your turn
Hopefully Corbyn will knowingly help Russia take over all of Nato in the name of Anti-Imperialism
Russia is imperialist too.
That's the joke.
The west has been very mean to Great Russia! Get out of our sphere of influence you homosexual imperialist pigs! REEEE
>it is time to take seriously the prospect of Jeremy Corbyn—an old-school socialist who opposes NATO’s very existence as a provocation to Russia and regards U.S. foreign policy as a tool of corporate America
The article doesn't bother to try to refute this charge. It just lays out Corbyn's position as though simply stating what he believes is enough to discredit him. Has anyone else noticed liberals doing this a fucking shitton?
Tolerance? Maybe. Integration? Perhaps. Rule of law? This asshole has a lot of fucking nerve saying that.
But Bandit Keith said French is the exact opposite of American. Who should I believe, the Clinton administration assistant secretary of state or the guy who plays children's card games while talking about America? Decisions, decisions.
Seriously though, hating America is like the national sport of France. Given that, who in Europe will actually be a reliable American ally if Corbyn keeps converting people at his current rate?
All this insinuation that Corbyn is a Russian tool. my god. pearl clutching inanity.
can burgers please just fuck off and stop trying to ruin any attempt at even moderately left wing politics
the american state of mind is a mental disorder
America and Western Europe must be destroyed for communism to grow. I'm sorry but you fuckers brought this on yourselves.
This guy doesn’t in any way represent all American. I want people like this who claim to speaker all americans to kill themselves.
I love when these assholes make these predictions. They're always wrong. When will these pricks learn? I mean aren't they tired of always being wrong?
Does he have a twitter? I want to bully him.
Corbyn confirmed Nazbol?
I was never that big a fan of Corbyn, but I love whenever he pisses off the media for not being imperialist or neoliberal enough for their liking.
Good times.
t. Ivan Ivanov
American and european imperialism is literally the worst thing that has ever happened to the planet.
Yeah, but it's no different from Chinese or Soviet/Russian imperialism. This is ridiculous. You're so gullible that you'll defend anything to the death if it fakes being red, and even continue to defend it after it becomes actively anti-socialist (Putin hates Lenin for being too far left, and we have every reason in the modern day to reject Lenin as not left enough).
agreed but that's no excuse to defend NATO.
No one's defending it. No one. Stop thinking in binaries.
Both Israel and Palestine are retarded. Both Russia and NATO aren't worth supporting.
Maybe, just maybe, if people stopped supporting one side as spectators and considered going their own way, then something would get done.
is this you? do you not see how this sounds like a defense of NATO?
I'm just laughing at idiot Russian imperialists who seem to think that this informal agreement was ever going to hold up. Like, the Baltic states have no love for Russia. If they want to join NATO, what is the US going to say? "Sorry, but we promised Great Russia that we wouldn't allow states that were rightful Soviet Clay into NATO. Yes, we know the Soviet Union doesn't exist any more, but we promised!"
The baltics are swarming with US backed fascists and ultra nationalists, though.
partially due to the US funding every anti-russian nationalist politician in the region.
Kek, I wonder how differently this would read if Melenchon became leader of France.
Holy fuck now Corbyn is a Russian puppet?
Fucking liberals man
all states of mind under capitalism are mental disorders though.
Commisar Corbyn will march the NeoLibs and Blarite war criminals into the Grinders to be recycled for precious resources.
Isn't Germany infinitely more cucked than France, what with Die Linke being confined to eastern seats, and AfD being meme-tier, as opposed to France teetering on the brink of serious electoral threats by Jean-Luc Mélenchon & Marine la Pen?
I think that has more to do with France and the US being presidential systems, whereas Germany is parliamentary.
Germany dares to sell more to the US than it buys from it, it's literaly terrorism!
Suddenly Mélenchon
Suddenly Sanders
Look at party shares, Germany is 1000 year neolib reich. Seriously, German leftists, WTF are you doing?
Shilling for Zionism.
Uhhhh what the hell? Better question is: what's Melenchon doing?
The only true left party in Germany is the Left party.
Everyone else is neoliberal garbage.
SPD is Schröderist (German Blairists) but unlike in Britain they are still in charge, still getting BTFO and still will be the junior partner on a conservative coalition, because the lobbies pay good money and that's what matters.
Greeens are also Schröderists. You see that in the state level, where they are basically lolberts.
And the sad thing is, the Left seems to go their way too. We need someone like Comrade Corbyn ASAP, someone who is not afraid of constant bullying. I thought it was Wagenknecht, but where the fuck is she? Dağdelen is another alternative, but I also hear rarely from here. Everyone else is a conformist.
What about Katja Kipping?
But we're talking about replacing the UK. That makes no sense
Based Corbyn.
Better than Gysi but I can't stand her. She seems to be quite obnoxious and lacks charisma.
Wagenknecht is literally in every talkshow and probably the most famous politician of Die Linke right now. That being said, she's pretty antagonizing for the reformist/liberal elements in the party (Ramelow was literally helping the conservatives to get their law about privatizing Autobahn on the way) but they also know very well they can't dump her because Wagenknecht is the only reason people vote Die Linke.
Uhhh how is that a problem
I'm American and Corbyn is 100% right, if you don't think the US government is basically evil then you need to read some history books. Preferably not the whitewashed ones they make students read in public school.
The German left needs to rediscover it’s roots.
DDR wasn't necessarily anti-Zionist
They're afraid comrades
Just Germans being Germans.
Orwell wrote a great essay on why these kind of pundits are so bad at predicting anything.
let it happen faster please
tbh I really hope Trump gets shitcanned soon, this is getting boring.
are you guys ready for domination by neo-Germany?
LOL, the balls on this motherfucker. "Respectful difference" after millions of dead people.