So, what is Holla Forums general view on criminals and criminality?I have been getting some really heated up discussion on my local leftist groups
In my country, 90% of the leftists are on the liberal spectre, and they are famous "criminal defenders" that believe that criminals dont deserve to the threatened by the police, because they are victims of the society and the system
I dont believe that bullshit, and I usually get called a fascist when I disagree that criminals deserve to be punished, and that the police should kill them if it threatens the police officer life or they absolutely refuse to co-operate in any possible way
We have dozens of different rehabilitation programs to try and get criminals back into society, but the results are poor and in general just a waste on the public money
So, basically, fuck criminals, we dont want them, and we dont need them, any of their kind
So, what is Holla Forums general view on criminals and criminality...
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Just realized how I fucked up on the grammar here, sorry
"nd I usually get called a fascist when I AGREE that criminals deserve to be punished"
sounds about in line with stalinist praxis
Do you have any source on that? Because I know that in my country around 70% of first time convicts don't offend again. In large part due to rehabilitation. Yet most people here seem to believe that rehabilitation doesn't work and everyone should die which is dumb.
Isn't most American rehab, just like the rest of American justice system, a money-go-round?
[citation needed]
It depends. The existence of drug crimes is stupid. But people like murderers or rapists need to be removed from society and locked up.
How does leftypol justify the fact that under communism African Americans would still make up a disproportionate number of people in the gulags? Really makes you thinkā¦
Are you implying Republicunts and white supremacists aren't going there?
Crimes against property are acceptable under capitalism. Crimes against an individual's body are not. Theft (especially non-violent theft) should not be punished.
Except they don't. Norway has a lower recidivism rate than the US even though their prison system is more rehabilitation focused.
Based on what? Your feelings?
your local is right. fuck off red fascist
wait are you saying norway has more rehab focused prisons or the us
Norway obviously, Norwegian prison is like a vacation compared to US prisons.
Keep telling yourself that, just look at what Nordcuck prison did to Varg Vikernes.
Varg was already an absolute madman before he went to prison
varg is way more tame and stable than in the 90s
Could you be more clueless
holy shit someone stop the nords
Depends heavily on the crime. How is one to defend rape, murder, slavery, kidnapping; even if they are after all products of the material conditions of the criminal? On the other hand, certain crimes like fraud, robbery, and killings may (on a case by case basis) be approved, but definitely not publicly.
Why are these leftists defending criminals when they should be more dedicated to the emancipation of the proletariat, though?
Most likely they are just red liberals and are trying to justify migrant/minority crime somehow. That's the only time I have ever seen this.
kys fascist
How many booj end up in prison for shoplifting?
Depends on the crime.
Victimless "crimes" like drugs are always ok. Fuck DEA.
Other stuff like theft, burglary, arson, etc. entirely depend on who the victim is. Was a bank robbed? Was a store shoplifted from? Was someone's mansion burned down? Hell yeah, that's rad. Stealing from poor people? Fuck you.
I support the death penalty for all murderers and rapists.
Hello goon-kun
Few, probably less than proletarians. Why?
Easy: It's part of their culture and the defendant didn't know the cries for help meant it wasn't consensual. He is the real victim and deserves more money.
who kills the executioner?
I know you are trolling but this is actually something that has already been addressed by Hobbes in Leviathan. Read it.
I'm brazilian, not american, and only have sources in portuguese
But really, if you consider that we are talking about a country that registers almost 60.000 murders per year
A country that a huge chunk of the population has had a parent killed
And that still has one of the biggest prison populations in the world
You cant really say that our prisons and rehabilitation services are top notch
I'm not going to let crime take over my city and control my life just because some leftliberal snowflakes thinks they are the victims here
Most of us aren't nazbols or tankies.
Executing murderers and rapists isn't murder, it's exterminating vermin.
"Rehab" doesn't work because it isn't meant to. Every empty bed at a private prison is money going down the drain. Here the states can be fined for not keeping a prison over a certain occupancy percentage.
Because of this I am skeptical of most charges and tend to lean towards the criminal.
This would be my response to whoever uttered this shit.
Eh, I don't see how that has bearing on what I said, but I agree.
Quoted the wrong person. My bad.
I agree with your friends, sorry OP, it depends what kind of crime obviously but it's hard to get by these days and people can make mistakes.
Brazil has 19 of the top 50 cities with highest murder rate:
And do you think that maybe the fact that half of Brazilians live in shanty towns might have something to do with with high rates of violence and gang activity?
Crime is just a spook. Don't forget to steal from every store until capitalism collapses.
First of all, "criminals" covers way too many types of offenses, classes and situations, to say nothing of the country in question. It should be broken up in categories such as these. I think it's better to separate by type of offense.
Details, please. Also, how is your prison system, national living standards, and government?
Regardless, if you see the prison system's goal is to punish, you already fucked up. That's quite literally pre-historic. If rehabilitation doesn't work for whatever reason, then by all means, keep then caged for life, but do it for the safety of the public. And abut just plain killing, well, the idealist in me says the State should never be trusted, let alone with the choice of life or death over someone. In practice, well, the world would be an undeniably better place if they ate a lead salad. If a sociopath does become a professional criminal, for example, he's a lost case.
OP if you ever pirated music or some show and yes that includes streaming.. guess what? You're a criminal.