Max Stirner

Is their any real pics of him? How do we know he wasnt just some alter ego of Engels?

Did he even exist?

Are all Stirnerites actually simulacra?

The only way to tell is to go to his grave, (weirdly labeled 'Max Stirner' rather than 'Johann Kaspar Schmidt'), and dig it up to try and find a body.

Max Stirner was a glitch in the matrix.

He is beyond your comprehension, he is the creative nothing.

Does it matter if he was? Identity is a spook and all thaf matters are his ideas.

here he is

Porky behind him?

Looks more like Deng. Close enough.

I always liked that pic of Stirner in the OP. The knocked over chair makes it look like he heard someone talking shit and jumped right up from it like "what'd you say bish?"

I like anime Stirner.


fill the blanks

Yeah here is a photo of him.

Although this is probably fake most of the meme pics depict stirny boi with dark hair when all the sketches of him from the time don't show that

He was described as blonde actually

It's him.

Holy shit, he lives. Stirner looks nothing like how I imagined him but it's believable

That photo's not even from his time period you dips.

So this image of him comes from a photo labelled 'Parents.jpg' although as far as I can tell Engels had no kids.
The people are tagged as Johann Kaspar Schmidt which could be Stirner and the woman is tagged as Maria Sahra Engelhardt. Now Stirner's second wife was called Maria Dahnhardt. Get it both end in -hardt.
This is clearly another one of Engels' fabrications.

Engels was long dead when that photo was taken.

holy shit

I don't think that's him. Stirner died like 10 years after photographic portraits even became a "thing" This guy is wearing far too modern clothing, and is standing next to someone who isn't his wife.