Fetishization of "Hard Work"

How do we end this porky meme?
People really regard this as a major aspect of their character and of their quality as a person.
"Laziness", or preferring a life of leisure is seen as a character flaw (unless you're rich, then you must have worked hard ;^) ) despite the fact that the only reason to work in our system is to ensure your own survival, unless your really, really luck out and can pursue something you're passionate about.
When did this start going around anyways?

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Is necessary thing for all time and formations.

Reminder that communism requires that all people work at their maximum potential.

I feel like you'll never convince these people so it's nicest just to ruthlessly mock them

For the good of the community, not for an exploitative wage.

wtf i want to be a day laborer now

Mike Rowe is proof that you can never work a real job in your life, but display all of the stereotypical cultural signifiers associated with blue collar work and be held up as such. Fake blue collar types are the scum of the earth, LARPing while driving trucks that someone working a blue collar job could never afford.

This. It's not so much the fact that the results of hard work are loathed, but rather the fetishization of the "hard work" itself. Saying that work/actions cannot produce anything isn't a very materialistic way to think.

There's a difference between working hard and being exploited.

Everyone works hard at things they give a shit about. It is only when you're doing pointless alienated labor that you "slack off".

Thanks for reminding me of that, user.

I've seen leftists do this too tbh. I'm probably the only actual fucker doing minimum wage cuck work in this leftist reading group that go to and all these college kids try so hard to act like their poor and struggling. I don't discriminate against people born with more cash if they are comrades, its just weird to see them act like that

Make them work at mcdonalds long term.
Had a guy start there same time as I started at my job and unless the make manager mcdonalds breaks the biggest work cucks to angry bitter pieces.

I feel like Whites, and Asians are responsible for this. You don't see any indigenous people falling for shit like this.

You sure they're not closet libs? Perhaps this is just me, but I feel as if a true leftist would realize just how fortunate they likely are.

hellloooooo, Holla Forums

Most people fall for the "pick yourself up by your bootstraps" meme. I will be considered bourgeois by this boards standards. I never get why people want to be more poor than they are, seems like some strange LARP. I assume the 'privilege' aspect of wealth makes people uncomfortable and makes them minimize it so they can feel like they are apart of the greater struggle.


Wow can you imagine, pretending to be a hard worker when you're actually a rich person?

Then can you imagine someone making MONEY pretending to be a hard worker? Truly despicable.

Good thing we have Mike Rowe to warn us about such false prophets

It's basically parody display just some elaborate form of virtue signaling.

Communism is the abolition of labor.

I agree

These two opinions right here are why you're all a bunch of cunts.

To be fair a lot of college kids are poor and struggling.

I'm not sure what it's like where you live but here they often live in shitty flats with terrible jobs because student loans don't cover how much they need to live. The ones that got into uni aren't doing any better than us that didn't.

The problem is attributing metaphysical qualities to work instead of approaching it from a materialist standpoint.

Work is valuable in what it produces, not because it's somehow virtuous.

This is why full automation presents a sort of moral crisis for conservatives, but is seen as the biggest step towards a truly advanced and just society by socialists.

It's not really a crisis for them when they don't even put any thought into their ideology.

Translation: You're forced to work or you're killed for being useless, and you don't get to keep any money, it's given to the government to hand out where they see fit, so you get to line up for a loaf of bread to feed your family for the next week.

Stop this you dont need to work hard in socialism! meme, automation to the level of a post scarcity society is not coming anytime soon and you will still need to work hard

Because socialists are pretty much the only political grouping that views NEETs as the the vanguard of the future, not the depressing climax of social alienation

9nb4 fifty replies essentially arguing that NEETs wouldn't be so pathetic if capitalism didn't make that way

Hardwork can indeed help a person to grow and mature. But hard work isn't just paid work. Study, travel, raising a family, working on a personal project… achieving goals that have many challenges are what help you grow - experience is what life is all about.
Don't throw the baby out with the bath water.

t. someone who doesn't even understand the definition of Communism and thinks all Leftists support an absurdly fictitious version of the USSR

That's simply not true. Automation is already creating a problem for societies whose expertise is in creating useless make-work and producing needless shit. Automation isn't already universal because it's not yet profitable enough, but in a Socialist society no one would worry about profits, just about getting rids of shitty yet necessary jobs no one wants to do. Even without full automation there would be very little work to do once all useless jobs are eliminated, production is for use, and there's 0% unemployment. Your job would amount to a simple daily or even weekly chore that you get done and then go about the rest of your day.

And yet the writers on the subject of communism are precisely against both of these ideas. Take Gilles Dauve:
Holla Forums, you've disappointed me.

Who said NEETs were the vanguard of anything?

The only point I was making is that work is not in and of itself a valuable activity. It is valuable only in the sense that it produces social good. There's no point in doing work if said social good is done automatically by machines.

Implying a good percentage of NEETs wouldn't willingly work if the work offered was meaningful rather than degrading.

That fucking image is ideology at it's purest

Work smart, not hard.
Hard work is for plebs who don't have anything to do with their spare time besides labor for someone else. A true leftist finishes all of his work in half the time so he can go home and jerk off to loli hentai where all the little girls' faces are replaced with Marx.

This does not apply to most jobs as they do not have static workloads (i.e. you can't work twice as fast in the service industry/retail), and if you do have a job with a static workload and you're completing it in half of your normally allotted time, your boss is just going to double your workload without paying you more.

I've only worked in service and retail, so you're hitting a little too close to home there.
kill me

Back when I wagecucked at CVS, they fired the other guy I was working with because I was able to handle both of our workloads, and didn't pay me a penny more. Also whenever I'd get done straightening the store, if we hadn't had customers for a while, one of my prissy cunt managers would come out and fuck up the shit I just straightened to give me "busy work" because "they aren't paying me to just stand around".

They would often do this right before closing, and they would force me to clock out and then un-fuck the mess they just created without pay.

should have shot up the place tbh fam

Woah, what the fuck?

At that period of my life I would have preferred to shoot myself. I went into the wagecuck experience bright-eyed and falling for the "pull yourself up by your bootstraps" meme thanks mom, and two years later I just wanted to eat a bullet after that abusive, soul-sucking experience.

Lacy in particular would follow me around huffing and puffing that I wasn't fixing her mess faster because "you're holding me up when I could be at home right now".

Was she some fat, angry cunt?
I've had too many managers like that.

No, she was a skinny 9/10.

Would communism stop these types of women from thinking they're better than everyone else, or would it just make it worse?

Everytime sometimes discuss the oportunity having some wealth, people here advice going for it. So I don't think that's the case. People are "against hard work" because it's a neolib recipe to avoid addressing the real issue, capitalism is not working.
In socialism people would still need to work, but I would argue that in a society where tech is not restriged by capital, work would greatly diminish

maybe she was just sexually frustrated and wanted you to really fix her mess

It'd probably be the same. Men would still fawn over them, and the overwhelming positive attention starting around adolescence probably leaves some psychic mark.

Material sexual market conditions and so on.

Busy work is such a common thing when you work service/retail. Often times because you have a sadistic franchise owner or corporate breathing down the middle manager cuck's neck.

I wouldn't even begin to be able to count the number of times I've been told to wash tables or sweep floors that I had literally just washed/swept five minutes before because I need to "look busy."

They always say that customers will look at the store poorly if they see people just standing around, but that is the biggest bunch of bullshit I have ever heard.

Busy work is one thing.
Going back and purposefully fucking up your place of work just so people have busy work is another thing entirely.

It doesn't really matter what they think or feel as long as they don't act on those feelings. That said, under Communism, female sexual market value would merely dictate the attractiveness of the cock they're able to ride, and not how much power or resources they're able to get; so they'd be unable to victimize others from a position of power, and that's really all that matters.

I feel like I've read this before…

Seems to me like dauvé is against labor in this excerpt, so i have no idea wtf you're talking about.

How's that ideology cock treating your ass? In a communist society none of us would work more than 10 hours a week, regardless of whether or not automatization is achieved.

You could have. I posted it once before in a Holla Forums NEET thread right after the second exodus. I have way worse wagecuck stories from my Panera Bread days, but a lot of that shit is too personal to share here.

Who /neetlife/ here?

This is surprisingly common in retail. I worked in the pet section at wal-mart and since it is one of the least busy parts of the store, I'd pass the time by feeding the goldfish to the other fish.
But some big fat cow would always stomp out from the back of the store and start fucking with shit in my department just to keep me "working".

Try reading again:
Wanting to abolish "labour" in the sense of of wage labour, doesn't mean wanting to abolish labour as mere productive activity.

This is why I live in neetbucks, life's good :^)

It's really fetishization of adequacy.

The problem is that, nowadays more than ever, people are bombarded with the illusion of peer pressure/consensus,cleverly engineered to serve the agendas of the powerful.

Generally better material conditions make it easier to switch off our own judgement, or at least, defocus on bare needs and it has more room( and encouragement) to seek refuge/pleasure rather than reform/criticism.

So it turns out I read it right…?

Hell no, you reactionary bastard. Communism as the movement abolishing wage labor and the commodity form would render much work obsolete, as useless labor is no longer needed to produce a surplus of goods. This makes the workday shorter for all except the rentier bourgeoisie.

In addition, communism will heavily utilize automation, allowing all to work fewer hours yet be more productive per hour worked.


here's a secret tip — apply as a writer at TV news stations

every city has multiple stations, so there's always going to be one or two positions available

the only necessary skill is being able to write the way a news anchor speaks. you can figure this out in 2 hours. experience is rarely required

from my experience, the pay is decent for an entry level job ($11-15 hourly) and the work tends to be pretty fun. you'll have some downtime to listen to music and podcasts while you work. only problem is that they might give you an overnight job.

The closest news place is in the city over and I have no vehicle. The place I'm applying to is about ten minutes away from my house.

People need to read more Kropotkin in here.

hard work works
pulling yourself by the bootstraps simply means going to uni (which everyone in the west can do now) and studying stem
that's it
so there you have it, you arent being exploited, you are just spoiled and resentful sheltered brat that made awful life decisions and deserved poverty

everyone in society already has a shot at becoming a doctor or an engineer
if you dont, you are fucking stupid and you should hang yourself, if you are socially minded person you should hang yourself as to not be a social burden

It's the abolition of alienated and exploited labor. Labor will always exist and be necessary to maintain society.

Woah. Didn't think of that before.


You're shaking up my worldview here, user. The system is perfect, wealth is virtue, and poor people deserve to suffer, I never thought of it that way before.

He's literally telling people in another thread that if you're poor you should just become a dentist. It's easy, all you need is a license.

You just turned me into a tankie

Pls don't bully the lolberts. They just need to get a job.

let's see which one of us goes further in life
i have no problem with you investing your money into communism, just dont come for mine afterwards…

what is self interest

Yeah, all we need in the world are dentists and web programmers. We have no use for people producing food, taking care of trash, driving public transports, doing construction work, running electrical and water treatment plants, or extracting all kind of raw materials. They should all kill themselves.

Someone leeching at my efforts is going against my interests, just like that guy lleching over mine is in his interests, morality is out of the equation…

Lol, projecting much?

Because ressources management under caqpitalism is totally logical and optimized… You're a funny guy user.

People being exploited aren't against exploitation because "it's wrong" but because it's in their self-interest to not be exploited.
In a society where work is necessary to afford food/shelter it is laughable that you think this is a satisfactory rebuttal to the increasing masses of unemployed people. Surely you don't think it's good politics to continue acting smug and hope the people who are unemployed just accept they aren't good enough?
It is precisely because we have finite resources that we can't afford to mismanage them at the scale we currently are. It is a fact that capitalist modes of production incentivize that corporations engage in unsustainable practices despite the effect it has on the store of resources and the environment at large, and this is something that stands to harm the entire planet

capitalists can never decide if their enemy is a lazy, listless poor person or a rich upper middle-class hypocrite

What the fuck are you even talking about?

Why don't you have any compassion, user? Do you think you look like the super pragmatic cool guy here? Maybe you can get a job at the Mises institute when you grow up.

Explain to me why it benefits society to give each person only one chance. Why isn't it in the interest of the entrepreneur master race to have a less skilled workforce?

That is absolutely correct. I have no use for trillion trash pickers. I am willing to pay one. You might be willing to pay two, I dont know, hell you can even start a charity with your own money for all the trash pickers for who there wasnt any more trash to pick anywhere, and as long as you stay away from my money I am going to congratulate you while you do it.


Speak for yourself. I spent eight hours a day defending the glorious free market system against Marxist devils on the internet, and now I have a job at Wallmart.

Capitalism works. Leftcucks BTFO.

You're aware that the western world is currently undergoing an epidemic of artificially created and sustained jobs simply because there isn't enough work to go around? You're literally the one advocating for the system in which jobs are made up just because people like you can't fathom a restructuring of industry and working life

At least your boss will give you your extended bathroom break today, right?

this being a "lazy gamer commie" meme need to end

under communism instead of working for profit. you work to improve for your community

there is no vidya in the gulag kido

Yeah, thanks to governments. That operate on taxes. Not in the private sector where if you fuck up you cant just fall back on mandatory taxes enforced by armed officers.
There are a lot of inefficiencies and welfare jobs out there, I agree, but all of them are funded involuntarily by the tax payer.
Which is why if it was up to me I'd make taxes illegal, instead of increasing them to 100%.

You wouldnt have underwater basket weaving courses out there, if you couldnt depend on men with guns robbing someone else to pay for it.

I know a guy who got fired because our boss timed all his bathroom visits for a month and decided they were damaging profits. Dude went to the bathroom for like 5 minutes once a day


And now we've narrowed it down to you being an ancap. Not surprising. Care to explain how productive property is defended without the use of organized force by the state? And in a world where increased automation and more efficient technology makes plenty of work superfluous and redundant, why should you advocate for current work habits to be maintained on principle? Simply because you believe it is moral to do so? I'm sorry, but you'll have to present a more compelling argument.


nah this dude is obviously a lolbert

He's not a nazi. Nazis care about the wellbeing of the volk and so on. He's fapping to le market slowly grinding the unworthy to dust.

If you didnt build automation. You wont have automation. You will never see automation. YOU will not be able to claim the fruits of the automation labor unless you are the engineer who created it, or a direct investor who invested in it, etc.

With force. Fundamentally it all comes down to force. I dont really have any rights I cant defend myself.

Is this a real quote?
Also, is there a cndensed form of Marx's works?
Fuck buying 10 different books.

Do you even know what private property is?

something that's upheld by a construct called the nation state?

This is one of the laziest strawman arguments I've seen in a while. No one is "entitled" to automation, it is a fact of life and unavoidable in the immediate future. The rest of the post is moralizing drivel as if the progress of technology is rooted in the willpower of the individual. I understand that your worldview necessitates that every person is a unique individual with a super special impact on the world but this is never how the world has worked.
Which is exactly why the natural conclusion of capitalism is a state which has a monopoly on force defending the rights of property, and if we continue to follow the logic of self-interest it is in the self-interest of those with access to the threat of force to leverage it in the pursuit of increased capital accumulation.

What people would do in ancapistan once most jobs will be automated then (including surgery and engineering) ? Starve to death ? Why would I want to support that ?

Yeah, it's everything I can claim and defend myself. Doesnt matter if I use the cops or private security or me hiding things from others or defending it myself with weapons legal or illegal or something else, what matters is that I can claim and defend it.

x is a fact of life and unavoidable in the immediate future because I said so
A whole second has passed, where's my automation? Here, another second.
I got one life over here, and I decide to work hard, obtain useful skills, and use them for my own benefit directly or indirectly by agreeing to voluntarily work for or with someone else in a contract I find satisfactory.
You do you.

lol, who the fuck is going to ask you anything about it? you really thing that the whole world is going to stop till you give your approval for it to spin?
you can keep 'your support' for yourself for all i care
how the fuck should I know what will other people do with themselves? if I invent automated engineering, I will trade it for automated surgery. If I invent automated surgery, I will trade it for automated engineering.

I am a human bean. Meaning I probably cant specialize in every single little field of relevant science and tech. But being a responsible individual, I have a duty to myself to invest myself in at least one. And then I can trade my super specialized skill that I have with other people for their skills.
I cant run a hospital, but I can run a car manufacturing plant. If I need a surgery, I will offer a car.

I wont sit on my ass, demand other people I've never met to give me communism and automation, boycott hard work, and be a useless, no-skill, no-education, impotent, unessential, waste of space unemployable entitled individual making some random demands I cant possibly enforce.

Not because I said so, but because all evidence points to it and a thousand articles and studies back me up. Are you also a climate change denier?

Also funny that you fall back on "me me me" as if what you want or do as an individual matters a single iota when we're talking about historical trends

that's some autism you've got there, boy.
Pic related is you in your ancap utopia

To have a functioning society you have to make a case for the survival of most of the population you utter fucking retard. It isn't "ME! ME! ME!" to ask exactly what it is about your ideology that is meant to appeal to the general population.

I don't have anything against you getting skills, it's your muh rugged individual bootstrap pulling that offends me.
Hardcore Darwinist misery lolberts are alien to me. I can see where pretty much every other political ideology is coming from, but you guys just seem mixed up to me, you're pretty much useless idiots for actually existing capitalism, only you want it to be more edgy, and you have some sort of loathing of the weak.

How do you justify the state giving you our one shot at education, by the way?

Stop moralizing like a fucking faggot and explain in simple terms what you do if there isn't enough work to go around.

If your answer is "what do I care?" then it's natural that the people affected will care and do something about it. Tough shit for you


But the whole thing is one sentence long. Might is right. There you have it. Whole economic, diplomatic, judical, military, political, and every other doctrine and theory. All already summed up in 'might is right'.

'Hardcore Darwinist misery lolberts' asks himself simple questions:
What makes a man criminal? Is it killing? Well no, we have historical examples of people killing other people, and not going to prison. Stealing? Well no, again it's the same as previous? What about being guilty? Well not even that, quite a few guilty people escaped justice. Quite a few innocent people got executed as well..
No, what makes man a criminal, is getting caught.
Politics: Ukraine surrendered its 3rd largest nuclear arsenal in the world, for a treaty from Russia, Britain, USA, France, fucking everyone guaranteeing her security.
Gaddafi, Iran, they all agreed to disarm. They all got buttfucked.
What about Best Korea, Israel, and other UN directive violators? The world cant touch them.
Prison politics: two prisoners in a cell, which is the one doing the sodomizing? Better armed one, doesnt matter if its bone and muscle, a shiv, or you name it.

We are the simplest people. We see that the pond is small. And that there are too many crocodiles. We see we peaked oil. We see we have ~60 years more of uranium left. We see we have less and less arable land. We see we have more and more mouths to feed.

We see that only might can save us. We see commies promising to redistribute 1 bread among trillion hungry people, but we are not relieved. We are still worried. So we prepare. We invest in ourselves. We pursue economical skills. We do what we must. We see the world as a brutal place that it is, but we still see it as a beautiful and just place. We cooperate when it is beneficial, we go full separatist mode when it isnt.
We better ourselves, we hope for the best, we prepare for the worst, and we thing the whole process is enjoyable and rewarding enough to do daily.

If they are not paying me to solve their problems, why do I have to solve their problems?
If they cant compete with me in the market, why can they compete with me outside the market?
Here's my official other people policy: I will do all that is in my power to make sure that them going against me is not in their self interest. If I have to cooperate with select few others to obtain nuclear and biological weapons to enforce such policy, so be it.

Large, inefficient corporate entities will not magically go away if we abolish the gubbermint, they will become the gubbermint. And the only reason they exist to begin with is because collusion and restriction of consumer and worker freedom is in the interest of capitalism.

You aren't even a capitalist, you're essentially a feudalist.

Because they can kick your ass together. It's that simple really.
Why would the people having such weapons would give them to you ? They would just laugh at you and make you their sex slave.
You are a fucking nerd shitposting on an obscure imageboard. You are a nobody. If you were so intelligent as you assume to be, you would be posting on HackerNews and trade SpaceX stocks right now. Stop jerking off yourself.

because the market only exists through state enforcement, ayncuck


I dont expect gibs or free lunch. I expect that men in possession of such things are at least a tiny bit rational and self interested, and so I expect to offer them something valuable in return.

It's a fact, not every individual is responsible enough for himself to live. We have people who had all the opportunities to live normal lives, now on welfare just because its easier that way. We have people flipping burgers and starting 5 children families.
The world is too overcrowded for any utopian projects that do not have an extremely clear, practical solutions to be implemented instantly against scarcity.
There is simply too many people for everyone to be comfortable. The herd needs to be culled for the benefit of all. It can be done randomly as it happens in a besieged city where people resort to cannibalism, it can be done in a planned and organized fashion, it can be done in between of those two, but in all events being weak and personally irresponsible wont be a benefit to anyone.
And being a relaxed commie cooling his balls on welfare, boycotting work and promoting the idea(l) of free lunch for everyone even tho reality is its more likely there will be for none, is just plain silly.

You're cucked really, really hard. Read c4ss or something.

And worked toward reducing necessary work hours rather than trying to maintain increase them for ideology/wage's sake.

real world economics and politics are not your sterile abstractions

How are you this fucking dense. You don't decide on a economic or governmental system based on aggregate polls you fucking retard. Your whole "hurr durr voluntary" rhetoric is just watered down fox news-tier propaganda

You are an American right? It's always so fucking obvious

Jesus christ you are really fucking confused and ignorant. You use Fascist reasoning of "Might is right" with moralizing ancap ideology of "The market is fair and everyone should useful, fucking government and their coercion". It honestly seems like you got all of your ideas from Holla Forums without actually considering any of them. If commies were to succeed at a violent revolution, by your reasoning they would be right and superior. How does it even make any sense to believe in might makes right while saying free, peaceful, non-coercive interaction and exchange through the market is the ideal society? You're effectively excluding people whose skill is in violence and crime, how statist.

Holy shit just be intellectually honest and say you're a Fascist who thinks people you think are inferior should be killed.
And being a pathetic class cuck working himself for someone else's profit, praising busywork and promoting the idea(l) of false scarcity for humanity, is just plain retarded.

Make hard work for ones own sake instead of for the sake of a fixed idea of it.

We really need a drawfag, changing this into a medieval peasant, caked in cow shit and mud, flies buzzing around, holding the S.E.R.F. Pledge scroll.

It's nice to have useful job skills and not have to rely on other people for every little thing. Now, I'm not saying it's a bad thing to be on welfare. However, every true revolutionary is empowered by working a fulfilling trade that teaches them things that are of practical use. Who even knows how to run a lathe anymore, or weld, or cast, or smith things? Skills are dying off and being replaced with automation. What will you do when your capitalist masters hoard the robots, or turn off the power? How will you machine a firearm receiver from scratch, or build an armored vehicle in your shed to defend you and your comrades from the hired thugs of the piggies, if you don't know how? Slaving long hours for porky can be advantageous, as long as you take the opportunity to learn new tricks in the process, for when that day comes that you might need those skills to survive. Just remember that pulling yourself up by your bootstraps is bullshit, and most of the wealthy either inherited their wealth or gambled for it, and they're all connected in a great big club that you'll never be a part of.

A very large portion of jobs are paper-shuffling, clerical bullshit that is completely unnecessary if you abolish the price system and institute production-for-use. Telemarketers, corporate lawyers, promotional speakers, and hedge fund managers are all useless parasites, just to name a few. Under capitalism, if you keep automating everything, eventually, in a matter of decades, 99% of jobs will be workfare where you warm a seat in a cubicle for eight hours a day, wasting your fucking life, learning nothing, creating nothing, and actualizing fucking nothing. Under our current system, non-unionized sweatshop workers - with no medical plans or retirement plans or any hope for a better life - make millions of products that are stuffed into shipping containers, loaded onto freighters burning disgusting bunker fuel, driven to stores, purchased by brainless, drooling, consumerist morons, and then discarded shortly thereafter. We are creating mountains of trash, draining aquifers, depleting petroleum and mineral reserves, and filling the ocean with ground-up plastic. We are destroying the environment and jeopardizing mankind's future while chasing the figment that is "economic growth". In my ideal society, there would be no buying or selling things. Everyone would have things manufactured according to their specific needs, and these things would last as close to forever as possible, for efficiency's sake. There would be no conspicuous consumption, no planned obsolescence, only super-durable, standardized goods. We could create a literal post-scarcity society. We could feed and clothe everyone on this planet. You know, if you divide the GDP of the world by its population, you have $14k USD per capita. Not too shabby. How come a hundred countries are poorer than that? Because they're being robbed by the World Bank and the IMF. Because they're being plundered by Porky, that's why.

Didn't he used to do plumbing with his grandfather or something?

tfw nazis are actually better than this.


Human labor certainly won't. When a machine is developed which can do everything better than a human, human labor will come to an end.

Say no more.

Think about this logically, if everyone did this, the market would be flooded with STEM. Then much if the STEM people would be poor, *because the shitty jobs still need to be done*.

Guess i'll just wait then