How is fascism opposed to capitalism?
How is fascism opposed to capitalism?
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Fascism is authoritarian capitalism. Its porky on steroids.
By not being capitalism expect in name since control over the economy is in hands of the state apparatus instead of owning class?
It's not. That's why it failed. You can parrot traditionalism, "glory" and the lot all you want. But as long as you assert the primacy of capitalism everything will be subservient to consumption and profit.
It's not. Fascism is capitalism in decay.
the Falange was anti-capitalist but fascism is not
good boi. have a cool poster
lmao no
He was in all ways procapitalist he just wanted more state control, also he was betrayed since moment one.
Capitalism has more in common with communism than Fascism. Thats why capitalists and communists teamed up during the Spanish Civil War
It isn't against capitalism as an economic system, but against its resulting liberal society. If by some caprice of destiny Hitler would think that socialism was a better economic system, he would adopt it, but would be no less a fascist because of it.
It's not. The fascists who gained power universally performed privatizations, mass concessions to private corporations and even occasionally gave them legislative rights. Fascists are just dumb enough to think that capitalism - 'bad' (in their eyes at least) = not capitalism.
That's Pinochet, completely different thing
If I remember correctly, the economic model of fascism was generally tripartism where government, labor, and capital negotiate as 3 equal-ish partners to maximize the national economy. Its successors are the economies of Northern Europe. This system is also called "corporatism" – but it has nothing to do with the modern concept of corporations.
Tripartism is very different from capitalism, in which (obviously) capital has the overwhelming share of power with labor and government playing only limited roles in the functioning of the economy.
Fascism is also inherently nationalist, while capitalism is inherently global, as structurally it needs to constantly find and exploit new markets and new labor pools. The American capital system, for example, has always been dependent on importing cheap foreign labor to drive down costs of production (slavery, guest workers, immigrants, "illegal" classes of people) and–again, obviously–a nation like Nazi Germany would never have tolerated a multi-ethnic society like that.
Just to follow up to mine own post, if you're American this in an interesting lens to view the 2016 presidential election through.
The situation was that Capital (by exploiting poor societies with no environmental protections overseas or inviting disenfranchised immigrant labor in the US) had done significant damage to the working class. Responses were:
Blame the capitalists (Bernie)
Blame the foreign workers (Trump)
Ignore it (Clinton)
I think Clinton chose to ignore it, not simply because she's one of the 90s style "new democrats" but because racial identity ended up playing such a huge role in the democratic party (partially as a response to Trump's rhetoric).
In essence, though traditional left-wing economics are race neutral on their face, they would result in a net decrease of racial diversity.
For example, if agricultural work (currently almost 100% foreign born workers) were forced to pay $20 an hour with healthcare and sufficient safety regulations and breaks, white American workers would be willing to take those jobs, there would be no incentive to hire exploitable "illegal" workers, and the engine of American diversity would stall.
And that would be an acceptable side effect to some. But because Clinton's base (vis-a-vis Sanders) was so disproportionately Southern and non-white, she ended up having to sacrifice the working class in order to placate voters who identify more with their racial or cultural heritage than their economic class.
Fascism isn't opposed to capitalism it's opposed to liberal democracy. The inherent values you're attributing to capitalism are actually the values of liberal democracy. The fascist economy still operated under the law of value, utilized wage labor and enforced private property rights. Fascism is just another face of the same coin.
it's not, refer to this thread to find out why:
The "liberal" in "liberal democracy" means free market capitalism.
And a whole host of other Enlightenment values.
Yes and no. Okay, liberal democracy fully defined is more than just "free markets" but when we use the term "liberal democracy" rather than just "democracy" we're usually doing it to distinguish between a philosophy with a (nearly? very? almost completely?) free market and a philosophy we might call "social liberalism," which–while still being democratic and having a free market–demands that the government intervene economically and socially in order to create social justice.
Nice you posted the one leftist "fascist"
He was a national syndicalist
It would have worked
maybe, maybe not
fascism is gay and communism is not viable as of the current state of industrialization and automation. capitalism will jsut create socialism on it's own if we let it flourish. social democracy and technocracy are where it's at. ocne we've read sufficient automation and industrialization, then we can consider communism or anything like that
Social liberalism is contrasted with classical liberalism. Which are both forms of liberal democracy.
How are these opposed at all? How is capitalism not inherently nationalist?
Easy there, Prince of Lies.
Tripartism isn't unique at all to fascism, but rather is a possible component of capitalism. The Scandinavian social-democracies practice it to this day, tho probably not with the depth, width and risk of execution for dissent that fascist states did.
Nope, industrial capitalism was born coupled with nationalism and imperialism, the logical end result of which was WW1. In the wake of the destruction, the porkies of Europe and the US started cooperating more and tone down the imperialism to try to maintain peace (see Woodrow Wilson's 14 points)… then fascism threw a wrench into it. This time, they decided to make the "new world order" stick for good, and forged the Bretton Woods Agreements, which arguably marks the start of globalization, tho not of the ideology of globalism. The shift of capitalism from competing nationalist economies to a more cooperative global economy is a perfect example of capital adapting itself to survive.
I mostly agree, except I'd say it's more like:
Blame the capitalists and dial it down a bit (Bernie)
Blame the foreign workers but keep on going (Trump)
CRANK IT UP TO 11 (Clinton)
Also it wasn't Clinton who adoped idpol to fight Trump. Quite the opposite: modern liberals' obsession with idpol caused the right to start using it to some degree (and to much autistic screeching of the Twitterati), and Trump was the result.
I think we've reached sufficient automation
nazis are bad, capitalism is bad, therefore nazis are capitalists
that's as far as the thought process here goes
If you read the thread you would see this isn't true
in no way whatsoever
Manifesto of Christian NS is one of the great works of 3P.
The capitalists were in full support of the fascists (Franco) though. And the communists teamed up with the fascists to destroy the Anarchists.
Saying fascism is opposed to capitalism .is like saying social democracy is opposed to capitalism. It isn’t. Fascists just think they are.
It's not.
Are we supposed to transcend the human condition by mashing the names of things we like?
That's a new one to me. Source me, famrade.
There are a few different theories behind fascist anti-capitalism. Corporatism, syndicalism, and Not Socialism are the most common.
If fascism is capitalism in decay, shouldn't you support fascism?
Bernie talked about the problem being The System all the time
Fascism is the fetishization of the nation and its values, it doesnt matter whether the government support right or left wing policies.
Now that's in theory, coz in practice that kind of chauvinimt aestathics can't emerge from the masses, but from the land owners and capitalists.
The Iron Guard was certainly… different
Syndicalism/Falange/Legionism and left NS are decent. Corporatism looks good on paper but can't be peacefully woven into a capitalist system. Distribuism isn't worth mentioning because it's objectivism disguising itself as syndicalism.
man that dude is so fucking spooked. bet he was bullied in his childhood a lot. what a moron making up fantasy stories up in his mind.
Capitalism isn't supposed to have market manipulation of any nature.
Modern capitalism exists thanks to state intervention.
That's not what I said. I said that capitalism can't have market manipulation of any nature. That doesn't mean subgroups cannot form. It just cannot have certain stateless elements other systems might have.
I love being spooked. Life would be so much more depressing if you didn't have some ghosts around to keep your company. That's why conspiracy theories are great too. Self inflicted madness to deal with the stress of our late stage capitalist society that our monkey brains were never meant to be subjected to
May I suggest
Don't forget about this
t. lemming
What's even funnier is that the end result of egoism is an anarchist, free-trade society: no rules or state governing trade or anything else. No rules of any sort.
Economies are a tool, one instrument that a society has to rely on in order to function. Fascism recognizes that capitalism can get out of control and that self-serving individuals can exploit the free market to detriment of the nation as a whole. It's not the same approach as Socialism which really is state capitalism where the state totally controls the economy and prohibits the subject population from owning any property.
Imagine trying to function while your mind has been colonized by this many memes.
It's an impediment to the oligarchs' bottom line. That and many far right groups support mixed market economies.
That being said, anarkiddies will always consider it ethical capitalism at best.
It isnt.
Fucking idiot. Read what communist describe as fascism.
At least is a thin layer of spooks
fascism is what regressive capital supports to survive
For fuck's sake, mods, stop banning the mild retards and go after the severe ones. Now I can't properly laugh at this one.
user, aren't you a bit old to believe in spooks?