Clean your room

Clean your room

Stop your undialectical critique of postmodernism, strawmanning Marxism and tilting at windmills, you fucking turbosperg.

Also, Zizek/Peterson debate when? I want to see Slavoj eviscerate this cunt.

I don't think I've ever seen Zizek win a debate with anyone, tbh. Link me one where he "eviscerates" someone, he is a substance-less attention seeker.

He recently made Graham Harman look like a fool. You can google it yourself, princess.

He's had like two debates I've ever seen. I wouldn't call him "eviscerated" but Horowitz certainly came off like a retard.

How are their standards for public speaking this low?

I actually just did. It was enjoyable and helped give my life essence.

dialectics are garbage, friend.

Define dialectics please. And please explain what you think I meant by undialectical.

I'll wait.

literally not an argument, friend. Why don't you back up the proof as to why a critique of post-modernism needs to be dialectical in the first place.

I'll wait.


can't oppose an abstraction that doesn't exist in the first place; nor does it cause a contradiction to arise. Negation =/= contradiction.


Jordan Peterson is such a nebbish beta male archetype that I can't imagine what a pathetic excuse for a human could see him as the strong father figure he so clearly wants people to see him as.

He is married and has two kids tho. So how beta can he be?

He's a boomer. The barrier to entry for The American Dream for a boomer is pretty much having a pulse.


t. someone just pulling words out of their ass

Peterson is a bitch tbh I've got a friend who loves him and I can't see why, he's just an old-fashioned conservative nothing special


Conservative is the new counter-culture that's why

1. He explicitly argues for people listening to the knowledge of tradition through a father figure while simultaneously trying to share said knowledge and assuming a role of superiority and wisdom, i.e. a father figure.
2. He lacks the assertive or dominant qualities associated with a father figure other than the position granted to him by the university. He comes across exactly as pathetic and straw-grasping as his fellow Last Sons of the West like Carlgon.

Where does armchair psychology enter into this?

I'm with this guy tbqh fam

it's okay to be a brainlet, just don't try and act like you know more than others, mmkay?

Yes, I'm sure you've read his works, or listened to his lectures in finer details than just spouting shit out of your ass.
lmao, what the fuck is this supposed to even mean you pseud? If you can't see how your entire post is an egregious fiction of his character in a way you want to see him, then I don't have any words for you other than what I said in the last post.

Guess now I know what kind of pathetic human finds him compelling.

Yikes, user

back to fucking reddit


Guys come the fuck on, think of the board quality

My cat coulda beaten Horowitz in a debate he's a drooling moron

Give us a break, we're shitting on a tool who thinks Jordan Peterson is inspired.

Yeah but he didn't ask "when has zizek beat someone good in a debate"

Jordan peterson should be lauded for refusing to use SJW language, because you shouldn't be forced to speak a certain way. However, he's a complete hack. I watched more than a few of his videos, and I quite like his outlook on some subjects, like self-improvement, but some of the shit he was selling was total snake oil, such as his "write yourself to a better life" type bullshit. Honest to goodness, that's what he's pushing now. He really thinks the world is formed by the mind, when in fact, it's the opposite. I think we could get along, but he's using his little fame to scam some right-wingers out of money, and even though they're right-wingers, I still find it highly unethical.

You don't really need to read all his shit to come to the conclusion that there's nothing substantial there. Also, I don't know why people keep saying he's a right-winger. He's just a naked opportunist looking to make a buck and a name. His politics before this anti-SJW thing weren't really what one would call right-wing.

He's always been an anti-commie shill. He's always talked about muh bootstraps. Maybe he is/was a "leftist" by American standards, but not by objective measures.

You are not very bright my friend but is okay. We all start somewhere.

He's just a liberal. Most liberals are anti-communist because they hate political "extremism" or anything that might rock the boat.

The entire field of psychology is snake oil shit

and liberals are synonymously right wing outside of american discourse

This is a very blatant misrepresentation of what he is saying.

Use an honest example hypocrite.

