Can someone explain why?
I just watched this video, and some guy was just harassed for wearing a communist badge. And the comments by right wingers are even calling for the death of all communists.
Can someone explain why?
I just watched this video, and some guy was just harassed for wearing a communist badge. And the comments by right wingers are even calling for the death of all communists.
Other urls found in this thread:
There's a cool documentary about some guys who killed communists like they were in a tarantino movie, the act of killing.
The sequel to it, I can't remember the name, is also pretty good where they interview the families of communists who were killed.
This lead to an eventual outright war between the two factions, the communist side lost and the US backed side initiated a purge afterwards.
Fuck the imperialists
Us backed politicide tends to have lasting effects in the culture.
Asians have higher Autism Levels.
Because no one likes Communism?
Well lets be fair now. The military was split between the two factions, it wasn't solely a US puppet.
D-Damn commies!!!!
Really activates my almonds
i honestly wish the communist had taken over so indonesia would't have a muslim problem
Indonesians are not asians, but a race of weird pseudo mexicans who also happen to be muslims muslims
Stop being dumb.
because they fucking murdered most of the communists and brainwashed the rest
what's crazy is ppl on this board will cry about how you don't need guns. if i were this guy i would be strapped to the teeth because you know they're taking down his address, work place, and anything else they can.
because they love to be poor
no (you)'s for this one guys? weird.
t. american that thinks "leftist" = their democratic party
i've been here a long time, dumbass. every gun thread there is people calling gun ownership 'larping' and a bunch of other horribly liberal insults. you are blind if you have never seen this on this board…
lol not new. see above blind man
t. leftist that thinks there isn't a bunch of delusional pseudo-leftists on this board that hold anti-gun views
Tumblr and Reddit kids spend most of their free time policing different opinions and Holla Forums spams false flags on most active forums. It's just how the Internet works.
the board is majority pro-gun, the redditors and arm-chairs are the one's who get pissed off
guns are good and cool. power flows from the barrel of a gun
Hey now, I'll have you know leftcoms are pro-gun.
Oy vey, my shekels will dissapear when economy doesnt need them, my source of power gone, all that usury i could collect, its another shoah!
Well, he is right
I don't know, maybe because it killed tens of millions of people in its neighboring countries?
Internationalism and imperialism are the same thing.
This is the correct answer. And i'll elaborate a bit on this point as to how it killed these people. A man named Frank Furtschool used his witch powers to summon the spectre of communism using the famous spell book "The Karltural Marxist Manifesto". This horrible demon armed with a hammer and a sickle went around the planet killing 100 billion people. This is why Indonesians are afraid of communism, they know its true power.