what do you think about this guy?
What do you think about this guy?
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he's a fraud
idk he seems to be pretty intelligent when it comes to psychology and stuff but I've watched some of his philosophy lectures and they're fucking stupid. He has a tendency to inject his own opinions into things pretty obviously. He's religious and I feel like he thinks like a religious person when he does political or philosophical thinking IE he kind of just has opinions that he develops blindly on shit and then thats it he doesn't change those views further and dismisses other views as dumb or childish because his views are just "obviously" correct
like if you watch his interview with joe rogan he has a whole rant about communism and socialism where he spouts some of the dumbest lamest arguments that you've heard a billion times like "you hate capitalism but you drink starbucks and use a phone" and "socialism doesn't work because human nature." For an "intellectual" its really pathetic.
Some fucker on a game last week said he was the "cure for millennials"
Can we stop making threads about this nerd ffs
why does Holla Forums like him?
Because he stands against nazism? No that's not it obviously, they like him despite that.
He should stick to psychology.
Because he defends free speech.
Because he gets triggered over transgendered people and makes the same shite tier arguments against Communism they make.
Seriously, how is this an actual professor?
who keeps shilling this retard here
Jordon Peterson is a nobody who doesn't deserve any attention. When you're biggest claim to fame is that you refused to call someone by their preferred pronoun in the name of fighting "political correctness" you aren't an intellectual, you're a youtube comment on a Sargon of Akkad video.
makes more per month than some do in a year
He's really good at talking about shit he has no idea about and sounding convincing to guilible rightists, while being a crusader for truth fighting against those darned postmodern neo-marxist sjws that are in his words "destroying civilization."
He makes reasonable points about idpol, but idpol is super easy to argue against so w/e. Other than that, classcuck all the way.
Actually he's equally as spooked as any idpoler. In fact his entire "philosophy" as far as I can gather is based around shared notions of nation, people, narrative, mythology etc.
That we ought to base any ranging political project on these identitarian concepts is ridiculous. Peterson rages against liberal idpol, sure. But only so he can replace it with his own. For all his railing against "postmodernists" (a term he clearly doesn't understand), his worldview is founded on exactly those attributes he hates.
Has anyone seen his videos on god? I kinda wanna watchem but that's like 2 hours worth of video
he sounds like a girl lol
Jordan "I don't think facts are necessarily true." Peterson.
Doug from Zero Books took him apart in a coupple of videos Primarily this one: youtu.be
Made his fanboys pretty mad.
was a few weeks back
Everytime someone uses phrases like "profound ideas" it's almost 100% guaranteed that they're bullshit.
Libertarians and part of the alt-right are obsessed with coming off as logical, rational, philosophical etc.
he's not wrong
"god exists because god" tier argument
nope but i you're retarded and don't understand necessary truths you would think something like that. this board has 1/10 philosophy understanding, Holla Forums is 0/10 which is dark ages tier retarded
First link got taken down
axioms therefore god is a pretty dumb argument, retard.
no its just an old and simple argument
and absolute truth is the metaphysical definition of God as is absolute being
t. Jordan Peterson
why is he so fucking angry in this video? just chill dude
yes and you also accidentally the whole bottle
wtf. that video was really good
anyone got a mirror?
transgender ideology is blatantly self contradictory and self defeating. If gender is a 'social construct' then how can one be other gender? Besides you have this whole market consumer mentality in which the most unique designer choices are praised as inherently progressive and beautiful expressions of individuality.