New branco cartoons

new branco cartoons

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God I wish.

someone edit this

no edit required. Although maybe you could stick a hammer and sickle somewhere.

reminds me of my oc


Gotta get rid of that democrat button

Why is the NRA button there?

He hates guns, obviously.

Right wing strawman, I'm surprised there's no Christianity or America button too.

Gun control is bad.

Change the democrat badge to the socdem rose tbqh


Is the original supposed to be negative? I legitimately can't tell.

Even though he used an American M4, give him an AK47 because that's the gun bad guys use.

Hate is bad as long as it's directed at a particular person who is fucking you over and not a large, ambiguous group of people who mostly have neither the ability nor the intent to wrong you.

I thought he used an SKS.

Original looks badass to me (except for the democrat pin).

I'm seeing this every day IRL, from real people. Worrying.

Has Branco gone full commie lads?

Oh, it looks like you were right

At the time I'd heard it was an M4, and then there are articles like

Tell them, then.

When I saw that stuff coming out after the disastrous inauguration (actually before, a protest in our city saw a bunch of yer typical news commenters calling for martial law) I immediately thought about what I grew up with.

My city was bombed by Eric Robert Rudolph when I was young. Growing up there were abortion clinic shootings, illegal invasions of foreign countries supported by the GOP and right-leaning Dems, the Unitarian Universalist (fucking Unitarians for fucks' sake) church of a friend was the site of a shooting by a man who was mad about gays and liberals. Then there was the Sikh Temple shooting, the Tea Party 'movement' who did a bunch of the same stuff right-wingers now complain about (but without the popular/EC vote rift which has been one of the primary sources of momentum now), Dylann Roof, and any number or good boys I haven't mentioned yet.

I think of all that when I see the GOP continuing to win elections without most of the vote, when I see the Dems continuing to shift rightward, and then when I see what is being done. From top to bottom, America's right wing has consistently been more ready to use violence, threats, and intimidation than the left.

Oh, shit.

Can't believe I didn't give Cliven Bundy & Friends props. He deserves to be right up there.

Then it gets even more cancerous when the right decides just because a white supremacist liked a few of bernies policies he's a leftist all of a sudden. Yea some fucking leftist this Portland guy was. The right uses fear and disinformation much more effectively then any other party in America. That is their motus opperandi. Don't forget Waco Texas. Or the NRA phycopath speech. But most importantly don't forget every single lgbtq member. Or person of color killed, beaten, raped in this county. Every single family forced to choose between house payments or medical bills/ food. The working classes of America, from the poor, to the middle. This is why we are leftists.

So we're totally owning this one, right? Someone start throwing Holla Forums shit in there.

I like that everyone asked to remove the Dem button when the more obvious, easier answer was to cross it off like the rest of them

Am I insane? Like do they think this is a false flag or what?

Exactly. People who aren't hardcore rightists in America don't have the mental capacity to fact check. A lot of it's the boomers. They eat up their propaganda.

Well. People who are rightists but not far right. I should of said

Their website keeps on fucking changing every single time I see one of their political cartoons

Fascist want to gas millions of innocent people and the left is full of hate?

Projection. And from what I can tell it really isn't working all that well. Not because everyone thinks that republicans are hateful and violent but because they don't necessarily care that a congressman got shot to begin with.


Someone replace "NRA" with "Rosa"