Why do you say that Mutualism is not socialism?

Why do you say that Mutualism is not socialism?

When will the "capitalism with co-ops" maymay die already?


I'm a former mutualist but I will still consider them comrades, for example it's more or less labour vouchers. Not capital

It is socialist.

muh lenin

Did Lenin or 'Leninfags' tickle you in the cradle? Because this is some of the purest butthurt I've seen in a while.

Anarchism in general isn't socialism, it is revisionist drivel created by people too afraid of having to get their hands dirty.

muh marx

Commodification is cancer, that's why

muh post-left bullshit

It is socialism, but its not sustainable socialism. The porkies will steal shit back.

It's anti-semitic.

you simply don't admit porkies into that commune.

exile anyone that isn't mutual.

Most of us are just reject ANCAPs but realize that human trust and mutual aid are a huge part in our evolution as a species

Seriously though why did he hate jews so much?

it's the anarchist tradition i guess

So the law of value still exists? Prices in capitalism oscillate around values, they aren't marked up from values. Capitalists (either individuals or firms) don't generally profit by selling above the value of their product (unless they have a monopoly) but by exploiting the worker, by paying the worker for only a fraction of the labour he performs.
What you're describing is simply an idealised capitalism.

so did marx, lenin, stalin, etc.
these guys are not attacking the jewish "race" "ethnicity" they're attacking capitalism.

race means nothing. it's not humans vs orcs.

I honestly never read anything about mutualism beyond the Wikipedo page.

because the source of class society can be found in the contradiction between exchange and use value in a commodity

That's demonstratably false, though. Proudhon wanted Jews to be excluded from society and disallowed from associating with or breeding with non jews.

not even the ego and its own last parts?

Antisemitism was widespread in Yurop at that time.

Revisionist of what? Marxism and Anarchism co-evolved. Proudhon came on the scene before Marx actually IIRC.

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