Nationalization of transportation services, abolition of intellectual property rights, a Land Value tax on unimproved land, and a version of the citizens dividend that Thomas Paine suggested/Universal Basic Income.
Of course he was not a socialist so a lot folks here won't agree with his ideas (he believed in markets and free trade) But he was a very popular American thinker who really doesn't get talked about much anymore. Which is bizarre considering in the early days of the American labor movement there were many prominent Georgist labor unions.
In addition, Henry George's thought was framed by the idea that land and property in general did not really belong to anyone and more or is rented from society as a whole.
It’s social democracy, however he had good ideas about intellectual property. Land Value taxes are fucking retarted. Just have a high progressive income tax.
Joshua Cook
What are your specific issues with the LVT?
It's on the Labour Manifesto this year interestingly enough.
I think actually acknowledging that society exists is a start, so he's better than a neoliberal
Anthony Gutierrez
Pretty much the critique I would expect from Marx. That said, Marx calling George an arrogant panacea-monger is hilarious. Marx is probably the definition of a panacea-monger.
Angel Brooks
Land Value Tax is the least bad tax.
Joseph Carter
Sounds like an improved capitalism. You can't polish a turd.
Gavin Lewis
are you saying capitalism has no plus points?
Tyler Fisher
I'm sure you could twist a positive out of global feudalism too but it's not worth it.
Wyatt Butler
You should be taxed on the shit you use, not on how hard you work
Ayden Russell
Xavier Wood
Is that a part of Georgism? Why? stupid
I like LVT though. Not sure it would raise anywhere near enough revenue for any modern social democracy. Basic income is stupid too.
Brandon Martinez
He was a firm believer in public goods should belong to everyone. Keeping in mind he lived before the explosion of automobile ownership, he was mainly talking about trains,
Why do you love government enforced private monopolies tho
Yeah, the single tax bit is kind of stupid, there is no way you could finance an entire modern state with it. What are your problems with cash transfers?
Lincoln Green We've already proved it works, since land is set in supply and the value is determined by the land location itself, under the proper conditions all necessary expenditures as the amount of revenue produced is huge. Large companies, land hoarders, and wealthy landowners would end up paying the most due to the fact they tend to hold the most land as it is an easy and low risk way of produce non-labor wealth and can simply be exploited/sat on indefinitly. Read Stiglitz.
I can't find the exact quote, but I remember George wrote to or about Marx about how he thought Marx's ideas would be used by authoritarians to impose tyranny.
John Hill
*all necessary expenditures can be paid for
Jack Scott
Isaac Hughes
Clearly written when trains were the only form of transport. How do you nationalize barges, boats, motorbikes, cars….
Unless the entire population has shares in the land or gets benefit someway, this is straight up MONARCHY.
Because its bourgeois and creates an aristocracy.
Xavier Wright
Read Progress and Poverty you rent seeker
Nathaniel Morris
What you dont understand is that this changes instantly when LVT is introduced.
Either they pave over the undeveloped land (your gray area shrinks) or they abandon all but necessary land.
Untaxable entities like churches and nature preserves expand to fill the gap.
The only reason barons own land now is that its cheap, but it costs them nothing (not even a view) to sell.
Michael White
Millions of workers can labor to build a trillion dildobikes, but if 0 bikes are wanted/needed, the capital generated is 0.
The initial force is demand, and thus capital is a result of demand, regardless of how many objects are constructed.
If there is 1000 people that need/want dildobikes, but workers labor to build only 1 dildobike, that bike will have the capital value of 1000 demands for such a bike in a saturated market. Labor itself is irrelevant.
Dylan James
not even surprised
Bentley Cruz
Which is proven wrong every day.
Henry Ross
Thats what we want, we want land owners to sell off their uneeded land if they aren't using it efficently. Due to the need to sell unused land or fall into debt, the cost of the land is now dictated by what potential tenets want to pay rather then by the land owner. People who will actually use the land will buy the land and no longer be shackled to it. The idea that untaxable entities will suddenly sprawl to take every bit of land is absurd, if such were the case we would have seen churches sprawling far across every plot of land in the American West during the pioneer era.
Barons own land now because it can be held indefinitly until somebody comes and pays the stated price (and given the limited supply someone eventually will), the fact that land can be used in speculation, and due to the development of buildings like parking lots that do not really improve the land and are a wasteful use of it but generate free revenue.
Nicholas Garcia
We've done this before, every time its seems no one understands LVT Read The Corruption of Economics
Wyatt Cox
But then you have no tax base….
Government is also an untaxable entity, remember we're talking about a pre-socialist framework here. Pic related, colonists spread from east to west, and you can DIRECTLY PINPOINT the moment in that east-west spread when land development rules were instituted.
Also I did point out theyd invent ways to get around it, which is what a lot of Americans did. They classified ranchland, hunting ranges, plantations as "developed" and all the rich people just reclassified their land into that.
inb4 another nitpick category. these are general examples, not an exhaustive list.
Zachary Cooper
Fidget spinners
Michael Bell
Ayyy, I knew there were other Georgists hanging around leftypol! cheers
Kevin Jones Here's some basic answers to some basic questions to Georgism. Theres some I disagree with but I'm not at my home computer right now so it will have to do.
Of course in a Georgist society the government would have to be made sure to not claim all the land and in fact Henry George stated that land that was defaulted on due to LVT debt would need to be fairly distributed in some fashion back to the populace. Held land that was not taxed before due to the loopholes you stated before would need to be brought back into the system, LVT taxes the base land and cares not what is on top of it. Your graph doesn't show what is more of the root problem, which is that even in those states that are mostly state owned land ownership most land is still held by a few.
Unfortunatly I wont be able to respond much but I will have more time tomorrow
Brody Reed
Liam Mitchell
>Be sure to respect those patents, trademarks, copyrights, and royalties, goyim! The poor corporations need the artificial monopoly and it's only fair that immaterial information can be privatized and that Disney can earn millions on a fucking cartoon mouse 80 years after the founder of the company has died! Don't you know that copyight infringement is theft? Why, you downloading some shitty Katy is like me coming to your house and ripping the toilet paper out of your hand just as you've taken a mean shit.
Dominic Martinez
sounds like market socialism to me I admit I haven't read much from/about George however
Jayden Evans
LVT not LTV okay :DDDD praise George
John Edwards
Last Georgist thread there were like three tops, making you probably the fourth. Whole thread devolved into explaining to an ancom land sprawl though and how georgism isn't anarchism it is simply a means of greatly alleviating the burdens on society and to another user how the market wouldn't collapse due to negative equity. Then a Deleonist showed up.
The general consensus last time was that while Georgism is mostly SocDem, it was basically made for market socialism.
Michael Martinez
Georgism is a bit narrow-minded, but the LVT makes sense.
Mason Nelson
His ideas are the future. They are the things that are going to give capitalism another 50 years of life before it truly dies. Check out /r/georgism.
Jackson Wood
What are horses idiot?
Colton Morales
redditors get the bullet too
Luke Hill
I was under the impression that a consumption tax model actually rails the poor pretty hard?
Oliver Bailey
cute waifus
Charles Brown
It already fucking says "services" You don't nationalize cars and motorboats, you do nationalize buses and ferries
Josiah Roberts
There is something about it that irks me. Picture two people competing for a thing. Competition isn't all there is to producing something, they could learn to produce the thing they want, maybe. But let's say they lack the talent, no matter how much they try to learn. They may be competing for the attention of a person with that talent for making things of the type they want. That's not so bad either. Buuut let's they they want a thing that just exists, and is not produced by them or anybody and cannot be produced by anybody, a particular piece of nature. And that piece of nature is under control of a third party that holds the competition with that thing being the prize - now whether that third party is a tyrant or whether that resource is managed democratically, something just irks me about that. No matter how hard these two people compete, this resource will not increase. From the point of view of these two guys as a group, there is nothing to be gained in that competition. In that sense is inefficient.
Joshua Bailey
Well, this is actually something that Georgism is kinda based around and tries to alleviate. The fact that someone can own the land, which is limited, indefinitely and hold the price where they want until someone pays it or wait until the competing market catapults the price upwards is something the LVT mitigates. Buying up large amounts of land that you can't efficiently use or because you just want to hold it becomes a bane not a boon. You can also still look at the community as a group while understanding that the members of that community each have their own individual interests, what LVT does it that it makes land more generally accessible to the general laborer and puts services around said land so that most land is generally desirable. People pay dividends to the community and "share" the land while retaining their own or living on land that is now dictated by what they will pay not what others demand. People can compete to buy a piece of land but by buying it their LVT goes up meaning their citizens dividend to the community increases. The people who now want to buy up land are doing it because they need somewhere to live or they intend to use it efficiently and provide either a beneficial service to the community or affordable housing, you can no longer turn your back on the community and waste the land needlessly (LVT taxes resource extraction and pollution as well as it devalues the land and others).
Cooper Nguyen
Not really.
Colton Cook
I thought you were talking about a natural resource which cannot change in supply and two parties are competing to purchase said resource. Am I misunderstanding what your saying? Is what your saying instead that its inefficient that they are competing in the first place? Georgism isn't meant to be a permanent solution to all problems, its meant as an alleviating stage which can be transitioned out of or integrated into a system over time.