
What is your family like, Holla Forums?
Are they open to your leftist ideals? Do they expouse leftist ideals themselves?

Just had a conversation with my grandad, who is an old-school party member, therefore a true deluxe tankie.

We have some disagreements, of course, but in the end he has shaped my ideological standpoint more than anyone else.

What about you?

mom's a socdem, dad's an idiot

Mostly apolitical or dead. Several uncles fought for the IRA but they're long gone.

all mums are socdem's tbh

I was raised in a traditional family with two brothers and three sisters and now I vote for the Parti Québécois. My father voted for the PQ, my mother did as well, though my two sisters vote for the Québec Solidaire which I find absolutely nonsensical.

My brothers vote for the Coalition Avenir Québec, which is just as stupid, but we get along well.

Mine's one too

mum ideology: apathetic with socdem characteristics

Mother is an idiot progressive feminist type. No fucking idea what my father's deal is, since I never got to actually fucking know him. Brother is military and effectively apolitical, have never heard him talk about his politics once, am inclined to think that he barely cares at all as long as he can put a roof over his head.

Working class
Working class Right Libertarian. We once argued about the role of the state in capitalism. Ended with him calling me naïve for saying that they are codependent.
Apolitical. Tends to side with fiscal conservatism but is way easier to convince than my dad. I think I'm slowly making a socdem out of her.
Small government conservative. Will join dad in class cuck heaven someday.

stop trying to subtly force your concept of the family (trad hetero) with these vague questions

kys Holla Forums

They don't give a shit, as long as everything's fine.

It's not a vague question, it's a discussion suggestion. I'm legitimately interested.

I'm bi


it's a pointless thread tbh. my mistake if this wasn't your intention, but a lot of people will read the family bit and immediately think of a """trad""" family

because trad families are capitalistic

Mom is a protestant conservative gayhater and dad pretends to be centrist but is a mccarthyist who sees communism in everything. I switched ideologies a lot myself before finally getting into communism

My father's side of the family is petit bourgeois, but I'm not familiar with almost anyone there because I rarely see them. My father is a conservative reactionary, of course.

My mother is a worker and my brother belongs to the labour aristocracy. The first is more or less a liberal social democrat, the latter a classcuck liberal, at least from what I know of him.

And my grandparents and rest of the family are Christian ultra reactionaries, save for most of youths.

My mother isn't political and my dad is an alt-right nazi type. When i talk about politics with my mom she always says I'm just a hippie but that's probably because i avoid using the words socialist and communist with her, she wouldn't get it. I don't talk about politics with my dad because he is a paranoid Alex Jones-tier conspiratard that thinks jews and communists are trying to kill him.

Your dad is based. He should disown you.

Most people are born out of a """trad""" family. What's the problem?

I'd like to use this post to emphasize that if you're born out of a gay couple insemination or a maoist collective canteen affair, you're also welcome and more than encouraged to weigh in.

My dad is pretty old (70+) and a pretty run-of-the-mill European conservative: is anti-socialist but not even sure why, wants conscription to come back, hates muzzies, etc. I haven't seen him in a while so it's not like he had much of an opportunity to comment on me being an autistic leftcom ninja.

My mom is much more open but while she sometimes ask for my opinion on political subjects and politely listen to what I have to say, all in all she's just a new age liberal. That's what reading to many self-help and personal development books does to your brain, I'm afraid.

My stepdad (i.e. my mom's boyfriend) is a nice guy but he's the normiest of normies and his politics are positively worthless. Like, no redeeming value at all — you might as well listen to the news on the radio or read imgur comment.

Apparently my biological grandfather on my father's side was a Spanish republican résistant active in Belgium during WWII. Also it seems the adoptive father's brother was arrested and shot by the Nazis for forging paperwork to help Jews and fellow résistants navigate through occupied Europe.

as if there's any other lol


He didn't raise my dad, he merely made my dad's mom pregnant. In fact, I'm pretty sure no one apart from my dad and his parents actually knew and official papers listed his adoptive father as his father period, from what I know.

Yes, my mom is a minor social democrat and my dad is a centrist but both espouse ideas that are inherently communistic. They just hate the word communism.

My family is liberals, and conservative liberals.

Between the amount of Red Scare-tier propaganda they've probably been exposed to and the actions of people like Stalin, Mao, and Pol Pot lending some degree of credence to some of that propaganda I don't entirely blame them

White trash, mostly classcucked lumpens or proles with a second cousin who married rich. Dad does well for himself with blue collar work, but still a prole.

No. Mom's an insane lolbert and dad's a cuckservative. Only kid and hate my extended family cause they're terrible people, so don't know about their views other than they listen to talk radio.

My mom's a Trumpite, but I don't care. My dad's a well read liberal (at least I think he's a liberal). He's apparently read ancom books and all kinds of other books. But I'm not really close to him. I'd like to be to pick his brain though.

wow who would have guessed haha

lmao this.

I don't talk to my family about politics.

My parents are both professors. Mom is basically a generic liberal, dad (being in the humanities) is more of a demsoc/socdem with some Marxist leanings (for example he opposes planned economies under current conditions but thinks that capitalism is unsustainable and will eventually be replaced by a different system as per Marx's prediction.) They call me Marius after the Les Mis character.


My father is a hardworking reactionary prole who ran away from Vietnam after based Uncle Ho defeated SV and America. He hates communism, but for all the reasons I hate capitalism. It's funny really. He has a very materialistic outlook on life, but he twists every conclusion that might suggest class or leftist ideals to fit his ideology. Such is its nature. *sniff*

Put your trip back on Hoochie

Where'd she go, anyway?

I think she might've been scared off after she stupidly posted those selfies (which everyone obviously saved and spammed whenever she posted)

my grandfather dad was a commie he was in prison also he was nickname stalin by his camarade,
my father was maoist & ba'athiste in "Years of Lead", now he is still a commie/syndicaliste he fought all his life for the medical system & better deal for the working class.
My mother is mu'tazilla & socialiste.

when i was born there was a lottery for selecting my name there was : Saddam , khadafie in the suggesting liste.

pretty fun to be raised in Class consciousness family

Uh? A Ba'athist in Italy?


My family has been always apolitical, there has never been discussion of politics ever in our household, not even with extended family. Closest there was to political "discussion" is my vatnik grandfather praising Putin as the savior of Russia and how he could buy a Lada every year back in the USSR.

Mother is apathetic with socialist leanings. Never really spoken to her about politics outside of discussions on terrorism, but after a conversation we had the other night it turns out she's pretty big on worker control of the MoP and all that.

Father is so many ashes, but I seem to remember him being apolitical.

My father's a pretty vanilla rural Republican who's really into Intelligent Design but other than that he's pretty soft spoken, considerate, and intelligent.

My mother isn't really much into politics but whenever I say I have some position or another (get out of the Middle East already, look out for our citizens more, repeal the preposterous subsidy we pay farmers not to farm) she agrees with me, so that would make her Nazbol. She obviously doesn't realize it, though.

3 of my grandmas brothers were in Ustaše and my uncle got to jail because he shouted boo to Tito so I try to keep my family unaware of my political opinions

grew up poor with single dad, he was/is a radical trade unionist. first political book I ever read was his copy of State and Revolution. Ragged copy of Capital I picked up from time to time but couldn't get my head around as a kid.

He kinda became a bit disillusioned after the Soviet Union collapsed and regressed to Labor party socdem in the mid 90s through to the 2010's - but he's been getting more radical again lately as I started dropping hints and later admitted I considered myself a communist these days. We actually talk a lot more now than we have in years, about political theory, failures of the old eastern bloc, what's going in Rojava. It's really good. Communism is good for the family.

My dad is staunchly republican

Mom used to fall in line and just vote republican with pops but since the 2016 election has become a re-galvanized liberal, but she's very open to discussion with me about stuff

Twin sister bit hard on liberal feminism when she went to college, she literally had a screaming match with me talking about how Clinton was overqualified to be president and she lost cuz America is sexist.

Little sister is pretty smart for her age, she's a liberal but she usually agrees with me a lot She really admires her English teacher who's an outspoken anarchist so

Mom and Pop used to be AT&T operators, both Mexican and vote straight democrap (both voted le lesser evil Clinton) both however seem relatively apathetic outside elections and unironically listen to news. Not sure about everyone else, although I did hear grandpa tried to unionize back in Mexico and smooth talked his way out of shot by a porky thug.

My parents are both fairly average Fox News watching neocons. They have progressed over time with regards to some social issues. For instance, I remember being young and them being against gay marriage, but now they are even fine with transgender people. They're a lot less racist, but they still hold onto a lot of idpol. They will never budge on the actual economic issues that matter. My father and I have gotten into very heated debates, to the point that he has banned all political discussion with him.

My sister has all the "woke" social viewpoints, but still considers herself a "moderate" conservative.

They all supported Kasich in the US Republican primaries.

Mom is kind of left liberal but without IdPol and she is religious. She says that every time period had good and bad points. Father became a porky after the fall of USSR but then lost his business because of oligarchs. Still anti-soviet.

Dad's apolitical. Mom's an increasingly disillusioned Republican but has a soft spot for Bernie Sanders and his ilk. Mom's family is either apolitical, generic Republican, or "low-key" neo-nazis.

I'm a libertarian leftist. My mom knows and is accepting. She's even offered to buy me a copy of Das Kapital as a gift. I don't keep touch with any of my other family members.

Dads a left leaning centrist and thinks that I'm stupid for following and advocating for socialism even though he ends every argument with "There's gonna be greedy people in every economic system. Communism can't work because of this".
Mum's pretty apolitical but is sympathetic towards socialism.
Brother is apolitical but likes Trump because of the memes

my parents are apolitical

My dad used to be a full-blown ML but became a capitalist apologist after the revolution in his country made everything worse and he migrated.

Mine too! I don't blame them. Did nothing but work themselves to death their whole lives, can't really think about anything when you live like that

Whoa are you my cousin in Arizona?

a socdem liberal, loves j.k rowling
he used to be rightwing in his youth but have become pretty left leaning in reacent years. i guess i could call him a centrist, he never say who he is voting for and make good arguments for every side, but i have spoken with him over a drink a lot of times and his views are pretty leftwing. also hates zionism
same go with him, but he was kinda troll irl and says thing just to get people mad or to have an argument (i guess im kinda like that too)
loyal to the socdem party who used to be good and for the working class when they grew up, but now it practically no diffrent almost than the rightwing big party.
pretty right wing christians
apolitcal, but also "that's illegal" type. like when i said i had tor etc.
on dads side very many rightwing rednecks, like i guess he used to be. among the girls its more liberal tho for some reason. on mom side got no big family i meet often, all i know is they pretty extrem christans and so is the family of mom's best friend.

i talk with mom and dad about my leftwing views or what i belive. more with dad since he is very good having this kinda disccusion with, he knows a lot to not have finnished highschool. my politcal views in the past was mostly shaped by mom since it her i live with, then the internet

tell more about that? sounds intressing

Liberals, maybe soccdem, nothing really wrong with that i know im the autistic one when it comes to politics

how did you come to your politics with a family like that?

eh. not a lot to say - my mum and da fled armagh during the 80s with my older brother and moved to the US while most of my family stayed. most of the men fought for the free staters, but i wasnt allowed to talk about them. da raised me an irish republican and a socialist though and it stuck

twincest is pretty hot dude, ever tried it?

also make your sister a real leftist, don't let her turn out like your other sis or fall to the right

My granddad was also a mega-tankie. Even to the day he died he supported Putin, Assad, Iran, Gaddafi, Saddam whoever against American Imperialism. He absolutely hated America, Britain and Israel. He also (rightly) believed that Sinn Fein sold out.

My stepdad is an anarchist. My mum's a regular socdem though.

sucked ? so you don't like the IRA ?

Mom is a libertarian.
Dad was a crazy liberal, more left than other liberals. Dead now.
Older brother is a liberal.
Oldest sister is conservative.
Older sister is an anarchist.
Younger brother is a communist like me.
Other younger brother is a liberal who likes free speech and guns.

I love my family dearly, even if their politics are off. My dad is a conservative (former Republican until Trump) "centrist" liberal who is actually pretty wise and thinks for himself, problem is he's been very much lead into pro-Capitalism, semi-critical of US foreign policy, (has harshly criticized patriot act & course of US 'War on Terror," but still manages to think some of our conflicts are justified, overall trust the military, buys the Russia meme, etc) and thinks "socialism just can't work" etc, tho he is in favor of things like universal healthcare, highly regulated market, etc. Still, he's reasonable and I've been able to talk leftist stuff with him a bit.

My mum is a fair bit more conservative (they're both very religious btw - they don't know that I'm not heh) but still hates Trump and likes Bernie Sanders. They don't have any problems with me getting into Marxism and Leftism, and I've been able to have some pretty good convos with them on various subjects.

One of my sisters (I have 3, all younger) is a left-leaning liberal who I've been able to get further & further redpilled on Capitalism - another who's very very pacifistic and is kinda triggered by some of my Marxist views because they're "violent" and I "need to listen to other people & reflect" (listening and reflecting is why I've become a leftist lol) - and my youngest sister, who's just 13, who I've been able to feed little bits of anti-Capitalism lol.

I love my grandparents, but they're both pretty conservative. On my mom's side they're in their mid-90s. They're great people (my grandad is incredibly friendly, kind, has a gentle but sometimes biting sense of humor, full of warmth, etc) and I don't have any real plans to try and change their minds. I figure they're close enough to the end, there's no point in trying to shift their worldview. Grandad's been optimistic about Trump and Republicans for a while, sad to say.

On my Dad's side grandparents are much younger, early 70's. They're pretty pro-America & Republicans as well, but they very reluctantly voted Trump & don't like him. I've been able to have pretty good little talks with them, they kind of like Bernie, was able to talk class conscious with them (they're both middle-middle class former farmers) and things - I don't have much hope for moving them too far left, but they do really like me and think I always sound "smart" lol.

Parents are both politically uneducated middle class of humbler origins. They used to be sympathetic to the big center-left party here when they were the opposition. Then they became pretty much our first "leftist" government ever, but turned out to be as incompetent and corrupt as the center and the right. So now the media took the opportunity to demonize the entire left and make them forget everyone else's malfeasance. Because of that, part of the lwer-middle class and just about everyone that's middle class and higher supports the old rulers, socdems which are actually elitist center-rightists, the other part of the lower-middle class and lower now support the center-leftists which turned out to be more centrist than expected. So my parents, like pretty much all my relatives, supports the pseudo socdems reflexively despite their past crimes, while cursing at the center-left they used to support and now hate unconditionally.

So no, I don't talk politics with them much. Or with anyone. Without Holla Forums, I'd lose my mind.

working class, generally left wing in the socdem sense

Literally everyone but me is a spooked liberal.

Dad very generic liberal, but somewhat social conservative.

Mom conservative, but since she is black she isn't a Republican.

Sister is idpol drenched "radlib" from the internet. Slowly getting her away from that because we have always got along pretty well.

Mostly a-political, or dead. All my grandparents are gone, and so is my dad.
Mom leans socdem, but falls easily for the "one decent politician" meme the right sometimes runs on. I manage to egg her into participating in village-level activism on occasion, against developers and such. She's a pensioner and has plenty of time for it anyway.
Uncles and aunts on mother's side have their hearts in the right place and used to be passive members of the socialist labour union movement, and mostly pensioners now as well. Quite upset by the muslim migrations though, it makes them support the fascists on a bad day.
Father's side have a petit bourgeois mentality though, laced with actual nazi sympathies on occasion. Hopeless bunch.
Nieces and nephews are all totally apolitical, save for a gay niece. The less educated ones, it pains me to say, also tend towards dysfunction: destructive drug use, divorces, domestic violence, etc.
But honestly, I don't put politics before family. I'm feeling socially atomized plenty enough as it is.

My mom is a drunk liberal hippie. My dad is patriarchal Christian republican. One little brother has autism and doesn't talk. Youngest brother committed suicide.

friendly reminder that McCarthy was right about everything

it's not only your brother who got autism buddy

Family lived in the DDR, when the wall falled they moved to the Netherlands as both didn't want to live in Cap Germany and the socialist states were about to fail.
Here although they have had economic success(they both came from poor families but were able to study college in the DDR) they both are still hard line tankie communists, who still believe in socialism and say life in general was better in DDR,and are always talking about moving to Cuba when they retire.
Nether of them had siblings and grandpas are dead (one of them was a communist who defected to the DDR).
They tried still to not push me their ideas as we live here , but in a house full of books about Marx, Lenin, Rosa etc… It was difficult to not become a commie

my parents hose filled with christan books and im a wild fedora tipper

Seems logical

Dad is militaristic. Mom is religious.
My wife's a democratic socialist, (she insists that it's a leftier version of a sucdem), but she has to hide her powerlevels, because she works for the TV (muh left-wing bias in the media) so she has to pretend to be a braindead pro-market librul most of the time.
I dunno where my kids are, they are doing animal and environment protections at school and visited our park pound last week so I guess that's their focus right now. Although our last trip in a museum had them asking why kings lived better than peasants. So there is some class awareness.
My sister browses here too.
Her girlfriend is a liberal, but my sister insists it's because of bad influence and she is on the way of despooking her.

Which province of the Netherlands do you live in?

i find it a bit weird that your sister also browse Holla Forums

both my parents are palestinian muslims who live in murrica'. both are very ignorant when it comes to politics but like democrats and hillary clinton and are generally centrist as fuck style dems. my mom doesn't wear a hijab but like my dad is very traditional (they don't believe in evolution, couldn't tell them about my girlfriends, they don't drink, they fast and pray 5 times a day, ect.). both vote democrat, liberal as shit style voting, all they really know politically is that zionism fucked them over and they hate it, other than that they are pretty ignorant.

pic related my mamma

yoooo thats cool i got uncles who fought in the plo back in the day

why is that?

Liberals and bigots at the same time. I've turned some into anarchists though.

chan culture and all that autistic stuff, how even? also that you seems like an older guy since you married and kids. good family tho


I am merely 28, but thanks

i should also add that my aunt is the same as my grandma but call herself a socialist, and are married with a socialist/tankie type who went to cuba and fell in love with socialism. got pics of fidel and che all over the place

Left-neoliberal who eats as organic and alternative as possible. Also adds chickpeas to every single dish. At once wants a strong welfare state but also thinks austerity is justified because those suffering from austerity deserve it for not making it big in our society where everyone can pull themselves up by their bootstraps.

Reactionary with a superiority complex, judges everything by Autism Level points, prides himself on his own and yet never had any proof of having above average intelligence (always refers to tests he supposedly did growing up which showed he was a genius). Rarely gets along with people, insecure and compensates with intimidation. Really musically talented and funny, though.

Grandfather is actually super intelligent. Worked on the earliest developments of solar cell technology at ESA as engineer. Really talented artist (drawing, etching, painting). Actually read Marx and is anti-capitalist while understanding what it entails; discussions with him about politics are always interesting. Grandmother is really mentally damaged; her further side of the family is mostly to blame because they were all Normand alcoholics who killed themselves from comas. The result is that she's very paranoid and my grandfather's basically her entire support.

Grandfather was a railroad worker, served many years in the army (other grandfather also served, but not as much) and is an ex-Pied-Noir, met my grandmother in Algeria too. Both are very calm people who keep to themselves and yet are also people who will sacrifice themselves to no end to help others.

Genuinely jealous of the people who have left liberal families and complain about them. I'd take that any day over my Fox News and conservative talk radio poisoned family.
