Ideology as idpol

I know left-wing and right-wing idpol is hated here and separates form class struggle based worldview. But isn't having separate ideologies infighting creating a culture of idpol? Right now race, religion, sexual orientation, etc. are all parts of idpol. Wouldn't ideologies, even if similarly left-wing end up becoming de facto idpol?

Tankies vs Trotskyists
Nazbol vs Egoist
Ancap vs Ancom

No, ideology is what you believe, not an identity.

But at times it acts like an identity. Especially when different ideological sects act like tribes when dealing with their rivals.

It’s been that way sense ideology was created.

Perhaps idpol is inescapable and Holla Forums itself is meta-idpol with class struggle characteristics.

Is that picture supposed to be negative? Its pretty fucking metal tbh

Once you hit late stage capitalism (hell sometimes even middle stage) it becomes almost near inescapable as almost all things become commodified and absorbed into the existing stucture. Ideology is no longer a set of beliefs you happen to hold, its an identity sold to the alienated masses as an opiate, something to feel a part of in a system which amounts to a cold consuming void.

Does that mean that leftism is doomed to be perpetual idpol?

Identity politics refers to non-political elements of your person becoming political.

this, please refer to the flag OP

What counts as "non-political" elements, everything may be political.

The right mobilizes under compromise, why can't the left? Historically we've been no good at it since tankies and anarchists have regularly fucked each other, but maybe things can change, right?

Whats the issue with Anarchist, Tankies, and Trots? They all want the same goal of Communism through a classless and money less society anyway.

Every revolution by Marxism-Leninist movements immediately exiles or kills us once they control the state. Makhno was exiled. The communist party was on the fascists side during the Spanish Civil War against CNT-FAI. Historically, it just doesn't pan out for anarchists. I'm not saying people here would do the same, but you see how such intrinsically different facets of an ideology would lead to immediate betrayal once the revolution ends.

Because the Left is based on the fundamental idea that a Utopian society is possible, and as practically every person has a different vision of what Utopia entails there's bitter factional infighting in the Left over how to achieve it

You must be new here. Capitalism is the utopia for believing that those in power are benevolent and will never abuse their power. The left recognizes the faults of people and seeks to eliminate these relations of power. Power cannot be trusted.

wut? No-one outside autistic lolbertarians thinks that capitalism is an utterly infallible system, most defenders just go along with it because considering the Soviet experience it's the best of many shit alternatives.

Is this before or after the gulags and "re-education camps" get created?

There's a reason many of us say the USSR was not communist. Those relations of power never died and what you had was state capitalism. If someone has control over another person you're not in socialism.

Then you'd never have "true" socialism because any transitionary state would require some minimal degree of "control over another person", how else would you achieve socialism? Everyone waking up one day and realising that a socialist world free of hierarchy is the best of all possible worlds?

Yeah pretty much. You can start with yourself. We have a reading thread stickied I suggest you use it.

*does a fat bong rip*

That's what the gulags are for.

Don't take all the various ideologies too seriously, they are only relevant to the degree that they have an impact in the world. For most people here or everywhere who give themselves a very specific ideological label, it only serves as a marker for their self-constructed identity. It's something they put on their social media profile to shape their image of them in the world. Unless you happen to be active in say an ML - Maoist party which has to contend for power with a ML - Trotskyite party, it really doesn't matter a lick if you are an ML-M or ML-T
has the right of it.

There is no perfect blueprint, and lots of people consider their blueprint is the one that will bring socialism whereas the other ones have fatals flaws within them. Why do you think the Left is known for heavy sectarian infighting?
But to answer your question, you have a few great "schools": You need state coercion, that tankies position and USSR apologists
You need to dismantle the state because the state is what is uphelding capitalism, that anarchists position
You need to invent a superior way of managing ressources, then society will follow, that's Leftcom position.

Whatever that means, I don't understand the culture formed around drugs.

absolutely, and not to be go all "human nature", but I think it's pretty much unavoidable. Best we can do is to minimize it by recognizing it as irrational and destructive.

and that picture is amazing, the world must be an unbearably scary place for the alt-right.

No because the every left wing ideology is rooted in materialism and places actually existing reality above idealist notions like "identity."

I believe that I'm a transkorean trigendered trilobite.

I don't think so. Once you label yourself as "this ideology" you are creating an identity, becoming part of a political tradition with in groups and out groups. When I joined the party as an young acolyte I was quickly thought to hate the local Trotskist. It had little to do with this groups stances on political issues, it was just a relic from the cold war.
These feuds are off course not as big as identity politics proper, but only because our groups lack the political power to make them so. But in the same way identity politics are dividing the proletariat, our infighting is dividing the left, and it has little to do with material conditions, and a lot to do with tribalism and identity.

Hush, libs were so successful because they convinced even themselves they were "realists".

Tankies will ally with anyone including Liberals and Fascists to seize the full state power, and then will proceed to sit on their arses and pretend they're socialists.