Hello leftists, I've been flirting with Syndicalism for a while more specifically National Syndicalism because I wanna keep local cultures and traditions across the world while at the same time protecting the working class from bankers and big business. That and I believe Anarchism is retarded. Anyways, I don't see many Syndicalist threads so I was wondering if people would like to have a discussion on Syndicalism and how it would work.
Hello leftists...
Please take a stroll in our books thread and wash of that reactionary bullshit
doesn't have a very good track record ya know
Why are you all so apathetic to culture? Don't you see that's what makes the world interesting and refreshing? Different ways of life are fascinating and should be preserved, without resorting to Fascism.
culture is determinate my material conditions, if you turn a country national syndicalist you will change the culture, the same goes for every ideology and every nation
Culture isn't monolithic or unchangeable you must understand that all these immaterial things will change specially when the materiel conditions change like in socialism
Why do you think nation-states are necessary for maintaining local cultures and tradition? Before the era of nations states rich local cultures still developed. Without Capitalism denigrating traditions or values which get in the way of profit local culture will be richer then ever before, no nations required.
Nah. Literally the only thing that makes the world interesting and refreshing is cute gals.
Because they can't be preserved without sacrificing the goal for universal liberation. Humans will always maintain cultural differences and ideological variance, but the current ones (national, ethnic, religious, racial, etc) only lend themselves to resentment and chauvinism, which lead to conflict. You want to envision the world as a human zoo for your enjoyment, but it's not worth it.
I never said culture should be unchangable, it's fine if National Syndicalism changes the culture as long as there is still a continuity and respect for tradition (Please note, respect for tradition not forcing it.) I really just don't want to end up like Maoist China with the Chinese Cultural Revolution when they destroyed thousands of years of Chinese culture and tradition and now Mainland Chinese culture is a lot more bland than Taiwan's.
And that is kind okay
So you issue is stuff like the cultural revolution? Well the cultural revolution was institutionalized idpol so wed don't like it here.
This is totally understandable and I hope most people on here agree. The Holla Forums consensus is that mao was a retard.
It's really not, though. Sure Taiwan has a nice museum of shit but the mainland isn't exactly lacking in historical artifacts or sites and traditional culture still survived that shitty time.
But… now there's a Starbucks in the Forbidden City, FFS. Neoliberalism is doing more to destroy ancient culture in that society than the Cultural Revolution EVER did.
If you think people flirting with National Syndicalism are at all positive on neoliberalism you lack an understanding of how politics work.
Culture no longer exists anymore user.
That wasn't the point. It was the other user (or you, whatever) saying the evil gommies destroyed soooo much culture. I just wanted to remind you it was a drop in the bucket compared to what's happening now.
Both Maoism and Capitalism are bad for culture.
congrats on the future fascism, op
Honestly doubt mao sending intellectuals to go work in the fields did anything bad to traditional culture given that traditional culture is that of, you know, the people who work in the fields?
Maoism created some great art though
All those cultures have mutated to fucking shite thanks to capitalism, I doubt there's much to save besides an opportunity to LARP. Sadly.
That's why I'm considering becoming a National Syndicalist I realize how Maoism, and Capitalism have both caused cultures to die. Look I'm not that worried of other Mao coming, I'm just stating I'm a Nationalist because I believe everyone should be proud of their cultures and that to preserve them every Syndicalist Nation needs to focus on their own people first rather than the entire world.
so did capitalism
Surpised that no one has posted this yet.
Mao is pretty great for quotes and gorilla warfare though.
Well, first off syndicalism was a branch of anarchism that arose when you could actually organise a city's means of production through union syndicates, since everything was manufactored so close by. Second off, national syndicalism will just enslave the working class further through class cooperation against the financial class, and protection of private property. Third off, if we were to implement anarcho-syndicalism, it's not like culture would just magically disappear, quite the opposite. It would no longer be enforced through the interests of capital and the state
Bro people won't stop wearing folk dresses just because we abolish capitalism…