Rosa Luxemburg General

I'm just starting to get into reading her works. seems to have a fairly comprehensive collection.

What by her have you read? What did you think of it? Anything I should prioritize? Anything to keep in mind or read first?

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She's overrated because muh female Marxist.

Care to elaborate? Do you take issue with any of her arguments?

I highly suggest reading bernsein's evolutionary socialism and then Rosa's reform or revolution

The Mass Strike is great also.

I should read more rosa tbh but I'm a bookchin nerd

Nah, she actually has good theory. Reform or Revolution, The Mass Strike and her critiques of Lenin are all worth reading. She also had her own theory of Capital Accumulation though I can't comment on how good it is, but the fact she wrote that in the first place while leading a revolution is impressive.

She's liked by everyone because she's neither a tankie or an anarchist but still someone both groups can relate to in some way, and she also never got into power so never had the chance to be criticized like Lenin was.

I really like her radical anti-nationalism. Like, she hated nationalism so much she didn't think the nation of Poland should exist. I have no doubt that if Rosa's Reich had succeeded, she should of invaded Poland.

I suggest "Reform or revolution" probably the best critique of socialdemocracy and opportunism in generaI had ever read,


That is completely not true. She merely believed that the question of Polish self-determination could only be answered by a socialist revolution.

The reason why she became a revolutionary was because of her rebellion to Russification during her school years.
Her first writings in Switzerland are concerned with the Polish question.

source: Rosa Luxemburg by Paul Frolich

I read Reform or Revolution which is a great book imo.

I also read some of her letters too Leo Jogiches, their relationship was really interesting.

She managed do receive widespread recognition in her time, back then it was despite being a woman. No extra points.

No, she's overrated because socdems killed her before she could do anything. Her pussy is meaningless compared to being martyred by the treachery of ths eternal rose.

She hated anarchists and was a supporter of Lenin. That isn't tankie, but I don't see how anarchists could relate to her theory.

As an anarchist, I vastly prefer leftcoms like Luxemburg to Leninists or even Trots.

"The National Question" is probably my favorite of what I've read. Dense, but very compelling take on the nature of the capitalist state through a materialist analysis of 19th century history.

The Junius Pamphlet is another one to look out for. Looks at the true imperialist motives for WW1 vs. the contemporary media propaganda for it. After reading this one you will see parallels everywhere with war propaganda today.

Is Luxemburg really a "leftcom" though? That seems like something that was claimed way after the fact.

Yes, but she held many positions associated with leftcoms today.


(Lenin) is convinced that all the conditions necessary for the formation of a powerful and centralized party already exist in Russia. He declares that, “it is no longer the proletarians but certain intellecutuals in our party who need to be educated in the matters of organization and discipline,” (page 145). He glorifies the educative influence of the factory, which, he says, accustoms the proletariat to “discipline and organization,” (page 147).

We misuse words and we practice self-deception when we apply the same term – discipline – to such dissimilar notions as: 1. the absence of thought and will in a body with a thousand automatically moving hands and legs, and 2. the spontaneous coordination of the conscious, political acts of a body of men. What is there in common between the regulated docility of an oppressed class and the self-discipline and organization of a class struggling for its emancipation?

I think her pacifism, along with her Marxism of course, qualifies her as a leftcom.

Fuck was Lenin a faggot or what? He was controlled opposition FOR SURE.

I'm with you. I can't stand Trotskyists conception of democratic centralism.

Federalism FTW!

Leftcoms aren't pacifists.

Well no one likes trots, but I don't see the point in glorifying a failed revolutionary with theory I disagree with.

Fucking what?

How are you defining leftcom? Traditionally hawks are considered to be on the right while doves are on the left.

Who is she. is she the marxist version of Ayn Rand

What are you trying to say?

read a book

I'm saying that the more dovish you are the more leftist you are, at least on that axis.

She was part of the revolutionary movement that could have made socialism possible instead of letting it slowly wither in Russia.

Thats not really how you define leftcom.


Our cause made great gains in these events. However, the initiative and conscious leadership of the Social Democratic organizations played an insignificant role in this development. It is true that these organizations were not specifically prepared for such happenings. However, the unimportant part played by the revolutionists cannot be explained by this fact. Neither can it be attributed to the absence of an all-powerful central party apparatus similar to what is asked for by Lenin. The existence of such a guiding center would have probably increased the disorder of the local committees by emphasizing the difference between the eager attack of the mass and the prudent position of the Social Democracy.

Are you having a stroke?

Does one side of your face feel numb?

It's a catchall term to refer to Marxists left of Lenin and Trotsky.

Lift both of your hands. Does one droop?

Pacifism never really was an important metric for leftism, so its not really related.

No! I'm a healthy young man!

are your words slured when you speak?

Many self described leftists disagree with you. If leftism=egalitarianism, and war=forcefully dominating others, then how can you be a hawk and a leftist?

Nice trips, comrade!

Being anti war isnt the same as pacifism though.


Isn't pacifism just the more extreme form of the anti-war position?

nigga why the fuck you talking about birds

Why do people keep ignoring Karl?
He has even his own flag, but no one gives him any credit. Not even when trolling Socdems.



Not to say acts of terrorism are effective but they are certainly historically linked to the left. As well, they might be effective sometimes.

This, but she was killed by Bernie Sanders. Social Democrats are the reason Germany has not reached full communism. By extension, they are also responsible for Hitlers rise to power and the holocaust.

Social Democrats are crypto-fascists. Ever. Single. One.

How can violence possibly be egalitarian. When you commit an act of violence against someone you are obviously in a position of power over them. And what better synonym for leftism is there than egalitarianism?

go back


What else would it be?


Violence can be used in self defense.
Since this system is an inherently violent system that can only exist through perpetual violence, any action taken against it by the lower classes can be considered an act of defense.

How is a Marxist revolution compatible with pacifism or your interpretation of leftism?

Sure, I agree.

I still think the most radical leftist position on the use of violence is pacifism.

Isn't that just apathy to the violence inflicted on yourself and those below you?

Resolving dialectical contradictions in society through a real movement which abolishes the present state of things, and seeks to align the interests of the collective and individual.

Read pics related and link. They will set you straight.

This phrase makes me trust leftcoms a little bit. Just a little bit though.

Well, this strategy would only be Marxist by the broadest possible definition because it doesn't include a socialist transition State, but the anarcho-pacifist revolutionary strategy is this:

Mass non-cooperation/general strike leads to collapse of economy and which point bourgeoisie agree to no longer violently claim their private property, give up their bourgeoisie wealth and status, in exchange for the workers going back to work to produce the necessary goods and services for everyone in a new, moneyless, gift economy.

We anarcho-pacifists consider this to be a more effective strategy because we acknowledge the overwhelming military power of the powers that be, and we suspect that if we never use violence against their soldiers, and our numbers are great enough, they will not be able justify exterminating us.

Doesn't this imply egalitarianism?

It's not apathy at all. Action should be taken to liberate all our comrades. But that action should be non-violent. Acting violently only plays into their hands. It's what they want.

They already shot first.
What non-violent actions could be taken to abolish existing hierarchies?

Yes, but the point is that egalitarianism is not the goal in and of itself. When you make "egalitarianism" a goal of guiding principle, it becomes an abstract concept with no basis in the material world, and is therefore unobtainable. The same is true for "individualism" or "justice" or "liberty".

the bourgeoisie isn't going to give up without violence. Every revolution failed or not experienced massive amounts of counter-revolutionary violence. The Febuary revolution started peacefully with a general strike and turned violent when the Tsar sent in the troops. It succeded when the soldiers eventually turned their guns on their officers.

Not sure if you're referring to Rosa but she was definitely not for federalism or anarchism:

Campaign for less spending among the bourgeois. If they simply spent less money the economy would collapse and they couldn't pay the police or soldiers and it'd be a prime time to take over factories and farms.

General strike, but don't occupy the workplace. Instead just hide out for as long as possible. If our numbers are great enough the economy will collapse and the bourgeois will starve.

Non-cooperation. Gum up the works however we can. Make it impossible for the leviathan to function by logging its arteries with bullshit. Hakim Bey style T.A.Z. shit.

I didn't say I like her, but I prefer her to Lenin or Trotsky, and certainly Mao or Stalin, or even Castro.

Revolutionary neetism.
I actually want that to spark.

OK, but the appearance of who shot first is actually very important.

Every NEET is a brave comrade fighting on the front lines!

Leave Mao out of this.