Life inside the 'coffin cubicles' of Hong Kong
Life inside the 'coffin cubicles' of Hong Kong
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They voluntarily agreed to live there. It's their fault for not getting a better job.
Proof that accelerationism simply doesn't work.
China is hell of a lot worse than other countries and the proles just tough it out.
Those could almost be comfy if they weren't so awful and cramped.
Did anyone say cyberpunk dystopia?
comfy af imo
Dear god. Even Kowloon was probably not this horrible.
They're not "coffins", they're "residences of proletarian dimensions". China is communist. Praise Mao.
That can't be sanitary.
I'd hate to be inside there when a fire starts, the door gets blocked from the melted padding and I get cooked alive.
Definitely unsafe and unhealthy but things being so cramped looks pretty comfy.
also they have smartphones so they can't complain :^)
it's not China dumbass
Praise deng xiaoping
i've always thought it would be pretty cool to live in kowloon tbh
you must get a rel close knit community living all together like that
i have literally never spoke to my neighbours and they have lived there for years feels isolated man
Go to their house and invite them for a barbecue.
/cyb/ as fuck. I wish I had something like that in my area if only to save money because I can't imagine that being more than $50 a month here.
too awkward
i need social interaction forced upon me so I have a framework for communication outside of my control
over a hundred dollars a month and the big mac index indicates that they make about half what americans make on avarage.
Actually it's a "Bedspace apartment"
They originated in post war Hong Kong, but I have seen pictures from mainland to.
In mainland they are secondary "homes" used by people that work at factories that are in other provinces than their residency, you can't just move to another part of the country, that requires all kinds of government permissions, but not all provinces can offer work to all their inhabitants. Renters stack these boxes on top of each other in apartments so you can fit 16 people in a one room apartment, it's really cheap so factory workers can afford the rent and still send money back home to their family.
Hong Kong is still worse, there they are used by immigrants and people even raise children in these things.
No, and these aren't the worst ones. The shitty ones are just pet cages stacked on top of each other. "Spill a drink" in the top bunk and it goes straight thorough to the other two beneath you. Mosquitoes, fleas and lice love it there.
How do workers in Hong Kong, South Korea, Japan, etc. make so little money compared to Western countries? No minimum wage or something?
I'd be okay with that if I lived in Hong Kong. Even with a good job the money getting saved would be worthwhile. Not that I think it's okay because I'm sure most people living in these hate it.
Much lower minimum wage. South Korea actually has a pretty low cost of living compared to Japan and Hong Kong though.
It can't be that low, I read that SK has things like elder prostitutes etc. and a lot of young Koreans want to get the fuck out of Korea
If these were like 20% bigger so there could be a seperation of the toilet from everything else, even if just by a wall or glass pane, they'd be okay. Hell if I lived in a huge sprawling city I'd probably out and about 90% of the day anyways, so I'd have no use to pay for a big apartment. Not sure about Hong Kong but lots of asian countries have an eat-out culture where if you make enough money it's actually cheaper to go to a street vendor instead of paying for a kitchen+ingredients+electricity.
Probably depends where you live. I only know it's cheaper because my Korean friend is from there. Maybe cheap for an American and expensive for someone actually working a normal wage there.
So much for the free market
I'd rather just have a separate public restroom to use. Would save room and I wouldn't have to think about sleeping next to a toilet.
ebin xddd
because they can't afford it, people live for decades in these boxes, and it's not because they just decided they didn't need it.
..can't tell if your shit-posting or a genuine retard.
I work in retail and our janitors trying to keep our 3 stalls clean during the 10 hours we're open is hard enough, I can't imagine living in a community of hundreds where everytime someone had to take a shit it was in a publica area.
If it was cheap I wouldn't mind living in a place like that; I mean, if you're in a city like Hong Kong or San Francisco with lots of cool things to do (many of them for free or very cheap), why would you be inside anyway?
Obviously it's not a place to raise children in but many american cities sorely need apartment construction and many workers and students would benefit from them.
Worst part is there isn't even any ventilation.
The life you live and neighbourhood you live in isn't sustainable.
You can't even spell m8. Maybe it's time to re-evaluate things.
If everyone in the world lived like you did, then world temperature would soar to critical in 1/4 of the time.
hong kong has more pollution than usa
we need a smaller population, not smaller homes
sterilize the shitskins and trailer-trash, no need to kill anyone
Didn't know eco fascists even existed here.
Worst Korea also has literal India/Brazil tier slums though.
My point was,
having a million people living in mansions
would be better for the planet than
7 billion people living in these "homes"
Agreed, but having a planet with only a million people living in mansions doesn't justify genocide vs the rest.
My person has little to do with it, but you are wrong, everyone could probably live like I do just fine. I don't consume much, don't work much, don't use a car, and I rarely travel.
And even if you where right it doesn't change the fact that these people aren't living in boxes to ease the environment, on the contrary they are living in boxes so that capitalists can produce cheaper consumer items to export to other parts of the world. Are you seriously saying that we should combat global warming by denying poor people dignity and living conditions that are sanitary?
more pics please
Statistically, as in people browsing this board, It very much so does. I'm not concerned about you, rather your demographic.
No shit? I never said that was the intention of the occupants to be aware of their carbon footprint. But I do know that these places are a hell of a lot cheaper and more efficient way to live.
Not really, since the demographic I'm talking about aren't poor people.
you want to live in a box?
yeah if it means we don't have to live underwater or on Mars.
both sound better than a box
What makes you think you're invited to either? Will you pimp off your little boypussy to the rich?
Accelerationist are fucking retards, by thier logic the holocaust was for the best.
acclerationism is fukin dank homie
you literally never feel bad about anything
Real-life capsule hotels actually aren't that bad. They usually will have all of the amenities of a normal hotel, just concentrated in more public spaces rather than each room being fitted with them. If living spaces like the ones showcased in Hong Kong would be converted to be more like capsule hotels (assuming that space restrictions necessitate such restrictive space usage), it wouldn't even be that bad; it would essentially be like living in a dormitory.
I would hate living in there obviously and u all saying its comfy are deluded but I'd prefer it between the two options of paying $800 per month for a studio apartment and living with my mom
i've lived in a van my whole 20's so this is really familiar to me. it's really hard to concentrate when youre super poor so good on them for reading. it used to be cool to run a laptop off of the battery and use a hotspot for internet but i got tired of working 40 hrs a week wageslaving just to sustain that.
i just want free rent and education already and for people to live socially
They might unable to stand up, but unlike mainlanders, he lives free.
Checkmate, Statists.
Please, please go to working class Hong Kongers that it's actually better that they live cramped ratholes because suburbia is like bad maaan
This is your brain on edge.
For the last time acceleration is not about making fucking life miserable. It's about recognizing that advances in technology and material changes that drive the core of society through production are central to social change, and that therefore we should sacrifice everything to make post-scarcity as unavoidable as possible.
I seriously wish I could shoot some of you dipshits.
holy shit my prison cell was bigger than that
I thought they were appealing to NEETs
but this whole time they were actual trying to appeal to serfs
It does not work that way. If all you can afford is a coffin, then you are not going to be able to do anything fun around town anyway.
Anytime anyone says this you can be certain that their point is bullshit.
good point
Hey, blame the anons who are using it in the same way as "4D chess" to suck up to porky.
Holy Moses. Hong Kong is an argument for forced relocations.
Oh, no!! Cooking in the bathroom…
More people will have to learn to live within these means as we move towards globalization due to overpopulation.
I don't see the issue. There are people out there living on the ground with no belongings at all. It's pretty good because everyone will get one. We should be celebrating.
The point is how capitalists (especially lolbertarians and ancraps) praise Hong Kong as some kind of capitalist success. It obviously is not when looking at the pictures.
hong kong is so based, and capitalist xddd
People are living out of storage units in the US. This is actually a problem for the first world.
i'll have to admit at least one thing to /lefty/ even if im not that fond of it
this is what individualism does to a person
showing your true colors, i see!
did that guy shit in his trash can in the second pic?
These rooms are filthy and crammed, the pics in OP are only crammed. Pathetic.
not really, this is mostly garbage and consumerist shit piled on, while those guys in hong kong have everything a house would have in a very small space
what do you think happen :^)
This. I'll never understand how most anons on this board can misuse the term when it's so easy to just google Left Accelerationism and read the wiki page.
I Think hes an alcoholic and thats his pukebucket,
Idk fam, looking at these pics makes me feel massively depressed.
This is the future ancaps want.
*individualism, user.
check that spelling
At best. We can only hope.
Fuck off fascist.
Capitalist ideology at its finest.
are you trying to make a point?
Also, obligatory link to Srnicek and Williams Accelerationist Manifesto.
nah just here to remind what imageboards are.
I read some of that the other day and got the impression that that was a sort of addendum to left accelerationist thought.
don't forget to click on ads
or look at that laptop or computer screen.
just a thought.
just admit that you've consumed
So you don't have a point.
That's good to know.
I also don't see myself as an individual because of the products I consume, which was the point, but I guess you missed that lel
do not feel guilty my friend, we are always at your side
A lot pf people choose to live like that. I have friends that live on conditions similar to that.
One lives with his mother and two sisters in a place that looks like
He has a decent job and his mother works in HR so money is not a problem, they all sleep in one room because second room is inhabitable (they can make it habitable) and one room had electrical and water problems and was a fucking mess that they wont clean up. Me and my father offered to wire the second floor and add windows, but they just give a fuck even tough they hate their living conditions and the stress of using a 5x5 meter room for everything. They are not the only family i know that lives like that.
You have to understand that if people want to live like that nothing will stop them.
That it's immiserationist? Honestly Communization Theory flirts a lot more with impossiblism and catastrophism. If anything Accelerationism has a lot more in common with Soviet-style Productivism, it's kind of like a reclaiming of all the optimism that the Left had about technology and science in the early 20th Century, like a return to High Modernism.
Why would I feel guilty?
I'm not spooked by consumerism.
No, I meant that it was like a modification of traditional accelerationist thought. That the manifesto saw some problems with the way accelerationism had been thought about and they sought to amend some of the ideas. What do you think?
They talk about crises like climate change and economic collapses as openings for Socialists, but they aren't saying that it's a good thing because proles will revolt, they just pointing out that various NeoLiberal hegemonies will grow increasingly weaker as they fail to respond effectively to the political demands of this century, which is already happening as we speak, and if Socialists don't manage to create a meaningful alternative to NeoLiberalism Fascists are going to probably be the one's to swoop in and fill in the gaps. Now things aren't that bad yet, but in a decade or two they certainly could be far worse then we could even imagine at this time.
I know it says something about how shitty the living conditions there are, but honestly because of my semi-asceticism I don't see these as a problem. There's not a solid reason why you'd need a house or even a regular apartment if you live alone. These coffins look like they have all the necessities, so I don't see why not having useless, empty space is bad.
I don't care who you are, you shouldn't shit where you eat.
Good post, comrade.
The interiors of bathrooms are no more dirty than any other room.
It's the fecal particles that worry me.
Oh, sorry, I totally misunderstood what you meant. But yeah, the origins of Accelerationism are pretty reactionary, like Nick Land, but Left Accelerationism is so different in it's goals and outlook that it's almost strange to compare them. Nick Land really does think it's genuinely good that human life is being completely atomized and absorbed by Capital, he thinks it's fine that Global Capital and the algorithms that manifest it's will have become completely disconnected from anything close to human agency, but he sure as fuck doesn't think there's any kind of light at the end of that tunnel, least of all some kind of proletarian revolution. I think Srnicek and Williams read a lot of Marx, Lyotard, Deleuze, and Land and wanted to write a more contemporary Leftist theory of how technology can be made to be liberatory.
That's fucking disgusting, user. I'm not sure where you're from where you can justify that shit (literally), but that's a no no where I'm from. Not sure if you live in tight quarters because of capitalism like HongKongfags.
That makes sense.
First pic is from shedanon/shednigger from 4/g/, I think the 3rd picture is also him. Never really knew him (don't frequent /g/ all that much). I think he was kicked out of the house and just started living in his parents shed. I don't think he post on /g/ anymore.
Here's a fantastic essay on Accelerationism by the late, great Mark Fisher, I think any user would like it, especially because Fisher is very much lowkey /ourguy/
You can't become sick from your own shit (which isn't present outside the toilet bowl and anything you might've touched with your dirty hands)
I don't know user. I'm not OCD about that shit (again, literally), but I don't want to risk it.
Thanks! I just bookmarked it.
Talk about shitting where you sleep. You're literally shitting where you eat and sleep.
No problem comrade. I shill for Fisher any time I get the chance!
Maybe MLs are right…
All that clutter would drive me insane, honestly.
Same here, user. Same here.
Music video for thread
This, it's a fresh coat of paint on the 'muh iphones' maymay, made even lower-energy by the fact that 90% of people hate the shit out of their ISP
The heat helps kill the bacteria there, I guess.
user, that's a different but related issue: alienation. Industrial society in general has a problem with this, and capitalism amplifies it. We're too isolated and devoid of community. The poor fuckers on the cages, however, suffer material oppression. But then again, to some degree, almost everyone is a victim of capitalism.
That's the thing user, they wouldn't live in those conditions if they weren' already broken.
I'm fairly sure you don't want your gut bacteria to reach your mouth.
What the fuck? He just wants us to become drones as soon as possible because he thinks it's inevitable?
There's a difference between a tiny, modest house and that. Living too long in such a small space with several other people and amidst such rubbish no doubt would fuck with your mind.
user, they're literally sick people. Thinking they choose to live like that is like saying a man with the flu chooses to sneeze. They need therapy.
This is the future people who don't have to live in chose.
What a mess… They definitely should clean up their rooms.