Refute this claim, "Venezuela was caused by socialism" pic unrelated.
Refute this claim, "Venezuela was caused by socialism" pic unrelated
On the contrary, it was caused by social democrat opportunists.
Yes, but how?
Its not socialism unless its successful.
Which if you think about it, means that socialism has never been tried.
To put it briefly, rather than channeling the discontent towards creating class consciousness and overthrowing the bourgeois state, the PSUV instead chose, as opportunists do, to set up a cool little social democracy based on oil, which of course would not last.
The PSUV, again, takes the opportunity to build for itself and the national bourgeoisie and even some multinationals more wealth, while paying lip service to socialism which idiots will defend even when it is blatantly obvious they are not building towards anything but more humane capitalism.
This argument is however, a waste of time. Most people who say this are not looking to discuss anything and instead want their opinions validated rather than question their worldview even a bit.
That's what I've been arguing, just need better arguments.
Can concur.
Oil prices are not low.
Today its about 50 dorra per barrel. In 1950 it was 15 dollars per barrel.
Hmm tat was easy,
Inflation, buddy
It was $20 in 1998. Can you put that through the website?
Iraq, buddy
Hmm thats an odly specific year you chose
Im selecting dates when the oil prices were low.
You are selecting statistical outliers.
This would get you a F on any statistics test.
I think that's when Clinton bombed iraq, either then or 1997. No shit there's a minor crash.
is a massive fag.
Theres lots of dates where the oil price is lower than now.
Yes but is lower more than it was a few years ago.
Yes and the oil price had been climbing since 1999, which is why the Venezuelans based their economic plan on it, until the oil price crashed in 2015.
it was caused by stupid government decisions (setting maximum prices etc), and then the capitalists just held on to their goods or sold them abroad, making an artificial scarcity
and that happened because the "socialist" government" didn't expropriate the capitalist class
So it was more to do with poor economic planning by the venezuelan government?
Yes. Im not the guy you responded to, I just wanted to call you out for your non-argument of "oh but in 1950 it cost only 15 dollars" which was wrong due to inflation.
Im just trying to understand it.
I mean you go to a gas station and the prices are hardly low by any stretch of the imagination.
It makes sense if they started an oil based economy in 1999 and forgot about the need for economic diversity.