Who here /wageslave/

what's it like these days? is it still poverty hell. i remember vaguely being pissed off because i had to work 60 hours a week to pay my bills and couldn't afford to go to school (parents were too rich to qualify me for financial aid).

i think if you shack up with a nice group of people and take pell grants and study something that can lead to a job you do alright tho. that's what some of my friends were up to anyhow.

Fuck off bourg

Why you gotta do me like that, user?

nah man my parents were abusive bastards who cut me off when i came down with (repeated) bouts of mono. i had to run away from home when my brother tried to kill me (it was okay cos i made him do it).

wageslaved for about 8 years? and lived on social security for some time as well.

I wasted too many of my years waging in a dead end job, I was so stupid because I thought I didn't need so much money, just enough to live. When I was married for a short time my wife also made good money and between us it was enough.

Now I have to pay child support and I can't afford rent anymore, so I had to move back in with my parents.

I can't ever qualify for a job that pays more than 15 or so an hour and I need 20.

Just realized there's no end to this. My 65+ mother and father are still working and they have no intention or ability to quit

I'm also Mexican and there's the added fear of whatever the hell is happening with the new right

it's pretty fucked tho, like there's no way out?

i seem to remember some crappy too poor for school → too undereducated for a decent job → too poor for school cycle, but maybe it's Not Actually That Bad

Why aren't you finding and killing porkies? Sounds like you have nothing to lose. It must be nice to be so free.

Propaganda of the deed didn't raise the masses's sympathy toward socialism, he would be more productive pulling an eloborate false flag.
On the other hand being found out pulling a false flag raise sympathy even less, so i don't see how killing spree can ever be productive…

lmfao typical self-centered out of touch rich fuckwit. Of course wageslaving sucks, of course its impossible to be happy and work full time AND go to school full time. No living with other people is the worst, your friends are fucking faggots and only enjoy each other's company because they're normies with the self consciousness of a beetle. Everything is shit, wageslaving is shit. If you're a NEET be happy you don't have to be a wageslave, its miserable and there is nothing redeeming about it. College is also miserable and having roommates is miserable. There is no room for happiness or comfort. Our parents were fucking normie faggots that's why they liked living in apartments with 2 roommates and working 60 hour weeks while going to school. It had nothing to do with entitlement, they were faggots and they got paid really well and knew they had a good chance at getting married and owning a home. All of it is total trash. Its fucked.

my thoughts exactly



is it even possible to work and college full time tho
i had myself convinced that was a recipe for failure.

How the fuck am I even supposed to save money under neoliberalism what the FUCK.

what countries are you guys from? here in canada i've never had trouble finding full time work paying more than minimum wage and rent / food / other essential expenses combined usually only cost about half my income. being a wagecuck still sucks but i have it pretty good compared to others it seems

i was working at $9/hr back in 2010 or so and could barely cover my expenses. further education was entirely out of the question although reportedly this country is hungry for software engineers (we just don't want to train them).

i'm in burgerstan

By completely enslaving yourself to the self reproduction of capital and throwing away enjoyment and your health with a third job… Who nedd sleep anyway?

wage slaving was so shit I started claiming benefits and just being broke. Its better

It could be worse, at least I'm not this guy

You should do like the Chinese and just live in a shack at your workplace. Save bus fare!

What the heck part of Canada are you from? I'm in Toronto and 2 of my grocery managers have degrees in Chemical Engineering and Business Administration. My uncle works at UPS and even fucking welders are getting jobs there because the job market is shit.


Honestly not too bad, I wish I lived in a more poppin area but thats much to blue for my blood.

how is the chemical engineer guy a grocery manager

What do you mean? He got his 4 year degree, tried to find a job but couldn't because Canada's chemical engineering industry is centered around making Tim's Coffee cheaper.

that's my number one fear: that i'll go thousands in debt for a supposedly valuable degree and end up no better than i started out.

I got a journalism degree and I'm a shelf stacker now, sorry to not have anything better to offer

I want to die

Found your problem.

Small town Alberta NEET living in parents basement. Paying rent I made from a year of Wal-Mart, quit my job in a bout of depression. Can't even cook for myself because I don't care, parents make good suppers.

probably going to kill myself before they make me search for a job.

write a blog, there's too much buzzfeed on the internet rn some actual content would be nice for once

maybe you'll get noticed

Buzzfeed etc is part of the problem, the field is so saturated with unpaid blogging already. I mean you're right of course, I need to write, but I just can't be bothered to do anything, when I get home from work I just want to sleep and hopefully not wake up

Idk sorry you're right, I'll try.. I just have no hope for anything

it's probably cos you work at walmart tho

keep your chin up!

Thank you user.. life just sucks

Don't feel that bad. I did a philosophy degree and now I'm doing freelance scab journalist work. Doesn't even pay me enough to move out of my parents' house.

so i got a scholarship to go to trade school and i really like it except that i suck a lot

like i can't follow directions and i lose things constantly and generally just really fucking suck.

how do i change guys? ritalin helps but i think the years of enforced NEETing is the real culprit.

I feel your motherfucking pain my dude. If my whole life is just going to be doing shit I hate until I die then why not skip the preamble? Life is hard and getting harder and I just want the economy to fucking choke already and start torching shit.

Stratera helped me quite a bit. You kind of just have to train yourself and order your life to kind of manage things if you have strong ADD, but it can be tough since you're constantly being bombarded with shit day in, day out.

it's hard getting organized but i was a fairly functional adult at one point so i'm sure i can do it again.

do you misunderstand things a lot or should i start blaming some kind of auditory processing disorder for this one.

If there's a lot of shit going on or I'm distracted then I have a hard time following conversations. I've kind of trained myself to repeat instructions back to people just to make sure nothing gets fucked up. It might not be your fault though. Most people are barely literate dullards that have no idea how to use language, so much of the time the stupid bullshit that spills out of their mouths is nonsense in the first place.

well that's reassuring then

only thing that keeps me here is my family, i just wish that I had never existed so I wouldnt be causing pain to anyone by leaving

it's funny really, 5 years ago I wanted to work for a national paper doing something important, 3 years ago i accepted i would have to make do with some crappy local rag, 1 year ago i thought that maybe if i was off welfare and getting minimum wage i could be happy-ish, now i know there's nothing to look forward to but death

im sorry for sadposting, i just have nobody to talk to..

why does the world have to be so cruel when we could all live like human beings?

learn to code?
get promoted at wally world?
start working on the Great Canadian Novel?

Have a screenshot for a expressing the main issue of our generation.

I get you. The following is going to sound really FBIish but often times I feel like a totally get why mass shooters and lone-wolf terrorists do it. I don't feel like a living human, I feel like a cornered animal that can only expect misery before death. I'm not going to do it or suggesting that anyone should but whenever I feel like ending it for myself there's always that creeping idea that maybe I should take my boss/some cops/whatever with me.

Also shouts out to the NSA reading this.

Nah man, I feel you. I should be asleep for work tomorrow, but I keep putting it off. It's the same shit week after week. I can't leave it, because nothing else pays as well or has a set. fucking. schedule. I can't pretend that suicide isn't occasionally appealing.

What's more appealing though is just burning down the store I work at. So what if they throw me in jail? It's not like I'm not in a prison now. I don't make enough to go anywhere or do anything, ain't got a girlfriend or anything like that, can't afford school, so so what? At least I don't have to worry about paying rent then, ha.

I want to encourage you to not give up, though. It feels really shitty, and it is really shitty, but things aren't completely hopeless.

I dunno if this helps at all, but I write a lot. Like, innumerable pages on the daily for the past sixteen years. I'm pretty good at it imo. Only if it's erotic roleplay though. Like, dungeons and dragons, bikini armor, that kind of shit. It's like collaborative story telling, and I've met some really great and talented people over the years, and even though a lot of it is really trashy fetish fiction, the people I write for just love it. They love the everyloving shit out of it. It's weird, but it's really fulfilling because you're making something special with somebody, and the process of creation has an ameliorative effect on the pain of being treated like a mechanical piece of shit all day.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that you've got to get away from the idea of creating for consumption or that you're only as good as the numbers in your bank statement because that's all bullshit, and that the process of creating for creation's sake, and to see something you imagined come to life from your own labor can be really beneficial, whatever you end up doing. Wasn't Emily Dickinson completely unknown in her time? IIRC no one knew about her poetry until her friends came to clear out her house after she died. Maybe this is a lot of rambling crap, but if you aren't already, then write what you want to write, not what you think you oughta be writing, and see how you start to feel. I ain't an expert or anything, but it helps me and it might help you.

Op the guy in your image even makes the same face I do before going to work.

Long since given up on retirement and keep my gun because when I get tired of living I have a way out.

Family calls and pesters me about my niece and her dance recital out of state but I just don't have the money and neither do I care.

Hate to see the world for her generation in ten years.

Yeah, but you're right. We're trained like animals and treated like animals and then we're put in this fucking pressure cooker with no escape, and then when a bunch of people get shot these dickheads on the news or town hall stand their with this dicks in their hands wondering "how did this happen?"

Micah Johnson might have been a reactionary fool, but at least he went after the ones that deserve it, so that at the very least he didn't die a complete waste.

Thank you all anons. I cried for a bit and I feel a bit better now, I'm gonna go to bed now. Shout out to the suggestions about being creative, that's important for sure, I just wish more people watched my videos and or I could make a living off of it like some people, but I guess that's not really the point of doing something for yourself. Ahh well…

this guy has the right idea
any tips for an aspiring pulp fiction writer. i kind of feel like there's no money in it but the lady up the street is a best selling author and she supports her husband on the proceeds.

i want a house husband XD

notably i want someone to write shitty fiction with me

I left it all behind and have found solace in the neet life.

Read everything you can get your hands on, old stuff, new stuff, poetry, prose, trashy fiction and the classics. Words are you tools, so the more words you know and the more ways you know how to use them the better your work will be.

If possible, take Latin or Greek. I took Latin and it actually taught me more about how English works than my composition or English classes. Probably you can find a copy of Wheelock's Latin used somewhere for practically nothing, but what I used was Learn to Read Latin by Keller and Russel. You don't have to become an expert or anything or fluent in the language, but you'll learn a lot about how language works and why. The Latin classics are also pretty good reading imo with some wonderful language.

But yeah, making money from it can be tough. At the moment it mostly seems based around just churning out content on the reg and putting it where people can see it. Look at some artists or writers on tumblr or wherever and you can tell most of them were never really great to begin with and in all their years of working they haven't gotten any better, but they have decently sized followings because they just keep putting stuff out.

So, technical aspects aside, perseverance is the most important quality. Don't worry about being "good," worry about getting things done.

To date I've only sold one story though. A friend of a friend commissioned a vore fapfic from me. Four pages at a penny a word and it came out to about 24 bucks. She ended up loving it though, so I guess that's what counts, lol

i think the issue is creativity honestly, therefore the interest in
how does woody do it?

the "movie a year" not the little girls

You really kind of just have to write and write and keep on writing. Most of it will be bullshit that goes straight in the trash, but you'll still be learning from it, and the bits of pieces that are worth keeping you can eventually stitch together when you're actually feeling creative. This can be kind of discouraging for a lot of people because it makes them think they're bad at writing, but it's just practice, like anything else.

It can be helpful too if you set challenges or limits for yourself or try to consciously mimic the work of others. If you get bored with writing and you just can't do it any more, then read instead. Keep a notebook with you (which you should always have anyway) to take notes on phrases you like or ideas to pursue later.

I'm making $8 an hour. In 2017, in America.

i hate canada so much

If I ever have to pay you a living wage, I'll just replace you with a robot. How does it feel, prolecuck?

Oh boy…I know this artist.

Replace us faster, Porky. Then we'll replace YOU with our bullets.

He sounds full of shit. I'm Canadian see my posts above. Nobody is going to hand you a job paying more than minimum wage, let alone fucking being able to afford rent/food on HALF INCOME. The fuck is this guy talking about?
I don't know why Canadians talk like we have some welfare state like Finland.

Nope. Everyone is hiring part time and contract work. Even the full timers at my workplace have 32 hours maximum to avoid benefits.
If you want someone to absolutely fuck your shit up sure.

Read up on the Temporary Foreign Worker program. You can't even get a job at a Subway because the employers want to pay some dude to fly over from Haiti to live in a shack and make sandwiches.

So i've been misled. All these canadacucks have been lying, shilling for their cheap knock-off of burgerstani squalor. This makes me feel confused, I want to be upset but its satisfying knowing that Canadians live in the same clown culture we do.

He does great work.

GR. Services Industry. Night Shift. 8h. 7 days a week. 7 months per year. 1000 per month. Living with parents, even if big house. Hope I'll be able to live on my own someday. … Hope to have a life someday.


Canada is basically USA except you can visit the doctor for free (where he will prescribe you your $100 medications that you must pay for yourself). We have the same unionbusting shit, same low wages, same lack of jobs etc.

have sex with me user

Am not gay.

Canadian liberals can be smug as fuck. Just imagine a whole country of Justin Trudeaus. Lying, sniveling little imperialists whose only point of pride is their superiority over America.

What the fuck, is that less than $5 an hour?

And .. .. I guess? Never really cared about the /h thing.

Oh, and, I have it good compared to others. Since basic is 600/month … .. but they get days off.

str8 female seeking house husband
must be Good With Fingers
advanced dishwashing skills a plus

I can wash dishes, but I refuse to sweep floor.


do you eat carpet tho

There's not a day I don't think of death. I want to die.

Meh. Sure.

This conversation serves no purpose, though.

Please sex me instead.
Am virgin


You are like a little baby




I unironically want to die. No I'm serious. I'm not attaching some ironic meme because my sentiment is sincere.

what the fuck now how does the internet work

do you have a terminal illness
i say take down porky with you but that's your call

As a worker, you're not really supposed to be saving money under keynesian neoliberalism. FYI


It depends where you live, where i live in Quebec theres no shortage of jobs, a lot of them will pay a little more then minimum wage however you need to understand that you pay a lot of taxes and everything is more expensive then in the US, also our minimum wage in Quebec is 11$ last i knew, which is currently 8$US, so it ain't that much more. Even when our dollar was high back a few years ago, even to the US dollar, everything was still expensive, I think even retailers where brought to court over this but nothing changed. I've had many jobs over the years and they where all shit and I was treated like shit, it's no different from any other place.

As for benefits, yes we have free health care however its awful, the average wait time for the local hospital emergency is 12hrs. It's extremely hard to get a family doctor, I informed myself last year about getting one but it's a minimum 2 year waiting list. Going to a clinic is hell, a lot of clinics only accept appointments if you have a family doctor. One clinic i use to go to when i was young only accepts people who've had an active file there in the last 5 years because of shortage of staff, everyone else gets turned around. All clinics that are open to public are first come first served and most will have a lineup one hour before opening. The reason i know this is because i had health problems last year and had a hard time seeing a doctor. I needed to see a specialist and it took 1 whole year to finally see them (of course my condition wasn't critical) and pass physical exams. We have a shortage of doctors, we have free education here, but you still have to pay for tuition fees and books and what not, however it's not hard to get Loans and Bursaries unless you already have a salary, then you can fuck off(tried going back to school but could not get assistance, had to pay from my own pocket). Where I'm going with this is that, iirc, we subsidize a lot of student doctors many years ago however many of them left Quebec once they graduated to get better pay elsewhere, kinda fucked us over.

In the end, Canada isn't perfect, however you read about the US and it doesn't seem that bad sometimes. I'm sorry your in a rough place Americans and others, however we have our own bullshit we have to deal with here.

So much for communism with people like you

this is temporal, transitory - things will change

as usual, a bunch of people will have to suffer, maybe it's us?

I mean honestly guys what did you think? Life is suffering for most humans and most who are on Earth today l
are doing worse than you. So why are you complaining?

Also to most of you who have shitty jobs. Most of you who have no skills/experience/degree in some that's in demand. I mean seriously.. Journalism? Philosophy? Business Admin? What did you think would happen when you chose those majors? Why didn't you plan your future ahead better? Why didn't your parents warn you and give you advice on career pathways?

In terms of better jobs. There are plenty of good jobs in STEM and in trades. You just gotta do your research and be willing to put in the study and learning to get it.

Just think what will be in demand in 5-10 years? Doctors.. nurses.. genetic engineers.. programmers.. civil engineers..

And then do something in that field.

It's really not that difficult.



man, this is what really did it for me. the last job i had, I was living in my van, and the van didn't pass smog so it couldnt be registered. thought, ok, i'll bootstrap it a couple months and be back on my feet, get this thing street legal..
it took me an entire year working 35hrs / week just to get out of the parking lot. i was completely stuck there. eventually i dressed up like a ghost and lied dead outside all the time after my shifts in order to get myself fired but damn.
i suggest this to anyone still wageslaving: Get a Face Tattoo immediately. Its so freeing living on the outside.

kys faggot

how the fuck are you guys all so broke?

I work 40 a week delivering pizzas and pay my bills just fine with fuck around money on the side for video games and whatnot. it pays like 12 or 13 an hour (after subtracting for gas) depending on tips, and I live in Orlando so rent isn't particularly cheap.

do you all have kids, or are you paying child support? you can get food stamps if you're failing to pay for your own food, you know.

i'm not saying it's ideal and I'm all for improving/ replacing the system but it seems like most of the people ITT (and the OP image) are painting a much bleaker picture than what I'm experiencing. work doesn't make me THAT miserable, damn

yeah, a job where you get to ride around getting blazed and listening to your music>>1735558
it's like you're really a fucking idiot


Fully domesticated househusband reporting in