The Belt and Road is How

is this the catchiest propaganda jingle ever produced?

Other urls found in this thread:–09_Keynesian_resurgence

the Chinese are so corny

Bomb people, steal their shit, starve millions to death, threaten the world with nuclear annihilation

Build a shitload of trains to help everyone connect and work together.

building infrastructure for trade is exactly how American sold its foreign policy during the last century too

thats why im learning chinese just to hedge my bets if this whole r ace war thing doesnt work out

That's not what I've seen them doing in Namibia.
this is a good book about their infrastructure building. who knew they were doing it with only chinese workers and chinese supplies. so simple. and what the chinese workers stay behind and open shops that rely entirely on their connections to chinese factories selling them cheap goods that cannot be competed with in the existing economy and due to africa being so shit they have no way to really deal with the flood of low cost goods which is destroying jobs for locals.


jesus fuck! i never thought i'd see something like this in my day

Colonization with Chinese characteristics :^)

the pdf/epub of that is pretty available btw if you want to pirate it

Just curious have you seen this personally?


Yah it's neocolonialism bro. China is hooking itself up as a superior partner to the rest of the third world. That said it's way better than modern American policy yeah, even if Chinas motives are probably totally self interested it's still improving Africa

I did, it's a lot like what says. Ministers are bribed, mineral rights are acquired, the local economy is devastated to make Chinese the dominant mercantile class.

The irony is that those relations go back to China supporting the anti-colonial struggle in Africa.

Chinese view Africans as subhumans in need of Chinese rule, the anti-colonial shit is/was just a front to get allies and resources.

Most of the infrastructure they are building is being done without any regard to the few scant safety regulations that already exist in Africa. Also most people are unaware of how much the US has really done to help the african countries find prosperity but that doesnt really matter tbh because most of the help does just end up being stolen by politicans who use it to build needlessly extravagant mansions and shit

Too bad that for the western left honesty is a component of not being white.

Yeah but the Chinese approach is different and it's working a lot better, that's the point. Like I said yes China is ultimately getting the most out of it but they paid for and built the headquarters of the AU personally, that sends a message imo

most of the Western left are basically post-Christians with guilt over imperial sins. even idpol is a bizarro form of conservatism in some ways, imo
Empire of Dust as most people have probably seen or at least stills from.

yeah because they don't ban bribery like the US does for companies that deal with Africa. I know you'll try to do some whatabout from that but the US truly has been at the forefront at trying to ban bribery done as part of business.
Bribery is incredibly toxic for a country that is undeveloped and is probably more responsible for the current state of Africa than colonialism. Of course an approach that turns the bribery level up to 11 is going to be incredibly effective and such an environment is going to hurt the normal african citizen the most.

ugh stop with this shit, most liberals dont give a fuck about anyone whos non white until they're specifically instructed to by the media. Obama remained a media darling for 8 years while drone striking and bombing third worlders

The United States has been at the forefront of international efforts to combat corruption in the global economy for almost forty years, chiefly through its Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA). Over the past decade, US enforcement of the FCPA has surged - both in increased numbers of enforcement actions and through the application of increasingly expansive interpretations of jurisdiction through which to enforce the FCPA on an extraterritorial basis. On one hand, extraterritorial enforcement of the FCPA has promoted anti-corruption policies and the banning of bribes abroad. At the same time, three aspects of FCPA enforcement shape and constrain the broader goals of global anti-corruption governance in ways that limit effective governance practices and meaningful anti-corruption reform in the global economy: the narrow conception of corruption upon which the FCPA is based; the strategic trade frame which underlies the FCPA’s internationalization; and the legitimacy problems these suggest.

the battle against corruption is one of the few admirable things this kiked out country has done

Call this whataboutism if you want but clearly the US loves corruption, they just prefer it in a slightly more elegant form than the African model, you and I both know that western aid has been ineffective and charity has become an utterly corrupt industry.

It's not improving Africa, it has no motive to do so. It would be mutually beneficial if there was some competition there but China has a monopoly advantage and just dumps literal shit there.

I don't think so. Christians supported colonization as conversion came with it.

It's this attitude exactly. But Obama, but drone strikes! As if Africa has been carpet bombed in a racial holocaust for the past few years. The guilt is already placed, it only has to be filled in.

But it's propaganda for whitie
You do that in english and with an varied colour palette

It wasn't really taht "catchy", but then the cracker starts rapping

What could go wrong

this. Getting sick of chink propaganda.
People don't realise that they are slowly taking taking deep roots in many places around the world

yeah fuck me for saying the west should be blamed for our actions right? its nothing to do with race, eat shit. China is not benevolent either but how many wars of imperialism have they started lately. Frankly I don't see how Chinese technocracy can be worse than the global system we have now.

I could have sworn this was done by chinese companies in Africa but apparently it was in China. God knows what kind of shenanigans they're pulling in Africa.

I too, prefer the ethnic cleansing of Muslims, Tibetans and other minorities to have them make way for more loyal denizens of the corporate state.

tibet and their claim over the south "china" sea is definitely not imperialism since there is no imperial since china is a people's republic!

It's all good as long as it's not the US doing it.

Give them time.

you better be studying your zhongwen then

this is especially tragic

yeah it's imperialism but excuse me if i dont give a fuck about some islands that are only used as a reason for nationalist dickwaving. the south china sea islands are literally even more irrelevant than the falklands. Call me back when people start getting killed by the thousands.

It's hardly admirable but I dont really agree that marginalising the Uighur etc by importing more han chinese is 'ethnic cleansing', yes it's destroying their national identity but really, the only way to put this into context is by comparing it to the west who did way worse shit.

but i dont really know shit about china so maybe ill stop arguing, I just hate america

good watch

You slipped "technocracy" in there as if it were a kind of redemption
They might appoint engineers to office, but they are still a shit, corrupt bunch, leading a country that only has dark plans for the world in sight

Fuck. This is ridiculous
Looks like a visual gag from a cartoon

The south china sea claim is almost entirely about fishing rights.
Chinese have overfished their existing stocks so they need to expand.
race to the bottom I see.

You wouldn't say "the only way to put trump's muslim ban into context is by comparing it to the evils of the islamic world which are a way worse".

Thank you.

I don't even like technocracy but at least China is ruled by human beings and not a faceless market algorithm

I never said 'China is good' only that theyre less bad than America so of course I bring up the west
that entire article is actually really good.

lmfao china


Fuck Muslims tbh. Islam is reactionary garbage.

I prefer authoritarian control over the economy to no control over the economy whatsoever so that the economy controls human beings, I would call it the ultimate violation of our species essence

Just have to kill the muslims to avoid violence


the us has significant control over its own economy man. We just had one of the largest Keynesian stimulus in history ffs. Perhaps this might surprise you but the US has more control over its banking sector than China does. Look up china's shadow banking sector

surely youre not talking about the bailouts? thats not what keynsianism is. the government being forced to just hand 600 billion dollars to the banks to stop the whole economy from collapsing and just enabling the financial sector to go further out of control doesnt demonstrate that theyre not slaves to the stock market

The bank and auto industry bailouts were loans that were repaid with interest.
But no the response to the recession was more than just those 2 bailouts.
Usually I feel like an asshole when I link a wiki page but you seem pretty unaware of what actually happened.–09_Keynesian_resurgence
The FED also conducted an enormous amount of QE

That, maritime trade routes, mineral rights, and… of course, force projection for the Chinese military.