
Let's say I really dislike women and actively go out of my way to avoid interacting them with them.

After the capitalism is overthrown and workers control the means of production and the workplace is run democratically, would I be able to go and join some kind of a workers commune that explicitly forbids or at least disenfranchises women?

If not, what about the opposite case? Will man hating lesbians be allowed to have their own women only communes? Will "freedom of association" survive the revolution?

Other urls found in this thread:


I mean…yeah sure but there's probably not a lot of people who would join them. Although I don't think they wouldn't exist.


If you're ugly you won't get laid no matter what economic system is in place. Fictitious capitalist alienation isn't preventing you from getting laid. Go beat up your parents for making you ugly and weird.

Daily reminder that if you're not a Chad or at the very least normal it's nobodies fault but your own.

you have nobody to blame but yourself for being an autistic NEET

I know people like this exist but I'm unable to see this not as bait.

kill yourself or gtfo.

Fucking autist.

Genetics aren't a meme. It determines your looks, and therefore your sexual desirability. Sex is 100% looks.

No. You'd have to go for Lacanian Psychoanalyses .

Also no. The to go Lacanian.


Confidence is at least equally important.

t. Handsome bloke whose never had a gf

I call bullshit, you have to be actively avoiding sexual contact if you're objectively handsome and haven't had a gf

This tbh. I was in the same spot when I was about 18-21 but it was because I actively refused to engage with women despite endless overbearing signs from them.

Then you're not as handsome as you think. I'm a socially awkward aspie but still get a decent amount of poon. If you're attractive girls will come to you.

Nigga you can get laid without much effort. Shit, just take some flattering pictures and get on Tinder or Grindr and eventually you'll find someone willing to fuck you. I get at least two 6.5+/10 weekly and I put almost no effort into it.

This thread is about avoiding women, not attracting them. Sexhavers leave!

What if rural?

Don't worry user, we'll just fuck all the women so you don't have to.

Didn't think about that tbh. Guess you're fucked fam.

t. handsome houstonfag

Looks like technology need urbanization to work, and urbanization creates alienation…

Sounds to me like it doesn't really solves the cause.

If you have a car you can use Tinder to find people outside of your immediate area.

And I apologise if this post came off as dickish (tfw 27 year old virgin with 4/10 practice gf), but even the most awkward objectively-handsome guys get enough pussy thrown at them that they eventually fumble their way to Chadhood (or at least enter Notavirginland)

Unless you're a NEET that avoids all social contact, thats the only other explanation

Still needs capital.

But OP, why do you hate women so much

Dunno fam, I went through a long dry spell before I got fat enough to stop being handsome. But I was really depressed and abusing the fuck out of ex and vicodin to the point it killed my sex drive. Still should be easy enough to get laid though if you're off drugs.

Who knows fam. All I know is I can get laid easily more than ever since I went from skinny to fat to fit. But I'm still lonely as fuck and want a cool gf to do relationship stuff with, only had one relationship and it was a disaster that made me give up on having anything closer than fwbs for a long time.

Sexy Aspie here. There are some women that are generous enough to give you sexual favors if you're friendly enough. If you're not downright hideous it can work. There's this crazy new age chick at my uni who gives "therapeutic fellatio" to autists. She claims it helps cure alienation and induces empathy.

How do i get a gf when im a shut in with no job comrades?

No idea fam. Getting sex is easy enough though, assuming you live in an urban area.


I have autism and I've had to get my dick wet the hard way. Where do I find women who'll suck my dick just for being autism?

Look for promiscuous psych majors who talk a lot about being holistic and spiritual. Look for a girl who's a little aloof, yet compassionate.

They're stupid and self-centered and irrational and lazy and never take responsibility for their actions and always gossip and scheme behind each others back even if they act like BFFs in front of each other and even if the girl herself is okay as soon as one girl joins a guys only group the mood immediately changes since 99% of the men are pathetic horndog orbiters who only care about getting their dicks wet so they start acting differently in her presence and ruin the mood and vaginas look gross and I don't want to touch one and the idea of sex itself sounds pretty gross even if a 10/10 hot supermodel approached me and propositioned me for sex I would refuse her because the very idea of sex is scary because I know I'd suck at it and she'd probably laugh at me afterwards and even if she doesn't do it she'll still tell other people about my shortcomings and ridicule me behind my back and the idea of sex itself is gross when you think about it we humans are after all just animals and sex is our biological drive like eating and pooping and stuff so whenever I think of sex I think its absurd how much value we place on it and how its really no different from animals and I remember seeing on Youtube videos of monkeys and stuff having sex in zoo and the people in the audience laughing about it and it just makes me not take sex as something serious but instead think of it as a silly biological function we were spooked into obsessing about so long story short I just don't enjoy the company of women or getting anything out of it?

If you can gather enough like minded men to join you then sure, I don't see why your group couldn't form a commune somewhere without any women. People will have total freedom of association or so I hope, because I have plans on creating a commune composed of unspooked like minded people like myself where there is no such dumb thing as an age of consent.

he explicitly says he wants to stay as far away as possible from the eternal vagina

Again, you need therapeutic sex.

That's why I think BJs from a nurturing, doctor like woman would be the best first step for sexual rehab.

it is in a society in which human beings are products to be weighed in a dating 'market', sex is just for "fun" and little else, and fucking strangers is the peak of human achievement.
That said youd probably have trouble even in a society without these problems, since youd still be bad at interacting with people and not prone to making friends, but some of the things that exacerbate that wouldnt be present and neither would the aforementioned things making finding a romantic partner nigh impossible.

Oh no, please no. I can already imagine her getting back home from work and ranting to her husband about what a pathetic customer she had, or gossiping about it to her colleagues at work.

That run on sentence was absolutely amazing.

What makes you think we are going to be living in communes instead of normal houses and apartments in the first place?

Come on now. 1. you would be viewed as a patient, not a customer. 2. She wouldn't be doing it for her own pleasure. 3. I doubt anyone would marry someone who has sex with other people all the time as a job. 4. Any man who does would be a literal cuck and probably suck in bed.

girls are human beings just like you.
some girls are scum, just like some guys are scum. Some are ok, just like some guys are ok. Some are much like you.
the ones who do the shit you say you hate about girls are just the female version of chad normies. some girls have a list of reasons they hate men, they're true of about as many and about as good a reason to hate a gender in general.

You're missing something really obvious here. The therapeutic sex worker would obviously be married to another therapeutic sex worker.

Autistic women need love too fam.

As much as I like abloobloo threads, there's already a leftyfeels thread.

This now a therapeutic sex thread.

Cool, where can I download it?

under socialism i'll just work and come home and hide in my small commieblock apartment

Are you an Underground Man, user?

Technically you could, but most likely you would get help before your issues would have gotten to the point of wishing to segregate yourself from society.

i think i need to read this
it might be the final impetus to suicide that i need.

Read Nechayev afterwards.

Pretty cool story. Here's mine:

its been years for me.

That's impossible, you're an ally! How could you not be drowning in pussy?

go to a campus gym dude and do cardio. girls fucking everywhere.

Do you not have to take gen ed credits? Is your school exclusively for engineering? do what said except lift too.

Avoiding social contact while studying hard subject at university like engineering or science is easy peasy lemon squeezy.

And do what? Bother them? Ogle them? What to do? Why go out of your way to disturb someone else? Start talking and hear yourself say "Y-you too" and having pasta with sauce and meatballs come out of your pockets?

Maybe some other guys can get in situations where their presence may be welcome by the woman they are talking to. Maybe other guys are charismatic enough to get away with that kind of thing. But when you have a charisma of a wet sponge, then tough luck.

But those guys are not burdened by insecurity, not burdened by depression, fatigue, mental fog, and most importantly they have social skills. When you have those, no wonder no woman would want to spend a minute of her time with such mentally unhealthy person.

In self help articles, the healthy sense of self worth is repeated over and over, talks about healthy self esteem, about confidence.

But when you believe that you are a worthless piece of human trash, when you cannot imagine anyone wanting to spend time with you, and when someone actually does you just humour them somehow, presenting yourself as just a functioning person, never mentioning the part of being broken inside. And to top it all, an unhealthy level of masturbation mostly used to alleviate negative emotions. What woman would want a pathetic wanker who squeezes himself with a kung-fu grip.

And then you just soldier on, with studies and with work, never actually enjoying life and only surviving. Surviving because you don't want to sadden your parents with suicide. And then with the self improvement, things like learning languages and improving existing languages you know. What good is it to be able to talk to more people when you have no clue why would anyone talk to you, especially when they already have other people to talk to in their social circles.

This thread is shitty though so an extra personal log won't hurt.


Pretty much. They also teach applied maths.
Honestly, my biggest problem is having no time due to all the tests and projects I have to do. Besides, even if I did interact with girls, I don't know how to do it properly, and I don't really have much of an interest in getting laid,

You just go up and fucking talk to them for god's sake. You don't need to roll a fucking bluff check to say hello to someone.

Charisma is the natural expression of a hedonically integrated
personality. The prerequisite for entering CHARISMA TRAINING is the
quiet acceptance of ones own exceptional nature and the graceful surrender to the accolades of becoming a "star." Everybody Is A Star. To know and live this begins the process of CHARISMA TRAINING. The Training will be presented in the spirit of developing communications skills. Charisma, by itself, is not a prerequisite for communication. However, if learned, it can provide the conditions wherein communication may occur. Not just verbal but non-verbal, telepathic link ups to individuals and group minds.

Charisma communicates Sensory Intelligence and has the capacity for
awakening somatic response in others. It is an animal magnetism reflecting a knowledge of deep pleasure and personal power. It begins with the conscious radiation of your aura, or energy, out in all directions at once, (this takes a considerable amount of practice if it's new information) while remaining firmly in your center. Let your energy radiate only as far as the boundaries of your personal space, or aura. Then, let it "bounce" back and effect you.
Continue this practice consciously until you get the sense of your own
energy "re-cycling" . . . radiating out, bouncing off your boundary and
returning back to effect your center (where "you" are). The more you are
under the influence of your own energy, the more other people will tend to be, also… unless, of course, they are as deeply under the influence of their own source. This happens when two stars get together and form a stellar dance between a mutual center of gravity.

Focusing our attention into a laser beam of searing heat is another way to stretch our charisma. This end of the spectrum can be accessed in quite the opposite manner by which the other flourished. Instead of radiating outward to be effected by your own emanation, you can create heat through implosion. Radiate as little as possible until you feel penetrated by yourself. This is not as abstract as it may read. The process of self-penetration doesn't work for everybody. Stars that carry "heat" are quite exceptional. They are able, somehow, to contain terrific intensity without being overly expressive about it. By and large, this type of charisma expresses itself in a much more compact and minimalist way. It smoulders and burns. And where there is smoke there is fire and where there is fire, there is fuel. The fuel of this type of charisma is an intense physicality and a quality of personal density. Density is not synonymous with stupidity here (there are exceptions) but a strong instinctual sense… an earthy, gutsy style of being oneself. This kind of charisma is "hot" while the dispersed variety is "cool"… both are magnetically effective.

Best Image I've Ever Seen 2017

This might surprise you but at some point you're going to need to talk to girls. Just talk to the chubby jewish girls I guess they have the lowest self respect

Pestering random women usually doesn't work out. You have to go out of your way to forge those environments and contexts where you will have at least a few women with whom you can talk to over a longer period of time. It's a numbers game, it's a waiting game but I wish you the best anyways.

Jesus fucking Christ user, I didn't want to lead anyone to an heroing. I just wanted to point out you're far from alone, and that your problem is not intractable.

If you're serious about this shit, I can copypaste my little "manual" on self-medicating with illegal drugs. I don't have any hard numbers, but I'm quite sure some of the methods not only have a high success rate than antidepressants + CBT, but are also cheaper and healthier.

Back at my U, my EE classes almost always had exactly two women, whom we would we call Sine and Cosine behind their backs. Can you guess why? I have no idea how widespread this joke is.

Well some male allies do drown in pussy, but it turns out it was because they were sex offenders.

You're talking to the remedial class here, man. Yes, there's plenty of women there. And? What the fuck do I do next?

See above. Just walking up to someone and saying "hello"? Seems horribly intrusive to me, and I'd hate for someone to do it to me. And what the fuck do I say anyway? It's not like I'm in contact with my own culture and society.

These books talking about developing confidence and self-steem are even worse than the old retarded cliches like "just be yourself" and "stop focusing on bad things". I can't develop any sense of self-worth any more than I can grow a third arm.

That much is obvious, but just go "How you doin'?" to any random girl in the middle of the day? Be honest, you never did that. It's just like that bullshit about "just start a conversation with the person in line next to you".

you spooked motherfucker OP

Cuz engineering was just a phase for them?

take the blackpill OP


ALL human beings are scum

Nigger you don't know shit. I look like a fucking bridge troll, never shut up about SMT games and I still have been in multiple relationships.


…my MGTOW brother -> youtube.com/watch?v=qCojVu1rslg

Shhh, don't make him face his shitty personality.

It was a shitpost flag, Im not actually an anfem. But the lack of interaction I experience in daily life holds true.


Good guesses. But no, the reason is that you would have to square each of them up and then add them up in order to end up with one real woman.

Nah, never heard that joke before, but it does seem accurate for most girls in engineering.