I don't get it.
Ben Garrisons autism of the week
Other urls found in this thread:
Are we watching a man's slow descent into schizoid madness?
Is this his least labeled comic ever?
Alex Jones doesn't know how to play anything, let alone a violin. I mean the mainstream media. Great "symbolism", btw, Ben.
I had no idea I had this fetish
This is a fetish
Ben has some weird fetishes.
I can't tell who is playing the violin or who the violin is supposed to be.
Kudos to Ben for drawing a male celebrity he likes that isn't a shirtless adonis.
This is a Ben Garrison comic that could actually, unironically do with more labels.
I seriously want this moron to get an inoperable brain tumor and fucking die already.
Should we start a campaign to get Ben to come out?
Rejoice, for he is /ourguy/!
Ah, I see cointelpro edited out Commissar Jones's hammer and sickle.
It's written in the title of the notes, but I understand, Garrison is a subtle man.
Girl is MSM and the violinist is comrade Alex.
Wait who are those people?
It's a fiddle. As in, he's playing the MSM like a fiddle, which is a phrase that Holla Forums throws around a lot because of MGSV. Or maybe I'm giving Ben Garrison too much credit here.
The dude playing the fiddle is Alex Jones, a conspiracy theorist who is the main presenter of Infowars, the alternative news site Paul Joseph Watson is co-editor of.
No idea who the woman is.
the woman is Megan Kelly, aka the fox news bimbo who works for MSNBC now because of Fox's fifty different sexual harassment cases.
Megyn Kelly
They had an interview last night.
Thanks for clearing that up, Had no idea since I'm don't live in America or watch American news.
I'm suprised Holla Forumsyps love MGS so much considering most of it is commentary against facism, nationalism and libertarianism.
No she isn't. The cartoon doesn't look like a tranny, unlike Megyn.
They dont know that.
How long until Ben Garrison starts drawing reptilian jews and UFOs in his comics?
so wait, why does the violin have tits? is this some kind of weird fetish art? are all of ben garrison's cartoons secretly intended to be used as weird fetish art?
Holla Forums and Holla Forums's cognitive dissonance is amazing. Peace Walker praises Che Guevara openly and MGS4 has anarchist music apart of its soundtrack.
Gonna give Ben props for using real written music in the cartoon and not gibberish.
So it's just "haha I was just pretending to be retarded & let you completely wreck me, I'm really the winner cuz I said so just now" on a national scale. Says it all, really.
posting in pointless bitch thread
Megyn Kelly calls Alex up to do an interview.
Alex tapes Kelly's phone call.
Kelly says she "promises she won't do a hit piece" on Alex.
Alex finds out she lied.
Alex released taped phone conversation.
Alex now threatening to leak full interview (unedited) to prove it was a hit piece and highly censored interview.
Kelly on panic alert. NBC threatens to dump her.
We all await Alex Jones dumping covertly recorded audio of full interview, uncut.
Kelly about to be completely discredited.
How am I supposed to interpret the fact that the thing he is playing isn't in the score?
He knows how the play the msm but fucks it up?
He will fuck it up if he doesn't dump the full unedited audio of the interview very very soon. People are still waiting, so am I.
Holla Forums is so retarded even you autists could take them on with some coordinated effort.
And in favour of Japanese Feudalism.
I think that's safe to assume at this point
a shame they can't both lose
Should people with schizophrenia be banned from partaking in any form of politics, including voting?
Never heard Jones talk about Lizard men, hes a good boy, just a little confused.
best video youtu.be
Stop posting fake photoshops.
Ben is a borderline lolcow.
I fully support these threads that discuss his autistic scribbles.
are we gonna have a Garrison thread daily now?
I know people were trying to say that the pictures allegedly drew by Garrison of his latent spanking fetish were "fake" or "from some other guy"
But that violent has titties
Never let your guard down on showing how autistic the other side of the aisle really is. Humiliate them so others learn as example. Could just be ten, twenty people. But it's ten twenty people who otherwise wouldn't think "Fuck I'm associating with this Garrison dipshit"
Garrison is saying that Alex Jones is playing the MSM like a damn fiddle.
Does that make Paul Joseph Watson Paz
Mgs 1 ends with a speech against genetic determisn for fucks sake
It's nothing to do with MGS. "play like a fiddle" is a common saying and has been forever.
What's he playing?
you can't deny that MGS didn't popularize it on the internet with the Holla Forums crowd
I can't because I've never played MGS and I only participate in Elder Scrolls threads on Holla Forums so I don't know these peoples habits.
piano music.
Wrong. There's no bass clef. And those double stops can be played on a violin.
go give /tes/ a bump
Yeah… except the phantom pain that literally about nothing. I fucking hate that game. Sons of liberity is still the best with the sociopolitical commentary
Is the interview actually worth anything? I'm already sick of hearing "no plate fohrm don't leg it eh mize ok? praise NPR ;_;"
I don't know where i was going with this one but it's something perhaps
nah, it's pretty fullblown atp, he's starting to remind me of David Gonterman
plz be tru
found my new fetish
Is that fucking Barry the Chopper?
Where'd you get that Karl Marx face?
I just googled some marx comic
I didn't know what to do with the violin. Feel free to add something as long as it looks good and makes sense
Nah. Barry's mask and helmet don't look like a samurai's
Every single big character in r/the_donald is a lolcow in some way or another.
Somebody edit the score to be the internationale
That explains whining about losing the election 7 months after it ended.
We're still not liberals.
looks more like a fat russel crowe than alex jones tbh famalam
Do this, but leave everything else the same.
what did he mean by this
Alex plays by no one's rules, not even his own.
Holla Forums this is getting sad…
wow i didnt know autism could get this bad.
from 01:50 onward it's like a Tim and Eric sketch
lol kys
Somebody do a Muke and Sargon one just so that random leftypolpots can tweet it at him and make him sperg out.
This is actually a good idea
Ah man, good call on those headshots. I kekked and all.
Good lord get rid of the leftypol link man, we don't want his faggot followers coming here.
who hbomberguy? he makes good videos, he spends time on them & knows how to use the tools he has to deliver quality.
Sargon with tits, nice
None of the people in that pic are hbomb
I fixed it myself. Everyone delete your leftypol link version unless you want thousands of kekistan fuckwits flooding in.
What are you, Microsoft, man?!
so is anyone gonna tweet it to him?
Best to save it for the next time he goes completely retarded in Muke's mentions
Contextless it's not that powerful, this is best to respond to self owns with
Why does this guy go so wrong?