Ancaps at it again

Ancaps at it again.

Other urls found in this thread:

when are ancaps just going to admit they're just fascists

10 seconds in to the video and he's already demonstrated that he dosen't understand what a fucking informal fallacy is.

It's the new punk

Just raid his comments.

socially retarded weirdo
never expect something else

Edgy wedgy voice filter and avatar.

Guys i made it thirty seconds in without cringing to dead.

he was bullied in school like all of Holla Forums, nothing new.

Pretty autistic

The poor idiot probably got porked and owns a blue yeti mic. fell for false marketing.


He's got the wolf eared animu dude and everything Jesus

He deletesleftist comments with upvotes go figure…


is there a group of people in the internet fedora community more cringe-worthy than the ancaps?

This one actually gave me a stroke

His obsequious audience is disturbing, too.

TBH everyone in that video did not show anything beyond a superficial understanding of anything.

This is why no one like leftists cuz you were prolly one of those bullies

"wtf why don't people take me seriously"

Why does ancap soak up edgy retards like a sponge.

I know Holla Forums is generally really edgy but what is it about ancap that makes it appeal to the classic fedora-wearing, Naruto-watching, Linkin Park listening edge-master?

Shit like this is why I left the right. The ancaps have made the right so unbearable. This is coming from a genuine fascist.I would rather punch a ancap than a commie. Heck, I would let the commie join it.

They do realize that if America became ancap in the mid 90's, by 2000 they would invade Iraq for being "Socialist"? They will say that the "socialist terrorists" hate ancapistan for their freedom, and by letting them live they will make the "Socialist terrorist win". The ancaps are no different from neo cons. They both want global capitalism. Both just have different tactics.

flag checks out

To be clear, I'm an ex-fascist.

Most political opinions and ideologies use images and visual stimuli to appeal to the younger masses in an effort to expand, but penultimately this leads to the watering down of the ideology, as we can see with Petit-Bourgeois College Students temporarily LARPing as Leftists before returning to Liberalism. Anarcho-Capitalism was already watered down.

Dude, this isn't nearly as edgy and punk as Prageru!


Reminder, it's kids like him all grown up.

So you want to tell me, Iraq getting invaded by the US is a universal constant?


An-caps are retarded children(like all an-prefixes) that think unfettered capitalism free from government and laws and shit is the best thing ever.
Neo-cons are Trots that under the guise of being conservatives infiltrated the Republican party to lobby for an aggressive and hostile foreign policy against the Soviet Union because they never got over the butthurt Stalin caused them.

This is the shit the kids who sit alone at lunch say.

I was bullied as well but I didnt turn out like a dipshit. No excuse.

Could I have some more of that please?

She's right
But god damn she could have found a better platform

I wouldn't call someone retarded when you're illiterate.

She's not though. The idea of an "Islamic reformation" ignores the fact that Wahabbism is the Islamic reformation.

Spotted the butthurt anarchist faggot

from the comments

To Communists:

Those who are unwilling to contribute to society and expect to be fed and respected deserve neither… I'm tired of hearing these people justify their own laziness and problems on the rest of the world as if we should be the ones to feed them…

Do they expect to just be given free hand outs and think the world will take care of itself? People will still have to work to maintain things like taking care of animals, farming crops, repairs, keeping electricity flowing, filter water, unplug sewage. Do they think other people will just do this for them while they get free handouts? No one will want to work if their hard work is rewarded with the same as those who sit on their ass posting shit on Twitter and Youtube crying about shit that doesn't even matter.

Selfish people like that don't deserve to live. When in the face of adversity you can't just give up. Nothing worth having comes easy. I want to work as a free-lance artist doing drawings for others. I want to contribute while doing something I love. People who expect life to just go their way while others work is the truest form of selfishness. You disgust me. People will still be slaves. How else do you think these things will be maintained?

I'm sick of you Communists and your stupid shit. Grow some god damn sense and work for once in your life.

fuck bois communism btfo wtf im an ancap now

The song is infinitely funnier

How do we kill the "socialism/communism is gib me dats" meme?

The same way we kill the 'capitalism is voluntary exchange of anything' meme.


So, the bourgeoisie?
You mean the bourgeoisie?
Ask the 1%ers getting tax cuts?
I mean, the working class does that while the bourgeoisie get surplus value, so why not?
There's this thing called "intrinsic motivation" and btw, that isn't communism.
Yup. We agree. Pic related
Yup. We agree.
Too bad your labor will be commodified and you'll be alienated from the product of your labor, but it's okay, because we want to pursue our dreams too. That's why we're communists.
The bourgeoisie disgust me too, le fedora youtuber.
Hence, we will liberate them and create a classless society. The fact that you think one must be enslaved in order to maintain society is telling. Are you sure you aren't a fascist?
Funny, getting a job only made me more communist. Also rich coming from a student "free-lance artist".

Educating the people.

It's funny that Holla Forums is employed at a higher percentage than other chan boards and right-wing e-celeb comment sections. Almost as if having to work for a living makes you realize how shitty it is.

I remember when I was on Holla Forums years ago there was an American guy who posted a thread about how his blue collar job has made him realize the communists were right about everything and capitalism is shit.

Maybe he was just lying and was a troll from Holla Forums but nonetheless the pure outrage and tears from the Holla Forumsyps was beautiful. If it was bait, it was top quality bait.


Even if it's bait it's true. Having to work for scraps while porky gets to live in luxury off your sweat is the ultimate redpill.

Like that faggot has a business or a house. Or has even been mugged.

Oh! Well, that settles that, then.

plus porkies in Saudi Arabia funneling endless funds into spreading Wahabbism. Conservative muslims are actually less accepting to using violence strangely enough.