Why do ugly people hold right wing views?
Why do ugly people hold right wing views?
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Those are some big old titties.
Why did you stop posting girls with big tits?
Most ugly people are rightists
Got banned before
citation needed. i've noticed the opposite, but most people who are really into politics are ugly. doesn't matter what side.
I'd bet a tenner on that girl being center-right.
I bet shes a lib
Most woman are liberal
Most people are liberals
Shit thread, by the way.
and small cocks
They don't we just tend to focuson ugly rightwingers because it's funny. That said attractive conservative women are all bleached blondes with vacant stares and that creeps me out.
This thread is a stealth attempt at bragging, absolutely Holla Forums/twitter/reddit-tier.
Rude sage
That's Marie Claude-Bourbonnais; a French-Canadian cosplayer and a Trudeau supporter. I'll take that tenner now, thank you.
Most people are stupid.
It's actually untrue. Strong, attractive, talented people are statistically less likely to support economic redistribution, presumably because they are comfortable with healthy competition.
Another reason that leftists must embrace NEETs and autists.
Reactionary proles are cucks, leftist proles are swoletariat.
Nope, that's a variable control. Actual physical traits affect economic leaning more than a person's wealth.
The article starts with the hypothesis that stronger men will fight for self-interest while weak men don't assert themselves. What they found seems to support this, with wealth redistribution being supported by strong poor men and weak rich men while it is opposed by strong rich men and weak poor men. The only control mentioned is political party. So we have evidence that classcuckery is for weakfags and socialism is for strong proles.
They need ways to force women to like them.
Thats why they're always nostalging over things they never experienced:
"remember when women were conservative, had traditional values, really loved?" etc, spooks.
Even through they were fucking born in the 90s or 2000s… smh. They really don't know what the fuck they're talking about.
Lots of retards like that just have to grow the fuck up.
but it's the opposite though.
RESULTS: Rich men, who would benefit least from redistribution, were more likely to be opposed to it – but only when they also had large biceps.
IMPLICATIONS: Evolutionarily speaking, write the authors, "it is a fitness error for weaker contestants to attempt to seize resources when they cannot prevail and for stronger ones to cede what they can cost-effectively defend."
RESULTS: Rich men, who would benefit least from redistribution, were more likely to be opposed to it – but only when they also had large biceps. There was a negative correlation between the two, so that rich men with less muscle strength were more open to redistribution. In men of lower socioeconomic status, the correlation was reversed: stronger men were more in favor of redistribution, while men with smaller muscles were less likely to support it.
This is as bad as the "y r left wing people so muk more smart den dem righties!?"
it's true…
Even though most ugly people tend to be leftist, I would say not all ugly people have low-self esteem and/or are selfish and that is why some ugly people have right-wing views.
faggot. nazbol objectively has the hottest women
Same paragraph you illeterate faggot. Socialism is for the swoletariat and classcuckery is for skinnyfats.
who is that guy ?
is the left and facism are molding together or am i just seeing things?
Nigga what
yeah i must be seeing things
discrimination has nothing to do with facism, im a dumbass
I can't tell if you're being sarcastic
Wtf im a nazbol now??
most attractive people are either apolitical or centrist scum tbh
Jeff Monson.
..is she 18?
It's the opposite. Left wingers are uglier on average.
Fake News
This thread is fucking stupid. You can find ugly people on all sides of the political isle.
Congratulations OP. You've proven that Holla Forums is nothing more than the reactionary inverse to Holla Forums (which is also reactionary).
Fuck off americunt. Civil societies have lower age of consent.
The question can be restated as "why would an ugly person be a right winger?". This does not imply that right wingers are uglier on average
Well, that would be a more measured question. I don't necessarily know the answer to it but at least it doesn't make silly generalizations.