What is the ideal way to raise a communist child?
Raising communist children
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Within a community where they interact with a lot of other children and adults. This gives parents more time to fuck or do other shit away from the kids enabling stronger relationships and gives kids more experience in dealing with other people than they do now.
Nice try, Porky! No new slaves for you!
Creampies are NAZBOL
No difference.
Lots of love and time together.
Breeding is very bad. Adopt kids who without you would have no future and raise them to be revolutionaries.
Oh i thought you meant in communism.
Doesnt make any difference. You would adopt a child from somewhere else, freeing up resources for more kids. It doesnt solve the fundamental problem.
Also I want my own children, who are like me and the person I love, so I can raise them into happier, better versions of ourselves.
Breeding is important for the Revolution
t. Stalin
I'm uncomfortable with the op image in this context
Looks like an older sister taking care of her sibling. What's wrong with that?
Your kids will betray you.
The secret is to raise them as historical materialists without explicitly referencing politics or political movements. That way they will eventually go full commie when they become adults.
Not being an anti-natalist is indefensible tbh fams.
Do you not like girls with long hair, user?
kids have inherent senses of fairness and justice and don't want to see the weak hurt. you have to softball an explanation of things to them but if you frame things in simple enough terms, its easier to make them a commie than a cappie. though if they go to school you have to help them sort through the propaganda
stop this before mummy may sees
It's ok I live in freedomland
That's not a given. They did pretty much this in the kibbutz, the result was weaker less emotional relationships, but higher sociability.
Of all my socialist friends, almost all of them come from socialist families.
Kids most often end up being a lot like their parents.
go away spook
Neck yourself.
I used to be a conservative, and a republican. I got fed up with all the waste the state was doing, then found that the markets due the same thing but at a greater scale.
I'm big on use. I won't buy something unless I know I will use it. It really saves me on money, but also gives me a perspective of home much wasteful things we have today. I mean, we have glow in the dark donuts and fidget spinners. Why use does that have that will benefit our society? They waste time, and resources on this.
When I have children, I expect them to ask me for a toy or some candy while I am at the store. I would ask them if they will use it. Also, when I see something pointless or wasteful, I will tell them about it in some joking manner.
If you start with use for them, they will see goods with value not in money or "magical subjective theory" but rather if it is useful. From there, you can build them up to be communist.
the image has clear sexual connotations you fucking weirdo
I think you're a pervert, user.
I litterally dont see anything sexual with the kid.
The older sister, maybe.
It is not and definitely not when its a kid.
She's very clearly not wearing underwear
Probably because she just took a bath
And you do? What are you, a faggot? Who wears clothes around the house?
Eh, yes and?
You never bathed a child or bathes as a child?
Found the Amerifat
Oh god
The people who write this shit trying to sell it should be shot.
Why do children trigger Schopencucks so hard?
Daily reminder that children are great and that you should have one.
Because between nuclear proliferation, soil degradation, global warming, antibiotic resistant bacteria, and other such phenomena, life is going to be hell by 2050. Anyone who has children right now doesn't have the judgement necessary to make a good parent.
The same way most people raise there children.
Oh my god thats so cuuute.
So what research are you working on right now?
What if it isn’t hell by 2050.
The immortal science of Marxism-Shitpostism
He never said anything about food production or overpopulation. He's talking about things scientists are actually predicting. Meaning we either find ways to prevent them from happening or they're going to happen. If you aren't personally working on ways to prevent them then you're relying on faith that others will do the work for you. Science doesn't work with faith so they most likely will happen since so many have the impression that science is magic and it will just work out in the end.
Why do you sound like you come from reddit?
Did I ever say that?
Again, did I ever say that? Are you expecting religion to advance technology somehow?
Because you have a reddit boogeyman, anything anybody says that you disagree with must be from evil reddit.
Hello reddit
If that wasn't your point then why did you go all PRAISE SCIENCE on me even though the guy I replied to nor myself didn't say anything about it? It fucking screams reddit with their worship of science.
That line sure made me think you believe you are only entitled to have children if you are a STEMlord who works in some way to prevent ecological catastrophe.
pls go reddit
That is monstrous. If you have kids already, then yes, raise them with a healthy disrespect for capitalism and authority, but don't tell them to throw themselves against the meat grinder of the police state.
Bringing new life into a capitalist world is deeply unethical, given that you know exactly how awful this world is.
I'm glad you've experienced something outside of your comfort zone. Hopefully you've come out of this discussion with something to reflect on.
Stop posting here if you actually believe this shit, or at least put on the annihilist flag so we can know beforehand not to read your posts.
Read the Communist Manifesto to them as bedtime stories.
I wouldn't raise them to be communists. Kids aren't good at defending viewpoints, they'll have their mind changed unless you act as an autistic communit hover parent. Just don't let him get any retarded ideas about what socialism/communism is, and they'll turn out fine.
I'm the guy who said , I'm studying STEM, and I'm telling you right now that none of us should be having children if we have any sense because life is going to be absolutely miserable for them. You think things are bad now in Africa? Just wait until you see a nuclear wasteland with eroded soil (so no crops), mass disease and starvation, and constant interethnic warfare. It's going to be like Mad Max, but even worse.
I didn't say anything Malthusian. These are well-known facts.
You're that same guy from the STEM thread, aren't you? Interesting how you've only popped up very recently. You've dropped your flag.
This is like veganism. Its ok if you think this, but dont push it down my throat. Having the agency to have children is a fundamental human right.
Your shit sounds like it was taken straight from a peak oil forum
That's not what I said. I know to take what scientists say seriously because I'm aware that what they do is actual work and not idle handwaving bullshit. Clearly, the same can't be said for you.
If you had an ounce of sense, you'd listen to the relevant experts in their fields. Science and engineering are not politics, they are distantly related at best to philosophy. Theories are theories - until disproven, they are absolute truths.
Have I done work related to the climate? No, because I'm neither a climate scientist nor an environmental engineer. Do I have a real respect for what they do? Yes, and that's important. You should too.
I'm telling you, right now, that there are a million reasons why any kids born right now will wish they hadn't been. You and I both have no idea just how bad things are going to get. Luckily, one of us recognizes at least that this will happen if nothing changes.
Don't do this to them.
What rights?
You sound so sure yet you post an article which posits that total collapse is avoidable. Even under capitalism, soil degradation completely undermines their interests, profit that is, and they would likely be forced to find a solution one way or another.
Having children is counter-revolutionary.
You sound like a douche when you say that. Not meant to be mean, honestly, but it sounds really self-centered. When you want a child so badly you will throw it into a world that may very well be about to become hell.
I agree with this sentiment. You probably shouldn't be taking chilren while we seem to be on the choo-choo to total collapse.
The people who will be forced to find a solution are not the people who willingly cause these problems.
Having children under capitalism is child abuse, there's no way around it.
Hm, not sure I agree there. I'm def. not angry with my parents for conceiving me- I like my life, and there are enough people that share the sentiment.
But there's a huge change things will be nightmarish in 20 years.
Turn them into communists by osmosis. If you force them there's a high chance your kid will turn into a reactionary piece of shit just to spite you.
Is it really that hard to see things from a different point of view?
In one way or another, it will chiefly be the bourgeoisie.
You didn't read my post. I said it may *become* hell, due to soil degradation, overpopulation, resource depravation, climate change, automation. I strongly oppose anti-natalism in normal situations- but why drop someone into ecological collapse?
You being content with your life under the capitalist system is your own fault.
Yes but I'm just not optimistic.
Lol I meant I'm not depressed and generally happy, not that I'm content with capitalism. I hate it. I'm so sorry I'm not on the verge of suicide
Having kids is good.
Schopenniggers can suck my dick.
For fuck's sake how many times do I have to say I'm not generally anti-natalist
If you thought I was talking to you you're def anti-natalist.
He didn't reply to anyone
dubtrack thread:
post music and discuss theory
This! Please do this, adopt a chimp from the uncivilized world and teach him how to grunt like a human so all that's left of your legacy is an army of animals for the next generation to fight.
Sorta like your parents did.
Jesus christ can these fucking emo cunts fuck off
Kill yourself if its so bad, you fucking idiot. Anti-natalism is a sure way to turn anyone away from the left.
Well another guy responded to me with a pic of Schopenhauer so yeah it seemed legit
Not an argument. :^)
And we have good reason to make the guess that the solution will be Soylent Green or worse. My point still stands.
No one here even mentioned Schopenhauer until you guys started accusing people of liking him. I'm just saying, life looks pretty bleak for the upcoming decades unless socialism takes hold and immediately abolishes all mechanisms of institutional violence and value production. Even in the Dark Ages after the fall of Rome, there was a certain conviction that the world wasn't going to end, that your kids would at least be able to grow up and have a half-decent life if they worked hard and tilled the Earth. Life was short and brutal, but people had each other.
it might be hot but i think we should seperate that from talking about actual children
Also yeah I wouldn't even endorse antinatalism in socialism but under late capitalism it seems irresponsible to have kids to be honest, like what kind of life are you setting them up for
I actually have a funny story about this. Back in High School I had a friend who was a Rightwing Libertarian, a Tradcath, and they spent all their time on Infowars and similar rightwing conspiracy sights about the Illuminati and shit. And they were basically 100% doing it to rebel against their parents who they saw as "Communists" and "Socialists", when in reality the were just moderate centrist Democrats. Not even particularly socially progressive, it was a Catholic household, they just weren't crazy Tradcaths, just old people who were Democrats because it's the path of least resistance in a blue state. Anyway, fast forward past college, now they're a centrist Liberal SJW, they still kept all the anti-communist stuff though, so at least they're consistent on that.
Honestly this. Some people go through a "rebellious" phase but for most people it has more to do with drinking, smoking, experimenting with sex and drugs, and if it is about politics it'd make more sense to rebel against "society" then your parents. But at the end of the day, once the smoke's cleared, most people just end up looking like their parents tbh.
The world isnt going to fucking end. And whats the fucking point of fighting for socialism if I dont even have children or people I care about for which to fight for it?
I want socialism for me and my children, not for the "eternal glory of martyrdom". Its not a fucking religion and your retarded depressed ass isnt going to prevent me from having children. Fuck you.
Hell it still could. But no it probably won't, but billions may die or at least live in hellish conditions since the world has done almost nothing to address our overuse of resources/climate change. Why do you think that can go on forever?
And why would I not have children and everyone else can?
I don't know user, is morality defined by what everyone else is doing or whats right? You'll have the knowledge that you didnt cause more suffering in the resource wars. But if you really want to perpetuate your genes for spooky reasons I can't stop you.
Oh wow, I didn't know that if you repeated a proposition but added 'fuck' so that it sounds angry it is suddenly a killer argument!
First of, do flag related so you're ready to answer any ideological question it might have. Basically, up to his pre-teens simply make him understand that private property isn't something natural or some part of human nature, you can read him stories where the factory owner is the bad guy or some shit to make him realize how the world works.
The real pickle is once school starts, there you'll have to actively nurture him, make him realize on his own how much school is actually neoliberal propaganda and have him internalize socialist values.
And of course, you should be a good parent and not some insecure dipshit who takes his issues out of his children.
Yes. Thats litterally what morality is, a cultural set of rules about what is and isnt acceptable behaviour.
I dont give a fuck. If the whole world is going to end I might as well play and try to win or at least have fun and see how long I last.
You people make the left seem like a crazy deathcult.
I feel like 'oh well, fuck everything lmao, who cares about the consequences' is more of a deathcult attitude but what do I know. You sound like a boomer. Yeah you can't save the world singlehandedly but you can avoid creating one more person to suffer. Like I said, I can't force you to do anything, so enjoy I guess.
take that pop-philosophy tier nihilism and fuck off back to reddit pls
I am not ending my fucking life for a weak shit moralist argument of "oh you will make the world less shit".
If the world is really going to end, every child I dont have is resources for another child not to starve and thus in the end there is no net benefit. And then there is the fact that I do not believe in your crazy apocalypse fantasies. Yes, it may become chaotic, maybe some wars will start somewhere, but its not going to be literally Armageddon. If I have to take into account any possible negative future I can never have children. If life truly is so shit that it is overall negative, you can just fucking kill yourself. And the same goes for my kids, because I wont raise my kids with a crazy spooky religion that says you go to hell for killing yourself.
Can confirm: businessinsider.com
@OP: I was raised by a left-wing family and eventually became interested in the left after knowing the demands held by the student movement here, so you should just raise them normally, while letting them access all the info they could ever need (books and shit, but especially your own personal experience) so they can look for themselves. Though for me another huge factor was the fact my grandparents were murdered by Pinochet's dictatorship. That accounts for a pretty big emotional bond after you know the whole historical project of the left, the whole point behind the struggle.
I kind of wish my parents did though, socializing was always a huge problem for me, which I only eventually overcame thanks to militant work. It's tough to find a decent community in any urban environment today, people are pretty much autistic (in a sense of being alienated from the social) and all sorts of shit such as crime and drug addiction are rampant. Not exactly an environment where you'd want to leave your kids alone.
I know I would probably be a terrible mother but I really want one now.
I recently found a site about dialectics for kids.
>tfw I don't see myself being any woman's bf/husband, let alone have a kid because I'd rather not waste their time dealing with my insecurities getting the better of me
I feel the same but then I realize:
- I'll always be alone.
- I'll probably be a terrible parent.
- Capitalism still exists.
- Global warming is coming.
You probably won't, unless you have anger management problems, substance addiction, etc. Just make sure they eat their veggies, lurn 2 speek gud, question the world around them, hate the bourgeoisie and generally enjoy the few years of life where perhaps they won't have to worry about the inevitable frustrations and horrors to come.
Seriously, childhood should be a preemptive conciliatory gift to everyone for what the rest of life tends to throw at them. Not that adult life isn't worth living, it can be, but it involves hardship. It is total fucking bullshit that kids born into "lower class" families often don't have that luxury.
Give them a book to read.
fuck off pedo scu…. oh ……. too much 8ch for today.
I am the same except I am a man and I dont feel like I would be a bad father. I just cant support a child right now.
Ignore shitposting flag
*insert picture of dead babies and children in mass graves.*
Those poor Bengali Ukrainian children!
Infant death rate decreased by 82% in Russia during the USSR. Infant death rate decreased by 77% in China during Mao's rule. Really makes you think.
gtfo liberal scum, those babis where grain hoarding kulaks backed by the CIA.
oh god what's happening to me
Except it isn't strange to be part of the faggot misanthropic baby-hating bandwagon. You're more normal than them.
Taking care of an child is very hard and you have to make many sacrifices which I personally am not willing to make. At least not now.
Breeding = murder
Piss off
Not enough edge. Try harder.
Breeders are LITERALLY murderers.
You would rather not give them a choice? Do you want to impose your will on others? Force them to not exist? Murderer.
yeah well sorry but my kids will be able to deal with it just fine don't worry so why don't you bugger off with that
I would like to kill myself. I don't because I know it would hurt my parents.
Suicide is not a simple choice and almost invariably causes a lot of pain. It isn't the easy opt-out you make it sound like.
I unironically agree with this sentiment.
I'm a pedophile. If I can resist fucking kids, you can resist fucking to have kids. Welcome to the fucking club.
So, what your parents did is wrong then? Would you rather not enjoy the priviledge of living?
oh right you probably would
*not-fucking club
You should all homeschool if you're having kids because curret schools are capitalist garbage.
Why do you think capitalism is unethical?
Because its function directly impairs behaving in an ethical way.
literally a spook
If I can resist fucking kids, you can resist fucking to have kids.
oh wow have a fucking medal for not putting your dick where no one else is putting it either
why would you encourage him/her not to have a child. nothing wrong with having children /thread if you're not a pedo that is
but if you kill yourself how can you be sure you're parents still exist?
And taking other people's property is ethical? Capitalism is the only system I know that is not inherently unethical.
I can't be sure other people exist even when I'm alive. I'm erring on the side of caution.
Read the thread, or just look at the amount of suffering in the world.
Having children is just a way to keep capitalism going. If the world population stopped rising all the time capitalism would collapse instantly because the currency value is debt based and heavily reliant on an increase in consumers and production increase to make up for that. That and the world already has too many people for the world's resources to maintain for much longer. Once populations reach a certain density epidemic plagues soon follow.
get to know more systems then
literally not an argument
I don't throw autistic fits about capitalism and the overpopulation thing will balance out itself with time
Okay then, faggot.
Tell me about your preferred systems and why they are ethical.
Stop perpetuating human suffering.
I was mainly laughing at the notion that capitalism - a system which literally throws away food while people are starving and guards empty houses while people are homeless - is ethical.
But he wants to be happy user, that trumps any argument. brb going to shit into my baby's cradle because happiness.
it literally isn't. there's a large amount of suffering in the world… so? there's large amounts of literally everything in the world, it just doesn't make sense to discredit having families because of that. I suffer, you suffer, but we also quite enjoy life occasionally. I just dont see muh depressiun being an argument against life.
How bad would the world have to get for you to decide that having children is unethical? What ratio of suffering to non-suffering is acceptable?
buddy I literally don't care and neither should you
Yeah, fuck your childrens' future happiness. Who cares about that boring shit. Let's just have a baby! Babies are fun!
It really is depressing how animalistic humans are.
oh they will be happy alright
If I were a store owner, I would not do that, but are those people owed that food and shelter? Charities do exist and work when people are willing, by the way. Some time ago, a favorite YouTuber of mine had been homeless for about a year and he got through it with the help of a religious charity. He said most of the people he encountered in that experience were complete deadbeats who would spend all of their money on liquor and other hedonistic pleasures as soon as they got their checks. But that's beside the point.
You are dodging my question.
I honestly really want a child. I love teaching things to people and I can't help but think about teaching things to a kid of my own. I'd teach them to read, to grow food, to climb trees, to draw, to shoot, to code….but I'll never be able to afford it.
just adopt
Why not?
But that's true.
Seriously. Fucking breeders and carnivores are both disgusting.
I have to convert my woman first
non-taxable reimbursements
No idea what those are. You dont get any money for adopting a child anymore than if you had one of your own, its not foster care.
…the state reimburses costs necessary to raise a kid if you're a foster parent.
I meant adopt instead of having a child.