This is from last year but I just came across it. Infowars douche gets schooled on socialism by this based tankie. I'm not even particularly fond of tankies, but there's no denying this is /ourguy/
What do you think leftypol
This is from last year but I just came across it. Infowars douche gets schooled on socialism by this based tankie. I'm not even particularly fond of tankies, but there's no denying this is /ourguy/
What do you think leftypol
Pretty sure that dude (used to) post here.
Also that dude is rad.
I've never been fond of the auth left, but if they were to rise up tomorrow, i'd join them in a heartbeat. United front, yo.
Yeah the IWW guys are based.
I think his youtube channel is Pro-gun Red or something like that. And yeah I think someone here said they were him.
This guy is based
This shows left division is sometimes absurd, for how he talks about Mao he is probably an MLM. But I think still nearly anyone on this board can relate to what he is saying
his youtube, he don't post tho
Kill me
To be fair, after that stupid question the infowars guy was surprisingly friendly and civil.
Imagine it would have been PJW or any of these shrieking retards
This but unironically
He was right on a lot of stuff but saying Bernie supports Israel is pretty off. He is a fairly big critic of it.
That was actually really surprising. What a nice conversation between a leftist and a reactionary,
What exactly makes him a tankie?
Look at his hat for one
please tell me this is bait
More like a red fascist vs a reactionary.
do people think costumes like that look cool?
do you not read a lot? kikes always look out for israel, except hero Norman Finkelstein who is the 1 good jew out of 6 million bad ones
What his channel fam, and for how he talk about Mao he is probably a MLM (and that is inside your definitio of tankie probably)
Is it even possible to get elected if you don't slurp the jew dong? I'd imagine they'd start pumping endless capital against anyone who would criticize Israel while campaigning. As would anybody who was also on Israel's side (eg anyone who also wants to be in their good graces as well as almost any american jew).
I am no fan of Sanders, but that is not what he did in that article. Did you actually read the article that you linked?
yeah sanders said he was very critical of Israel but do not stop buying Israeli products, working with Israeli scientists, and enjoying and sharing culturual products with Israelis. Also the 1 state solution is dumb so just let's stay in the status quo but I'll say its really bad whats happening right now ;)
How is competition and an exchange of information bad?
How zionist is bernie compared to Trump aka the most pro zionist president?
You can be critical of Israeli Zionist imperialism into Palestine and stirring unrest in the rest of the middle-east without cutting off the entire country. What the US needs to do is recognize Palestine as a sovereign state as they need to do with Rojava, Tibet, and Taiwan.
Also, right-libertarians are the only people I've ever had productive debates with, so it makes sense that this wasn't just autistic screeching.
His uniform is cool