So are we gonna gate crash this or what?

Other urls found in this thread:

the 8th? are you fucking kidding me? get out of here with this shit thats a goddamn month away i dont give a fuck


Oh geez this may be even worse autism than the larping proudboys here in America

Sargoon and kraut getting their fucking asses beat up I expect nothing less.

holy shit are this people for real?

normally I oppose bullying, but someone should take his hat.

but honestly, why bother? Aren't they just atheists that talk way to much about feminism and islam?

I need at least one person to convince me to bring a picket sign with Holla Forums on it and be as much of a pain in the ass as possible.

I'd go if enough other people were.

Fuck no, let's not repeat Holla Forums, Holla Forums and Holla Forums here. In general, don't mention le communizms xD in general unless you have some plan how to use it for trolling them, and I'm sure there are better ways to do so, like religion or feminism.
Remember, successful trolling cannot be ideological, so do not think in such categories.


Basically this we don't want to be those cringy fuckers at HWDU only leftist

Grow a neckbeard Dress up in a fedora and kek shirt and hold a big sign that say

ill come

this this this but make it slightly more believable
it's enough if you wear an anime shirt and bring an obnoxious kekistan sign with shitty frogs on them, insert yourself into every photo
bonus points for ranting about american topics like pizzagate

Remember, no ideological autism, just trolling.

Isn't beating up pakis your job?

i was thinking more like eggs or whatever

the entire crowd will be like that anyway, why bother

Kraut and Tea is pretty good though, for a non-commie at least. Watch his video about what is wrong with the modern left. He expresses pretty much the exact position of Holla Forums, as in identity politics overshadowing what socialists historically fought for.
He is a welcome exception among all the right-wing nonsense in the community of Rational Sceptics™ on YouTube, even if he is just a social democrat.

or just start shouting through a megaphone "THIS IS MY RIGHT TO SPEAK FREELY" so they can't hear shit

I think it would be worth it to watch the sperg out

Anyone who thinks K&T is good still have sympathies for the rational skeptic fucktards from their own liberal days.

Seriously, just watch his hour long video on his SJW's and you'll see he's a hypocrite, drawing on identity politics and attacking people for using racism as a joke.

He's just as dumb as any of them, just with a sexy accent.

Kraut is just a liberal. He dindu nuffin, quite literally dindu nuffin, and he pisses off Nazis.

The video I talked about was what made me think about identity politics and its harmful influence on the left in the first place. (My "red pill", so to say.)
Sorry, but I am not going to watch an hour long video about SJWs. I can think of better ways to spend my time. If he has changed to the worse since I watched the last video of him, I apologize.

What I am trying to say is that he is at least trying to analyze how identity politics harms the left, unlike the other Rational Sceptics™ who just want to rant about SJWs the whole day. What they are doing is pointless and just serves to facilitate their own ego. This is, at least from my impression, not the case for Kraut and Tea.

You know, you should just mention that nobody, and I mean nobody wants to rape his wife and murder his child. Nobody wants to have been staring at him for the past month through a spotting scope, and absolutely nobody is ever going to set fire to his place. I just would never do that, because that's the wrong thing to do. :^)

Not really, espousing personal political opinions carries the danger of behaving seriously and starting the real debate, which is not good when you just want to piss people off. It's possible to master trolling with one's personal beliefs, but it's much harder than pretending to have some triggering opinions you don't really agree with(eg. feminism). Besides, in case of fucking up, it's not communism that will take the blame for fathering failed wannabe-trolls.

Btw, before I get banned. I am actually joking and do not live in the UK, but this is a play on a joke he kept going in the past. I honestly thought it was funny, but I don't think he could take the same level of bantz.

Muke and fuckmuir are apparently down.

Uh, no. If anything, we should be supporting them. The struggle against liberalism is a paramount issue.

fuck off


Going there with "leftypol" cardboards, chanting "NORMIES GET OUT" (or some vague leftist equivalent).

Dressing up in black, doing an hero vs. trash cans and alt-right retards.

Dressing up in USSR memorabilia, giving interviews/recording on mobile some shitty arguments how stalin did nuffin wrokn.

1. Dressing normally, no carboards, no chants, no victim-tier mobile phone recordings, no NUFFIN.
2. Listening through the (cringey) alt-right speeches, not even budging, waiting for the Q&A, meanwhile MAKING NOTES OF THE SHIT YOU'D WANT TO CRITIQUE.
3. Participating in the Q&A honestly:
No namefagging, no youtube channel fagging, no nothing.

Either do it this way, or be another embarrassment for the left.

Can anybody relate?

I think they're more just going down to a pub rather than giving speeches but idk.

The wizard hat shall be expropriated.

Apply the same principles to different environments.

Even if its a pub hangout I'm pretty sure there will be plenty of vids of it, btw.

That's at least one adult today.


[~3 hrs total]


You forgot the one I'll be practicing:
not going there, not knowing what went on, not knowing who attended and what the outcome was, but preemptively saying that it will be a waste of time worthy of being called leftoid bollocks, and then in hindsight retroactively confirming it all by gaslighting everyone who was involved and tries to pretend otherwise in a thread here.

That's a good post tho and all jokes aside it might actually be worthwhile.

And IF there are no several ppl making vids, have your phone RECORDING in your pocket.

Denk u.
I honestly believe that it is the only strategically sound approach.

(Non M-L) Leninist - bordigist groupsex: when?

Well, idpol-tier doesn't really apply as it requires making a scene to get the result you'd be going for.

Antifa tier could be hilarious if everyone dresses up as black bloc and just acts completely normal as if it's nothing around them.

LARP tier would require too much costumes that we don't have for everyone

adult communist tier wouldn't work because they're not there to talk politics anyway, so we can't just walk up to them and start debating without seeming autistic.

Someone post that gif of the dude taking the bitches hat and her getting salty 'cause it's her property.

I'm not going to reply to most of your posts, because I think you don't understand what applying the same principles mean.

>1. they're not there to talk politics anyway
Says who? Talking about the "muslim invasion" and other contheo isn't necessarily "politics", but it's definitely politics-ersatz proper. How is this a counter argument? Replacing ersatz-politics with real politics is the best setting one can have.

>2. we
Oh hi, britbong. Plz, don't fuck this up. If you are about to fuck it up you shouldn't go at all, ok?

>3. can't just walk up to them and start debating without seeming autistic.
Applying the same principle: join them. Stay mute, take notes. Record with your phone. Intervene on several points. When you are accused of being leftist come clean.

Be. A. Fucking. Adult. Who. Has. Balls. And. Political. Purpose.

forgot to add to my list:
babby fantasy-tier

I made an edgy post, but this is probably a much better idea.

One big caveat: be prepared. Don't do this if you are not a good speaker who knows his theory. You can do no good by providing an easy punching bag and being humiliated by a brainlet like Spergon.

You're aware what's gonna happen if you're too confrontational, right? They're just gonna say 'fuck off you leftists we're just trying to have a good time' and we'll come off as completely autistic. That's what I was talking about, don't need to get so shocked about it.

Yea, fair enough that one makes sense. I'd be down for that.

And be cultured, no matter what.

Two things, comrade.
1) A polemical point. There are layers to possible ways of "confrontations." You can be confrontational by being emotional, aggressive, hysteric, etc. There's also another way. You sit down. You make points. You get called names. You don't reply. You remember this thread. You think about the comrades, the workers you represent in the situation!
So? They perform what they believe (total cognitive chaos, insecurity, etc.). You perform what you believe (composure, calmness, analysis, facts, honest inquiry).

2) I fear that your resigned reproach signals that you already decided that you are going to do a LARP/idpol/victim/smashie-tier scene. If so: just. stay. home. you. fuck.

I haven't decided on doing anything and if anything I'm leaning towards your idea, so stop assuming you twat.

>You think about the comrades, the workers you represent in the situation!
>You think about the comrades, the workers you represent in the situation!
>You think about the comrades, the workers you represent in the situation!
>You think about the comrades, the workers you represent in the situation!

You have nearly a week to prepare. Decide now and stick to your decision.

It's in July, not June.


Well, no shouting sure, but no need to put on airs either.


Jesus christ these videos are terrible. A complete pseud.

You mean Kraut & Akkad? I agree.

Would anyone like to be a delegate for the NazBol Gang?

Eww I don't want to catch autism.

one of you brit comrades better steal that fucking wizard hat and then post a video of you burning it

where is the IRA when you need them

Unsurprising coming from a psychoanalysis spewing fag. Leftcom tier or Smashie tier is best if you steal the wizard hat and film yourself burning it.

Both the SJW cunt like S&J and Sargon's septic crew are complete pseudos.

Fuck "culture war" youtubers, they are all complete wastes of time and effort to even care about.


How has nobody in this thread focused on this line? This sounds like a joke but just looking at the kekeistan .webm compilations shows there will be people who take this to heart. There will be LARPers attending.

Get an attractive guy and an attractive girl to go. If they arent well read and good at debate have a team of Holla Forums waiting in a surveillance van feeding lines to them through an ear piece.

What does that even mean and why not ? Wouldnt you want documentation in case they lie about how it actually went or if you want to display their major fails at argument?

add a couple big intimidating buff guys to be body guards in case someone spergs out and wants to fight.


2 challenges to you: 1. define in reasonable terms how Shaun and Jen is an SJW channel.

2. Explain to us how Shaun and Jen aren't doing a thorough facts-based debunking of retarded and demagogic alt-right shit.

If you didn't actually watch those vids (you couldn't have, since the time required is more than your response time) watch only this videya from him:

It's 20 minutes long. After you've watched it tell me how he
1) isn't factual
2) manipulating
3) an "SJW"
4) not fucking your mom

I'm waiting, you classcucked moron.

So have you joined the true rationals yet Holla Forums?

oh noooooooo

I'm decently attractive user but that's because I'm a /femgen/ faggot

/leftytrash/-tier post sage

You make me proud to be a psycho-fag, tbh.

Hi, comrade.

Your question is a legit question so it deserves an answer.
You may have not noticed but so called "late-stage capitalist consciousness [or: ideology]" either boils down to "ironic identification" ("Trump is my president even after he empowers ISIS through Saudi Arabia") which is typically conservative, or to a victimization-complex that is typically liberal. I recommend you reading some Zizek books. If you want me to give further examples, I will gladly.

That is exactly why I proposed this:

If you have any questins left after you've actually read thru the thread I'd gladly answer.

I'm told I'm attractive. Though Im unkept currently from being too depressed to bother with anything.

I'm sure there are some leftylookers but they won't be as likely be daily posters.


But why hide the recording then? Do you think they would react to it's presence and more moronic and hostile while the person filming may also be effected psychologically? That is what you're getting at? I don't know about laws in he UK but that may be illegal to record without them knowing even if in public. If not maybe have a jacket with a breast pocket with a hole in it so it at least can get a little bit of video not just audio in case something physical happens. I did agree with most of what you said before. that Holla Forums should try to do better than tacktics Holla Forums takes

Is Zizek any more coherent in his writing than things he says out loud? I noticed he seems to go off track a lot and have unfinished sentences so it makes it sometimes hard to get what he is trying to say.

this is why nobody respects the left anymore

If anyone can play guitar and has a descent singing voice they should show up playing guitar they should sing this song

Your impotent larping is as useful for communism as smashies breaking windows or tankies playing dress up, but at least their autism results in meme material. Go back to masturbating in your mother's panties.

What is Rojava?

Pass out leftist fliers to the Muslims so they know their real enemy.

backwards racist,homophobic etc shithole


t.Phil Greaves and his schizophrenic bitch Red Kahina

F-fug, I feel almost proud

BTW if anyone wants to troll them I found out that Sargon of Akkad believes that 9/11 was an inside job. No I'm not kidding though I wish I was. So what I recommend doing is go in pretending to be one of his fans and you know talk normally about things that "skeptics" hate such as SJWs and other things and then tell him that you agree with him on 9/11 and that you don't believe the official story WTC 7 blah blah and if successful you should cause infighting with Sargon of Akkad and his "friends."

grand plan, indeed
