New Ben Garrison


Other urls found in this thread: somethingawful&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjF75X1ocHUAhVV4WMKHRUkDqIQ_AUICigB&biw=994&bih=904#q=endart somethingawful&tbm=isch&tbs=rimg:CapHsL6Zs3jTIjjxto_1UUlOXhx0GrKvfc4jwO4WpKnU7--udfVGKmPCfEdUHIBIAzC4H5NKkKyDfmNiiSfs1mVL6zioSCfG2j9RSU5eHEVIqi9eFCfKqKhIJHQasq99ziPARjmlV21fRyg8qEgk7hakqdTv76xFdWU6EVBmvWSoSCZ19UYqY8J8REY03lVz1q8s1KhIJ1QcgEgDMLgcRca7fLLZ9bkQqEgnk0qQrIN-Y2BGcLcX9t_1_1oCioSCaJJ-zWZUvrOEXEx5ndr3fZS&imgrc=mv9HfB3Japar3M:

Very exploitable cartoon, the dynamite can be easily modified to say RED TERROR.

Maybe everyone should just vote next time instead of virtue signalling and acting like things will be better if everyone cuts their cock off and takes in a refugee from the dark ages.

Is the woman at the bottom supposed to be Madonna?

What does MM stand for?

Michael Moore

Is that farage?

Damn no wonder he always labels everything, he cant draw for shit.

Those faces are so retarded they made me chuckle irl

Got a great idea for an edit, can someone really quick label who is who?

It's a macklemore hat, Ben has been a long time listener, and devoted fan.

For some reason, many of those on the left think it’s perfectly A-OK to call for the death of our president. Some call for it directly, others indirectly. It may come in the form of ‘performance art’ where Trump becomes Julius Caesar and is stabbed to death. Kathy Griffin joked about him being decapitated, while holding up a facsimile of his severed head. In one of his videos, Snoop Dogg was shown shooting at President Trump. Madonna wanted to blow up the White House.

Others such as Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton and Michael Moore are calling for some sort of ominous ‘resistance’ to Trump. Former Vice Presidential Candidate Tim Kaine (whose son is a member of the Antifa) actually called for "fighting in the streets." Loretta Lynch called for “blood in the streets.” The mainstream media was complicit in conveying anti-Trump violence all along. Remember when they suggested he may not make it to his own inauguration? Rachel Maddow compared Trump to Hitler. It’s OK to kill Hitler, right? Once you strip someone of their humanity by smearing them as ‘Hitler’ or a ‘racist,’ then it’s fine to commit acts of violence on them. That’s what they did during the Spanish Inquisition. They labeled people ‘heretics’ and then tortured them. It’s a method starting to be used by the Antifa today. Anyone with whom they disagree with is automatically labeled a ‘fascist,’ and it’s fine to use violence against fascists. Many in the mainstream media have made menacing comments about Trump. The Secret Service must have a hard time keeping up with it all. I had trouble keeping up with all of it in my cartoon.

The far left currently hides under cloaks labeled ‘socialist’ or ‘progressive,’ but they’re really nothing but Marxists. You know, those people who believe in Marxism. The same old tired Marxism that has been repeatedly discredited. It was recently soundly discredited again in Venezuela. This is the same Marxism that caused the murder of many millions in the 20th Century. The man who opened fire on Republicans at the baseball field was for all intents and purposes, a Marxist. He was also a bad shot. Those on the left hate guns and many of them favor gun confiscation. Most probably know nothing about handling guns. This may prove to be a misfortune for them if they spark another civil war. They may find that many on the right will shoot back—and they won’t miss because most are well-trained in the use of firearms. Many are veterans who are used to shooting at people. Take this as a warning, you far-left loons who are trying to provoke a civil war. That war won’t end well for you. Maybe you should try peaceful dialogue instead. That would be a welcome change.

—Ben Garrison

Isn't Bannon a self-described Marxist? I've never seen Garrison complain about that.

Ok but i still have no idea who half the people in the picture are.

also im trying to find dirt on all of them but michael more seems pretty reasonable so im probably just going to have him say "sweden". Video related

Why do right-wingers constantly parrot this line. I'm not even American, but is this actually true? The youth and people in urban areas are far more left-wing, that alone seems like more of an advantage than hoarding guns. Also idk very much about veterans but I find it hard to believe they would uniformly be right-wing.

Holy shit they really are SJWs now.

Counter clockwise:

Tim Kaine
Michael Moore
Kathy Griffin
Snoop Dogg
Rachel Maddow
Bernie Sanders

Which ones do you not know?

I guess he was right to put them there.

Tim kaine, kathy griffin, rachel maddow and madonna (the same madonna who is the drug addict celeb who shaved her head or what?)

What's it like being an international embarrassment among cartoonists?

And everything you have said is lolbertarian debunked arguements.

I can already tell you right now that your going to be a societal drain. End yourself.

Oh im sorry I dont keep up with the latest american conservatard boogeymen.

Oh look, its Holla Forums ruining a meme once again. What a shocker.

Ben Garrison isn't a meme anymore.


Tim Kaine was the VP candidate in 2016 with Hillary
Kathy Griffin is a comedian who was semi-popular in the early 2000s
Maddow is a host for MSNBC
And Madonna is fucking Madonna. Do you really not know who Madonna is?

So since I dont know half the people in that picture i am kinda meh about it but my idea was something along the lines of having them all say socdem liberal bullshit and making the dynamite communism or dirtbag leftism or whatever.

What could the random black man possibly be saying? I don't know any three letter swear words that wouldn't be totally bizarre to say about a person. Ass? That seems odd to say. Fag? Doubt it.

Thought she was ded yo

She's still alive technically.

Mickey Mouse


Anyone else impressed by how little everyone outside of DC (and their media mouthpieces) seems to care about the guys that got shot?

where were you when you learned that liberals, Marxists, and anarchists are all exactly the same?

Shit, I forgot about that.


Damn. They must have some amazing PR because from what I understand American antifa orgs are some of the most dysfunctional and weak antifa groups out there.


You can find plenty of right wingers calling for Obama's death, and black people in general. Somehow that was all in good fun.


Why isn't my red text working?

double equals signs, newfriend


Not at all.

A month ago, former PM of Greece, Papadimos, the one they got appointed, not elected, got a folder that had a bomb unfortunatelly he didn't die and…

NOBODY CARED! In fact, most people were laughing about it!

And that's the bourgie's worst nightmare. When they and their tools are threatened, and nobody cares about them.

== not =

Has anyone seen the CNN is ISIS meme.


As in, he believes in the whole vanguard party thing. Not much else.

Not really. Remember the American Civil War? Rural landowners vs. modern industry? It would be a repeat of that, only worse since most rural areas today are balls deep in poverty. They may have their guns, but they don't have any real resources or manpower to fight a prolonged battle against the "liberal" power centers.

I knew that was coming. Congress has some of the lowest approval ratings in it's history right now. Nobody is going to give a shit a bunch of senators got shot up. We already pay for their healthcare.

Reap what you sow.

Also Hitler was still a person.

It's Tim Kaine.

When you nut but she keep suckin

I love these retards. If they didn't hold all the world's power they'd be amazing

Who is the black guy saying we need to shoot?

By god Ben is a reactionary douche.

You know what would be really fucking funny

If we shot Ben Garrison for this

I agree

lol read a wikipedia page my dude.

You guys know Ben Garrison also draws legit spanking porn (google endart, nsfw)

Someone could edit his shit real good

These reactionaries don't realize that the left liberals are capitalism's greatest defenders.


Yeah, the left is so vile. The proper course of action is to call for the president to be taken as a political prisoner.

This coming from a guy that basically called Obama an Islamic terrorist.

I'm not trying to defend Obama, it's just that one of the things Ben Garrison was known for during the Obama years was demonization and dehumanization of anyone to the left of his own politics (and anyone he didn't like in general), but now he wants a new set of rules now that his guy is in power.

I miss the days when he claimed that his enemies were all a part of some vague global conspiracy to create a big gubbermand and take away American freedummies. This is just bland McCarthyism.

1) Organized right-wing violence thus far has shown quite the opposite to be true. From their pathetic attempts at fighting in Syria to trying to occupy a bird sanctuary, we've seen the right gives up when they realize that their glorious uprising isn't going to be like their action movies.

As for vets, maybe the few 'Nam vets we have left are good shots, but American military doctrine emphasizes clearing areas from the air before filling it with infantry. Infantry very purposefully see as little action as possible, it's glorified guard duty. More American military deaths have come from IEDs than firefights. It's hilarious that the right think that American soldiers are all Rambo or some shit.

Quality hits from Ben Garrison's previous life as a deviantart-tier spank fetish artist

Fucking hell Garrison

Why am I just learning about this now?

Garrison is a living meme

Who's down to edit some of these into garrison getting spanked by trump?

Hmm. Funny how these two seem to go together.

I didn't even post the worst ones.

Before Ben ever drew political cartoons, he drew this shit. I don't know how this skipped people's radar

His portioning sucks too

Ben Garrison has a disturbed mind.

so much for the free speech right

Oh, and just in case people somehow don't think these are his works, he hosted his first shitty political cartoons on the same website as his spank fetish shit

Just look at this shit

Not to sound like a shill but this art looks nothing like Garrison's. Is there any proof of this actually being his ?


Before any Chan picked him up, Somethingawful did. The fact so many people missed this is hilarious to me.

Also all of this looks very Garrison-esque. It isn't his "style" yet, but the faces look very similar to the shit he draws now.

The biggest indicator is the handwriting


Come on lad. Don't forget to do the second edition: Every spanker is Trump with a label on the spankee saying they're MSM

The Great Ben Garrison Sex Scandal of 2017

Somebody archive that whole site before it becomes a meme and he takes it down

Yea, she is living in Portugal because we are very progressive or some shit

Isn’t the communist party part of a rolling coalition there.

Also here's another if you don't believe me. All of this is Garrison when he was on the eye of somethingawful, before any Chan picked him up.

He was still embarrassing then, just as he is now.

The very fact Holla Forums tried to convince a fucking spankfetish artist to be their mascot without doing any research before hand is just fucking rich.

Back them all up faggot, you brought them to our attention, it's not our job to do so before he panics.

I am

no, the ML's just agreed to not vote against the socdem's budget in the parliament, which legitimises the socialist party (socdems) mandate

Is that supposed to be O'Reilly and Colbert?

Good lad. I'll reward your efforts by posting edits with Trumpfaces on them later.

Why are all the pics thumbnails? You being sloppy or is it an archive thing?

It's supposed to be O'Reilly and Keith Olberman when he was still on MSNBC. That's how old it is

These are all that's left. They're mostly hosted on myriad different websites now. These are the sizes they have.

Ben Garrison can take whatever site down if it's still in operation, but he can't get rid of the images.

They've been drifting for someone to pick them back up for a while now.

he probably fantasizes being a true company owner, and because he can't, he liberates his libido supporting libertarianism in his latter drawings, in an infinite, literal class-cuckery spiral.


Someone really needs to do this. Too bad I don't know how.

wtf I like Ben now

Somebody back these up and I'll Garrison-ize them later.

Do you have a thing for colored pencil shading?

He even drew Santa Claus in his fetish porn

Fam I got you. Right here somethingawful&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjF75X1ocHUAhVV4WMKHRUkDqIQ_AUICigB&biw=994&bih=904#q=endart somethingawful&tbm=isch&tbs=rimg:CapHsL6Zs3jTIjjxto_1UUlOXhx0GrKvfc4jwO4WpKnU7--udfVGKmPCfEdUHIBIAzC4H5NKkKyDfmNiiSfs1mVL6zioSCfG2j9RSU5eHEVIqi9eFCfKqKhIJHQasq99ziPARjmlV21fRyg8qEgk7hakqdTv76xFdWU6EVBmvWSoSCZ19UYqY8J8REY03lVz1q8s1KhIJ1QcgEgDMLgcRca7fLLZ9bkQqEgnk0qQrIN-Y2BGcLcX9t_1_1oCioSCaJJ-zWZUvrOEXEx5ndr3fZS&imgrc=mv9HfB3Japar3M:

Metric fuckton of all of it.

The sheer load of everything Ben Garrison had done years before he came to light to a chan is far too large to post in a single thread.

But all of his old art is hosted elsewhere now, be it somethingawful or other places.

He can't take any of it down.


codemonkey, I hope you Duturd breaks a bottle in your asshole, I wasted an hour making a post this faggot site just ate

The one time I need the guy to label people…

Holy shit the third pic looks like Richard Wolff! Someone edit that!



Tweet it at him.

Let’s see how Holla Forums reacts.

can we have a version without the autism gang logo?

edit it yourself tripdubsman

literally just delete it in mspaint




Nice lie, faggot. The art looks NOTHING like Ben's, and endart isn't even American, he's European.

It's not, just butthurt SA goons trying to character assassinate the one man klan Ben Garrison. Pic related, both cartoons from around 2009. Tell me they are the same artist.

Are you dumb or?

It's blatantly obvious they are not the same artist, not even close. Why are leftists such liars? Could it be that LYING it's the only thing lefties can do right?

ben garrison detected

Even when Ben tries to pass as another artist, you can still tell it's him. Pic related.

t. butthurt redditor salty about being caught lying

Says the Reddit spacer.

That's true, there is a surprising lack of labels on those fetish comics.

Hey, uh, this LF thread is saying that spanking art is from Brett Noel, another political cartoonist, not Ben Garrison.

I hate this meme so much.

Shoo shoo, here on Holla Forums we don't need your excellent CIS scum racist "logic"!

Just because we're "left" doesn't mean we're SJWs, you know that right?

It was too good to be true, anyways.

leftypol, you will never be any better than pol.
t. pol


Is he implying that the spanish inquisition was leftist?


obama is a muslim socialist

made me think

why oh why do you retards need to keep responding to some sad fuck clearly desperate for responses

The irony is completely lost on him, isn't it?

I'm not a ( ( ( libertarian ) ) ).

This is pretty good.

Also you'd think he'd like the Spanish Inquisition more considering how they treated jews and muslims.

wtf, when did we became overrun by Wall Street shills?

Oh yeah, class war so a larger class division can be established. +1

Good meme.

So close, yet so far.

Isn't that what Holla Forums does as well ?

Yes, but there's are true .

You can never stop being butthurted reactionaries, can you?

does no one remember obama and how everyone on the right called him an al qaeda agent who should be hung for treason

It's a bit different but the general composition is there.


What's on his tongue?


Not gonna lie probably one of Garrison's funniest works in recent memory.

Donald looks good in a balaclava


"Death to the fake believers!!!"

But didn't hitler originally try to stop immigration, opting for deportation and wall-building etc?

/ " fake left terror " attacks ensue

>mfw a false-flag terror attack plotted by either the desperate Trump administration or the Aut-Right intended to discredit the left spectacularly backfires and sparks the Great Uprising, leading to the establishment of the United Soviet Socialist States of America.

Left unity, my dude.

Holy shit. Have you ever seen Muke and Bannon in the same room together. That’s because Muke is Bannon.

Fixed it


This is like saying that Jones is Bill Hicks.

What else should it say anons?

Literal Orwellian newspeak and Holla Forums still thinks they're anti-establishment.

Have someone say "We need a mix of capitalism and socialism."

You mean right of centre. Centre right means in of the centre of the right.


top fucking kek at that OC

antifa doesn't count?

Italy? I understand what Oklahoma and Norway are, but what happened in Italy?

A train station in Bologna was bombed during the Years of Lead by right wing terrorists. Killed 85 people. One of the deadliest terror attacks in Europe.

"muh human nayshur"

"violence doesnt solve anything"

Lmao that fucking Holla Forumslock doesn't remember (how could he really, he probably didn't even have an internet connection before 08) that Ben Garrison also contributed to

It wasn't bullshit. Endart wasn't a one artist project

Ben Garrison did indeed draw spank smut

We're capitalists, and that's just the way it is.

"We need more reforms"

"Buy my things!"

"Vote with your wallet?"


Please let me actually edit it before you just type it out in axial font

Thanks for making the edit i was too lazy to make.

What font should I use?

I was introduced to garrison on SA, and if I recall he was pretty shameless about his spanking art too.

What should "Far left terror" be changed to?

"Inevitable economic collapse"?

I think "Far Left Terror" is fine as it is, but if we're going to change it, I think "Revolution" would be best since it's basically the same thing, but leaves a stronger impact.

Working on it. Will be hard to fit some of the longer sentences.

Oh hell yeah

Red Terror??? Doncha know that Nazis used red too??? Checkmate gommies

How about this…c


Idea: Keep the fire from both of them so it looks like he's getting a toasted ass and he's spitting fire too because why not.

This somehow feels like it's sending me a stronger and less confusing message than any of his political cartoons.

Fuck off faggot nobody gives a shit. It's better believing a hilarious exaggeration than worrying about offending Holla Forumsyp's with a lie

Literally Holla Forums-tier.


I thought saing falsities about Ben Garrison was the only thing Ben Garrison was ever worth

t. literally Holla Forums tho

This level of paranoia is honestly fucking pathetic.

That's a good point.

Just assumed you were since he got really buttblasted over it.

Nah, I even reported all of his terrible posts.