Seriously, why are so many threads getting 404'd? wtf is going on?
Thread Genocide
the site is run by complete retards, im afraid
P sure it's a site problem, most of these threads have absolutely no reason to be deleted.
Did I hear someone say… bunkerchan exodus 2.0?
Yeah, and its only on Holla Forums
Mods hate this place, not surprising.
somebody nuked alot of my favorite threads :(
no get fucked
b-but if we move to bunkerchan i can't hang out with all my buddies on Holla Forums!
Just the dumb admins of this shithole of a site being dumb as always.
Damn, I miss HotWheels.
I prefer anuddah shoah, tbh fam
The thread where some anons were trying to explain to some capitalist how the fact that investments made by the owner are made on the backs of labor and how, no, you don't have a "right" to do it got nuked just before anons could respond to the most recent post. Are debating random capitalist posters now grounds for thread removal?
quality non-argument as usual
truly eppin may-may, you sure told me!
whats wrong with bunkerchan srs
Lol, those threads weren't killed cuz they got bumped off, they were 404'd cuz of Holla Forums hitting the fan
-it's an echo chamber
-it's ugly
-no steady stream of converts from other boards
-no steady stream of retards to laugh at when Holla Forums summerfags try to troll us
-pockets as hot as the sun
-admin and some of the mods here tried to force an exodus after chodemonkey's previous fuckup a couple months ago, got utterly btfo by users, "accidentally" "spilled hotpocket cheese on their keyboard lol XD" which caused all the threads referencing what petulant faggots they were to disappear into the night and fog
absolutely nothing
keep posting your narrative maybe someday it'll become true
This board is basicaly reddit
good thing I took some screencaps
Except you are lying. You are a liar.
I knew autists had a hard time understanding jokes but lol
It was the mod feedback thread that got deleted you autismal reject. The exodus thread was a separate issue entirely.
It was a contentious thread but there wasn't a board consensus and if by 'btfo' you mean 'threw a massive crybaby fit about not being able to hang out with pol anymore' then yeah
You're either an autistic retard or an out and out liar trying to revise history.
Not to mention
Leaning real hard toward 'autismal retard'