What has caused this recent surge?
We're coming buckos
my pet bots
Hopefully not another fucking imageboard.
Dissatisfaction with right-wing politics. Everything there has boiled down to niggers and Jews with no real answer for present problems.
it's also hilarious how they all endorse zionist cuckservatives now
Because Holla Forums is nothing but
Shill shill shill
Cuck cuck cuck
Jooz jooz jooz
It gets fucking tiring
there's never been any answer though.
Yeah it seems as the moderation gets worse there, we'll get more refugees
probably a bad thing wrt the quality of this board
This, they stopped being funny after Trump got elected, especially 4/pol/, there's essentially no debate there because Hitlerists and "anti" PoMo act and base their entire lives off of emotions. They drank the kool aid and there's no coming back.
The fact we present ourselves as a platform for all viewpoints to express themselves without fear of being banned, while accepting a number of imageboard refugees who probably at least equal our original numbers, feels like this will become a generalized free speech board, rather than an explicitly leftist board.
I feel this is a valid concern because everyone in this thread already seems to know what Holla Forums is like, and was like during the election.
People are sick of Holla Forumsfaggotry. It might no be present here yet but it's highly seen on numerous boards that get brigaded by those assholes.
it stopped being funny a long time before that
100% agreed, and you can see the effect of this in the last few months with a quality decline of the catalog. But I think quarantining a lot of mostly off-topic into one thread, the trash thread, has done good.
Ron changed how UID/UIPs were calculated. Holla Forums and Holla Forums "gained" nearly 800 users, we gained about 460.
Are you that tripfag with bad knees?
Stop being gay.
People all over normie sites are starting to align with the Holla Forums mindset after feeling disfranchised with capitalism and how oligarchial our society is and are getting fed up by the liberal vs alt-right shit show seeing how neither of them have shit to offer. The embarrasing free speech demonstrations by totally-not-nazis-heil-hitler only reinforced the belief in most that they are all just as fucking bad as the worst liberals. The right has the image of corruption, debt slavery and embarrasing nerds that wants to bully back.
Bots,proxys and vpn
hi reddit
There was an election recently
Fuckin' pick any of that shit.
Is chis-chan pregnant?
I thought that faggot died from septic shock, WTF?
I hadn't heard about taint gash in quite some time, did he actually get treated?
polite sage for offtopic