what's the 411 on Kamala Harris? All my democrat friends seems to be sperging out over her today and calling for her to run 2020.
Is she just another centrist neoliberal?
what's the 411 on Kamala Harris? All my democrat friends seems to be sperging out over her today and calling for her to run 2020.
Is she just another centrist neoliberal?
Do you think this board is only populated by Americans? You have to post about their policies before one can make such a judgment you negro.
Also she is against gun ownership and was endorsed by Obama and Biden in 2016. She's as porky as they come.
Hillary was a slave owner
Harris is a slave driver
I mean she is, but it's funny that you couldn't manage to mention a single thing that actually makes her porky and just listed a long list of identities.
Gun control is a porky as fuck.
She works by the majority opinions of the Democratic Party of California.
She lacks any references, vouchers, or commendations by any racial gang represented at jails and prisons and public schools.
How she behaves is surely as since she thinks or thought, "what do the others, who I am working with, think?"
I do not know whether or not she is boldly early to force what has not been discussed publicly or privately by her coworkers. I assume by her new classified security briefing opportunities: she can beā¦and yet though she lacks a pentagon at California except by the pentagon of which I am in the center thus I have no proof. I am busy planning what I will do with my things.
She is not known among humans not at places where she nor her political party eats, sleeps, works, teaches, vacations, plays, learns, gets home supplies, or prays.
She is smart enough to work with a team who forces her safety; humans protect her from abduction, and humans protect her while humans try harming her. This security team is not comprised of any of her genetic family.
She is not able to surely be revolutionarily celibate. She enjoys and justifies ensuring comforts according to how, "life forcing" her work is.
She wants completely sure gains, and yet though she is working with others of congress who lack their own support at their own states of the potential constituents who are currently disrespected by lack of greater number of representatives of congress. Other coworkers are already proven not revolutionary enough with the money their party supplies for re-election campaigns.
She will find her arguments and make her plans: by opportunites of accessing recorded events (history and herstory) of which she requests a copy or an original.
She does not have luxury to not request access as she thinks of her herstory. If she wills success then she should request as she wants since she is memories of her herstory. She must ask for data information intelligence as she thinks of her herstory.
I saw her four or more times. I spoke to her at least a couple times. She spoke to me at least a couple times.
Clintonite neoliberal, so far off from even socdem that I don't even know where to start.
t. Californistani
Gun control is anti-marxist and I won't stand for it, but the average hippy who hates guns is not a porky because of it. She's a porky for her corporate ties and stance on donations, etc.
Endorsed as to be elected as senator?
Not surprising.
If endorsed as to be president of the United States then I must thank Barrack Hussein Obama II and Joe Biden.
This is literally the only thing you need to know about her
Please source this. I believe it, but need a source.
Why is diversity proportional to corporate cock sucking in the Democrat party? Seems like the "up and coming" non-white piggies in there are almost always huge porkies.
All of the white ones are too.
You see the neoliberalism.
Dems want the electorate to think a more diverse board room solves racism.
Where the fuck is that "gulag" from?
I also find a gulag with GULAG in front of it kinda hilarious.
The Muppets lmao
I love it even more.
The neoliberals that run the democratic party want the appearance of change with no actual change.
So if they ran a handicapped black tranny otherkin they would also be real good friends with wall street.
The democratic party are diet republicans (now with less racism)
Corey booker is the worst, he is like a less charismatic obama but even more absorbed into the corporate machine.
There is no difference between the duopoly that runs america. Democrats and republicans are two sides of the same coin. The only real difference is the divisive identity politics they espouse. But at the end of the day they both serve the same plutocracy. They both mange the status quo which maintains the negative peace of capitalism which affords the yuppies and bourgeoisie which make up the democratic party their muh privileges over the hicks in middle america and the minorities in the ghettos.
Requesting webm of room of rich businessmen talking about turning young minorities into traitors
What the fuck you're not even joking ahahahaha
Bump for this id like to see this too
I got you my nigga