Do you tip?
If waiters and waitresses collectively received no tips, would they quit their jobs or keep working? Would you be interested in printing and handing out socialist pamphlets in place of a tip?
American only thread
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I tip because I don't support waiters and waitresses starving, 18% usually feeds my ego's desire for spooky morality tendies tbh.
Yeah, I hate doing it but I do anyway.
I tip well at my local diner, but that's because I go there every weekend and everyone's really nice to me. Also some of the girls there have nice asses. I also use coupons so I can tip more for the same price.
Everyone else gets 20%, give or take.
pls take my post serious I'm only Nazbol for comedic purposes
Oh my god please don't fucking do this, or at least give the pamphlet AND tip. I've heard horror stories from waiters who wait on large groups of churchgoers on Sundays, and all they get from waiting on them is some paper that says "Here's a tip: Jesus saves :^)".
I can only imagine how infuriating that would be and how for me that would turn me completely off of anything the pamphlet had to say.
Anyway, this is a cool little pamphlet that I found at an anarchist coffee shop once, might be something you're interested in:
That's like some Dave Chapelle shit, KEK.
Speaking of dave when is he going to make more shows on netflix?
Is there something to the apparent disorder in the pages (5th part right next to the 50th part)?
I over tip horribly. Most of the time higher than the price of the meal. I do wish the practice would end and they would get fair wages, but me stiffing a random person isn't gonna help that.
Growing up my mom was a waitress and how well people tipped determined what I got to eat, if I could get new clothes that didn't have holes in them, if we could celebrate holidays, etc.
I only eat out one once or twice a year though, so it isn't that bad on my wallet.
I tip because I work a service job and know what it's like.
Everyone should have to work a service/retail job at least once. Workers in service/retail get a lot of shit from customers that I feel like they wouldn't get if customers knew what it was like for the worker.
Tipping is not a thing in my country, can anyone explain why you should tip? It seems to me that it's enabling the shitty system which lets the waiters have to rely on the charity of stranger rather than getting a liveable salary.
In the US, restaurants are allowed to pay far below the minimum wage. By law they are required to make up the difference if the server's tips do not equal the minimum wage. However, that'll never fucking happen. A server will be fired for "reasons" if they bring it up. You aren't making a principled stand and changing things by not tipping the server, you're just hurting them, not the restaurant.
Its a situation of damned if you do, damned if you don't.
Oh, and I forgot to add that the minimum wage in the US is in no way approaching a living wage.
yeah usually 30 or 40%
I tip 18% when I'm in the US. At home and most of Europe I tip 5-10% if I've had a more positive experience than expected. I don't tip if I'm disappointed. It feels bad because it affects the workers and not owners, but I just can't afford to tip left and right. And I hate that the staff hate me for it. I mostly eat at home anyway, eating out every day seems like some weird american consumer culture shit. Also, I'm a decent cook.
Very, very few people would ever be able to eat at a restaurant every day. There are a lot of people who will eat fast food ever day because there are limited options where they live (food deserts), they are too exhausted from working to go home and cook, or they work at the fast food place they're eating at.
Yes, I would hate to fuck over my fellow workers.
The great Norwegian adventurer Helge Ingstad went to Canada some time in the 1920s to 1030s to live as a hunter and trapper. There he met a tribe of Indians he called reindeer eaters. He described their lives as harsh, and a constant race for sustenance. Their life was indeed so much on the edge that they didn't even seem to develop any culture to speak of. All they did was hunt, heat the food, and eat. Of course, they made clothes and other essentials, but there were no trace of artistic expression, everything was made to just be practical.
This seems to be the modern day low income american. Not even any culture for such a basic skill as cooking. Though cooking seems to be universally neglected as a layman's skill since at least the 60s, I'd wager.
its true to be honest. no one develops any skills cause they only have like 2 hours to themselves every day and theyd rather use that to decompress and relax from all the bullshit than do something difficult if rewarding. and even our weekends are basically dead - you can't afford to miss out on 2 extra shifts just because you want to relax or whatever. its fucking awful being poor
Maybe we should hand out socialist pamphlets alongside a tip.
only if its a bigger than average tip or else its probably just annoying but i support this idea
In a (production wise) near post-scarcity world this gives me the fucking creeps.
it's so normal here that no one blinks when a man spends all his free time drinking in front of the TV. its so normal to just barely scrape by day by day and wait till you're too old to work and collect benefits until you die from cancer. we're a death cult, sacrificing our lives to moloch and hoping for relief in the next life
That would just piss them off.
Nigga, I want to say something but I don't know what.
Don't they get minimum wage either way? If you tip that's just money their boss doesnt have to pay them right?
t. not a burger
Minimum wage is not livable wage, and afaik some places in the US have laws halving minimum wage for "tippable" work.
Well that's fucked up. but yeah idk I only make minimum wage anyways, but in this country tipping isn't so expected
i don't tip, I don't do charity, I don't give money to homeless people.
it's not my fault if American law is retarded.
i understand and agree but if i can give up some worthless currency to ease another persons burden ill gladly do it
absolutely bourgeois
idk ive lived off of other peoples charity my whole life so i feel obligated to give away what little i have now
This argument reminds me of the argument that was brought up during the whole anarchist asphalt situation. Is acting as an outside force to fix what the government and what the bourgeoisie do good for our cause or are we creating an excuse for them to continue doing it?
Personally, I think we should all act as support for our fellow prole even if it involves working within social conventions or doing the job of the government for them. It does no good to leave the people who would be interested in our cause starving.
This is Greece.
No, we don't tip, unless it's "your bill is 2.80" "ok, take 3 and keep it".
Tipping is neoliberal burger BS. No, the bourgie is supposed to pay the workers, not the customer. It's not my fault you got your capitalism wrong.
Waiting is a useless job anyway. Just go to the counter and get your darn food!
A road will also be used by you. So it makes sense to help the community.
A waiter is a prol, like you. If he wants to not get exploited he should do it himself for himself. You can go full stirnerian on this.
No, getting fucked by their bosses leads to increased class consciousness.
If everyone stopped tipping then all the service workers would revolt when they realize the law isn't going to protect them from porky's dick
Israel reporting in
We have a huge tipping culture just like in the USA, in fact, almost any sort of trend or behavior that is popular in the USA gets imported here for some reason. If you don't tip you're a piece of shit and the scum of the earth, that's why French tourists are mostly hated among waiters in Israel.
I don't tip, yes yes very Jewish of me I won't deny. But it's simply not in my self-interest to give up extra money to some faceless-nameless waiter unless I actually intend to come back to the place. Waiters here make minimum wage and some places even pool all the tips together to distribute it among the waiters, don't know how to feel about that but then again I'm not a waiter. Heard that some places even take % of your tip. It's a low paying but exhausting job, minimum wage should be livable wage imo.
fuck off
I work in the service industry and made my income off tips so naturally I'll tip others 20% to 50% at the most if the service is good.