How do you faggots even hold hope at this point? What source can I even trust at this point? How can we even hope to overthrow the capitalist system when porky has a strangehold on virtually all output of media and information? Is our best hope to make sure our safety is fulfilled and wait for capitalists to eventually destroy each other in some sort of eventual world war?
Is the Intercept compromised now?
Google bookchin
Google bookchin
Media has always been made to serve the ruling class, this is not something characteristic of capitalism.
Yeah but unlike before people are addicted to media. Its literally like the allegory of the cave applied in a modern situation. People depend on tv and internet to escape their day-to-day misery and thus propaganda has never been stronger. At least in the past the proles had no means to escape their shitty life, now they do, and that just means that revolution is even more improbable.
You train yourself to see the concrete basis for the dialectic and then act accordingly.
The Intercept was started by Pierre Omidyar, it was compromised to begin with. things are bad, but this kind of caterwauling about the media isn't productive.
The ones with the biggest chance of causing real change are the socdems, and they heavily rely on the Intercept for their information. With Sanders and now the Intercept shilling for the military-industrial complex, the coming conflict with Russia is even more likely. Thats why its such a big deal for me.
what is this referring to, user?
I'm finding the idea of an entire political tendency that are supposed to change *something* sucking the dick of one single news outlet to be amusing at best. never mind that I'm a communist and believe in the working class' capacity for agency over any shitty electable liberal party.
Not really up-to-date, what happened?
I'd heard something on CNN. Was it like an NSA leaker got ratted out by the Intercept to the NSA?
Intercept is now shilling for Russian hacking narrative.
How do you know it isn't true?
The report was given to the Intercept by an NSA agent, the details of which coincidentally align with the anti-Russian narrative portrayed in the MSM. The information was "independently verifed" whatever that means. Also there is no evidence of hackers directly affecting the voting machine but the Intercept heavily implies it. They are shilling for the NSA at this point.
yeah I'm not actually sure what the problem is here, so you're going to have to enlighten us.
any retard could see that the US and Russia have been trying to influence eachother's politics, the US pulls this same shit in Eastern European countries all the time, combine that with how dubious the voting machine systems are in Burgerstan and go figure. I could believe it.
Their reporter and source is compromised as detailed by wikileaks.
But how do you know it isn't true? Would it surprise you if it was?
Well what is so hard to place in realm of possibility about ruskies putting their fingers where they're not welcome? Perhaps it's because Putin is US backed dictator?
Just look through their twitter posts.
Russian hackers sent phishing emails, thats not surprising at all. What is, is the implication that they hacked the voting machines, for which there is still no evidence just implications. The fact that the Intercept published this with the suggestion that the voting machines were hacked–with no evidence– is highly suspicious.
She was an NSA contractor for four months. Not an agent.
Not really. They published a document that contains the NSA's opinions and made it very clear that the report was based off of incomplete information.
Just because they published it doesn't mean that they're endorsing the narrative as a fact.
the exile/mark ames/nazbol cokehead gang are the last honest journalists on earth tbh
I'm inclined to agree with this user. did you even read the article OP? this might be gaslighting or a limited hangout or w/e but the article itself does make it clear that they don't want people to base conclusions off such limited info.
But this is how it starts. We'll see in a few weeks, but this just primes their audience into believing that the Russians literally did hack the election and that Hillary did nothing wrong after all. They published incomplete information from the NSA whose source was someone who had deep ties to it, which seemingly confirmed the MSM narrative. They had no reason to publish this article and have it be the front page on the basis of such weak evidence but they did so. That is still highly suspicious and it seems to me that its only a matter of time that they begin to publish even more outlandish info, and perhaps even op-eds supporting this idea.
im shocked they didnt rewrite the memo and instead they linked to the fucking copy they got with the microdots. like ive known about that shit for more than a decade
What do you mean?
when I was younger I wanted to be a journalist so bad. glad I changed my mind lol
Someone they interviewed said that getting into the voting software could lead to voting manipulation, which has bigger implications for future elections than it has on 2016, but nowhere do they say that Russia literally hacked the election.
reality winner (thats her name lol) printed out a memo from the nsa in one of their shops and sent it to the intercept. the intercept just said wow this is cool and contacted another guy from the nsa to get verification (by sending pictures/scans of the memo) who then told his boss who then did the desaturation thing to see the microdots so they knew when and where it was printed.
so then the nsa knew about it and found the leaker in like days or less. all because some faggot at the intercept was too lazy to not give a tip to the nsa that someone is leaking and 2. too lazy to rewrite the memo so that identifying marks arent there
every printer in the usa(world?) prints with microdots so the government can tell what printer printed it
anyway the nat soc side is happy this woman got caught since she's degenerate but the user side is mad because this kind of shit is not okay for a newspaper to fuck up so badly
I don't think anyone who isn't a hardcore Hillbot gives a flying fuck who hacked the election. I think anyone with a brain figured out long ago that Trump was in bed with the Russians, it's just that it's not terribly consequential in the grand scheme of things for anyone who doesn't want to die in a new Cold War nuclear holocaust trying to one-up Putin. I think it's patently obvious that the Russians wanted to influence the election and took some kind of action to do so, we're just arguing over the details.
then again, I'm not a burger so I don't know if this is really how the majority of you feel about the whole Russia thing.
also the memo has no evidence so I guess you need triplex top secret clearance to see that lol
By itself it's not consequential. But if there is some sort of escalation in Syria with the Russians for example. Things like this give greater legitimacy into escalating conflict with them cause they're the "bad guys".
Lol @ Kremlin shills and Putin dick-licking Nazbols losing their minds over this leak. She was a contractor that was only on the job for like 4 months and was accessing files she shouldn't have had access to. She's not some NSA shill. She's also a Bernie supporter. It's a legit leak. Does it prove """collusion""" with Trump? Nah, but Putin and Russia were definitely trying to fuck with our election just like we do in Europe and Asia too. But I think it was mostly superfluous because Hillary would have lost to anyone. Also there's way too many peculiar connections between Russia and certain elements of the alt-right, so "hacking" may not necessarily be the only way they tried to fuck with us.
Trump has definitely been laundering money for Russian gangsters since the 80's and anyone that denies that is a moron. Whether or not Mueller uncovers that during his investigation remains to be seen. Even if he does I doubt it will go anywhere. Porkies gonna pork.
Also, The Intercept burned her. If you read the affidavit, she actually never contacted The Intercept from her work computer about the leaks. One of the reporters contacted the NSA to verify the files and told them the envelope that they received the files in was postmarked from Augusta, Georgia. From there the NSA figured it out she was the one that leaked because one of the handful of people who had accessed those specific files recently was in Augusta, Georgia.
Her biggest mistake was leaking to The Intercept. They're either compromised or a bunch of morons (or both).
Now people will be afraid to leak about Russia. Almost as if by design. Well done, Greenwald! I hope you buy something nice with all those rubles.
What does this even mean? Conventional wisdom tells us there was 'at least some Russian involvement' but no one is able to point to actual concrete examples of muh Russians subversion. IMO the Russia narrative is being deliberately kept as vague as possible, leaving the door open for truly insane Louise Mensch tier theories. Of course, 'reasonable' mainstream commentators are gonna keep a safe distance from the truly crazy stuff, but they don't really try to debunk it either. Leftists are already being smeared as 'Kremlin plants' as if we were back in the 50s. BTW have you noticed Liberals just love to dwell on the inherent deviousness of those alien, oriental Russians almost in an alt right race science kind of way?
that he's lied about not having relations with Putin and has a disproportionate amount of investment in Russia, which is patently true.
I'm not actually seeing anyone who isn't either an out of touch rich metropolitan liberal or a
bootlicking Putin shill carrying on about this shit, I agree with that this is all simply something to be expected and is of little consequence considering any Russian interference means little when you consider how unpopular both candidates were and how similar both of them have been in practice. hell, different rhetoric in regards to Russia are one of the few differences between Trump and Hillary that actually exist, and even that I'm not so sure of. they've turned out to be carbon copies of eachother, like any leftist worth their salt expected. yeah no shit Louise Mensch is a loon and liberals are just closet racists.
I also agree with that the real question we should be asking ourselves is what the fuck The Intercept were doing burning the leaker like that.
Well that's one of the biggest problems, isn't it? Back in Marx's time, all everyone had were newspapers, so the left could compete in more or less equal terms. But unsurprisingly, a developing capitalist society increasingly favored capital, so now we're fucked. They control the means of communication.
Maybe instead of attacking government buildings and politicians, guerrillas should attack telecom antennae, cable TV relays, TV and production studios etc.
jesus christ, good to know this board is going full infowars over this bullshit.
this is true, but even ames admits its likely the russians were involved, he just questions the extent and the motives behind the liberal narrative
OP here. I'm not saying Russians weren't involved either. But the fact that the Intercept is publishing questionable and unverified information is definitely a sign that they are compromised.
If it wasn't obvious through their general tone over last months and shameless pandering to whistleblowers.
t. spineless soc dem
Is America third world yet?
holy shit read a book pls
Like your edgy LARPing gonna change shit. Grow up user.
Offers no sort of reasoning as to why thats not the case and instead pretends that he is the superior intellect because he has read some books. Bro,at least explain yourself before shitposting.
Are liberals using Red Scare against Trump, or idiots so high on ideology they consider Trump a leftist?
They believe in Horseshoe Theory
I guess his protectionist rhetoric is assimilated to big govermement therefore literally Stalinism. Or something like that.
What the fuck does that even mean? What do pickles have to do with anything?
they think all forms of authoritarianism are the same. It's like when the tea party made those Obama=Lenin=Hitler protest signs.
Google Bookchin
the cold war remains deeply ingrained in America's collective unconscious. the Hammer and Sickle might have some sort of pavlovian effect on boomers and older people in general. It means 'enemy'
I seem to remember Greek leftists taking over some studio a while back.
This is actually the second time that Matt Cole, one of the authors of the piece on The Intercept, has burned a source and got them indicted. The first time it was John Kiriakou, who whistle blew about CIA torture.
No idea what Greenwald's deal is, but The Intercept seems compromised.
Ames' criticism of this seems to be that they threw their source under the bus for a shitty inconclusive document
The Intercept is owned by a tech billionaire named Pierre Omidyar that seems to have had some sort of relationship with the US government re: Euromaidan and Ukraine, although in this instance I'm really not sure whether the leaker being outed was intentional or not
The gosh darn pickle man trolled the American people again… *big sigh*
The Intercept was always a front for the liberal wing of capital. All news is fake news. Just believe whatever pleases you, and Marx.
Also, with that said, I don't understand why people reject the possibility of Russian cyber-attacks and internet trolling to influence the outcome of the election. Russia and the US are basically inherent foes when their long-term strategy is considered, so it shouldn't be a surprise that both Russia and the US would try to compromise each other. Only tankies whose brains have been fried by anti-imperialist logic and idiots who are angry at the Democratic party for not being socialist are angered by this idea.
here, I'm agreeing with you, you fucking moron.
Yeah, it is said Trump was already being groomed by the KGB back in the 80s. Thankfully, our patriotic civically minded deep state is ready to fight for American Freedoms and make Reagan's ghost proud.