Looks like the US is going to war boys

Looks like the US is going to war boys

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We're sunk

woot. what faction will you join in the irradiated wasteland Holla Forums

So wait, can NK strike the US or not?

I shall be a roving merchant because my aircooled beetle will keep running for a 1000 years because it works off caveman tech

hopefully this is just more hot air from the Annoying Orange

Followers of the Apocalypse


no. But eventually they might be able to, so the heads of US imperialism want to take out NK before it reaches that point. Even if it means SK or Japan losing a city or two.
NK would never actually nuke anyone unprovoked, as it would mean certain counter-nuking, but it would close off the US toppling the regime as an option, so they want to do it before that happens.

This is like the 80th time you guys have thought there was going to be a war. Still no war yet.

Stop sensationalizing.



anarcho-nihilist-stirnerist-egoist biker gang

Imagine all the cell phone vids as seoul or tokyo is vaporised in nuclear fire.

same. im a bleeding heart anarchist after all

I hope Seoul gets nuked. South Korea is fucking disgusting.

followers of the apocalypse for meds, khans for drugs, ncr for odd jobs, legion for selling information, gunrunners for guns, and everything else. I'd be exploiting the "free" market as hard as I can.

A bit of light to warm my cold cynical heart

this tbh, its even worse than Japan


If this is just the united states butt fucking korea for a bit I'm going to be greatly disappointed.






the Hessian knife stabbers

Thread theme:

always wanted to be a war monk
planned bunker economy 4eva

that guy looks like such a stereotypical conservative it's hilarious

Inb4 "The Kims are good people. I don't want to hurt them."

inb4 we will liberate koreans by turning them into dust

What's China going to do? Let's assume the US somehow doesn't turn the entire Korean peninsula into a nuclear fallout waste, would they tolerate another US puppet at their doorstep?

Oh shit

if only


How North Korea could kill 90 percent of Americans

They didn't have a defensive pact? (I mean, between the DPRK and China)


Seoul is gonna be wasted, along with pretty much the entire South Korean military. US is certainly okay, and Japan is *probably* okay.

Needless to say, NK is absolutely 100% fucked. Politically, militarily, and socially; nothing's gonna survive the explosions except maybe some peasants who find some good caves to hide in.

…but my cute waifu might get hurt

new test soon

I thought we were waging a shadow war in africa

Fucking liberals and their pronouns. I thought Trump was anti-SJW.

I guess they'll need bodyguards, too. Sign me up.

oh dear

I'd sell voluntary child sex slaves on the free market now that the evil government will no longer leech off hardworking entrepreneurs like myself.


I'm happy with anything as long as Ryiadh burns.

If only he was wearing a bowtie, he would be a living caricature.

You know before both world wars it didn't go from 1 → 100 overnight right? This steady tension and increased incident rate is part of it

The only countries at risk for annihilation during a war with North Korea are North Korea and South Korea, maybe Japan. All these countries suck so there's little reason not to go through with it.

The Master did nothing wrong.


Why would Saudi even get involved?

This is less tension than there was under Bush though.

The USA will not go to war with NK at least in the near future because if they did NK would fucking obliterate SK and furthermore, the US would take much heavier casualties than in Iraqistan. Basically, the US likes to pick on countries that can't fight back.

I thought we were talking nuclear world war?

Eh, regardless, I still want to see Riyadh burn.

Current US state dept is a schizo mess though. Wouldn't count on coherent, well thought out actions even in the short term

Hell yeah!

WWI sort of did

There were a number of incidents that could have set it off because of the tense international relations and convoluted treaties of the time. If twitter was around then we'd be hearing about one incident a week for a long while leading up to the Ferdinand assassination

But these incidents are comparable with the incidents we have to today - that showdown between German and British ships in North Africa, the telegram of Wilhelm II to Kruger, etc. can be easily compared to USA taking down a Syrian plane of the Iranians capturing an American ship.

Let's say a DPRK agent murders Ivanka Trump tomorrow, what do you think is going to happen? This mentality "nothing is going to happen anyway" was also prevalent in 1914.

I think you're responding to the wrong guy then. I'm the one who told the "nothing's gonna happen stop scaremongering" guy that he's wrong

One can only hope

DJT is running his presidency like a reality show. At least it's somewhat interesting.
I wonder what the chances are for revolution over there. Maybe the US can cause a revolution for the people to overthrow the government. Shits whack.

The only thing I hope more than NK actually nuking America to a puddle of slag is NK nuking America with as many other nuclear nations as a joint effort, it's gotta go

They are ambivalent about the situation ever since Kim started playing with nukes.

They might be able to. They have 1 nuclear-capable submarine. Only 1, and it's a vintage one, but no-one knows where it is. If it's off-coast near Korea, America will get it in the first hours of the war. If it isn't… boom there goes San Francisco.

Also, can't hit America =/= can't make one fuck of a mess. They probably couldn't get their nuclear missiles off, but their artillery can hit US forces in South Korea, and cities such as Seoul.

Quite possibly. China intervened in the last Korean war. Nobody knows if they would intervene this time. They DO NOT want US bases and/or an Iraq-like mess on their border.

Multiple low-key wars. Constant drone and air attacks in Syria, Iraq, Somalia, Yemen, Afghanistan and Pakistan. Ground troops in Pakistan, Philippines, mercenaries in Colombia and who knows where else.

Hopefully. I just wanna see the world burn. It's the accelerationist in me.


You spelt psychopath wrong.

That's true. But I don't think they'll do it unless they get Mattis' support. I'm pretty convinced that everyone in the administration is terrified of him.

Was there ever any update about those two recent defectors? There's usually only about one a year. I imagine the regime must be starting to crack a bit

The KMS-emp fear is unfounded. The things hardly weigh more than 100kgs, one of them isn't functional, both have wobbly orbits, and consist almost entirely of solar panels, cameras, and radio hardware.

It'd be a miracle if the Norks were even able to fit a warhead on either of those things, let alone explode them correctly.

Trump is going ALL THE WAY

A man can dream. Are you American per chance?

Duty or Freedom.
Oops. Wrong game.

get out

Aid Mr. House for the technological advances and keep Yes Man on standby to guillotine him the moment he stops being useful, and then give all his info to the Followers of the Apocalypse. Assassinate Caesar for being a "you're being undialectical, comrade" tankie and kill Lanius so the Legion collapses. Rat out the Van Graffs and Crimson Caravan to the NCR to fuck with the NCR economy and then drive the NCR out of Vegas. Wipe out the Omertas and White Gloves, leaving just the Tops and Lucky 38 on the Strip. Give one casino to The Kings and tear down the wall between Freeside and the The Strip. Give the Gun Runnners the other casino so they can have more resources to grow their industry. Take over the Khans and reform them as guards against the Legion remnants. Befriend the Powder Gangers and set them up guarding the western frontier against NCR. Befriend the Boomers and use them for support and recon, get them to interact with the Followers for mutual tech development. Use securitron army to make the Brotherhood of Steel your bitch if they won't cooperate willingly. Remodel the Mojave Express as an adventurers' guild and have them dig up old technology and scout resources. Develop Vegas by putting people to work doing useful shit and forcing the casinos to pay shitloads of taxes to pay for it. When Yes Man comes back online after reprogramming himself, charge him with doing what's best for the people and to listen to their input.

But more importantly, I just don't want a single nuke to be used ever again. Nuclear weapons, like drones, are the violent embodiment of capitalist ideology. They're purely symbolic weapons that place the heads of state, the protection of a nation, above the general well-being of man. Thinking about them really fucks me up.

I also have family in L.A, friends in San Francisco, and live in Seattle.

wew lad

It's because North Korea has something called "Rare Earths" it's a resource.

USA wants it.

Just like it wants the Oil of the Middle-East.

I agree with you, but I take a pinch of salt when I hear Americans calling their military enemies incapable. There isn't a country in the world Americans don't think America can't handle, yet they've never really had a good success rate when it comes down to it.
Where did you hear about the satellites being crap? Was it from a reputable source? A lot goes into downplaying the Norks capabilities when it becomes more and more obvious as time goes on that they have some Pandora's box tier weaponry lying around waiting for someone to try and dick them.

Followers of the Apocalypse
all the anarchist would be Followers of the Apocalypse or Kings.

Is Trump actually gonna start a war here or is this just the heavy diplomatic condemnation/sabre rattling we do with North Korea every few years?

Oh also the Followers get to run the 38.

It sounds pretty incredible because it probably is. Just the drums of war being banged. "They could kill you at any moment" is a tried and true lie.

Oh I agree with that. NK is a serious threat, even if they can't hit the US.

I'm a really anxious guy with OCD, so back in April I got pretty obsessed with being nuked and just did a bunch of research on my own. Mostly through wikipedia.
I've just found enthusiast sites like:

Let's assume these figures are anywhere near accurate, placing both satellites between 100-200kg.

Let's assume that even 1 kiloton can take out the entire grid.
1 kt = 1000000 kg.
Where's it gonna fit?

First pic but with NCR troop aesthetics

user, I hate to break it to you, but that's a kiloton of TNT equivalent. The Hiroshima bomb, Little Boy, actually only weighed 4,400 kg in actual weight.

don't ruin the little mental security i have left, user

Despite my retardation, It just doesn't seem like they're large enough satellites. Even untested suitcase nukes weighed about 50kg.

Hate to break it to you but your mental security should be gone from just climate change alone.

Climate change will at least be survivable, though not for most us.

You know an ICBM can legally hold up to 10 warheads right? They're tiny compared to the missile.
Everything you need to know about nuclear missiles:

So I bit the bullet and took a look at this report produced by the Congress EMP Commission. Turns out that the 90% figure comes from a fiction book that, at the time, might not even reach publishing. I'm not making this up.

I even went ahead and found this bestpolicy-setting modern classic. Just remove the PDF extension.

A 1.4Mton bomb was tested near Hawaii, and generated an EMP far bigger than expected, reaching Hawaii some 800-900 miles away. But the results there weren't impressive.


Just found out that the guy who trotted out the 90% figure out of a fucking war fiction book was a US representative from Maryland, and the book caused him to shit his pants so hard, he actually went innawoods and became a survivalist. You can't make this shit up.





This is fundamentally not true. We are closer to war with Russia than at any point since the Cuban miss crisis.

There are American planes with shooting distance of Russian planes and troops, one mistake could be the end of diplomacy.

The upshot of all of this is that I'm reading a lot of 38 North now, which quite frankly is an amazing site.

Anyone even half interested in/worried about Nork politics oughta check it out.

I’ll stop the presses……

The Trots are close to ejaculating in their pants right about now.