Rojava General: Post-Cyclical Edition

With the removal of the cyclical from the old thread, it's time for a new Rojava general. I think we should create a list of links and info in general for future OPs, so please do post suggestions.

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US and YPG to sign a partnership agreement for 10 years, one stipulation of this agreement being that the US must assist the establishment of an autonomous region in Northern Syria, namely Rojava. How the hell do you fucks justify this?

Because the alternative is Russia, which would be no different, or annihilation, likely by Turkey. Ideological purity isn't going to keep the revolution alive. The US sucks, and it sucks having an alliance with them, but this does not compromise the revolution or its principles.

I don't understand.

What is there to justify?

Why do I have to "justify" it? I recall some of the earlier talks Russia was trying to intervene and make Assad's government recognize an autonomous North Syria, and those talks fell apart. I think both big powers agree on it, even if it's low-key on both their parts.

Also, why was the cyclical removed?

It's a pragmatic and cynical move. I'm not going to judge the people of Rojava for doing what they think needs to be done to survive.
But it is a cynical agreement - on both sides! Don't think for a second the US will honor the agreement if they feel higher geopolitical interests are at stake. If Turkey invades, they will not lift a finger. It'll be Iraq post-Desert Storm all over again.

this is pretty gud, actually

Old thread (for anyone who wants to look through it):*/

Mods are butthurt that the YPG are allying themselves with the USA.

They are playing Russia and the US off against one another to get aid from both, its geopolitically brilliant. It's exactly the strategy that both Tito and Nasser adopted.

Likely because the YPG has shown itself to be the most effective fighting force in the region and neither side can afford to go without their help. 20+ years of geurilla warfare against the T*rks really helps prepare you.

I love Rojava and I love the YPG but I also see why people dislike the YPG for allying with the US and I dislike it myself. I would prefer they didn't. But I understand why they do what they do.

And then I say to myself, what does it matter what I, someone live a by comparison cushy life in the west, think of the decisions of the people of Rojava to survive? It would be far more romantic for YPG to say "death to America! death to imperialism" and go it alone. It would be easier for a lot of leftists to express solidarity if they did this. But this would kills thousands of people, needlessly. There's people, our comrades, in Rojava and we shouldn't wish them to die because it makes us feel nicer.

idk the rojava issue causes turmoil for me. my solidarity remains, and will remain, with the YPG and Rojava though because I believe they have a better vision of the world and are doing a very good job of enacting it. geopolitics be damned.

You guys fucking sound like trumpcucks for fuck's sake.What next? Supporting IS because they are "anti-imperialist"?. But yes keep thinking that the fucking daddy US will fucking help you build socialism

That poster is great.

This isn't a meme, dumbass. It's a war. With people shooting others, you know, that sort of thing.

Hahaha. Give me a fucking break already.

You guys turned definitely turned it into a meme, what with all the 4d chess bullshit.

Of all the things you could actually use the 4d chess meme on, making alliances during a war has to be one of the most legit.

Who? I'm not in Rojava.

Also you're definetely a dumbass. America cooperated with the USSR during WW2. When they landed in Sicily, they made deals with literal mobsters. You think they give a single shit? Reality is not a saturday morning cartoon.

Stop dodging and answer this: Why would you think it safe to have an ally whose foreign policy has always been about overthrowing democritcally elected leftist goverments?

It's not "safe", but I'm humble enough to realize that if I know this, and you know this, the people making these decisions know it too.

This should also be repeated. People here seem to have a romanticized view of USSR resistance to America–in reality, they cooperated on a number of things when it was politically expedient.

And they should've cooperated more. I'll take little ideological purity over no cold war literally ruining lives 20 years after it's over any day.

Anyways, any single militia active in the middle east has been backed by the US in order to make their proxy wars never stop. They still call themselves anti-terrorist. This surprise about them backing anyone is baffling.

I decided to remove the cycle on this thread and make a broader Syria general. I'm not taking a moderation stance against the YPG, but I don't want to endorse their alliance with the USA (or encourage people to join) by giving them a cycled thread of their own. Feel free to continue uncycled Rojava general if you want, or to continue the discussion in the main Syria thread:

Of course it's not safe. They don't have safe choices, only a variety of dangerous ones.


Show me how this has negatively impacted the revolution. How has this at all changed their social and political program

I think it would be best to wait until all the butthurt is over because all the actual news is being drowned out.

the mod really overreacted tbh.

The tankie shitposting will die down again eventually. If you want the thread to be better, then just ignore the shitposters and post whatever new info you may come across.

How do they justify being slick enough at geopolitics to get the biggest porky in the world off their back? What do you want them to do? Fight a global war against capitalism entirely by themselves from one small part of a small country? Seriously what other move could they make here?


Not an argument. Literally nothing has changed regarding their social project.

Every time I can't help but see the YPG as anything else but a puppet for imperialist powers cloaked to appease western leftists.

I really don't understand this alarmism. I get the impression that most of this is just concern trolling by people who already didn't like Rojava

Pics of the IRPGF on the ar-Raqqah front.

it is

so what's the toilet situation in rojava? do they have toilets and toilet paper? and what about baths and showers?

Important questions tbh

Apparently the 10 year military agreement is a bullshit rumour. Besides, SDF forces are still working with the SAA near Aleppo.

I really don't get the support for Rojava. At best you can say they have minor "market socialist" policies and aren't as reactionary as the typical musdlimes.


they dont have toilet paper both because of the war and because it not in their culture. They just juse water on their ass. PPG has talked about this in some interview

They should've let either ISIS or the US wipe them out, just so western tankies could use their misery to virtue signal about oppressed kurdish socialists

They have more than just "market socialist policies"; they have 3 thirds of the MoP under community control and two thirds of the MoP as co ops. Along with countless other progressive and democratic frameworks.
It's not full on 'personally approved by Marx' FALC but a project worth investing in, in my opinion.

The new cyclical thread looks like shit anyway and nobody even posts news there.

It's worth investing if you turn a blind eye on imperialism.

However proletarian solidarity and imperialism are interlodged. You can't really support Rojava without a grain of salt.

It must be so easy to be a tankie with a black and white view of the world, totally devoid of nuance. Western tankies should kill themselves for colluding with an imperialist power.

I don't think so, in my country i've seen a lot of tankie side with Rovaja.
I've the feel that your "western" means just amerfats.

they've got tons of nuance for assad

Gen. Silo: we would use self-defense right against regime’s attacks
Looks like things could heat up between the regime and DFSNS. I wonder how Russia would deal with an escalation.

I'm not the one who supports a literal tool of American foreign policy.
Found a better article on it actually

ebin. I'll reiterate: literally nothing has changed regarding their social and political project
the 10 year agreement is most likely not even true, but even if it was it would change nothing

You can expect Rojava to get started on those 'free market reforms' any day now. North Syria is gonna be plundered like Russia post 91 or Iraq post 03

Detractors have been saying that since it's beginning. That, or that they'll be crushed any day now. What do you gain from being against people trying to revolutionize their circumstance anyways? PPG is a Marxist-Leninist but that didn't stop him from supporting and hoping for their success.

Looks like I found an answer to my own question
Russia upset with US-backed SDF operation in Raqqa, launches propaganda campaign
Hopefully things will settle down in the near future. I would prefer it if DFSNS could maintain it's relative neutrality between the two superpowers

so they're still wiping their asses with their hands?

libcuck detected


The Soviet Union wouldn't have existed if Lenin hadn't taken porky money. And it wouldn't have survived if it hadn't traded with the western powers during the 1920s and 30s.
What the council is practicing high-level Machiavellian statecraft. No friends, no enemies. Only interests.

Hey Stalin, wanna talk about that Molotov-Ribbentrop pact?

Does Rojava take immigrants? I'd like to move to a communist country.

Capitalists will sell us the rope we hang them with.

If you are a skilled worker then yes; it's not too hard to emigrate to Rojava. Technically they are looking for "volunteers" but there are already fighters there who have no intention of coming back to Europe so I wouldn't think they would have a problem in you staying permanently.

It's a 3rd world anarchist communistic millitia so you won't shower for months. It's summer rn so the heat will be extreme.

If you really have nothing to lose just go, you will learn a shit ton of things most importantly to improvise.

There are people there who dont plan on coming back, but its very much a process and hard work to build something up. It would be a constant struggle to spread and further the system not comfy late stage communism.



Bullshit propaganda.

pkk1978 on the pilot and the plane being downed;

Oh yeah it's definitely mean to paint the PKK in a negative light, especially by using terms like "annexation", but nonetheless we should be happy that the the Rojava model isn't being limited to just Syria. There's already been talk about PKK's influence over Sinjar

nope the peshmerga abandoned the Yezidis and the PKK were the ones to stand beside them after being left behind. Now that the Yezidis have seen the light of democratic confederalism they told the peshmerga to fuck the hell off after they wanted to reclaim the land of the people they had abandoned to ISIS.

The pilot will be returned safely to SAA. seems like the US overreacted massively.

Pretty sure their overreaction was intentional tbh

hundreds of Yazidis, presumably from YBS in Iraq, heading to Raqqa to help SDF liberate it

intensified rumours of a Euphrates Sheild type operation happening for Afrin…

Source? We've been hearing rumors of that for months now. Turks would get btfo everytime

Who else would have been bombing them though?
Friendly fire?
Oe did he mean that it was a mistake by the commander of the local SAA forces who didn't realize they had reached SDF forces?
It is definitely a clusterfuck for sure.

I think they should stay where they are.
Their community is on a perilous situation, who knows when fighting will flare up again.

I'm worried that once Rojava gets into "comfy late stage communism" they'll fail to adopt third-worldism, and they'll have a crisis where laborers will start moving to their country, the huge superpower capitalist countries will get upset and take out their helicopters

Thats so far off, and they will only manage to surpass capitalism fully when atleast the whole region becomes revolutionary.

Rumours seem pretty serious.

but they also need external suppliers in their earlier stages so that they manufacture means of production.
they might become too dependent on trade and succumb to capitalist nations that already have M.O.P.

if this is true i think it's actually good

great news! they were really struggling to cope with Raqqan IDPs so this will be very warmly received


So much for the SDC being a US puppet.
The build up is certainly not a good indicator. I seriously doubt they'll be able to take afrin though


Oh dear

I cannot for the life of me figure out what the US' intentions with YPG post Raqqa are. All sort of mixed signals coming out.

They might just wait till Deir ez-Zor is liberated before jamming the knife in.
Both the PYD and their (Rojavan) coalition parties refuse to openly fight Assad, and they also refuse to sell off Syria's national resources to western "investors" (Similar to what happened in Iraq and Libya)

Once that happens Turkey will invade in full force.



I'm getting the feeling not everyone along the US chain of command is on the same page here.

USA themselves has no plan, analysts have no plan, DoD has no plan and no one has a clue what Trump wants. There are many competing agendas, currently the anti-Iran paranoia is gaining ground and causing the escalation in the south eastern desert, but there is no strategy behind that.

ISIS recently published an infographic showing the amount of defections they've had from the different groups across Syria. In the three years since ISIS has tore across Iraq and Syria, there's has been just two YPG defections to ISIS.

Looks like all those ideology lessons before military training pay off!


How do you go from DemCon to Wahabism? Is it the same thing that happens when Trots turn into Neocons?

Fidaki fidaki, Ya Zainab fidaki!

I hope Rojava's executive council and the PYD will have the foresight to throw in their lot with Assad, Hezbollah and Russia.
It's very clear that once Raqqa and Deiz Ez Nor have fallen, the YPG and SDF will have outlived their usefulness.

It was nice knowing ya Rojava

It's very clear the plan is to create a foothold in Syria through the Southern Front and the SDF. The mixed signals comes about because they're also trying to get Turkey to chill out and telling them what they want to hear.

Their usefulness is not in fighting ISIS. The US would not go through all of this just to eliminate ISIS so that Assad can have his country back sooner.

Afrin is a fortress, the SDF is one of the biggest forces in Syria, and they have more and more influence with the US. If Turkey is working with the Regime and with Russia, that effectively means they're working against the US.

I don't see how it makes any sense for the Regime to be working with Turkey. The DFSNS wants to be part of Syria and to negotiate, Turkey just wants to annex it. Afrin being conquered by Turkey just makes the Regime's position weaker.


This would need willingness to make a deal and cooperate from Assads skde, but there isnt. Previous Russia initiated talks failed. And Russia managed to alienate the PYD by to transparently extorting them by threatening them with Turkey instead of eye to eye cooperation. This shift to the USA didnt happen just because.

Rojava BTFO by Roo:


Meme tier analogy tbh.

Kurds attacking Yazidi workers in Bardarash/Kurdsitan/Iraq

Iraqi Kurdistan was a mistake

This ain't Rojava

Time to make Saddam look like fucking Saladin


just like this

ive read that its got to do with assyrians refusing to be ennaxed in these new territories and wanted to stay with the previous regional goverments

Barzani a massive fuck.

And that clears up those "SDF are intentionally letting Daesh leave Raqqa" BS.

Israel actually have the nerve to complain to the UN about Syria violating their sovereignty when Israel has bombed the fuck out of Syria since the war began.

it doesent.

not to forget the zionists are still occupying golan heights and border villages in lebanon

Jason Edward Caden
42 Rice Road, Suite 35
Welland, Ontario

nobody cares

Roo is attacking Rojava again. Comrades GET IN HERE.

just keep asking him if he watches hentai


this chat is whack

All correct

ISIS getting BTFO yet again

As always, Roo accused Socialism Or Barbarism of "not making any arguments," "making no sense," and of course "making personal attacks."

Which he kinda did though. Are you seriously considering a video full of stupid polemic and memes a sincere response? It was pretty much on the same level as Holla Forums using a picture of Carl the Cuck for an anti-communist video


Roo and SoB are debating:

20 minutes in and Jason is already extremely aggressive.

Just as a side note, Arab countries have been utter dogshit at warfare in the 20th and 21th centuries. There's a lot of propaganda about Arab unity as well but deep down they all hate each other; you just need to look at how Gulf Arabs, Levantine Arabs and Mesopotamian Arabs treat their Palestinian 'brothers' whenever they become refugees in those countries.

They've got a superiority complex that is laughably unwarranted considering they got their asses kicked repeatedly by the Israelis and Persians. The SAA and Iraqi Army got steamrolled by ISIS between 2013 and 2014 and it was left to the YPG in Northern Syria to withstand the siege of Kobani before launching their successful offensive and the Peshmerga in Iraq Kurdistan to drive out ISIS there.

Only Iran and Turkey are competent military powers in the region objectively speaking. Btw this post has nothing to do with political allegiance. I hate Turkey. It's just Arab countries' are hilariously bad at winning wars.

did he actually say this, because that is the justification ISIS gave for exterminating Yazidis

The US has said they'll be happy to let SAA take Deir Ezzor and Abu Kamal. Interesting considering SDF have already formed a DeZ military council and signalled their intent is for DeZ after Raqqa.

US already making plans to drop SDF because ISIS fight is largely over?

SDF has made no desicion about Lower Euphrates Valley, pushing up to DeZ is still in the books though but taking Abu Kamal and that area would be a very bad idea. Its the core of ISIS with no chance for the SDF to build up a propper powerbase. Letting SAA deal with it is nothing bad at all.

anyone else noticed the steady trickle of Euphrates Shield defections to SDF recently?

wonder why that is

I think it's because Arab tribal forces, despite being pretty reactionary, are quite open to more autonomy for their respective tribes. The Al-Sanadid Forces of the Shammar tribe being one, for example, and they're anti-Saudi and anti-Wahhabi, despite leaning toward Arab tribalism and Sunni Islamism. Also important to note that the Shammar tribe were the only Arab tribe in Northern Syria not to take orders from Assad's goons in 2004 and refused to fight against Kurdish protesters during the Qamishli riots due to the Shammar-Kurd friendship that has lasted for centuries in the Middle East. They also have the ulterior motive of wanting to breakup Saudi Arabia and regain their emirate in the Arabian peninsula.

Turkroaches are anti-Ba'ath but also anti-federalisation. They want a strong centralised Syria but with an FSA puppet as President. Maybe Turk-backed FSA tribal forces are defecting to the SDF because they feel they'll get more autonomy under the Rojava model than under a centralised Syria perhaps?

I'd be happy if SDF just chilled out and consolidated what they have after Raqqa tbh.

That comment section is absolutely horrid.
Chairman Roo's fan are the more bizarrely deluded people I've seen on YouTube.

so tldr:

Jahbat al Akrad fighter with an anarcho communist badge in Raqqa :')


That's really hard to make out so I'm not so sure it's an anarchist badge.


Jahbat al Akrad undergo ideological education as part of their training about capitalism and such so I would say it's probably an ancom badge. pkk1978 said they're really good, well educated fighters.

Afaik its mostly rebel groups that had conflicts with the other rebels there over their extortion and smuggling business. Few of them actually defect because of ideological reasons or because they are good guys. Just people that lost in th inter rebel conflicts.

Euphrates Shield control areas literally look like Ancapistan so no wonder people want to leave.

it's amazing how despite being bankrolled by Turkey the Euphrates Shield area is still full of banditry and corruption. FSA groups are so fucking retarded.

No it's more like:

It's not a dig at Arabs; it's a dig at Arab nations' militaries. Arab governments in the 20th and 21st centuries generally have poor relations with their own militaries due to mistrust and it's because a lot of regimes came to power via military coups i.e. the Assad family, Saddam Hussein, Nasser, Gaddafi etc. They also choose commanders based on background rather than merit which leads to poor organisation. Israel and Zionism is trash but they embarrassed Arab countries in 20th century conflicts. If Saudi Arabia attacked Iran they'd get their asses handed to them as well. The only conflict that could end up going either way would be Turkey vs Iran.

hotly anticipating the International Liberty Battalion of Sultan Murad

Now, how bad is Erdogan's health? I mean, maybe he wont die in office or maybe he will, just saying some blood pressure, some little stress, maybe nature will take its course.


Have Arabs ever won a war in the last 70 years? They somehow manage to lose their own civil wars.

Allah hasn't been on their side in decades. Shia Persians confirmed master race of the Middle East.

hezbollah destroyed israel in 2006.

Do sny of you genuinely think there will be lasting socialism there?

Yeah we clearly believe that we will have socialism in one underdeveloped strip of desert populated by 3 million people.

To be serious it will be at best the springboard for a new chance, and like Chiapas an example that libertarian socialism can work.

Turkey is the key. If Rojava can be a platform for Bakur then that will seriously start affecting things in the region

i so hope they can spread to bakur.
does the pkk have strong sway in eastern kurdistan?

Not really but all the guerilla groups there have a socialist leaning.

The KCK have a regional group in Iranian Kurdistan called the PJAK who have quite a lot of influence in Eastern Kurdistan but are competing with the more moderate KDPI guerilla group.
But much like the PKK; these insurgent group mostly stay in the mountains or in other parts of Kurdistan as so it's unknown what the true extend of their influence and popularity amongst the population is.

I heard ISIS are making inroads into the Iranian Kurdish community too. The guys who attacked Tehran the other day for example were Kurds.

what do you guys see as the best case scenario regarding kurdistan and/or demconism in the coming years



That DemCon becomes what the original Ba'athism was supposed to do and form itself into a counter idea for resistance for the MENA and possibly beyond just as Ocelan wanted.


They're already there tho. The difference between YPG and PKK is just the badge and location.

YPG sniper named 'Musa' has claimed an incredible 80 kills, mostly in Kobani.
That's more than the Soviet sniper Roza Shanina's 59 kills.


Implying the USA will be around forever.

I will try to describe a very optimistic but possible path in simple ways. What will happen is impossible to predict though for various reasons.

So what we should now have a eye on in the next years is: 1) Turkey not invading
2) Assad realising that Rojava wont go away
3) Rojava managing a deal even against the possible objections from the USA
4) If the system in Rojava actually works somewhat and does not becomes a one party dictatorship

Taking the side of the USA while Assad is uncooperative is reasonable to protect itself against Turkey and to force Assad into negotiations.

this cant backfire, right?

Erdogan is one inch away from blaming the jews for Turkeys economic problems, and his lackeys allready do it openly atm its just evil EU/big finance/CIA doing economic assasination. Turkeys economy is resting on the power or the Lira and continuos growth. They have had this ultra expansive debt policy for a while allready to prop up thd economy, stealing businesses from gülenists and handing them to AKP people is a similar short term gamble to prop up his power.

Behind closed doors he begs EU for money and assistance though…

some comments from the sultan Trending Content&utm_content=594fd12104d301330a5fb390&utm_medium=trueAnthem&utm_source=twitter

jesus erdogan is such a shit for brains autist. I really fucking hate him and the AKP

Such a shame what happened with HDP, they had so much potential. Erdogan castrated em the bastard.

what happened?


get your shit straight dumbass

and everyone knows the US is trying to keep their sphagetti in their pockets already

A lot of Roo's fanboys are ditching him over Rojava though.


Oh wow, commie kikes trying to kill indigenous Satanic populations, what are the odds

good, roo is rooting against fucking socialists

Iraqi Kurds are not commies you moron. The YPG/J and the PKK are the ones that are actually protecting the Yezidis.

why are people so fucking dumb


HDP's star has thus fallen because the state has essentially criminalised supporting them or helping them and killed their ability to organise.

fuck Erdogan.

Shit can't kick off soon enough in Turkey.

you missed the point didnt you jerkoff

Friendly reminder that real Tankies support Rojava.

Interesting article from when YPS were clashing with Turkish Security Forces. Apparently TAF struggled to deal with the urban guerilla tactics that many YPS fighters picked up from fighting with YPG in Kobani.

Al Monitor is the best place for MENA journalism

are the turkish security forces a paper tiger?
when shit kicks off will they collapse?

I don't call me tankie, but yes, they are probably the best "faction" by themselves, Although I think when they are not useful to USA , they will be forced to turn Fullcapitalist, or they will get crushed by Turkey.
Wich is a shame, I think the best future is getting some kinf of agreement with Assad to have an autonomus region, instead of dividing the country.
What do you guys think about this?

Rojava hasn't said they want independence but to be able to do their confederation shit inside a reformed Syria.

Yes, I can undesrtand some ML's concern whit Usa supportting them, but if you analyze them separetly Rojava is the socialist option.

Assad has rejected even mild autonomy or federalism proposals. Russia tried to make it work but it's just not happening.

Yeah I can agree with this, but still my problem is to what point will the USA/Turkey let them do this, and still develop socialism?
Don't misunderstand me, I like Rojava and I do not now why lot's of MLs don't support them (in my country this is different, I even now some ML groups whose members went to fight to support the YPG), but I think is still undeniable that USA are using them to advance their interests and whilst this can be good for now, it also means they could be pushed to fight against the SAA, which will hurt Syria.

Based comrades.

These fears are completely natural as a leftist. The US has always played the role of the saboteur for our movement so as I said it's natural. But in the thousands of posts in these Rojava threads on Holla Forums there's been many debates about the nuances of the YPG's position and the future. There's no right or wrong stance on this but the "YPG are petty booj Zionist yankee tools" one is imo in bad faith.

Must of just been a coincidence.

Yeah, is undeniable Israel is helping the FSA

"Kurds" dont even exist as a race anyways, so your argument makes no sense. It's literally just another Israeli front operation to divide and conquer Syria. Given that Yazidis literally worship the god the Jews have labeled as their enemy, I doubt that the YPG are keeping them alive either.

Holy shit it looks like a ton of ISIS sleeper cells have activated at once and are now attacking the Iraqi Army from behind the frontlines…

The YPG literally saved 50,000 Yezidis from being massacred by Da'esh on Shingal mountain and the Yezidi militias in Shingal are allied to the PKK and YPG/J along with the idea of Democratic Confederalism. So are the Democratic Confederalist Yezidis militias a part of your made up communist/Jewish conspiracy?

Regardless of if you don't recognise the Kurdish people; the people in Bashur are not communist.

fuck these people tbh.

DemCon feminism showing its fury.

great work!

The YPG and "Daesh" are the exact same thing you nitwit. You're basically just describing the Jews saving gentiles…from the Jews. Which they would never do.


early on in this thread or maybe the previous thread I questioned why HPX had such a presence for the storming of Raqqa

now with Daesh sleeper cells causing havoc in Mosul I understand. HPX and HPC are integral parts of the self management and need to be erected in Raqqa ASAP.


Mind. Blown.

just bizarre isn't it


twitter is garbage

Fucking traitors, kurds deserve to be genocided.

PFLP are pretty irrelevant and even still they have no ideas aside from "we're secular unlike Hamas" and maybe some decades old ML rhetoric which will never be followed up on. Don't see why tankies fetishise them. The Palestinian left needs to dispense of relics like PFLP and Fatah.


FYI this was on Roo's original anti-Kurd video.

I agree that PFLP does not recieve support when indeed it is the best option to have a secular Palestine, but still the rest of the post is retarded

I had no idea how cancerous this unironic anti-imperialist shit could be until roo man started this whole thing with his idiocy. Jesus.

he rejected any such things not because of kurds but because of the FSA. if syria submitted it would be partitioned with some ares controlled by the goverment and some ares by the FSA, creating a mess like in plaestine-israel

PKK pls take over KRG

the tears will be delicious

Being a traitor to capitalist nationstates especially when they are as shit as Assads Syria is something great that we all should respect.

someones sad his al-nusra white helmet jihadist friends got arrested.



Still doesnt make nationalism any less retarded, we are in this for humanity not your retarded nation state.

Are you a Holla Forumsyp or why do you wank to capitalist strongmans and want to see genuinly revolutionary movements fail?

it won the war for syria.

so youre against US imperialism and their SDF proxies?


All those Lebanese, Russian, Iraqi, Iranian, Afghan and Pakistani soldiers propping up Assad… proud sons of Syria of course

Turkish assault on Afrin will start very soon. Said to be scheduled for the end of ramadan so any day now.

Important to note: Afrin has traditionally been the most pro PKK and demconfed part of Rojava and has been largely free from intense war for the duration of this war. There's thousands upon thousands of YPG there who've been doing nothing but training up for years.

even in the event of military occupation I hope the people of Afrin retain their self organising abilities and reject Turkey in every facet of life.

you want me to count all the nationalities that came to fight for ISIS, FSA, SDF and other groups?

anyway whats your point? i tought youd like international cooperation for the greater good?

haven't won yet
and the only reason they'll come close to "winning" is because of Russia and to a lesser extend the SDF not because of some Syrian nationalism.

check dem goalposts shiftin'

when syrian troops were cornered a few yers back that SDF wasnt even thing.
Can you tell me then what inspired all those men and women to fight eventough they were surrounded and retreating on all fronts? why didnt they just defect to the FSA?

them not having an argument

he used a sam hyde pic what do you think?

who is sam hyde

The purge definitely lowered its experience pool and its proficiency.
They can and will compensate with sheer brutality though.

PKK claim it's much higher too.

Very intensive few weeks of fighting.


prepare your anuses k*rds

when you almost get your head taken off by an ISIS sniper but it's cool

I mean I'll never be this cool and all, but you gotta admit, you have to be a little bit of a psychopath to react like that.

Yeah probably, as time goes on people are wondering if lots of old war heroes had some form of ASPD. She seems friendly enough though.

Completely normal reaction to such a thing, especially in a culture where you dont show such emotions.

Kurds are known to show no emotions? Don't be a fucking edgelord, I don't buy for a second that this is a normal reaction. She's kinda fucked up, but in a really cool way I guess.

i want to kill myself over recent developments with the SDF.

Oh no but showing emotions especially pain and fear is not that common, the constant cussing ect. you have in american combat vids just isnt there.

But yes the first automatic reaction when you dont want to dwell on the fact that you just almost died while being high on adrenaline is somewhat like that. Of course being a bit fucked up from war helps but I have experienced this myself after an accident and with a friend.

Looks like the battle is upon Afrin. God I fucking hate turkey

I am not fatalistic yet, last time they defended well, its possible they do it again. But I am not particulary hopeful.

Hey, I know the situation with afrin is heating up, however I want to ask about federalism and confederalism in Rojava.
Is all of it federated? What does that mean politically, and what does it mean for the political program of democratic confederalism?
Why are they doing it? Arab Kurdish unity? Political power?
Confused and would appreciate answers.
"He noted meanwhile that democratic federalism that is based on geographic factors was the guarantee for the country’s unity."
"On March 17, 2016, the “Federal Democratic System of Rojava – Northern Syria” was established officially in areas controlled by the Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD). Following a meeting of more than 150 representatives of Kurdish, Arab and Assyrian parties in the city of Rumaylan in north-eastern Syria, participants voted in favor of the union of three “cantons” populated by Syria’s most sizeable Kurdish community (Afrin, Kobanî, Jazirah) "

Turkroaches doing what Turkroaches do.

Saw something on Twitter saying Salih Muslim will seek closer ties with Russia (there's a Russian base in Afrin) and end the Raqqa campaign if the USA doesn't stop Turkey's assault on Afrin.

Reading through the comments, I guess everyone on reddit is a battle-hardened war veteran who rambo'ed down hordes of enemies.

well they did in call of duty so i guess that counts

/r/combatfootage every time a video from the Middle East comes up is basically "lol look at these stupid backwards fucks, can't even use a gun like me when I'm on a firing range in completely calm and tranquil circumstances"

pkk1978 says there's been up to 100 German nationals killed fighting with PKK over the years and that the vast majority of their names have never been released.

Interesting that internationalist volunteering has its history with PKK too. Joining the PKK is far more of a comitment that joining YPG.

it makes me physically angry

So does this mean that Turkey will be forced to look east to Russia, thus having to reconcile with Iran, or does it mean that USA will stop backing this kurdish state as soon as Assad is removed?

Tankies: erm, Turkey is good now, anarkiddies. Support Comrade Erdogan and brave Turan in their noble fight against Kurdish separatism

Or some shit.

As far as I can tell, the US has been using the YPG to strongarm Turkey into being more compliant, and if that doesn't work, into using them as a replacement for Turkey's strategic geopolitical importance. I think at this point the official policy has become the second. Turkey looks like it's increasingly becoming more friendly with the Eastern powers and showing even less care about the rebels. It's not like the rest of NATO has any positive feelings towards Turkey: they're blatantly using the refugee crisis to manipulate Europe while acting like an oppressive dictatorship.

Is the Rojava a fucking 4D chess meme? How do they keep doing this?

Sides with NATO member Turkey to destroy Kurdish autonomy

Sides with NATO member Turkey and Assad; inb4 muh Qatar-Turkey oil pipeline primury contradictions!!! meme (ain't that convenient now that Putin and Erdogan are starting to rub shoulders)

Uses Syria as part of its own proxy war against Saudi Arabia and conveniently sides with Turkey in Syria after the Qatari diplomatic crisis

I mean, if that article's true that's a whole lotta wew. I could honestly see Putin, Erdogan and Trump forming an axis in the Middle East, getting rid of Assad and replacing him with someone exactly like Assad but not quite Assad.

ca. 20 trucks of new stuff for the SDF being delivered.

Not to forget that Russia is securing control over Syrian oil, somehow the only oil wells not under ISIS or Russian control will be the ones in Rojava. Russia also forces Syria into debt in return for food.

Russia's position with the YPG is "we'll help you, but we'll continually threathen to withdraw our help and give Turkey permission to invade you unless you keep making concessions to Assad". It's fucked.

still the lesser evil.

you mean the Iran that the entire world tried to destroy at some point after their revolution?
the iran that supports shia peoples against regional sunni salafism of which the source is saudi arabia?

what is that even suppost to mean?
the only reason they sided with turkey and qatar was saudi arabia. there wasnt any bullshit pretext like your "muh democracy" and "muh revolution"

guess you need an eye doctor


played like a fiddle

it already had control over syrian oil under various trade deals long before the war started, in case you only started following the conflict when you heard there were some communists or something involved (which is probably exactly what happened)

wrong. the food aid is free. the only thing anyhow close to what you said is russia securing deals with the syrian goverment on contrats for the rebuilding of syria.

it may sound retarded but.. is that pic legit?

Don't bully him, we can't all be word scientists.

yep, posted by people who make the flag.


Its a veteran owned company and the guys in the photo are from 101st Abn.

i think she's laughing out relief, that the bullet missed, that and she's probably been in wars before

the catch was that assad is an eye surgeon, atleast was before he was called to be president after his brother died in a cracrash

In what fucking world are they the lesser evil? Assad is a quasi-monarchical increasingly neoliberal dictator who has murdered and tortured his subjects and Turkey is Fascist genociding soon to be one party dictatorship. America and its imperialism sucks, but this time it actually involves helping the good guys. Obviously the US doesn't care about aiding Socialism, they only care about geopolitics, but that doesn't mean Rojava isn't a genuine socialist revolution.
Yes, its Fundamentalist theocratic Islamist revolution. Just because they're the underdog doesn't mean they're the good guys.
Don't pretend like Iran is doing it to support oppressed people, it's just geopolitics and Islamic tribalism.

If your primary concern is geopolitics as a socialist you'll probably dislike Rojava.

If your primary concern is grass roots level politics, you'll probably like Rojava.

Some leftists are willing to say Hezbollah are better leftists than YPG despite being reactionary because they align correctly on the 'anti imperialist' axis.

Dont bother, they are americans who desperatly want someone to root for that makes them feel powerful.



Yeah the concession to Assad that they come to an agreement to reunite Syria after ISIS is defeated.

An alliance between NATO member Turkey and Syria is still the lesser evil than supporting Rojava when it comes down to muh anti-imperialism?

This is neoliberal shit-tier tbh. Neck yourself.

This is what we've come to.


livemap is saying this isn't confirmed, and Syriancivilwarmap is denying it. I've noticed livemap is pretty biased reported on kurds, reporting laughable Turkish hoaxes, like Kurds cutting the water supply or persecuting arabs.

inb4 'anti-imperialists' say that Erdogan is just following Ataturk's legacy of defending brave Turan from imperialist forces in the region

It's sufficient to align with Russia against US interests.

Pls stop. Unironic Turkroach shilling is punishable by death on leftypol.

If Russia improves relations with the US then anti-imperialists need to pivot to supporting the PRC or North Korea first and foremost. Anti-imperialism is anti-Americanism.

The PRC which exploits African resources and labour. Wew lad.

12th dimensional chess indeed.

You're right. The only real force in the anti-imperialist struggle is the LLCO. We must all join our Bangladeshi American comrades in their crusade against imperialism.

Thread theme


Todo List:
1. Make sure everyone knows they can evade bans by logging into their router and changing the last digit of their MAC address
2. Organize on a discord so we can clearly communicate with each other about what's going on and what's being deleted
3. Make a backup Holla Forums board just in case
Honestly, if we had just moved to bunkerchan….


maybe in the end bunkerchan will save us after all.

Or use a proxy/VPN/Tor. Ultrasurf works pretty well for me.

So apparently the deletion of our cyclical was just the first step. Soon we will have r/soc style purity tests over vague complex conflicts and who you support in them with your mindpower across thousands of kilometers. Being interested and rooting for the second modern experiment in socialism is apparently bannable now.

Thank you BO for showing that you dont care about Holla Forums, apparently your conspiracy theories are more important.

calling it now. The day Syria and Turkey invade Afrin, BO will move on to ban all ypg posting and censor everything related to the Syrian invasion.

Took over the old /rojava/ board that was barely used. It's there as a backup if this really gets out of hand.
if it isn't already

BO's new rules effect far more than just Rojava general. Many people would be interested in a new board with better management, a general Holla Forums board would be appreciated.

It's meant to be a general leftypol board, not only fixated on rojava. I thought the name would be appropriate considering what's happened. I really hope we won't even need the board and one of the senor mods on here can take over

hell yeah bitch lets make daddy leon proud

folks we've got a tyrannical dictator (BO) oppressing us… I think we need to form our own defence militia… the Shitposter Protection Units

go on…

we will form the Letfypol Military Council with the goal of liberating Holla Forums. the Members will include Bat'ko, Catgirl Drawgrill, and Jimmy dore, among others.
The USA has already supplied us with 50 Anti-tank rockets and a dozen APCs for this mission.

fuck off you imperialist puppet

Does anyone have any idea why /rojava/ would be redirecting to /a/?

Some good news from out favorite imperialist group.

theyre a credible alternative to the global hegemony of the US and their imperialistic financial system of which monopoly is to be absolute.

point me to one "leader" who hasnt.
the only reason youre pointing this out is because the MSM did. and youre a real dumbass if you beleive them.

to the US the ends justify the means. and if you think that this is really about helping those who you call "the good guys" you arent really following the whole topic.

and when ISIS is completely gone and the US will need a stable bulwark of their foregein policy in the region where do you think that revolution will go?

it was a revolution by the people for the people.
or are revolutions only OK when you feel like it regardless of the people in the given country?

in a world where geopolitics run the show, not some puny idealism, it kinda does.


We dont care about banks we care about capitalism as a whole, go kill yourselve reductionist faggot.

but neoliberals support the SDF and all american endevaurs in the region along with the "assad must go" bullshit.

you mean like all the other powers do?

Can anyone can give liks to articles, works about Rojava's economic system??
Do they have a socialist planned economy?? If so it is centralaized or decentralized??

Stop moralising you faggot and read Marx.



so im moralising when i prefer geopilitics over muh idelaism?

Er, yeah, kinda my point. Russia and China are also imperialist powers in addition to the US. Some retards think China and Russia can't be imperialist. Go figure.

That website is your friend

The biggest supporters of the SDF are leftists and you know it. Even Marxist-Leninists, Maoists and Hoxhaists are fighting in the IFB. The US have already said their support of the SDF is short-term and after Raqqa they'll withdraw support. Likewise, the SDF have taken material and logistical support from the US, Russia and even China.

Supporting Erdogan's Turkey in the region because it 'adds a credible alternative to the global hegemony of the US' is garbage. Might as well support Qatar and Daesh, grow a beard, replace your USSR LARPing flag in your bedroom with the Shahada black standard and rape a Yazidi woman. Fuck off.

Bug spray required

i usually stop reading at that point

you live in a world where moral support over social media has much less effect than scheming in intelligence and army HQ you know

noone is supporting erdogan.

but these terrorist groups have done nothing but benefited US foregein policy.


You do realise that these groups are also backed by Turkey, don't you? Nusra, ISIS and FSA factions in the north have all benefitted from Turkey's foreign policies in Syria.

I'm not sure what mental gymnastics someone can manage by saying an American ally that sponsors Salafist jihadi groups in Syria is a good alternative to US global hegemony. They're one and the same.

So what do you think happens once "glkbal us hegemony" has been broken? Socialism will spread like a wildfire? There will just be a new hegemon or a short lived multipolar world, and capitalism will contimue as ever before. You are literally attacking surface phenomenons changing nothing at the material basis.

Bringing back the thread to the topic, recent events seem to have exaggerated the state of relations between gov and SDF

Video showing the supply airstrip used and confirming that USA troops expect to stay for a while, so we wont see any quick retreats or backstabbings imo.

US is still scarred after pulling out of Iraq. They'll be afraid to completely pull out of Iraq and Syria for a long but they'll definitely reduce their presence once Isis is finished as a conventional force

This would be good actually, Rojava would profit from a weak but existing presence serving as a reminder to Assad and Turkey that they cant do as they want.


Rumours of Russia sending MORE troops to Afrin from Aleppo.

Would be a big fuck off to Erdogan if true

I hope the SDF clear up these human rights allegations and make a proper investigation.

topkek link?

Also reports ES is doing more ethnic cleansing:

What allegations? The ones the UN cleared from them?

No, the allegations of mistreatment of refugees, one of these allegations has already been dealt with but there has been new ones, and also the allegations of arrests for forced conscription.

They arrest KDP-S reactionaries and have conscription into the HXP which is used for guard duty only. Their treatment of refugees is not allways good thats true, but they lack food ressources and are blockaded by many sides. The security precautions are harsh for the refugees but they have been effective and are a reaction to minorities like the Christians wanting them because they are allmost eradicated by members fleeing the terror.

Found it:ريزان-حدو-تعزيزات-عسكرية-روسية-وصلت-إل/
160 Russian troops deploying to Afrin. Seems like most of the drama about backstabbing was unjustified.

Euphrates Shield is hilarious tbh

SDF led Euphrates Storm when?

Jeebsus, this is fucking Keystone Cops tier, but orders of magnitude worse. Someone needs to put together a video of Turkish military fuckups set to Benny Hill music.

I miss the days of the Al Bab offensive, when every time you clicked into /rojava/ you'd get news of ISIS ceding territory to Turkey and then taking it back off them within the day. It genuinely happened like 14 times for even the smaller towns around Al Bab like Bzaah

muh slippery slope fallacy.

That was pretty fucking funny. It took them months to take one tiny fucking city with the might of the Turkish military, and every time they made gains they lost them right after.

at what point did anyone mention turkey

so how exactly is a revolution suppost to happen anywhere without it being just a smokescreen for aggressive foregein policy of world powers?

just like CIA planned.

Will Rojava general be to Holla Forums as /sg/ is to Holla Forums?

it already is

yet every faggot on /r/scw fell for it.
God I fucking hate reddit.

The Turkish military is a paper tiger and the PKK should straight rebel rn and join Rojava already.

Yeah the last time the youth wing of the PKK established a footing went really well…

Go back to your inbred insect-colony, roach

love this meme

Think you're mistaken, friend. I hate the roaches too. I was responding to the guy saying 'Turkey can be a good alternative to US imperialism'.

Apparently the Iraqi Army, in capturing Mosul, have taken 7,000 KIA and 20,000 casualties.

Sipan Hemo general commander of the YPG dropping some announcements:

One day we might see SDF butfucking Erdogan and retaking all of Euphrates Shield. Also another confirmation that they are doing all this for all of Syria to fight terrorism and to democratize it.

I am thinking of moving my posting from here to 0chan tbh, BO seems hellbent on banning people who know more about Syria than she does.


the absolute madmen are still intent on connecting the cantons

Is n1x a massive faggot?

He's a superdense quasar of faggotry

So would we be in danger at 0chan? If he abandoned /anarcho/ we could probably take it.

Now shes writing a book… What do you think, will "she" accuse Sheikh Masqood YPG of being evil collaboratuers?

Wouldn't be surprising tbh. Some "moderate" rebel supporters actually believe that YPG are secretly puppets of Assad. Pic related.


BO reaction when she hears SDF has reached Deer Ez-zoor

Novara did a nice interview with an recently returned British IFB fighter

Spanish IRPGF fighter makes a statement on YPJ.


the syrian forces are cutting them off tho

More than 400 revolutionary leftists fighting with the YPG atm

You mean her parents, right?

SDF is still closer. transporting hundreds of FSA fighters to Rojava might allow the plans of the DZ military council to go ahead in time.

imperialism bump :^)

From a Turkish Security report on the YPG.

we're coming bucko

why do they separate the units into men and women? do they fight separately?

they're not actually separate units. women and men are mixed together in units on the battlefront

oh ok, it's just in all the pics and vids i see i always either see all women or all men

YPG are mixed, YPJ are women-only.

why have a womens' only unit though?

a big military is already what the tiger part of paper tiger means, it's just also a SHIT big military

YPG are mixed? I thought it was only the commanders.
A male commander and a female commander, but only male boots.

YPG is mixed, and field commanders don't seem to have the co-gender system.

that would put them in a direct conflict

It was inevitable anyways.

What is the manpower looking like for Syrian gov. + Rojova? I fear that if this conflict is parlonged even for a year or too government along Rojova will eventually run out of manpower, where as Syrian rebels can rely on endless tide of Jihadists and foreign fighters&supplies till end of the conflict.

In terms of manpower it would go Syrian Gov > SDF > rebels > ISIS


Manpower is kind of deceiving in this instance since SAA has the most soldiers but probably the worst quality of soclider


But longer the conflict lasts the number of core and experienced forces is going to eventually collapse. We will eventually see complete collapse in terms of quality form those factions who cannot rely on volunteers form outside of the country.

Honestly I think it would be for the best if Russians landed even dozen divisions on Syria this conflict could be warped up in a month or two.

I can see that happening for the SAA but not so much for the SDF. When SDF liberates an area, the first thing they do is start recruiting from the local populace and sent them to continue the advance. With SAA, what you have is conscripts fighting for territory they most likely have no attachment to. Really, if the US where to give the SDF AA capabilities I don't think Assad would stand much of a chance

tbf if the rebels had AA capabilities I think they would have made short work of Assad too

even without AA capabilities I think the rebels would've overthrown Assad if they were united. fragmentation killed the revolution.

This SDF that is recruiting is likely a US pawn. The SDF originally didn't fight Assad. This will likely come to a head in Raqqa.

It won't. Assad doesn't really give a shit about Raqqa, it's never been a priority for SAA. They'll head over to Deir Ezzor and deal with that. US said they welcome SAA capturing Deir Ezzor as it means less work for the coalition.

You think Assad and Iran will allow an increasingly US controlled rival to stay in Syria indefinitely? IMO as long as they receive US funding and support they'll not be trusted by the SAA. Some kind of federal settlement is the only long term option for Rojava's survival. The US will likely do all they can to block this.

When SDF starts working against it's own interests and ideology then we can have that discussion. Until then, any such assertions are baseless.

The FSA wasn't very socialist to begin with, so I can't say I'm terribly sorry that they fragmented.

On the topic of the manpower situation (rather than manpower numbers) the SAA is having serious problems.
They have completely sucked dry their entire manpower pool even though they have and still are enacting massive conscription campaigns.
Ironically; their main support base, the Alawites, have suffered the worst from this as Alawites were heavily conscripted to fill up the officer positions that the government required to be significantly Shia in order to maintain power over the military.
In the end this meant that over the course of the war, after all the officer deaths, the young male Alawite population has been utterly destoryered and will probably cause major demographical problems for the Alawite community post-war.
Additionally the SAA manpower problem is most evident by the fact that they have to employ militias from Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan as well as the Iranian army and Russian/Chechen military police to maintain manned

This is what you get for having a shitty autocratic ethno-state tbh

Understatement of the fucking century

You literally know nothing about Syria.

The fact is the US is supporting the SDF against ISIS. If ISIS was the only concern, the US would work with the SAA too. They are trying to build a credible opposition to Assad for the next round once ISIS is done.

US airstrikes helped SAA take Palmyra and they're always striking around Deir Ezzor too.

Yeah I don't doubt that, but the ousting of assad is not exactly against the interests of the SDF/DFSNS either. To oust assad would not be anymore against their principles then ousting ISIS is. The difference is that the DFSNS would try to oust him through elections if given the chance, but I seriously doubt Assad and his allies would ever allow a credible election.

What do you mean? Is their main support base not the Alawites?
Their government and military staff is disproportionately made up of Alawites, most Alawites before the war supported Assad and you have a really easy time as a Alawite in Syria so I don't see how my assertion is wrong.

No, the vast majority under the Syrian government are Sunni Arabs, who participate fully in the government. You are just parroting bullshit you read from the NYT, Jacobin, or a similar liberal rag.

OK, so what are the actual figures for the Ratio of Alawite statesmen, bureaucrats and officers to Sunis of the same professions?

from Mosul, but I imagine SDF will see a lot of similar shit in Raqqa

lmao bruh Sunnis weren't allowed become jet pilots because there was an institutional distrust of Sunnis in the Baathist high command.

They've been bombing Syria for two years and til last week or so it looked as though they aimed to block the SAA moving east. The US want as much ground as possible for anyone but assad. Likely if the SDF don't take a strong enough line against Assad once ISIS are done, the US will let the Turks take over northern Syria. This would probably be enough to get the Turks back on side re removing assad. They SDF sealed their own fate when they started taking assistance from the west.

I never denied that they had a substantial support base with the Sunnis; I was just stating that their main support base (not their only support base) was with the Alawites.


This is still wrong though. You're just wrong. Stop repeating bullshit you read from Western state media.

Weird how you ask for stats to back up your own lies.

Yeah, Kim Jong-Un is also executing people with AA guns.

I'm a different poster from
I just figured that since you were so sure of yourself, you would actually have some sources to back up what you were saying. I guess I was mistaken :^)

love it when GerilaTV uploads vids of their operations

how about you look at the map


are you sure about that

if the SDF had AA capabilities nothing would happen, because they arent at conflict with syria.
The US would probably try to stirr shit up like it did not long ago by shooting down syrian jets and also attacking syrian troops to force a retaliation.
and even if the US succeded in that, the SDF would have no chance at defeating the SAA, iraqi army who would tag along to get rid of unsobordinate areas in iraq, the russian airforce and ground troops, and the turkish army that would be asked a favor from russia.
the US at that point could only choose between a full invasion of syria or wimping out, which they probably would

Still more fucking socialist than the USSR ever was

to which they adapted and managed to fight in overwhelming odds. theyre the best tactically and strategically experienced force in the war now.

sais who, CNN?
the factions of the army that joined the FSA were just like the rest of the SAA.
the militant groups were ususally just sunni salafists.
meanwhile the christians, druze, shias, assyrians and others supported the goverment, which is the main reason the SAA held out so long in urban areas from 2011 to 2015

nevermind the FSA, ISIS and SDF right?
anyone getting help from foregein allies is surely desparate right?



given the current situation the current goverment and allied factions would get an absolute victory anyway

they did wonders from 2011 with US support untill russia interviened in the war

I should make it clear that my original comment on the situation on the SAA was not intended as slander but to highlight the problems that the SAA faces which, as you said, are being addressed though not without difficulties.
As I said earlier I didn't claim that the Alawites were the only support base of Assad but rather the main support base before the start of the war.
Additionally I never claimed that having foreign militias was a bad thing; only that it shows the manpower problems the SAA is having.
So please stop being so assmad and jumping to conclusions.

stop framing it as if SAA were the strident little underdog. SAA was in a bad position because they didn't use their vastly superior resources effective. then Russia stepped in and taught them some discipline.

A tactically aware outfit doesn't do shit like this.

It's not like a crippling drought that was exacerbated by cutting the social safety net through awful neoliberal reforms and a strict bureaucracy sparked a bloody civil war or anything.

Assad has the support of middle and upper class Sunnis whose wealth and status depends upon the Baath but he is despised by rural and working class Sunnis not just in Syria, but around the Arab World.


Okay, right my mind's made up. I'm going to try and join.

But before I go I'm going to need to know what to prepare. I already know it's really important to learn some Kurdish but what about things like what to bring, what kind of shape to be in, anything to know about the area, cultures and history? All the sites like Rojavaplan seem to be down so I'm having trouble finding info.

technically Hezbollah are still the most badass fighters in Syria. SAA is lucky to have them on their side.

Compared to who? Literally every conventional army is hamstrung against urban guerrilla fighters if they aim to minimize civilian deaths.

tbh m8 it's not a good time to join. KDP in Iraq have really cracked down on internationalists going to Rojava and you'll be arrested.

Oh, is it going to get better now that they have US support?

Does anyone know?

they've had US support for years but between Turkey bombing one of their bases and the KDP crackdown, i hear it's a difficult time to go

SAA barely even trys to do that though.

they were in a bad position because they were fighting in a fresh civil war, which means the infrastructure and chain of command broke down in a bit more than just frontlines, which themselves werent clear

no, it just liberates the largest city in the country, along with most other major populated areas and industrial bulwarks, and effectively strategically incapacitates almost all enemy forces via offensives and surroundment



hezbollah are just commando tier at this point, seeing how in 2006 they defeated the superior Merkava armor by just getting to a few meters distance and blowing them up with explosives and AT weaponery

sais who? they organise ceasfires and evacuations before every major operation.
id take all those terrorist and white helmets posts and so on with a truckload of salt.

you should message this guy on twitter maybe. he responded to me I bet he'd love to answer your questions on how to prepare and how to join. I wouldn't listen to people here too much.
good luck, heval

Is that her on the right?

Based batko with a new video out



this is what the BO is on rn Foreign volunteer currently in the academy, only 38 followers yet

They recently lost access to their system, but its up again now. They asked for everyone of the past few weeks to resend his email.

I said it the drought sparked the civil war. I didn't not state that the drought was the main cause of the war.
Still; if Assad didn't fuck up the economy so bad he wouldn't be in such a mess.

HELL YEAH. PKK have assisinated two AKP politicians recently. This is the second.

pkk1978 seems really angry about Patrick Kasprik aka patkasper on reddit. Really it seems to me that unpolitical volunteers are the worst.

Probably because a lot of tgem really are just war tourists who don't have any investment in Rojava.
Twitter Tankies constantly accuse Pisspig and other leftist volunteers of war tourism but they just need to look over at all the unpolitical/crusader types for that.

pat is such a faggot lmao. So satisfying to see a cadre like pkk1978 call him out on his bullshit.

Leftist volunteers never disrespect Rojava or the YPG the way he's done. They're preferred for a reason

is it the same email? [email protected]/* */?

Their blackblogs website is gone and on their other site its [email protected]/* */ which they ask you to contact with a proton mail account.

the drought did have a big effect, dont get me that i want to disagree and argue and so on. it really fucked up rular communities from which people naturally moved to urban areas and made a big social impact, including rethorically, since people from rular areas were alot more conservative and a major part sunni.

its a developing country in a developing part of the world. assad of the entire party is reall not the one to blame, since he was kinda just a urgent replacement for Basil.
he should have been an eye surgeon like he studied in london.
speaking of which, it was his ties and familiars in the west that pushed him to liberalise, and he ofcourse went with it. the party was with him because he was the new assad heir and the foregein entities saw nothing but benefit from it.

dont want to be a panic monger or anything but you did take into account that you got yourself on a whole bunch of blacklists and scrutinies for going this far right?
western agencies arent gonna let you slide just because youre on their allys side. theyre pretty discrete on their "work"

Typo? And yeah I'm sure someone is monitoring these emails, even though I did encryption, but I'm not worried. It's nothing illegal after all.


SDF have breached Raqqa's old city and have also rebuilt a bridge and opened up an additional front from the south at Hisham Abdulmalik. Very important to keep things moving fast and to not let ISIS settle.

Also seen an article from Washington Post which kept highlighting how a lot of YPG fighters didn't even know the names of the villages or neighbourhoods they're fighting in. That makes them all the more heroic. I fucking hope the people of Raqqa are grateful.

oh i get it. no itrs not "this far right" as in "right wing", its as in "going this far, right?".
i didnt put a comma there so i guess it is a typo.

actually in europe some countries persecuted people that went to fight with the kurds because of a cadaver of laws about fighting along foregein forces and so on.
ironically many european countries dont do much about the ISIS people that did the same

burgerland don't give a fuck so there's that, and I'm pretty sure that they haven't actually put anybody in jail to date for fighting for the ypg/ypj
It is rarely applied, true, and is primarily intended to prevent colonialist filibustering activity. Further, very similar volunteers in Catalonia during the 1930s were not prosecuted under any charges (though some secret intelligence service harassment occured, even if this was more due to their being radical leftists in general than being veterans of socialist revolution abroad specifically, IMHO).

Technically ISIS doesn't constitute a country so this wouldn't apply. Likewise in catalonia considering that the US recognized the republic as legitimate and not franco I think

New southfront:

Unproven as of yet btw. Also South Front is shit.

The leader of the FSA unit involved denied it so yeah it's bs

lmao what

patkasper vs. pkk1978 feud is escalating.

In relevant news pkk1978 seems is injured again and cant walk, or his previous injury is acting up again.

his knee got fucked up with shrapnel or something. his handicap has turned him into a guerilla shitposter kek

can someone fill me in on the drama?

also I love the way he casually asserts that the PKK will free Ocalan from jail someday.

if they ever pulled it off it'd be the craziest shit ever

Basically pkk1978 disputes the claims of patkasper and calls him a liar. patkasper called him a fake now they are fighting on reddit.

I talked to him a few times and its really interesting to see how revolutionary cadres think. Reading all of his posts is really interesting and also makes you understand how war and revolutionary believe changes people.

I think this is what most analysts miss; KCK is full of revolutionaries, they have fought a seemingly hopeless fight since the 70s, they will fight to win not suddenly do what is "rational and pragmatic", yes PYD is very pragmatic on day to day business and diplomacy, but its all employed for revolutionary goals and they will not easily compromise their end goals and never think that they aim to high. Liberals cant understand this and I think most western leftist are similar, YPG will just continue struggeling against whatever comes and they wont stop before achieving their minimum goal. They are not some uprising you can quell by raising wages or being a bit nicer.

Yeah it's clear in the process of becoming a cadre up in Qandil the PKK purposefully try change the nature of their fighters to become the nucleus of a new society. YPG fighters don't have access to the same process a lot of the time because the nature of the war they're fighting isn't guerrilla style like PKK. the fact that that a person like himself is on reddit is amazing and he should be cherished.

So when foreign recruits get to a camp are they taught Kurmanji or do they expect you to know it before you get there?

post cute

They have some Kurmanji training but its not enough to get allowed into frontline operations, so its good to learn before you go or activly try to associate with Kurds there to learn it, instead of only spending time with other volunteers. There is the YPG-I tabur formerly antifa tabur which is probably mostly english speaking but if they are allowed to the front I dont know.

Also previous experiences have shown that units mostly consisting of foreigners are pretty prone to drama.

pat kasper LITERALLY identifies as a fascist btw


Still not able to follow military commands though

I'm sorry but tankie-ism is an autistic aesthetic and bears no resemblance to concrete, thought out politics 90% of the time

anti imperialism is good but #AntiImperialism is not if you know what I mean

There are autistic / schizophrenic "anti imperialists" who have a weak grasp on reality, but they are such a small and harmless minority compared to imperialist liberals and socdems. Why bother yourself paying attention to them?

Honestly i always felt that tankies are to the alt right what trots were to the neocons.

Horseshoe theory confirmed

I feel you but at the same time, the left as a whole is so small that any criticism of another left position or group is going to be small and insignificant.

Better than the "dude imperialism doesn't exist but even if it does it isn't worth resisting mmm'kay" anarcho-liberals.

why is every tankie argument some sort of whataboutism?


Man, here I was thinking that pkk1978 was sperging out a bit, and here is his opponent actually saying fascism is a way forward. How the fuck can you go to fighting for Rojava because you believe in its radical Leftist ideals and then leaving, growing "a bit more towards the right", and actually saying fascism is a way forward, while also saying you're always open-minded and opposed to dogmatism? That's more than being stupid and inconsistent, that's being practically insane. Did the war just break his mind or something?

It's even better than that to be honest, the claims that the YPG were commiting ethnic cleansing we're lying about the source allegations in the first place, which were about Collective Punishment and included Kurds themselves as victims.

how many men do you think the average kurdish girl has slept with?

Is this true? Does anybody have further information on this?


They still live in a very patriarchal society and the most liberated ones in the YPG/YPJ are not allowed to have sex or marry anyway.

Yes its true

its the best goddamn NGO newsource on the matter.
i take it you prefer random tweets and facebook posts

should i start listing things they did and then denied?

well yes the sent their special forces there in like 2013ish or sth
whats the big deal?