Bernie Sanders

What do you think of Bernie Sanders?
Good/Bad/Step in the right direction.
He surely was the best candidate for the elections in my opinion, but maybe not left enough.
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It was better that he lost and that Trump won in the end.

If you leftists can't get your shit together now and get something done in the US then you never will.

I agree that he was the best the 2017 election had to offer, but that's about it. When you look back at his past, you'll see just how radical he was (just look at the party he started with a few others Maybe he still retains some of his old views, but right now, it's time to focus on an actual Left, with or without him.

bad, literally all of the candidates were autism, even Jill Stein, green party is okay but Jill Stein is unacceptable, I wrote in Stalin

what did he mean by this?

he's jewish

He sold out. Bernie 2020 maybe.

Autism intensifies

He helped destigmatize the idea of socialism in the US and even else where (even tough its just social democracy)
Overall, he has been very useful to the radical left I think. Also this

Him selling out to Killary will end a 2020 run.


How did he sell out? Hillary is slowly removing all his supporters within the Democrat Party. I see it as if she is scared from him.

Nothing gets past you guys
lmfao I didnt know bout this one

hahahha kikes gonna kike

hey goys open up those borders but Israel must remain a jewish nation

What US politician doesn't suck israeli farts? The sad truth is that "maybe palestinians are people and Netanyahu isn't right all the time" is as anti-israel as it gets in burgerstan.

I think the 2016 US election played out the best it could have.
The US has miles to go, but the big top at the circus is falling down and the proles are not buying it any more. I just hope the boomers hurry up and die before shit gets so bad that the millennials and gen X have to start fighting out of desperation. Because if that happens there's gonna be a boomer holocaust.

Zuck is an autist nerd and will definitely alienate the rust belt voters if he runs. Trump at least appealed to them with his "irreverence."

I can see why a leftist politician (or is he considered a liberal here?) is going to back a nationalist country that has created the largest internment camp in history

Zuck personally controls the main source of media for a vast section of those voters, and Trump is no more a "common man" than he is irl anyway. Don't underestimate the ability of porky to spin a bs narrative a second time.

That's true, but what's really going to fuck him over is when he tries using Fedbook to sway the election and everyone realizes it and gets freaked out.

I mean he is a liberal, I'm saying it's a statement of the sad state of US politics that this is as far left as it gets (and it is). Unless you can point me to a US politician with a less retarded stance on Israel.

Bernie engaged in S L I C K E N T R Y I S M

While many of them are still idpol'd and succdemy, there's been a huge surge in membership in socialist groups since his candidacy. Sanders was important in that he reintroduced the term "socialism" to american discourse in a friendly manner. Obviously his policies were socdem, but in a place like America the overton window has to be moved back into a place where americans can evaluate socialism (in all its forms) on its own terms instead of through cold-war propaganda.

Doesn't go far enough but definitely a step in the right direction. A socdem, but of the old style that actually tried to make life better for the proles.

2/10 made me respond

At least a step in the right direction. He's the most leftist politician in America right now, and the fact that he's a mere socdem is rather sad indeed for the nation as a whole. But still, he got so many people to open up to socialism, and for a brief moment, restored my faith in the democratic process. I was already a budding Marxist when I heard that there was a candidate in the presidential election that actually advocated relatively socialist policies, and the rest is history.

Bernie was, in a way, my gateway to Holla Forums.

Literally the only sane choice in the 2016 election.

Demsoc piece of shit the political mafia of the US wouldn't let him do what he promised.

Effectively if he had won he would have had a very hard time getting anything passed through congress. He along with Obama and Biden are the most popular living politicians in America at the moment
This is his approval rating


I agree on both accounts. Shit as things are looking I think Sanders running - getting cheated out of election - Trump winning presidency was the absolute best course (out of a pretty bad situation mind you) through all this for the Left. Bernie moved the window to the left & got people interested and talking about more left-wing politics for the first time in a long time. He got lots of popular momentum & him being cheated out of the primaries further vindicated his base - myself included.

Think about it - if he had legit won the primary - he very likely would've beaten Trump. That sounds good - but in the current system Bernie as a president probably wouldn't be very meaningfully different than anyone else. The popular momentum likely would've died - as would mass interest in the left.

Instead the Democrats made yet another tone-deaf move & rigged it for Clinton. So his supporters stayed for the most part upset & loud - even with some loosing their zeal. Clinton then loosing honestly was another great moment. If she had won even more of Sander's original core would've likely given in. Likewise - it would've motivated the alt-right to further their movement. Instead Trump won - outraging masses even if they have so far stayed mostly liberal. The Alt-right has become increasingly impotent and weaken by the victory of Trump - while the left is experiencing a subtle but surge surge & the masses are angry.

What Trump does is finally put an ugly face on an ugly system - a personality to match the brass exploitation of the American Capitalist system. While many people have remained liberal - class consciousness is on a steady rise. As counter intuitive as it sounds to say it's a good thing that "we" lost - I'm starting to think that in the context of bourgie democracy the best option is to push the system as far as it will go - get shut down by said system - build mass support outside the system.

The path ahead of us is still long & murky - but I think the past few months/year did more for the Left in America then anything has in decades. I know I'm part of this wave.

Read again. That's obviously not what it says.

Ill say what I tell my friend who voted for trump.
You can't vote yourself out of it, you know.

The electoral map doesn't favor Zuckerberg. He's a retard billionaire weakling who minorities and rust belt voters will never turn out for, not even the Bernie wing will be enthusiastic about him.

The Democrats need a younger browner Bernie Sanders they need to thread the needle between strategic flyover states, minorities, urbanite cucks and Bernie bro's, there aren't many Barack Obama's out there unfortunately for them. I'm thinking they will run Kamala Harris as a spoiler to the favourite which will be something like Joe Biden, they are already shilling her she will easily BTFO old Joe just as Obama did Hillary as well as Cukerberg who won't even register on the map

He was shit like the other candidates. If you support him you basically supported the others and that makes you a liberal. Gulag.

Its strange that you nazis are very observant of a leftist jew defending jews but completely blind to the fact that your president is the biggest kike lover in the history of united states.

Trump is not a tru Not Socialist