Stop being a beta leftist

Stop being a beta leftist

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A thread died for this.

Start working on your abs.

what's wrong with his face

It shrunk due to steroid abuse. Dude looks like David Byrne in his big suit

stop being a mongoloid

we wuz vikangz and shiet


learn how to grow a beard snownigger

When is this guy gonna start doing hardcore gay porn? Maybe him and another dude are sparring with wooden swords and they end up tangled up on the ground in a sweaty heap before he gets dominated by an even bigger Aryan god and fucked in the ass.

I'm not a beta leftist. I just don't think bodybuilding is at all useful and LARPIng as a Viking doesn't make u badass like a viking

Post pics of your physique and face and the last girl you boned.

Let's see if you really an alpha leftist. Because frankly I've never seen one.

t. right wing Chad

Another right wing cuck.

Me with the gf

what does any of this have to do with concrete politics? Masculinity is a spook, lad

stop being christian

Her you go boy.

That's one ugly bitch.

t. totally not sexually frustrated Holla Forumsyp

Only of your folks named you chad.

Partly this

Work on you Brain and Brawn.
Become the ultimate Communist Warrior Scholar.
We should establish an order.

why do we swedes get this autist while Norway get's Varg? It ain't fair

you guys got quorthon
also implying varg cares about norway

That's some serious yellow fever there

nordic horse face, a very common tragedy among the other Germanics as well

There is no such thing as alpha or beta. That bullshit is from a fictional story and a flawed study on wolves in captivity.

If you believe in alphas or betas please, for the good of humanity, kill yourself for being so stupid.

this is chad central

Hbomb did a great video about this guy.



His body looks fucking alien jesus christ

She's latina


If right-wingers are more chad and stacie oppression I want nothing to do with them, and are just as bad as normie liberals imo.

All great people in history were anti-normies.

Every important commie in history was a chad

there was a thread on saturday about how Holla Forums is full of chad douchebags so i have no idea what i'm projected to be by Holla Forums anymore

If you don't have overt hatred and resentment for women you must be a chad, my man.

Damn feels good to be a chad


daily reminder that varg planned to bomb a youth housing cooperative before he was arrested for murder.

that anarchist place, right?
He says that accusation is bullshit doesnt he. What was it based on?

What percentage of Holla Forumsyps only hold far right beliefs because they wish to be perceived as masculine, and fear being perceived as feminine, do you reckon?

Not a youth housing cooperative. A ancom squat house and HQ of the militant antifa movement called Blitz.

t. Oslo resident

Holla Forums are useless lazy neets who are jealous of rich people and rich trust fund kiddies who have plushy uni jobs. Holla Forums are betacucks who couldn't bench 5 pounds and terrifying antifa thugs who've personally killed gorgillions. We're both a boogeyman and all ad hominems they have.

based Varg

This guy is not as dumb as I thought
>If you want a real identity, look in the mirror
..okey i guess..
This guy is actually dumber than I thought.

his little images at the end implied people cannot carry recessive genes if they have dark hair or eyes

The guy he uses as an example of a "norwegian" that he doesn't share ancestry with, is a retired football coach from a rival club of Vargs home city, so there is a joke in there, but the blond girls and the rest of the video seems to suggest you are correct.

