Is she a "progressive"?
Is she a "progressive"?
She's had no second thoughts about endorsing Hillary so no.
I mean that's not exactly true, and given that Sanders endorsed her too it's not a sticking point. But she needs to get the fuck off the Russia train and shape the fuck up because holy fuck do I not want to see a Booker or Zuck candidacy, and as a burger I'm conditioned to only hope for scraps of meager bank hating at best.
Yes it is.
Noone cares about Sanders thinks, he endorsed Hillary too.
You're not great at picking up context are you?
does anyone actually like this fat turk?
he acts like a twat 24/7 and blatantly serves pro-turkish interests
turkish nationalism? healthy and normal in his opinion
turkish islamism? shhhhhh doesnt really exist in his eyes
With a gun to his head.
no he didnt
he spent $600,000 of his political donations on a summer home Sanders took you for a fucking ride
They talk about Labour, Corbyn and Bernie
kek you're literally parroting twitter conservatives
Bernie is an old homo and needs to retire from your hearts. Warren is an opportunist. We're going to get Zucc/Rock 2020 and it's going to be exactly as awesome as it sounds
did it happen or didnt it
Well it didn't? You don't have to be so afraid, man. Bernie already lost his chance.
im not afraid of bernie kek
im just surprised theres still trust in a man as prone to lying and betrayal as him
hes also a goddamn warmonger and supporter of US imperialist foreign policy
What the fuck is wrong with american politics?
Yes. Democratic lawyers were even gloating about it in court.
Honestly in that case vote the rock, at least he technically is working class.
Are millionaire actor celebrities "working class"?
She's a fucking phony and if she had any sort of aspirations beyond virtue signaling she would have endorsed Bernie out of the gate during the primary.
I'd 100% watch The Rock cut a WWF style promo on healthcare issues
Sanders is a SocDem which automatically makes him an opportunist. That being said, he ran as far to the Left as is possible in mainstream American politics and helped move the overton window dramatically Leftward in the USA. I know this is anecdotal but everyone I know personally who supported Sanders has moved even further Left since he lost.
The point is that Sanders did some good for the Left in America, but blindly defending him is stupid because if he would have won we wouldn't have even gotten a Sweden-style cushy welfare state. Keep in mind that the Republicans still would have had a massive majority in congress and thus would have cucked Sanders out of literally everything he promised and the neoliberal Dems would allow it. And because Sanders is an opportunist he would have allowed it despite it being objectively the wrong thing for the working class and the poor.
tl;dr Sanders did some good but stop sucking his (and Corbyn's and Melenchon's) cock
What's wrong with Corbyn exactly? Whereas socialism in Sanders's platform was relegated to some non-explicit blurb about worker cooperatives, the Labour Party under Corbyn's leadership is committing to genuinely socialist reforms.
Elizabeth Warren is a hollow politician with no actual stances. She passes some policy here and there but her voting record isn't overly leftist or progressive.
She pays lip service to certain issues when its politically beneficial to do so, but only then. Take into account the whole "native american" thing with her, and yet you have the whole DAPL situation, not a peep from her until Obama more or less stopped the pipeline.
i like him because fuck republicans, he's good at bashing those and he obviously pisses them off.
he does have his faults tho. his interview with richard wolff and the "COMMUNISM BAD" bs was fucking meme tier stupid. 100% sure he doesn't serve "pro turkish/ISLAMIG interests" at since he's blatantly an atheist and has no ties with turkish politics in literally any way.
btw saying he's a turk and serves islam or someshit is how the right tries to smear him. so either you are a racist retard who doesn't get that sometimes people can be brown and be normal progressive americans or you are a right wing zionist pseudo leftist who thinks just because someone is from the middle east they secretly "serve their interests"
Sorry dude I'm gonna defend him if the criticism is literally "hyuk hyuk SOME socialist if he's buying a summer home hyuk hyuk".
Speaking of the overton window. He's still pushing it to the left for a lot of people. Every time I see him on the news he's being flippant to the liberal broadcasters and mostly just bashes whatever Trumps been doing (which is his job). However, I also see him still going out of his way to talk to conservatives, religious groups, and Trump voters to try and make them aware of how massively unbalanced the system is against them and he'll argue it in terms they can relate to. Something I believe most of Holla Forums would be hard-pressed to do.
For an old as fuck fraud opportunist who sold-out I think he does pretty good work for an american politician.
He's got some kind of cultural pride though or maybe liberal guilt because I've seen him try to brush off concerns about Islamic terrorism.
This is bad logic. Marx liked guns and so does the right wing. On the point, though, there are a lot of people who are culturally from places where Islam is common and plenty who are not who will get overly defensive of Islam any time someone mentions terrorism. This is understandable since racist idiots will commit hate crimes against people who are suspected of being Muslim. The problem Cenk and some others have here is that they make it difficult to discuss the connection between terrorism and Islam. Yeah most people get that it's a small minority of Muslims who are terrorists. It only takes a handful of people to set off a bomb in a crowded place though, so that's not that relevant a point.
you gotta like the young turks when it comes to hating republicans.
Why are you suck a dishonest sack of shit? He was a victim of the political process. No one disputes this and you had to cut out a section of it to even pretend to have a point. Fuck off back to Holla Forums
serves him right for killing rosa
the israel thing is bernies only real negative.
you gotta admit a self proclaimed socialist getting this far in an election is a good thing
He's a victim in some ways, a predator in others. People who refuse to contest election fraud and targeted voter suppression are fucking scum. No excuse is good enough for refusing to defend the integrity of the vote of millions of disenfranchised voters.
no, corbyn's policies are just more soc dem stuff like bernie, only difference being we're a few decades ahead as we already have the nhs
So, yes, then. Progressives are trash and have never been welcome here.
Employees' right of first refusal when a business goes public or closes down with the government providing the loans to buy it out is hardly "just more soc dem stuff".
yeah it is
burgers please go
lmao a cop interviews a cop, really fucking cool thanks for the hot info
TYT is pretty shit.
yes, but progressives are liberals and degenerates and have nothing to do with removing Capital or Hierarchy or the State. So why would I care what some stupid menopausing cunt thinks? I hate women like Elizabeth Warren who use identity and cuteness as a weapon, fuck her.
Remember when she refused to openly endorse Sanders because she was hoping to get a post in the new Clinton administration?
I remember.
In 150 posts of that other thread did no one point out to you Euro fags that he can't even campaign til he's 35?
He literally has to wait til 2024 and even then he won't get it for being too young
He's not technically campaigning, and he'll be 35 by 2020. It not being likely will not stop him from trying.
There are different kinds of progressives. I'm a socialist and I consider myself progressive because I want to see some serious electoral reform.
Lol no go back to reddit or somewhere else I won't spend my time listening to them I regret having to reply to this already.
Oh no we don't Kyle. Let it burn baby.
I wish Mr. Jenkins could not be such a Turk proto-kike for one day on TYT