Pride month

Happy LGBT pride month, Holla Forums! Are you going to pride this year? I know identity politics have a bad tendency of over shadowing class consciousness, but the LGBT movement and its events are the best places for raising class consciousness. I'll be helping my local DSA chapter demonstrate at pride this year. If you're a part of any leftist organization I implore you to show solidarity with LGBT folk this month and to help them understand the root of their societal set backs. Remember, the Log Cabin Republicans and Libertarians always go, don't let them win the disillusioned queers over first.

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pride is fucking stupid and has been coopted by The Man because faggots are retarded

comrades, how can we recruit more children into the gay lifestyle?

Pride parades are fun encapsulated and I say this as a person who actually likes the average gay man more than the average woman on an interpersonal level.

Fags also tend to be super red pilled too.

In my country pride is literally just an excuse to have a massive city-wide drinking session in public.

so I might

no, no and no

theyre being taught bdsm is fun heh


Go back to r/the_donald

Fuck off pride parades are utter horeshit that have no political value. There just areas for AIDS to spread and for lumpens to waste there life being superficial. It’s just superficial horeshit. And I say this as someone who’s bi.

No, thats retarded.

Being a faggot is just as bad as being hetro, theres nothing to be proud off. Fuck off.
Unlike you I don't live some third world shithole and gays have been able to marry for over 16 years now.

The Donald? Trump doesn't care about homosexuality, it's the leftist who really hate them. Just look at this thread oh and almost every socialist state in history.

what do you mean? there's an overrepresentation of gay and trans people on here

The new awareness campaign for trans acceptance is called #FemininePenisPride. Post your cute penis and lewd pictures ITT to make the world more accepting and equal.

"pride" means they're not ashamed to be gay, like society tries to tell them to be. It means perseverance.

If what society tells you to do rules you then your week.


My week will be ruined?

that's the point?

'society' is not an unitary force. technically speaking, it is also the society of the spectacle that tells you you have to engage in 'proud 2 b gay' rituals and buy lgbt rainbow starbucks lattes and gay edition credit cards.

Your weak?

I'd rather move society towards gay acceptance than away from it.

my weak was good thanks for asking

Nigger, please.
LGBT retards are the biggest classcucked capitalist whores out there, they are probably even more classcucked than your typical redneck conservative.

No, pride means pride.
Also, stop being a fucking pussy, the only thing in my society that tells gay people that being gay is bad, is american media and islamists.

the spectacle needs to keep reassuring people everything is ok, that everyone deserves commodities, precisely because there is a huge potential for catastrophic violence inherent in the state and capitalist class structures. The just be yourself line the marketers of commodities have embraced lately is a form of 'negging' imo. Your self esteem is tied to the product.


LGBT people should go to working class organizations, join unions and so on, not the other way around, union organizers shouldn't go to LGBT "rallies" or whatever it is they do


there's a difference between being gay and partaking in particularist identity politics over universalist class politics

because I'd like to see a proper working class movement which includes LGBT people and not an LGBT movement which includes some socialists and socialist rhetoric (while being full with petit-bourgeoisie and liberals)

If your main Id is "LGBT" and not "Proletarian" you are a liberal idiot that actually needs capitalism to survive.

"But they don't let me marry!"
Marriage is bourgie. Why would you want to marry?
"But religion X is against me!"
Well… why not stop having religions instead of needing them to change?

It all comes down to "but I need to feel special and buy things that are made for me and have everyone talking about me!"

I need Posadism now.

When did I say it was?
The point of the thread was to say we should let LGBT people know their struggle is a part of a bigger one. Dumbass.

it's not going to happen. i wish it would but these movements have been integrated into mainstream culture and totally 'gentrified' to abuse a term. the old fags with billions aren't going to let youngins ruin their flag selling business

we know

This is more or less equally true about every other facet of capitalist society, we have to fight on every front, including this one.

when you have pigs marching in the rank and file it becomes very very difficult to try to extract any consciousness

I'm proud all right.

taking pride in what?? what is this watered down hedonistic self centrism? that is stupidity
…The LGBT project is doomed to fail, the obsession with over categorization of sexual behavior themes aesthetics and """gender""" is infantile good luck rationalazing the only thing that defeats human rational powers, sexuality, not to mention that their project is completely compatible with liberal capitalism and has no need to go radical

I'm bi and the entire thing is retarded

89% of them voted for Obama in 2008

I'd go to pride, but I'm pretty sure I'd be lynched by the oh-so-tolerant-and-progressive liberals because my sexuality isn't on the approved list.

The LGBT scene is full of hypocrites who are too stupid to even see their own hypocrisy.

okay pedo

So do you think people deserve to be lynched for having illegal fantasies?

No, only if they act on those fantasies

Stalin should have killed all the gays

The LGBTIQQAA++ scene is mostly old couples reliving the activism of their youth, self-identified "queers" (bohemian straights), teenaged tucutes following fashion and literal, actual cops. Pride is not even good for getting fried and picking up anymore, which is all it was ever good for.



I'm going but just because it is a good place to meet girls ironically enough. Also its one of the only places you can get away with drinking on the streets.

Handout leaflets that is pro far-left ,seen the anarchists do this in NY and they grown a bit because of it.

Straight people should stop giving birth to them.

Wow! Brilliant! Why haven't we thought of that before? We need to be proactive, though, instead of just waiting for History to take its course. First we start by rounding up priests and killing them all, and then we implement laws forbidding parents from indoctrinating their children with religion, at the risk of having their kids taken away from them for refusing the Easter Bunny:


I've despised any instance of companies pandering to minority groups for sales since before I was even aware of leftism and have never made a big deal about my own sexual identity and can't stand people who do.
So I should have same opinion as other anons who are calling pride stuff cringe boug crap and saying they hate it but honestly if this stuff makes some young gay kid feel less ashamed of himself then that's a good thing imo.

As far as "raising class awareness" I agree with this user
I wish more lgbt people would be like the black panthers and realize that the billionaire gays and the companies printing "rainbow burgers" are as much an enemy to them as some gaybashing catholic priest.

if it was pure hedonic self centrism it would be an improvement, considering it'd be less spooky

Hey it works for anyone not ancom.

Fags need to be lined up and shot

Fuck off honky.

but what if it makes this hypothetical gay kid feel MORE ashamed?

Then that's the kid that ends up either really cool or really spooked.

Delete your account you fuckin homophobic retard, and stop hiding behind leftism

Starting with you.

Tea'lc confirmed for Bisexual Masterspecies Nazbol Gangleader

this tbh.

I would add that being gay is not as easy for everyone as non-gay people would think. Having basically a convention where people like you get together can be nice. It's nice to know you're not alone and can actually be yourself without being beaten up. Also, drinking on the streets and potentially getting some is good as well. If you think pride parades are activism, you're retarded. Actually being proud of being gay is dumb, nobody chooses to be born gay. It's like being a proud american. Equally spooky.


idpol bullshit

10/10 IHBT

will you cock gobblers just get the fuck out of the closet already.