Arround 19min he talks about imageboard culture and the online marxist community (obviously Holla Forums). He makes solid criticisms
New Jason Unruhe rant
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hey Jason
That can literally be said of any marxist YouTuber, out of which he has the most subscribers
Has he ever met people in real life? I can get the complain that people don't know how to debate but that's not something new. It's just even more extreme now that everyone has their own plat form.
But talk to people and you'll hear the same dumb shit as you do on the internet. Trump talked shit and he became fucking president.
I honestly never understood normalfags' arguments that "lol anonymity makes discussion shit". I've always preferred imageboards to pseudonymous places precisely because you can speak your mind rather than being banned for wrongthink or having to restrain yourself from saying that the other person is a fucking retard because that's rude and ableist.
Touché, Jason.
I still come to Holla Forums despite being a PhD student in the humanities, because I can test out new ideas here without having to deal with any blows to my personal life.
Opinion discarded.
There is nothing wrong with being Jewish.
No Jews = no Marxism
You'll never be as cool as The Fonz, nigger faggot :^)
Also, discussion will be shit even without anonymity.
Look at your average YT or FB comments.
Unless the discussion happens between friends or whatever, there's virtually no difference. People will speak whatever comes to their minds with a name attached too.
oo lah di dah we got ourselves an inteleckshul here
Maybe people don't say "google bookchin" (yet) but if you haven't heard the phrase above directed to you, others or said it yourself in real life then you're living a truly sheltered life.
Jason Edward Caden
42 Rice Rd, Suite 35
Welland, Ontario
Maybe ten years ago, but now social media and anonymous boards are *the same fucking thing* when it comes to discourse.
I wonder if his "neighbors" are actually his parents?
Assuming this address is legit, he lives across the street fro a Tim Horton's.
He's not wrong tbh. I don't think the Internet is completely trash, but trying to have any political discussion on the Internet is basically as productive as a patient trying to take a knife and removing cerebral cancer from their own brain.
This. The internet is for memes and propagandizing, not discussion.
Why does Roo think ANY criticism of his ideology amounts to a personal attack?
go anywhere "socialist" or left leaning and criticize IdPol, I dare you.
If you're not autistic about it then it's no problem. Just because there'll be some people thinking you're wrong doesn't mean anything.
I dont live in the shitty USA though. Perhaps you do.
we were talking about the internet, not real life, but even then, unless you exclude yourself to local internet sites, the most popular places online are in the west.
Goto any socialist subreddit, or post anti-idpol comments using a leftist/left leaning hastag and see what happens. 90% of socialist groups are infested with liberal faggots that get triggered if you say anything even slightly critical about idpol.
men make their own history but do not make it under conditions of their choice.
In other words, if you gotta learn to meme in order to be noticed in this day and age, then you gotta learn to meme, debate can come afterwards.
I still can't believe this lardass works for PressTV. Iran murders communists.
is this a roo meme thread?
It "murders" (imprisons, but do keep making stuff up) Trots and Anarchists, who would like nothing better than to pave the way for US imperialism to dominate Iran. The Iranian government is dialectical and in tune with the anti-imperialist struggle, and as such is by default revolutionary.
Try again Ahmad.
How long has he had an AK?
Did I understood it wrong or did that fag accused us of being afraid of debate when in reality it was he who chicken out that time?
It's still a common name in Persian-speaking countries.
My god he needs to lose some weight. Perhaps cut out those refined sugars.
Who said this had anything to do with Islam?
E-celeb trash
Iran's constitution is based on Shia shariah.
Shia shariah is orders of magnitude different from Sunni shariah. Not to mention that your assertion is untrue, Iran has a democratic government.
Iran is as democratic as the US. Besides, it's still a repressive government that defends private property and protects the rich from class antagonisms.
Also, how do Sunni and Shia shariah differ exactly?
Yeah, you must be confused. Unlike you, I'm not a stubborn ultra-leftist who puts his foot down and refuses to commit to revolutionary struggle unless its handed to me in a basket with my exacting petty conditions met. I'm willing to take what I can work with, like any real leftist should. Iran may not be communist in the strictest sense, but it's an important bastion in the struggle against imperialism, and it supports actual socialist governments like the DPRK and Syria.
Weight loss is reactionary first-wordlist garbage.
Hi Jason.
This is exactly what I meant when I said one of the worst things that ever happened to Marxism was memes, I make educational videos about Marxism on popular media, and for this I get nothing but personal attacks. This is the first world Marxist movement in a nutshell, this is why the first world will never do revolution.
Jason, you barely respond to major critques of your ideology. Instead, you write them all off as "personal attacks". Why?
Because time and time again you prove yourselves incapable of debate and instead resort to slandering, the whole Marxist movement in the first world is a joke.
What about someone like Daniel Buntovnik, who wrote a dissertation critiquing your ideology, only for you to come back with "he's personally attacking me"?
Nice try shitposter, Jason wouldn't know how to sage.
But if that is you, Jason, the reason you're a laughing stock is that you're just not good as what you do. Try writing a script and using edited footage and montage instead of just talking into a camera.
He first accused me of being ultra-left and then proceeded to claim reforms can spur revolutions, he's an orientalist and a reactionary social democrat
He also gave pretty good criticisms of Maoism, Third Worldism's class-collaborationism, and the LLCO's scienticism and disregard for human agency.
this doesn't bother you?
Let's see if you can do better then. I am the #1 Marxist on youtube, and I don't see anyone rising up to the challenge.
He misrepresented the LLCO and what it does, accusing us of "scientism" when the LLCO is in fact the highest stage of revolutionary science. There is an old Maoist saying of those fools who cut the toes to fit the shoe. That is exactly what he does.
Doxxing me on a pedo website is all you first worldist are good for, I'm screencapping this thread and I'll see you soon in court.
In what ways does the LLCO's theory represent the "highest stage of revolutionary science"? Most of what they write comes off as extremely childish and sensationalist, like they have no idea what they're actually advocating or what it would really mean if put into practice.
prove it's you jason
Whatever kid, the LLCO contributes actual theory, meanwhile all you do is post all day on an obscure website that is known to host CP
Their "theory" is heavily flawed, since it's not only undialectical but ignores something as basic as human agency. You can't rely on hard "science" entirely, you also have to take the will of the people into account.
If you actually bothered to read our theory you would understand Leading Light Communism empowers the masses to become master of their own destiny, this IS basic human agency, the sole role of our revolutionary science is liberating human agency from centuries of oppression.
But again, I don't expect a first worldist wrecker like you to understand.
This sounds like an opportunistic sales pitch. WHAT about their theory "empowers the masses"?
Can you explain WHAT their theory is, by going over its basic principles and methodology? How does "Leading Light Science" differ from regular DiaMat and HistMat? Where does it break from the theories of Marx, Lenin, and Mao aside from the whole "first world bad" mantra?
hey roo, i'll join your cult if you can prove the banglazone is real and not just some random peasants getting a photo op in LLCO garb. it's also interesting how they use banners in english and not bengali esp. when almost 40% of bangladeshis are illiterate.
the postwar kurdish uprising.
the entire history of the shah dictatorship.
the 1979 revolution, where the Ayatollah had no problem collaborating with the CIA to root out commies.
does this guy really think that Britain cutting the NHS will mean the government does less capitalist exploitation abroad?
Leading Light preserves and elevates what was best of these leading lights of the past but without falling into frozen dogmas, just as Lenin advanced Marx, Mao advanced Lenin, we advance them all. Leading Light Communism is the future.
Believe what you want, since it is so hard for you to believe people from the third world can be leading lights you're clearly a social fascist
Give details. Explain it. No one on this board knows what "Leading Light Theory" actually is. You (assuming you really are Jason) have done very little to go over it.
the burden is on you to prove these people are real and their struggle under the LLCO banner is real. give me anything, a news report on the liberated zones for instance. i don't see how i'm a social fascist just for asking this.
blog's not working for me.
Just visit our website then dumbass
No Jason, we at Holla Forums want *you* to explain what it is. You keep complaining others are misrepresenting your views, so why not lay them out in your own words to clear up the misconceptions (or potential misconceptions)?
This pretty much proves you're not him, he pretty much said he couldn't be arsed to do this in the video
Not to mention, there is no way in hell any lawyer or judge would take a case that frivolous. "Help me an obscure message board posted my address which is easily googleable!!!!"
What do you mean when you say Unruhe works for PressTV? Just because he got interviewed? I think it's bad to refer to having guests as giving somebody a platform or vice versa as the guest basically supporting the host, since that notion becoming the norm means some reeeeaaaallllly boring interviews.
Yassamine Mather lives in Britain because she was sentenced to death in Iran for being a commie:
The LLCO are a bunch of weirdos. Why else would they have all that stuff about what seems to be a made up bangladeshi guerilla. They seem like a way to scam gullible people out of donation money.
Iran sends martyrs to clear minefields. Opinion discarded.
this is why third worldists are awful, they completely disregard the first world over people they have never met and never seen the experiences of, they lack the empathy to see what working people actually want.
he is a shitposter. Doubt unroo knows how to select flags or red text and green text. He wouldn't go on here since he thinks we are a cp board because we were ranked below one
Even if it is true, at least you can be flattered that s/he thinks Holla Forums has intelligent enough posters to introduce new leftist ideas to.
Fucking read a history book jason.
When the revolution comes viners will be the first against the wall.
Notice how the first thing anyone sees on their website is their big red DONATION button.
This woman is fucking insane.
Will Roo ever come back??
He's got to make a living somehow, jewtube keeps demonitzing his shit.
Leave it to Unruhe to have a giant matyrdom complex.
I wonder what actual third world revolutionaries would say about his behaviors.