How true is the meme that anyone who goes on this board is put on an FBI/CIA watchlist?
I mean, it's unlikely but it has to have some true to it, right?
"hello my fellow leftists"
Other urls found in this thread:
If you've ended up on a chan you're probably on some watchlist somewhere.
The real question is who actually bothers looking at those watchlists.
Everybody in America as well as Britain and Canada are probably on a watchlist by this point tbh
This is true tbh, the Manchester attacker was on a government terror watchlist but because like all Muslims are on there they don't have the resources to spy on everyone.
Yeah but a whole generation of nerds grew up on chan culture, and the idea that it's less safe than putting all your shit up on fb is delusional. Our whole generation can be tracked easily, no matter your browsing habits.
The intelligence officers assigned to sifting through the internet are the most pathetic people around tbh.
Does anyone have that picture of the intelligence officer who tripfagged on an /mlp/ board?
Read a book.
With the activism I've done plus all the talk I do online about overthrowing the government I'd say I'm on at least one watchlist
you forgot to mention /sg/'s airstrikes against the moderate beheaders
I hope it's true and I hope I get the axe first. I don't want to live in a world where people are killed simply for wanting fairness.
No, his family and friends were literally asking the police to arrest him. But they couldn't, because he was a member of a terrorist group that the UK supports.
the US actually supplies weapons to the YPG
really bro, after the snowden leaks back in '13 people still dont know about this?
the NSA and CIA are both doing massive data mining of the whole internet, its not just the chans, literally everything you do on the internet including normiebook and youtube and all other sitesis recorded by the US, UK, Canadian, Australian governments, etc. Not to mention prolly china and russia to a lesser extent because theyre less well funded. Although the data is way too big to even sort through, even with modern analytics/machine learning data science shit, its like finding a needle in a haystack as big as the fucking internet.
I seriously doubt the alphabet soup boys give a shit about some neckbeard channers and if they do, they're even less effective than previously believed. despite data mining the whole internet they couldn't stop the boston bombings or w/e. In fact they couldn't give evidence that it stopped anything at all. I'm sure it helped tangentially to one or two cases but for the most part its essentially a way to flush massive amounts of tax money down a toilet. To think of all the ways that money could have been used, not to mention the computer equipment.
why would they waste their time to stop something as unimportant as a little bombing
stop fucking with the hezbollah flag
Why contain it? S'cool.
I'm positive alphabet soup have a watchlist about 10 miles long consisting of anyone who ever posted on a chan, revleft, stormfront, or any kind of radical site.
They're watching us at all times anyway so it's not like it matters.
Presumably, because its their job?
its worse than that, they actually target the whole 25% of the population which is technically inclined or skilled regardless of politics.
Lol I'm sure I was already on the watch-list long before I found 8ch.
The whole paranoia exists purely for the sake of perception. It makes the porky feel secure, and it messes up the tinfoils.