Hillary had slaves.
(From her book.)
Hillary had slaves
That bitch talks about it as if it were some funny anecdote
Well if it's tradition I guess it's okay
Literally the entire congress uses this.
I'm not defending it. I'm jussayin'.
There's plenty of room for all of them in the gulag.
Does that mean we can use their unpaid labour to beautify red square? :^)
It begins.
Fuck me, we need to run a far left candidate in an actual race on this -
"Vote for me and I will abolish prison labor and force all currently sitting politicians to do that work instead."
Top one is half right tho.
Hillary's pariah cult is a lot more devout than her vagina cult.
Trying to reason with them is pointless, just point enough of their PoC comrades who kind of care about prison labor for idpol reasons at them and watch them eat their own.
90% of the "bernard bros REEEEEEEEE" crowd is white women anyway
yeah thats why people are defending prison labor now that this is out
Kek. Reminder that anyone with more than 20 tweets to a follower is basically schizophrenic.
Hillary, the queen of intersectionality.
People were already defending prison labor, and a lot of those same people would probably go after Hillary just because they like anything that makes people hate Hillary more. I'm not talking about "Bernie bros," for the record.
Then again, I haven't seen this explode - when was this book even published?
As for the pariah cult, I don't buy the supposed extent of "Bernie bros," but I have acquaintances who switched from Bernie guys to Holla Forums-spouting Trump true believers rather quickly so I don't completely dismiss that they exist as an observable minor phenomenon.
Because it's politically irrelevant. Unless Bernie had good plans to scrap this system right off, he'd probably have been hypocritical. And maybe he did - I don't know. But it's not something unique to Clinton.
Because most of the American public is brain-dead.
Bernie doesn't really lean into personal attacks that hard and who the fuck else was going to bring it up?
Bernie would not have touched this shit anyways.
Yeah, weird that nobody thought of this when the book is from 1996.
Yeah, that's how the South works. Where have you been since Reconstruction, yank?
I don't buy this for a second. Trump rode the whole election on negative sound bites without a hint of plausible fix for any of the problems he'd bring up, and I'm positive Bernie addressed the prison system in general and prison labor more specifically at least once in his campaign.
Yeah no shit, but maybe don't write a book publicly bragging about how you eventually came to see your unpaid servents as human
That actually makes sense, though - she can pretty much just rebuke her old statements. This pretty much worked completely for her opinions on gay marriage, but largely failed with regards to her supposed change in stance on foreign interventionism.
Why not? Nobody cares. They're criminals, they might as well be subhuman to your average American.
Note that her gay marriage statements and Iraq War vote were way more recent, and even the latter had her actions as Secretary of State to contradict her attempts at hiding her past.
Fuck off.
Hillary Clinton has an easier time getting along with murderers than with people who disrespect porky property rights. How is this news?
What crawled up your ass? Are you seriously saying that most voters care about prison labor? Are you implying that Americans have compassion for their fellow man?
Maybe you should be mad at the system instead of me.
I think that observation is pretty fair - accomplices to murder and crime-of-passion-type one time killers don't necessarily rationalize their crime. People who commit theft generally have to reason it beforehand.
Sorry - didn't see your angle there.
It's okay, I wish Americans weren't so shitty, too.
But she's looking to represent the ostensibly anti-racist wing of the american political climate so it's at least a little bit of a shitty idea
Hillary's tried to represent a lot of things she's not. Like a successful politician.
Doesn't really change my opinion of her obviously but this is really important fling back at the adamant #ImWithHer crowd that thinks they're fighting for equality or some shit by bootlicking her post-election
I called her out, bros. She deleted the tweet in shame.
Just realised
Could you kindly stop making her look stupid? She's adamant she isn't.
Self identified Ravenclaws are insufferable, moreso than any other Potterfag.
Does she not realize that a lot of left twitter uses their full names?
I still dont understand the use of this word to describe things on the fucking internet
Color me shocked.
Why? Are they stupid? Do they *want* the security services monitoring them?
It's basically when a lot of people disagree with someone at once.
It's called praxis, sweetheart.
Coloured me COINTELPRO'd
Color me shocked.
I've opposed the whole (in)justice system for at least the last decade and I'll continue to oppose it long after this story drops out of the public eye.
Purely anecdotal but I'm certain self-identified slytherins are worse
back to reddit, fuckko.
Back when I was a kid taking the house quizzes I was always Ravenclaw or Slytherin. I don't think I'd identify as one because wizard's aren't real.
When, in any of the posts shown here, does she actually defend the prison labor itself?
She's accusing the people going after Hillary alone for this of being disingenuous and petty. Which appears to be at least partially accurate based on the fact that a bunch of ya'll are using prison labor as an excuse to rage at some cunt on Twitter.
Do ya'll not realize how retarded this is?
You can oppose it all you want, but this is OG Stickam-tier drama.
Like this. Can you folks even read, or do you get off on pretending to be borderline illiterate?
Stop getting offended over shit nobody actually said.
or a human being.
Neck yourself Rachel.
Who the fuck is Rachel?
She's trying to portray all criticism of Hillary's support for slavery as criticism of Hillary's vagina.
Technically she's defending support for slavery, not slavery itself, but that's a very, very fine distinction.
Blocking people on Twitter is probably the only meaning that gross kike has left in life
Everyone here is against prison labor. I've seen it mentioned whenever prisons come up. Privatization of prisons is a standard talking point for an example as to why capitalism is shit.
There is a story about hillary in particular, so we shit on her in particular for it.
So its bad to talk about one scumbag in particular when they come up, if all the other scumbags also do it? Why?
Oh, yeah, because you're a fucking reddit liberal.
O u t .
$5 sez when Benny G gets wind of this he'll make a cartoon that makes it look like he wants to be angrily dominated by her and made to suck her cankles or something
Are you even reading the thread you're posting in, you dumb nigger?
And how much does leftypol even have involvement in this story? Are we the ones pushing it?
Somehow I'm not convinced that this is an attack on the prison industry by the left.
That's the thing - I don't think this is about actual leftists or prison labor. There's a crowd that has consistently gone after Hillary over pretty much fucking anything and ignored everyone else.
I read her posts but forgot her name.
Jesus, it could be I'm losing my mind or even worse I'm not invested in this shitflinging. Either way, I feel smug and superior to you other fags so I figure we're on the same page in that regard.
Oh, so Bernie can have three houses but Hillary can't have slaves.
Sasuga, liberal.
Bernie can have two houses.
I would think that it would be to anyone apart from us. To people who actually see how shit works it is only obvious that a former Secretary of State who ordered the extrajudicial murder of suspected criminals in foreign countries would not have fundemental issues with having a master/slave relationship with a fellow murderer. It is likewise apparent that a former Wal-Mart executive who is currently on the Goldman-Sachs unofficial payroll might have personality conflicts with poor people who commit property crimes. Your average class-illiterate CNN-watcher, on the other hand, would have his almonds activated.
See? Slavedrivers are job creators!
Oh yeah, because people hire murderers who were in prison for 25 years, right?
I wouldn't feel particularly bad if this person was given "work experience" in a gulag after the revolution. They could freely choose between working in the mines and sitting in solitary confinement without adequate heating. If they survived they could even put their experience to good use working in a commune.
I guess this answers the question of "would Hillary fans stop liking her if she had used slaves?"
You remember Trump could go out on the street and shoot somebody and his followers would still worship him?
Hillary's cult would beg for her to shoot them.
Americans are the worst offender of thinking politics works like football teams.
Stupid cunt.
If we win these three swing states, we'll almost get enough points for a touchdown…I mean the presidency. Go blue team go!!!
I've "said bad things" (hahahaha) about slave labor and private prisons in other threads here in the past, which apparently is this thread's sum measure when it comes to whether or not someone "opposes" prison slavery. Also I have friends to whom this is happening as we speak - I'm a very lonely person, and I assign significant blame for that to a system which financially rewards meaningless incarceration.
It's just not news to me. Not just that Hillary is a complacent and corrupt, but that she also was in 1996 and that this occurs at governor's mansions.
See, at least now we've got someone who's actually defending it.
And someone just posted about it.
I can't imagine thinking that blaming Hillary for her specific use of slave labor is a waste of energy but that berating people for posting about it here is a good use of energy if you're really that ideologically opposed to it
and therefore stirring outrage over the upper classes exploiting slave labor is bad.
or, wait, its bad if its about a member of the upper classes the right also doesnt like. or that has a vagina.
Why, exactly?
Was it because they are in favor of taking action against the prison industrial complex or to score points against SJWs over the 2016 election?
I'd welcome the right talking about this. Do you actually think that this will cause them to actually do anything about it, though?
It's like right wing screeching over BLM. For all their rage, they just use it as an excuse for their own shitty ideology rather than an attack on shallow racial idpol in general. If they actually cared about the issue as much as they do Hillary they mostly wouldn't be on the right in the first place.
I noted the irony - see
If you want a rationale, though - we're talking about someone we already know is awful, and we're talking about something they did in 1996 that came with the job.
'Cept like a month ago there was some widely circulated witness piece about slave labor in congress that happened this year. If anything, this reduces the scope of the problem to one person two decades ago.
I'm pretty sure that's a parody account
Like, read a book lmao
It's not as though there is less than a mountain of horrible shit that Clinton has done that earns her the hatred of anyone with a sense of decency. It is easy to get on a roll when talking about a villain of Clinton's magnitude.
If your position is that we're supposed to appeal to the type of people that voted for Trump and rid them of their spooks, then you should concede we should do the same for Clinton voters and this is useful in that regard for people who genuinely thought she was principled in fights for equality, etc.
If you believe they're all lost causes then discussing leftist theory in general is a lost cause anyway since the people will never be convinced and are just all brainwashed sheep forever.
The 13th Amendment makes an exception for convicts.
Which is exactly what I was referring to. Convict labor is perfectly legal, and certainly more moral than having them rot in cells.
And furthermore, how the fuck does it getting brought up about one politician detract from awareness of it in general?
The fact that it adds to the (deserved) 'fuck hillary' sentiment doesn't mean its suddenly fucking OK or hidden and shocking or something that the other ones do it.
How fucking drunk on anti-rightism are you? Maybe point to the one about all of them when it gets brought up about hillary. And not in a shithead liberal 'LOOK THEY ALL DO IT STOP PICKING ON HER GAIZ' bullshit way, more like, 'Yeah, she should be fucking arrested, and look, the others should be too!' Christ.
Him praying at Solomon's Temple was far more damning than any murder could have been.
You best be trolling, nigger.
I dunno, what do you think?
Slytherin is the only good house. Rowling just has issues with masculinity and so projects that into her shitty liberal writings.
Oh yeah, the schadenfreude is delicious.
Good to know that I am replying to an ignoramus.
Nice dichotomy there
Only a liberal would seriously identify as any of them irl, and only the cringiest of hot topic faggots would further identify as slytherin.
Which houses were good/bad in-universe is irrelevant
Stupid lawcuck
I honestly don't think she's much worse than most of the rest of the people who are or have been in the political elite. That is, if she's even actually worse at all. That includes on this particular issue.
I think that most of those people are either bullshitting or smoking something they shouldn't be. Generally such claims arise out of either complacency with neoliberalism or an (understandable) aversion to GOP shit in the context of mainstream politics.
Even if the aim were to convert them, why would those who genuinely rationalize Clinton's complacency as the supposed means to an end not do the same here?
I don't think this necessarily logically follows. Would you turn right wing if you found out that Marx referred to someone as a "nigger" and fucked Engels' wife?
The entirety of the wizarding world is bad.
Somehow poverty still exists in a society where FALC is possible with the literal flick of a wrist.
That's not analogous at all. I'm saying I'd probably be less inclined to leftist politics (meaning I'd just be uninvolved at all and not turn right wing) if most people could never be convinced and we knew this for certain.
You get the gulag first
you must be a fed.
nobody can suck that much porky cock and not gag, except a cop or a soldier.
It gets worse.
Every time I think I've seen the very peak of ideology, liberals come along and take it to levels I could never have dreamed of.
vampire queen
Why is "dudebro" an insult now? I call people dude and bro all the time, and guess what, bro? We're the dudes that are going to fix shit. Why do some dudettes not like this?
People can't seriously defend capitalism after this, right?
It's been an insult for years and years you delusional faggot. The idea is a backwards cap wearing ultra-"masculine" college frat stereotype halo/cod playing dudebro stereotype of person.
Grow up
But capitalism just means trading things! And paying people for their labour! Not paying them is slavery!
You're massively overreacting to nothing. You sound like a liberal who got triggered because somebody dare question an insult, and then you went into full projection mode.
More like get upset at the insult because oh wow someone had the audacity to create an insult that broadly includes you.
Okay that and I recently had an argument about how women having an easier time finding people to whore themselves out to does not mean they have better lives. Which may influence how I saw your post.
Hillary achieves the incredible feat of bringing Holla Forums and Holla Forums to agree on something: we ALL think she is absolutely disgusting.
Also this. That's because she only wants power and will use the most popular ideology to get it. Both Holla Forums and Holla Forums want power for themselves, but truly believe in the ideology.
what a stupid fucking thing to say. seriously, you should feel really embarrassed
Lmao at that self-own. "I admit I have no idea what I'm talking about."
So it's a "compulsory internship"
Uh, I know Holla Forums is wildly inconsistent with its batshit ideology, but wouldn't Hillary owning black slaves make Holla Forums like her?
Embarrassed because I don't follow everything Bernie Sanders says or because criticizing someone for benefiting from a system you yourself benefit from is not hypocritical in your eyes?
Like you can tell me if there's a heartwarming anecdote about a prisoner coming up to clean Bernie's seat in the senate and then Bernie saying "No I'll do it myself, slavery is wrong." I'm open to that.
because you're a fucking retard that says stupid unfounded shit
Why do you think none of the pepes made this accusation about her despite having weaponized autism? I guarantee the few that scanned her book thought that part was actually good
Karen Handel (Republican candidate for Georgia's 6th Congressional District Special Election): "I do not support a livable wage"
Not gonna start a new thread for this.
and I thought phil greaves was bad
At least greaves has meme potential
conservative women are repulsive. you can almost see the ideology running through their brains. it's like they read from a script
Let's hope you never come to power, because you'll gulag all your allies while gargling capitalist dick until you die.
Damn, I was thinking it was a DC building but the thing I was remembering was actually in Louisiana, where the state legislature is indeed cleaned by slaves.
Vermont just ships its slaves around the country and collects instead.
Pretty progressive compared to what I'd believed was nationwide policy. I feel pretty silly now.
Why exactly, and how is this relevant to this thread?
(P.S. I live in this district. I launched a tirade in a feels thread about it - Handel and Co. are top-tier shitbags who go after California and Iran in their zany-ass anti-Ossoff attack ads)
Meanwhile California has jobs out the fucking ass and relations are steady with fucking Saudi Arabia.
Compare and contrast:
evry tiem
Give us a link, you nigger working convict.
It's not possible there isn't a book or some dedicated work on this.
These days, I feel the ned to point out this is ironic.
This is exactly what I've been thinking reading this.
We've truly reached a whole new astral plane of liberal ideology, I can barely make sense of any of this anymore.