Make Stirner Gr8 Again

Is Stirner useful to you in day to day life. I don't think you can ever truly make a political platform off of his philosophy nor would I want to.
I'm a le google bookchin meme guy and I generally have been using The Ego and His Own as a personal philosophy to try and cope with different aspects of my life.
So is Stirner worth staying on as a philosophy philosophy, is delving into his criticisms such as in the German ideology or going into Feuerbach's writng(s) on him.
Is he's not worth staying with are there alternatives you think is more useful.

Have terrible OC im posting on le meme page tomorrow as thanks

Stirner is useless outside of memes.

He's not useful for building a coherent ideology but he's great for dismantling the faulty axioms of the sort of garbage ideologies built on faulty premises we see with liberals and Holla Forumstards.

Anyone who tells you he's just a meme or isn't worth anything politically is full of shit. His book is the perfect starting point for socialist/communist ideas.

I think he's good. Never heard of Stirner until I came here but definitely used to piss off normies by saying why should anyone abide by any system legal economic political religious or otherwise if it doesn't serve there best interest.

I think some of things Stirner claims are spooks are only so in a philosophical sense, private property is very real, the police will really kill you if you violate it.

Private property is not real. A spook can still affect things materially.

Stirner largely relies on an incorrect assumption about our ability to regulate our own thoughts. For most people, attempting to disregard their "spooks" would be legitimately distressing, so for them the correct reading of stirner is to fucking ignore stirner

Absolutely worthless outside of lifestylist ploys.

He's seems to blame proles for their own subjugation for being spooked about private property.

Lumpenproles are dumb, but they aren't that dumb, god knows how many people have been killed maimed or disappeared to stop labor movements that was atttributed to something else.

Lumpenproles for all their failings understand this intuitively

Memes aren't useless.
Look at what Pepe did for Holla Forums

You're implying that distress would somehow be inherently bad. Distress could provide someone with the reactions required to well, keep them going. Also let's not forget Stirner's concept of Ownness, which is central to his philsoophy and the rejection of spooks.

Not every one of us is a post-leftist snob.

Never does he once blame a person for having a fixed idea, he spends ridiculous amounts of pages to understand the process of reification or as it's put by John Welsh in Stirner's Dialectical Egoism the "process in which social and cultrual products are conferred an autonomous existance and aquire the power to subordinate individuals." Do you think he would be so daft to blame an individual, a unique, for having a fixed idea? If so, show me where.

As a really centrist guy, reading "Ego and Its Own" is opening my mind! His ideas are great, he makes a really good historical analysis on spooks (religion, state and propriety), and makes the starting point for a society that i think it's above marxism/anarcho-syndicalism/anarcho-communism
He is one of my favourite philosophers and reading his book was one of the best choises i made in my whole life

thinking is never useful in day to day life.

A world of Sirnerites would be a terrible place to live because literally everyone would view you and everything around you as 'their property' - but a world where everyone is aware of the concept of memetic or cultural spooks is one that might be able to see past its superficial differences, acknowledge class disparity, and seek to improve the human condition for all of us.

Stirner never literally says everything is his property (maybe as everything has the possibility to be his property) but that with which is in his power is his property.
Our power extends over things, therefore we use them.
What we really seek is voluntary interaction not dictated by state, morality, legality. Stirner speaks a lot about power, but what about power in relation to individuals and their intercourse? This is where the union of egoists comes in. A union of egoists requires equal footing of all participants power wise. It is without hierarchy, for each of us involve ourselves of our own accord; each with a power of its own and a goal of its own. We seek unions (in their MANY forms) out for their utility to us.
We're not rabid dogs like you'd like to to think of us. We just want real intercourse with people, not through the dictates of spooks.

Stirner was an SJW a 150 years ahead of this time with his leftist end-conclusion that anything and everything is a conspiracy against you.


Fine then, call it an institutionalized systemic interlocking matrix of oppressions to soothe your almond.

Bud, I can't even renounce my citizenship without taking up another one, and you tell me I'm not opressed? The state at this very moment takes aim at people across the nation to ensure that they are following the rules dictated to them. Not opressed still? How about when those said people step out of line and the state presses down upon them with everything it has? No?

These are materialistic opressions, not idealistic opressions a la SJWs.

You are oppressed. You are trapped in a dungeon, unable to move, barely able to breath, your balls stuck between a set of pliers. The whips, the chains, the cages.. all the machinery of the systemic institute of oppressions, all very material. It is in this dungeon where every person who relates to the world in such manner ends up.

You are trapped in the closet.

Stirner saved my life